Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election?

Fascism can own the means of production of a country by replacing elected government leaders with leaders appointed by the regime.

Are you aware of any elected gov't leader in the USA that has been replaced by someone else appointed by the current regime (administration) by either party?

WW2's Germany was the furthest thing from socialism or communism in that it stripped away the people's ability to choose their own wellbeing.

Stripping away anyone's ability to choose their own well-being is the exact definition of what socialism/communism does. The state decides, not you and that is the precise opposite of capitalism.

Do you even understand the meaning of 'socialism' or 'communism'?
Do you understand that socialism is a necessary and attractive factor of capitalism?

I do not understand how anybody can say this with a straight face. To say that socialism is a necessary and attractive factor of capitalism is total nonsense. Those two ideologies are the exact opposite of each other, socialism exalts the state over the individual while capitalism does the exact opposite. Are you aware of the definition of any of these systems? Do you realize that in reality there are no exact models of either concept in reality?

How do you rationalize that fascism is a 'stage' to achieving communism?

Popular wisdom holds that Fascism and Communism were diametrical opposites. Actually, the two ideologies were (and are) so similar that they had to define themselves in opposition to each other in order to survive. At the very least, both were socialistic in origin: Mussolini was immersed in socialism by his father, and the name of Hitler's party – National Socialist German Workers' Party – speaks for itself. Both are in fact versions of socialism, fascism is itself socialism under a nationalistic identity. It is not a stage to communism, the two ideologies are basically the same thing under a different name. The old USSR was in fact a fascist regime that called itself communism.
The reason we have inflation, dumbfuck, is because Biden restricted American fuel on his 1st day in office and the price of diesel right now is $5+/gal. As goes the price of diesel, thus goes the price of everything.

Not to mention the unnecessary shutting down of everything to make Trump look bad on the economy and steal the 2020

election for Democrats, which is causing supply chain disruptions everywhere. Entire businesses wiped out by that.

Fuck off you retarded monkey.

You are the retarded monkey. In other words, you are a typical Trump supporter. The reason that prices have gone up is that OPEC and US oil companies have constrained supplies. A Dallas Fed survey of oil company executives show that only 7% of executives say the government is the reason that they are not increasing drilling activities.
MAGA attacks voting rights, free speech rights, the rights of women, imposing your religious beliefs on us at the point of a gun, using weapons to intimidate voters and that is for starters. They are attacking their political opponents. Using right wing media to spread propaganda and falsehoods. A Democrat House candidate in Pennsylvania was threatened and finally attacked. We have the attack that was aimed at Nancy Pelosi. You are the Nazis.
You are ignoring all the attacks on right of center people, their homes, etc. aren't you? But you want Democrats to have full right to spread propaganda, just not anybody on the right. So who is advocating suppression of free speech?

Who has imposed religious beliefs at the point of a gun on anybody? Hyperbole much?

The fact is Democrats are suppressing free speech and using the government to do it as well as our ability to ensure an honest vote, and if you think all the crap out there on social media etc. is coming from MAGAs you really need to get out more.
Even the hostile to Trump CNN had to admire his energy policies:
"President Trump has made good on his promise to put “America First.” That fact is perhaps most evident in his economic policy, specifically his treatment of the US energy sector.

Trump is using America’s vast oil and natural gas resources as a tool of influence around the world. The administration is joining its desire to expand America’s access to overseas oil and gas markets - with the more significant aim of advancing its national security goals. . ."
The piece of shit did nothing in office other than lie and try to bring down our country, democracy and government. The man is a total bottom feeder. He will live the rest of his life in jail or court, both are fine for scum like that.
Big businesses got big tax cuts from Republicans. Democrats have tried to cut back on those massive tax cuts. Small businesses do not import televisions. They may sell them, but they do not import them. Apparently you are too dumb to get the point. Prices have come down in industries that are competitive. Industries that have little or no inflation is where inflation has been the highest. This is not about big business versus small business. As usual, you are trying to blow smoke on the issue.
Did they? Show how they got tax cuts and the little guys didn't? Trump and the GOP lifted the middle class including small business far more than they advantaged the big guys.

Biden however wants to tax the little guys more. Any increase on the big businesses will not net much income as they'll just move their profitable business back overseas as they always have done and that costs the USA not only tax revenue but jobs. And he knows it. But it sound really good to say he's taxing the rich knowing that the gullible will believe it.

(And that's why the huge lion's share of contributions from big corp. go to Democrats. Democrats are really REALLY good for them but terrible for most of the little guys.)
The piece of shit did nothing in office other than lie and try to bring down our country, democracy and government. The man is a total bottom feeder. He will live the rest of his life in jail or court, both are fine for scum like that.
When you are capable of articulating an argument get back to me. Until then you just sound like a troll and I'll wish you a pleasant afternoon.
Why would anyone vote for a democrat?

Democrats promise a bigger gov't that will solve all your problems, and too many people believe that so they vote for the dems. This despite the fact that for decades the democrats have made these promises and spent boatloads of money with little in the way of results or progress to show for it. Is there anything they can point to since Kennedy that were successful relative to the amount of money spent on a given issue? I can't think of one.
Your hate party is a disaster for business , education , the worst place possible to bring up your children , most homicide, most deaths by guns , most rapes , highest criminal rate, most dangerous place to live in. Most welfare , most food stamps , They take out more from the fed than they put in, paid for by democratic states.
You definitely don't want to move your children to Right wing states, especially daughters. They are listed as the worst places to raise your children and the highest incident of rape.

