Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election?

Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election​

I'm an Indie and I had hoped to vote for some strong, intelligent Republican candidates. By the way, I HATE Biden.

But, in Arizona the GOP candidates are nearly all "election deniers," conspiracy crackpots, or Trump ass kissers. I also HATE trump.

I couldn't vote for those GOPers, they're brainless as well as useless. No one should vote for candidates who willingly deny reality and live in a fantasy world.

So I held my nose and voted for some Democrats.

If presented with awful choices in '24, I'll do the same thing.

The GOP really has to grow out of its trump-based world of LIES and denial of reality.

I do not like either party either, but it seems to me that everyone ought to get past the animosity and vote with their brains instead of their feelings. If you like what's been going on while the Dems are in control, fine. Vote for them if you think they're doing a better job than Trump would do. And BTW, lies and a denial of reality is not exclusively on Trump and the GOP.

"More than 62,000 jobs and nearly $19 billion in new private sector investment has been lost due to the 2018 tariffs Trump placed on solar imports"

Yup, thank you Mr. Trump! We need more economic policies just like his.

Also CNN has nothing to do with the opinion of that contributer. He's the ceo of some oil service company, not a reporter for CNN. You ppl need to decide whether CNN is fake news or an actual news agency if you're going to continuously cite them as a legit source for your threads.
CNN printed it though. They didn't have to do that.
Trump added far more private sector jobs--and these were mostly full time jobs with benefits as opposed to the mostly part time jobs without benefits that Obama added--than any that were lost to the tariffs. Businesses were returning here to do business instead of outsourcing.

So if you think solar jobs are more important than the other jobs then okay. That's a reason. But it's important to look at the whole big picture and not just one narrow segment of the economy.
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?
Vote Democrat if you want your kids brainwashed into being gay play things for their teachers
Vote Democrat if you want your gasoline powered economy car, truck or sports car sent to the crusher by 2030.
Vote Democrat if you want to continue to see the advancement of Communist Marxist Fascist philosophy.
Vote Democrat if you want to Own Nothing and Be Happy
Vote Democrat if you want The Government to surveil you 24-7, dictate what you buy, where you go, and whether or not you can leave your house.
Vote Democrat if you like Nuclear War, and rigged elections.
I listed the deal breakers for me re Democrats in the OP. Just curious. What do you see as the Republican flaws in this election?
1) More Republicans are Racist
2) Republicans support guns -- tools of Murder and Suicide
3) Republicans oppose government help for people in need
This has been a banner week for Potatohead.

It is only Wednesday and the sonofabitch has been caught lying and stealing valor.

First, that he has met the person that invented insulin (that died before Potatohead was born).

Second, that his great war hero son (JAG officer billted at one of Saddam's palaces in the safest zone in Iraq) died because of the war in Iraq.

What whopper will he tell today?

Can you imagine how sorry somebody would have to be to have voted for this scumbag?
1) More Republicans are Racist
2) Republicans support guns -- tools of Murder and Suicide
3) Republicans oppose government help for people in need
Like a majority of Democrats, you lie and then lie to cover up your lies.

