Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election?

Sadly, TDS has infecting between 25%-30% of the country. Since 70% of Americans feel the country is headed in the wrong direction, that means there are actually about 30% of voters who are still so biased they think the country is headed in the right direction, even when they have to buy groceries every week.
There are none so blind as those who make ideology their religion.

Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election​

I'm an Indie and I had hoped to vote for some strong, intelligent Republican candidates. By the way, I HATE Biden.

But, in Arizona the GOP candidates are nearly all "election deniers," conspiracy crackpots, or Trump ass kissers. I also HATE trump.

I couldn't vote for those GOPers, they're brainless as well as useless. No one should vote for candidates who willingly deny reality and live in a fantasy world.

So I held my nose and voted for some Democrats.

If presented with awful choices in '24, I'll do the same thing.

The GOP really has to grow out of its trump-based world of LIES and denial of reality.
So you're another one who votes based on who you hate or your devotion to a particular ideology? You don't vote for what's best for America? Election deniers have no power over the election. But pretty much all of them will vote for a strong, secure, free, prosperous America that is good for ALL Americans in all demographics. Those Democrats you voted for haven't and most likely won't.

People who like Trump have no more influence over who is President than you or I do. They are one vote and one vote only. But those who like Trump will vote for a strong, secure, free, prosperous America that is good for ALL Americans in all demographics. Those Democrats you voted for haven't and most likely won't.
Oh I know. They do that every campaign, but since they really have nothing to run on this time, it has been especially bad. Really ludicrous since they can't find a single Republican who wants to end social security. I'll vote the the guy or gal who wants to put the money back into the social security fund and Congress can't touch for other stuff though.
Can y’all show an example of Dems saying Republicans want to take away social security?
Can y’all show an example of Dems saying Republicans want to take away social security?
Sure. Just check out some of Lakota's and Lesh's posts on this thread.

And just today from Uncle Joe:
So you're another one who votes based on who you hate or your devotion to a particular ideology? You don't vote for what's best for America? Election deniers have no power over the election. But pretty much all of them will vote for a strong, secure, free, prosperous America that is good for ALL Americans in all demographics. Those Democrats you voted for haven't and most likely won't.

People who like Trump have no more influence over who is President than you or I do. They are one vote and one vote only. But those who like Trump will vote for a strong, secure, free, prosperous America that is good for ALL Americans in all demographics. Those Democrats you voted for haven't and most likely won't.
Your post is ridiculous. It is filled with only your opinions. It wanders all over Hell, and says absolutely nothing worth a damn.

In America we all get one vote, and we have the freedom to make our own choices.

Just because I didn't vote the way you did does not make me wrong. And there is no proof that your choices were any better .

That's what freedom is all about. It's funny that you claim to love America, yet you are obviously willing to deny me the right to make choices with which YOU disagree. You don't sound like a very good American to me.

Have a nice day.
Lakota and Lesh?! Haha… anybody in elected leadership or from party representatives?
Read my whole response please. It includes Joe Biden's statement about that just today.

And there's this:

In a blog post last month, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s press office criticized Republican plans to end Social Security, noting that the Republican Study Committee — which represents 157 of the 211 House Republicans — has proposed a budget that “holds slashing Medicare and Social Security as a core tenant [sic].”

Your post is ridiculous. It is filled with only your opinions. It wanders all over Hell, and says absolutely nothing worth a damn.

In America we all get one vote, and we have the freedom to make our own choices.

Just because I didn't vote the way you did does not make me wrong. And there is no proof that your choices were any better .

That's what freedom is all about. It's funny that you claim to love America, yet you are obviously willing to deny me the right to make choices with which YOU disagree. You don't sound like a very good American to me.

Have a nice day.
I did not deny you your choices and I did not suggest you don't have the right to vote as you choose. I only observed what you said which was that you voted for Democrats because you hate election deniers and Trump. I have every right to believe that you prefer the disaster the Democrats have heaped on us the last two years and would punish all Americans just because you hate some who believe differently than you do about something that won't make any difference to anybody.
I did not deny you your choices and I did not suggest you don't have the right to vote as you choose. I only observed what you said which was that you voted for Democrats because you hate election deniers and Trump. I have every right to believe that you prefer the disaster the Democrats have heaped on us the last two years and would punish all Americans just because you hate some who believe differently than you do about something that won't make any difference to anybody.
You're an idiot.
Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?
Because both parties have a lot of evil in their agenda.

For some people, Republican flaws are a deal-breaker.

For some people, Democrat flaws are a deal-breaker.
Just because the organization formerly known as the Republican Party is now a terrorist incubator, it does not follow we would be better off under Democrats.

Write in a protest vote. There are now nearly as many Independents as Democrats and Republicans combined. If we all wrote in Pat Paulson or Snoopy, neither the Democrats nor Republicans could claim legitimacy or a mandate when elected.

This voting for "lesser of two evils" shit isn't working. That's because you are still voting for EVIL.
You're so full of shit even your words are brown.
Even the hostile to Trump CNN had to admire his energy policies:
"President Trump has made good on his promise to put “America First.” That fact is perhaps most evident in his economic policy, specifically his treatment of the US energy sector.

Trump is using America’s vast oil and natural gas resources as a tool of influence around the world. The administration is joining its desire to expand America’s access to overseas oil and gas markets - with the more significant aim of advancing its national security goals. . ."

"More than 62,000 jobs and nearly $19 billion in new private sector investment has been lost due to the 2018 tariffs Trump placed on solar imports"

Yup, thank you Mr. Trump! We need more economic policies just like his.

Also CNN has nothing to do with the opinion of that contributer. He's the ceo of some oil service company, not a reporter for CNN. You ppl need to decide whether CNN is fake news or an actual news agency if you're going to continuously cite them as a legit source for your threads.
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?

Mental illness?
I'm voting DEMOCRAT!!!!!

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you're living "the alternative" right now.

and it SUCKS. enjoy the increased prices on EVERYTHING. enjoy the rampant crime. if you think what we currently have is better than what we had during the last administration then your so fucking blind no one can help you.

and you deserve everything you get. but the rest of us, with a brain, dont. time to fix the shit dems brought to the country.
Excuse me, but you don’t seem to have a clue about the real reasons we are experiencing worldwide inflation right now or what is being and can be done to defeat it. Trump in particular would only have made this situation far worse, helping only the rich with tax cuts.

Probably the largest of all the many factors leading to systemic inflation and destabilization of the whole advanced Western economy — long-term cheap money & credit via QE and even zero interest rate policy.

Such measures were adopted by most Central Banks in the last 20 years and supported by short-sighted and self-seeking politicians in all parties — in the U.S. it was especially the populist demagogue DONALD TRUMP who advocated this policy and pushed it to the extreme:

President Donald Trump lashed out at Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on Tuesday as the central banking chief dismissed the possibility of the U.S. adopting negative interest rates….

Speaking before the House Financial Services Committee, Powell threw cold water on the notion that the Fed would send its benchmark interest rate below zero – particularly during a time of economic expansion. Trump has long pressured Powell and the Fed to reduce interest rates to juice the economy – despite criticizing former Fed Chair Janet Yellen for keeping rates low throughout much of former President Barack Obama's term….

https://www.usnews.com/news/economy/art ... from-trump
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Because both parties have a lot of evil in their agenda.

For some people, Republican flaws are a deal-breaker.

For some people, Democrat flaws are a deal-breaker.
I listed the deal breakers for me re Democrats in the OP. Just curious. What do you see as the Republican flaws in this election?

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