You don't want to live in right wing states, they have the highest crime rate, murder rates and murder rates by gun. This is a hoot because they are always saying how dangerous democratically run cities are, when in fact many of their states are way more dangerous than these democratically run cities.

The biggest welfare and food support states by far are right wing states, and federally what they contribute is way less than the government funnels into these states just for minimal civilized resources. Where do they get the money from, well of course they get it from successful democratic states?

The worst states for pay for your work are right wing states , their household family income is way less than democratic states.

Education in right wing states is a disaster. They have the worst educated people in the country, My opinion is because the right wants to keep them stupid because they know they have to keep them stupid to vote for them.

Guess which states have the highest number of hate groups, well of course, hate party states. That one is easy to figure out. It is in right wing states that are run and based on hatred as their party is across the board.

IF you are concerned at all as far as the economy is concerned, the worst thing you can do is elect a republican for president. They are a disaster for every aspect of the economy including Jobs, pay, unemployment
Are you aware of any elected gov't leader in the USA that has been replaced by someone else appointed by the current regime (administration) by either party?

Stripping away anyone's ability to choose their own well-being is the exact definition of what socialism/communism does. The state decides, not you and that is the precise opposite of capitalism.

I do not understand how anybody can say this with a straight face. To say that socialism is a necessary and attractive factor of capitalism is total nonsense. Those two ideologies are the exact opposite of each other, socialism exalts the state over the individual while capitalism does the exact opposite. Are you aware of the definition of any of these systems? Do you realize that in reality there are no exact models of either concept in reality?

Popular wisdom holds that Fascism and Communism were diametrical opposites. Actually, the two ideologies were (and are) so similar that they had to define themselves in opposition to each other in order to survive. At the very least, both were socialistic in origin: Mussolini was immersed in socialism by his father, and the name of Hitler's party – National Socialist German Workers' Party – speaks for itself. Both are in fact versions of socialism, fascism is itself socialism under a nationalistic identity. It is not a stage to communism, the two ideologies are basically the same thing under a different name. The old USSR was in fact a fascist regime that called itself communism.
Excellent arguments.

Fascist totalitarianism is essential before communism can happen. Modern fascism doesn't own the means of production but it controls it. As it phases into communism it will gradually take control of all personal property, including businesses, until the people have none.

No would-be communist country has ever gotten quite to that point. But once they have power to control business, education, media/communication, scientific opinion, religious institutions etc., not one has been willing to give up that power and then dissolve government as Marx intended.
Biden is definitely draining the Strategic Oil Reserve to dangerously low levels. Trump had almost refilled it and would have if Biden and the Democrats hadn't nixed the 77 million barrels for the Reserve that Trump authorized to top it off in late 2020.

We're almost out of diesel. In fact as I write this, we may be out of diesel in a lot of America and no word when it will be replenished. Our refining capacity has been significantly reduced since Biden took office, and he has restored all the policies that Trump was removing to make it more affordable and profitable to increase our refining capacity. We were running pretty much at full capacity in the Trump administration and it was barely keeping up with demand.
Big fricken deal , big oil is sitting on thousand of oil drilling permits that they won't use. You are a total idiot. Lying total idiot.
Excellent arguments.

Fascist totalitarianism is essential before communism can happen. Modern fascism doesn't own the means of production but it controls it. As it phases into communism it will gradually take control of all personal property, including businesses, until the people have none.

No would-be communist country has ever gotten quite to that point. But once they have power to control business, education, media/communication, scientific opinion, religious institutions etc., not one has been willing to give up that power and then dissolve government as Marx intended.
You dumb idiot , there has never been a communist country ever and there never will be. Only brainless microbes think there has. In fact, there isn't enough Communist , Marxist or socialist in this country to fill a thimble. The commie attack only works for the microbes if they get to define what they are themselves . Problem is they already have a definition and that definition makes these microbe definition stupid and brain-dead. What a group of clowns.
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?

You say that as if a Republican is somehow the godsend every american needs, LOL!!!
You are the retarded monkey. In other words, you are a typical Trump supporter. The reason that prices have gone up is that OPEC and US oil companies have constrained supplies. A Dallas Fed survey of oil company executives show that only 7% of executives say the government is the reason that they are not increasing drilling activities.
Yup, 100% true, big oil are sitting on thousands of permits to drill on government land that big oil isn't using. The right wing is totally stupid and used by their Gods , big corporations do the thinking for them, and they are so dumb they just go along with it.
When you are capable of articulating an argument get back to me. Until then you just sound like a troll and I'll wish you a pleasant afternoon.
So you think you deserve some level of hand holding, why? You are just a traitor to this country, the lowest form of humanity in this country. You are part of a hate party that chooses dictatorship over democracy and goes along with non-stop lies from your God and leader, scum bag. Hell, you deserve no respect from, anyone and none of you traitors will ever get any respect from any American patriot. By the way, you have a pleasant afternoon. What a hoot.
You say that as if a Republican is somehow the godsend every american needs, LOL!!!
Do you have a point to make in support or rebuttal of the OP? Are did you just chime in to troll?
“Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election?”

Because that’s the only alternative … to “Big Lie” MAGA Republican lunatics in his home district?

Long live the “lesser evil” ?

you're living "the alternative" right now.

and it SUCKS. enjoy the increased prices on EVERYTHING. enjoy the rampant crime. if you think what we currently have is better than what we had during the last administration then your so fucking blind no one can help you.

and you deserve everything you get. but the rest of us, with a brain, dont. time to fix the shit dems brought to the country.
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?


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