1. White Lives Don't Matter

2. More Gus Less Crime by John Lott, Jr.

3. Who Really Cares, by (former liberal) Professor Arthur C. Brooks
Documents the far greater generosity of conservatives compared to liberals, in giving to charities, secular organizations, as well as to friends and family, including donating more of their volunteer time and even their blood.

`````More  guns, less crime Harvard.jpg
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?
Because every idea the GOP voices (and there are very few of them) is a bad one.
He did that by encouraging the oil companies to expand, produce, plan for the future with innovation and expansion of the products they provide us. By eliminating a lot of unnecessary red tape, rules and regs, he was opening the door to expand our refining capacities that Biden has again clamped down on resulting in several refineries closing altogether. The last significant oil refinery in the USA was built in 1976. The Trump initiatives made the USA energy independent and far more secure in that we were not dependent on anybody else for our energy needs.

On Day 1 Biden declared war on the oil industry by saying fossil fuel would be eliminated entirely, oil companies would lose any subsidies, took millions of land away from exploration by oil companies, and made it impossible for them to plan for the future with no confidence they would be allowed to profit from any investment.

And now Biden is going hat in hand to OPEC and Venezuela begging for oil and they are laughing in his face.
So you're for oil companies getting a subsidy?

Exxon just posted record profits.
The Democratic Party is a collective, so you are exactly right. There is no reason to vote for any single Democrat because they are essentially a group think entity.

Marathon hit the nail on the head. In the GOP, you almost always have people in congress going along at different times with Democratic initiatives. Think Rand Paul, the woman in Alaska, the other female senator in the NW, and a host of people in the House that change vote to vote, and they do it when NOT in an election year. While they are lambasted by the GOP and people on here, they are voting their conscience.

But, when it comes to the Left...........if you throw out Mansion and Sinema, name me the last time a Democrat voted with the GOP in the Senate, or the House when NOT in an election year!

One of the top 3 or 4 issues on the table the last 2 years, has been illegal immigration. They have total control of the government. What did they do? NOTHING! Why? Because when you vote for a Democrat, you are NOT voting for a representative for your district, or your state; instead you are voting for a rubber stamp for what the Left wants to do, no matter if the issue is most important to the majority of Americans. This is why they make excuses for inflation, price of fuel, etc..........but they WILL not touch illegal immigration that they could have stopped long ago, and did zero to fix it. They have no deflection for that issue to muddy the waters, so they avoid addressing it at all costs.
So you're for oil companies getting a subsidy?

Exxon just posted record profits.

Don't you just love the intelligence/logic of the Left-)

So let us make Candy the owner of a company. (I know, far fetched, but let us pretend)

So Candy sells her product for 1 dollar per unit. Out of that 1 dollar, she averages 5% profit, or 5 cents per unit she sells.

The government comes along and tells Candy-------------> we don't like your product, we want to crimp your ability to sell more of that product or even produce more of it. Problem is her country LOVES that product, needs to buy her product, in fact the whole globe wants some of her product, and yet, it is in short supply.

What happens?

Well, since everybody still wants her product, the law of supply and demand forces the purchase price at the consumer level UP! Her 1 dollar product, now cost 5 bucks because it is in such demand. What do YOU think happens to the Candy lady's profits? Of course, they rise dramatically! She didn't do it, the GOVERNMENT did it. Even if she was still only making 5% on here sale per unit, at 5 bucks per sale, she is making 25cents, a 20 cent INCREASE in profit per unit! In fact, she could sell far less units, and make way more money, meaning.......RECORD PROFITS, lol.

And, what about other producers who make the same product as Candy overseas, what do they do? Well, they COULD increase production to possibly bring the cost back down to 1 buck per unit, making them only 5 cents per on their product. But since they know with the Candy persons hands are being tied, they have a virtually monopoly on the rest of the supply, so they meet and decide------------------>do we want to FORCE the price back down, or instead, do we want to keep the price as high as possible and reap the rewards while using less of our product, and continue getting record profits?

Logic is logic, and none of the other producers are NOT in this NOT to make as much as possible, and if you don't believe me, just look at your friends in OPEC!

And any person, right or left who thinks it isn't the law of supply and demand.........including the future of law and supply and demand, then explain why our hero, Ho-HO keeps releasing oil from the strategic reserve to LOWER prices at the pump, lol. He doesn't know what he is doing, or he does? Can't have it both ways you know!
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you're living "the alternative" right now.

and it SUCKS. enjoy the increased prices on EVERYTHING. enjoy the rampant crime. if you think what we currently have is better than what we had during the last administration then your so fucking blind no one can help you.

and you deserve everything you get. but the rest of us, with a brain, dont. time to fix the shit dems brought to the country.
