Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election?

It is always so easy when all you have to do is deal with MAGA Maggots. It is like picking on third-graders, but since they are nothing but traitors to this great country , total pond scum , I don't feel guilty at all.
This is total stupidity, not one point that is true or even reasonable. It hurts no one but the fat ass rich if you tax the rich.
The rich have a hundred ways from Sunday to avoid or mitigate taxes. Warren Buffett avoids higher income taxes by getting all his income from stocks, mutual funds, and bonds. Others simply offshore their money. And if they do pay higher taxes, it will cost their customers, employees, charities who won't get as much money and the people who won't get hired or get better benefits or enjoy more opportunity.

You cannot punish the rich for being rich without making everybody poorer.
Idiot ---------In 2009 Time magazine described Rasmussen Reports as a "conservative-leaning polling group". John Zogby said in 2010 that Scott Rasmussen had a "conservative constituency". In 2012 The Washington Post called Rasmussen a "polarizing pollster". Rasmussen has received criticism over the wording in its polls.
Scott Rasmussen hasn't run Rasmussen reports for going on 10 years now. Rasmussen weighs their polls with likely voters only and polls according to the registered Democrats, Republican, Independents so more Democrats will be called that Republicans because there are more registered Democrats than registered Republicans.
The rich have a hundred ways from Sunday to avoid or mitigate taxes. Warren Buffett avoids higher income taxes by getting all his income from stocks, mutual funds, and bonds. Others simply offshore their money. And if they do pay higher taxes, it will cost their customers, employees, charities who won't get as much money and the people who won't get hired or get better benefits or enjoy more opportunity.

You cannot punish the rich for being rich without making everybody poorer.
Add to this FACT. Corporations pay no TAX at all. It is passed on to retailers ,who pass it on to consumers.So if ya hear a Democrat or a RINO talking about Taxing Corporations ,watch your pocketbook. You are about to get fleeced.
It is always so easy when all you have to do is deal with MAGA Maggots. It is like picking on third-graders, but since they are nothing but traitors to this great country , total pond scum , I don't feel guilty at all.
Probably not ,being a goddam Commie yerself.
Add to this FACT. Corporations pay no TAX at all. It is passed on to retailers ,who pass it on to consumers.So if ya hear a Democrat or a RINO talking about Taxing Corporations ,watch your pocketbook. You are about to get fleeced.
Exactly. Without big business there wouldn't be anywhere near as large a market for the products and services of smaller businesses. Joe Biden and the Democrats think they can get all this extra money from the rich, but they won't get anywhere as much as they think and the long term consequences usually result in a slower, more sluggish economy with less opportunity for all.

And then there are those 87,000 new IRS employees that will be looking for ways to get more money from all of us.
The rich have a hundred ways from Sunday to avoid or mitigate taxes. Warren Buffett avoids higher income taxes by getting all his income from stocks, mutual funds, and bonds. Others simply offshore their money. And if they do pay higher taxes, it will cost their customers, employees, charities who won't get as much money and the people who won't get hired or get better benefits or enjoy more opportunity.

You cannot punish the rich for being rich without making everybody poorer.
So we should let them keep every dime they can pull out of the economy and pay no taxes because of all the money they give to charity, you are a total idiot and show it every time you open your mouth, do you even understand how capitalism works. First without regulations they would eat our children for the bottom line, second they will pay as little as possible for wages, and it damn well has nothing to do with whether the business pays taxes or not , You are the top half of stupid. Prime dumb. You have zero clue what you are talking about. . Like I said, dealing with third-graders. To stop big b from raping this country, you regulate and pass laws putting these assholes in jail for hiding their money.
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Scott Rasmussen hasn't run Rasmussen reports for going on 10 years now. Rasmussen weighs their polls with likely voters only and polls according to the registered Democrats, Republican, Independents so more Democrats will be called that Republicans because there are more registered Democrats than registered Republicans.
Doesn't matter if Rasmussen is the head of the company or not , it is a arm of the hate party as pointed out "In 2009 Time magazine described Rasmussen Reports as a "conservative-leaning polling group". John Zogby said in 2010 that Scott Rasmussen had a "conservative constituency". In 2012 The Washington Post called Rasmussen a "polarizing pollster". Rasmussen has received criticism over the wording in its polls." Message from Rasmussen to pence "It began with a quote, likely apocryphal, from Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, which read, “Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”" Let me see this is Trumps favorite pollster , ya you bet not biased at all, What a clown.
Exactly. Without big business there wouldn't be anywhere near as large a market for the products and services of smaller businesses. Joe Biden and the Democrats think they can get all this extra money from the rich, but they won't get anywhere as much as they think and the long term consequences usually result in a slower, more sluggish economy with less opportunity for all.