Rampant crime by all standards are worse in right wing states compared to states that are run by democrats. Your comment is stupid. Where does the hate party states fall behind , literally with everything. They are a total disaster and the center of everything that is bad. Most dangerous, most homicides, most homicides by gun , most rapes , biggest recipient of welfare, Right wing states are the welfare staters of this country.. Worst place to raise a family, most crime, They take more out of the fed than they put in, paid for by the left wing states , Worst wages, worst education. Here are a lot of worst from your hate party states. , I can back everyone, If you can find any argument, any source that through a study found anything I said above as being wrong, then show us with your sources. By the way, you can't. Let's top it off with a biggie, if you are concerned at all about the economy, you would be a idiot top vote for a republican president. You have no points to support your hate group , none, just lie after lie.
Agreed. I check in at Rasmussen every day and Biden's approval rating has been stuck at or 1 on either side of 45% for weeks now. The disapproval numbers go up but the approval rating stays right there. Rasmussen polls only likely voters and his polls are weighted according to the national percentage of Democrats, Republicans, Independents so there will be more Democrats polled than Republicans. Rasmussen almost always gives Biden a higher approval rating than the RCP national average.

But there are a certain percentage of Democrats it seems who do not care one whit the negative consequences of Biden & Democrat policies/processes and would give Biden a high approval rating if he murdered his grandmother and kicked his dog.

And I think the number one reason for that is their irrational hatred for Donald J. Trump.
What a joke , Rassmussen. Hate Nazi center of the world.
Don't you just love the intelligence/logic of the Left-)

So let us make Candy the owner of a company. (I know, far fetched, but let us pretend)

So Candy sells her product for 1 dollar per unit. Out of that 1 dollar, she averages 5% profit, or 5 cents per unit she sells.

The government comes along and tells Candy-------------> we don't like your product, we want to crimp your ability to sell more of that product or even produce more of it. Problem is her country LOVES that product, needs to buy her product, in fact the whole globe wants some of her product, and yet, it is in short supply.

What happens?

Well, since everybody still wants her product, the law of supply and demand forces the purchase price at the consumer level UP! Her 1 dollar product, now cost 5 bucks because it is in such demand. What do YOU think happens to the Candy lady's profits? Of course, they rise dramatically! She didn't do it, the GOVERNMENT did it. Even if she was still only making 5% on here sale per unit, at 5 bucks per sale, she is making 25cents, a 20 cent INCREASE in profit per unit! In fact, she could sell far less units, and make way more money, meaning.......RECORD PROFITS, lol.

And, what about other producers who make the same product as Candy overseas, what do they do? Well, they COULD increase production to possibly bring the cost back down to 1 buck per unit, making them only 5 cents per on their product. But since they know with the Candy persons hands are being tied, they have a virtually monopoly on the rest of the supply, so they meet and decide------------------>do we want to FORCE the price back down, or instead, do we want to keep the price as high as possible and reap the rewards while using less of our product, and continue getting record profits?

Logic is logic, and none of the other producers are NOT in this NOT to make as much as possible, and if you don't believe me, just look at your friends in OPEC!

And any person, right or left who thinks it isn't the law of supply and demand.........including the future of law and supply and demand, then explain why our hero, Ho-HO keeps releasing oil from the strategic reserve to LOWER prices at the pump, lol. He doesn't know what he is doing, or he does? Can't have it both ways you know!

Are you for subsidizing public companies that are posting record profits? A simple yes or no will suffice.

Let me guess...you suddenly can't type a two or three letter word.
Like a majority of Democrats, you lie and then lie to cover up your lies.

1. White Lives Don't Matter

2. More Gus Less Crime by John Lott, Jr.

3. Who Really Cares, by (former liberal) Professor Arthur C. Brooks
Documents the far greater generosity of conservatives compared to liberals, in giving to charities, secular organizations, as well as to friends and family, including donating more of their volunteer time and even their blood.

View attachment 719866
So you are trying to say that there are less gun deaths now then in 1993. That's the only question that needs a answer/ by the way, your information is bullshit, as usual.
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?

Are you for subsidizing public companies that are posting record profits? A simple yes or no will suffice.

Let me guess...you suddenly can't type a two or three letter word.

Nope, not at all. I am for all companies selling their products at fair market price without subsidies, including EVs and charging stations. How about you?
1) More Republicans are Racist
2) Republicans support guns -- tools of Murder and Suicide
3) Republicans oppose government help for people in need
I don't know a single racist Republican or any Republican with racist views. I do know some people with racist views who vote Democrat.

Republicans do support their constitutional right per the 2nd Amendment to have guns and use them for hunting, target practice, recreational shooting (think Skeet), and self defense. They also mostly oppose cashless bail, turning dangerous criminals loose, taking guns away from law abiding people so that only those intent on gun crime will have them.

Republicans have never opposed government help for people in need. They just believe that to be a state and local function of government as well as their own duty to help others and/or fund private charities. FEMA is a legitimate federal function only to provide immediate emergency assistance in large disasters until the state can take over. There is no constitutional authority given to the federal government to create entitlements and make people dependent on government money. (Social security and Medicare are not entitlements in that the people pay taxes to fund those their whole woking life until they are of an age to begin withdrawing those funds.)
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