And then there are those 87,000 new IRS employees that will be looking for ways to get more money from all of us.
They can get everything they need from the rich , raising their taxes. Your comment is just ridiculous; THAT'S BIG B AND THE WEALTHY.
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The lowest price of gasoline in late 2019 before the pandemic hit was $2.11 per Gas Buddy.


In 2019 the AVERAGE gas price for the year was $2.60

In Maine it was higher than that in 2019.....

The lowest one time gas price in one location for 2019 is really meaningless.... the average has relative perspective for all Americans imo!
So we should let them keep every dime they can pull out of the economy and pay no taxes because of all the money they give to charity, you are a total idiot and show it every time you open your mouth, do you even understand how capitalism works. First without regulations they would eat our children for the bottom line, second they will pay as little as possible for wages, and it damn well has nothing to do with whether the business pays taxes or not , You are the top half of stupid. Prime dumb. You have zero clue what you are talking about. . Like I said, dealing with third-graders. To stop big b from raping this country, you regulate and pass laws putting these assholes in jail for hiding their money.
The rich should pay their taxes like everybody else should pay the taxes they owe. Keep the tax system fair and equitable for all and I guarantee you the rich will pay a lot more taxes than if you force them into finding creative ways to avoid paying excessive taxes.
Doesn't matter if Rasmussen is the head of the company or not , it is a arm of the hate party as pointed out "In 2009 Time magazine described Rasmussen Reports as a "conservative-leaning polling group". John Zogby said in 2010 that Scott Rasmussen had a "conservative constituency". In 2012 The Washington Post called Rasmussen a "polarizing pollster". Rasmussen has received criticism over the wording in its polls." Message from Rasmussen to pence "It began with a quote, likely apocryphal, from Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, which read, “Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”" Let me see this is Trumps favorite pollster , ya you bet not biased at all, What a clown.
So why is it that Rasmussen invariably gives Joe Biden his highest approval ratings in their polls? Gives the Democrats a higher rating on the generic ballot than most polling groups? Rasmussen is about as fair and equitable and honest as it gets in the polling business. You should appreciate them instead of letting your TDS or ultra-leftism color your judgment.
They can get everything they need from the rich , raising their taxes. Your comment is just ridiculous; THAT'S BIG B AND THE WEALTHY.
I'll just say that makes zero sense and wish you a pleasant day.

In 2019 the AVERAGE gas price for the year was $2.60

In Maine it was higher than that in 2019.....

The lowest one time gas price in one location for 2019 is really meaningless.... the average has relative perspective for all Americans imo!
Doesn't change what I posted though does it. I watch the gas prices pretty closely having close relatives in the petroleum business. And I know what they tell me is the straight scoop uncolored by political bias.

In 2019 the AVERAGE gas price for the year was $2.60

In Maine it was higher than that in 2019.....

The lowest one time gas price in one location for 2019 is really meaningless.... the average has relative perspective for all Americans imo!
I bought over 100 gallons of diesel for many DP 2.5 years ago for $1.89/gallon in Michigan. Gas was of course even less then. I’m selling the coach now because it costs over $500 to fuel up.

Diesel costs are driving inflation because nearly all goods are shipped by truck in this crazy country.

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