Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election?

What a joke , Rassmussen. Hate Nazi center of the world.
Really? Rasmussen generally gives Joe Biden his highest approval ratings and generally favors Democrats on generic ballot polls.
But I can't believe their personal priorities are not shelter, food, transportation, their families being safe in their homes, enjoying a few pleasures of life, etc.

None of those things rely on a political party, that you let them do so for you is your own issue.
None of those things rely on a political party, that you let them do so for you is your own issue.
A constitutionally based political party removes the barriers and don't make things worse that hinder people providing for themselves. It promotes the concept that the government is the servant of the people, not the other way around, and works for the benefit of the people, not government.

A bad government imposes all manner of rules, regulations, spends tax dollars unwisely or recklessly or irresponsibly or in self-serving manner, and makes it far more difficult for people to provide for themselves.

The people in government belong to political parties and share the ideals and values of those parties.

Based on their track record the past two years, and the truly visible and real harm they have done, I wouldn't vote for a Democrat for anything at this time.
Nope, not at all.
I am for all companies selling their products at fair market price without subsidies, including EVs and charging stations. How about you?
I'll differ with you on this to an extent. New technologies need a regulatory hand until they take root. Additionally, the industries you mentioned must now assist the public good of the US by moving us off of petroleum which is dominated by OPEC and we get oil from these unstable regions.
Which excludes both the Repubs and the Dems.

If you vote for a Repub nothing will change.
As long as Biden is in the White House, you're right. Nothing will change. He will be told to veto any legislation that would actually help. But at least Congress won't be passing the horribly damaging legislation the Democrats have passed that seriously exacerbated all the problems.
As long as Biden is in the White House, you're right. Nothing will change. He will be told to veto any legislation that would actually help. But at least Congress won't be passing the horribly damaging legislation the Democrats have passed that seriously exacerbated all the problems.

Yeah, because the Repubs have such a good track record in the area of not passing horribly damaging legislation

I don't know a single racist Republican or any Republican with racist views. I do know some people with racist views who vote Democrat.

Republicans do support their constitutional right per the 2nd Amendment to have guns and use them for hunting, target practice, recreational shooting (think Skeet), and self defense. They also mostly oppose cashless bail, turning dangerous criminals loose, taking guns away from law abiding people so that only those intent on gun crime will have them.

Republicans have never opposed government help for people in need. They just believe that to be a state and local function of government as well as their own duty to help others and/or fund private charities. FEMA is a legitimate federal function only to provide immediate emergency assistance in large disasters until the state can take over. There is no constitutional authority given to the federal government to create entitlements and make people dependent on government money. (Social security and Medicare are not entitlements in that the people pay taxes to fund those their whole woking life until they are of an age to begin withdrawing those funds.)
Sadly White Nationalism is more common among Republicans. Most gun deaths are suicides -- enabled by wide access to guns. Sadly many Republicans oppose "Welfare State".

Democrats, on the other hand, want to control people's speech to a great degree -- which is contrary to Free Society.

Both Parties have enormous flaws.
Yeah, because the Repubs have such a good track record in the area of not passing horribly damaging legislation

Sometimes they do get it wrong, but they usually figure it out and reverse any bad legislation they pass. The Democrats don't.

i have never seen Republicans under water in public opinion on EVERY issue as the Democrats are now. Given their track record this last two years, the only way any sane person would vote Democrat in this election is they've been hopelessly brainwashed or they vote with their feelings/ideology/hate instead of common sense or pure ignorance.
Sadly White Nationalism is more common among Republicans. Most gun deaths are suicides -- enabled by wide access to guns. Sadly many Republicans oppose "Welfare State".

Democrats, on the other hand, want to control people's speech to a great degree -- which is contrary to Free Society.

Both Parties have enormous flaws.
Any sane person who honestly cares about people opposes a welfare state that invariably increases poverty and the misery index. White nationalism is not a Republican trait ever. The only place I've ever seen it exhibited is among Democrats. Republicans do believe in protecting the Constitution including the 2nd Amendment and believe it their constitutional right to have guns for recreational purposes, hunting, self defense. And they know it is stupid, stupid, stupid to take guns away from law abiding citizens and leave weapons in the hands of thugs and dangerous criminals.

And....there are a lot more thugs and dangerous criminals out there with Democrat policies of cashless bail, letting violent criminals out of jail early or not putting them there at all, and an open border that is allowing in hundreds if not many thousands of very bad actors.
Sometimes they do get it wrong, but they usually figure it out and reverse any bad legislation they pass.

Can you give a few examples?

the only way any sane person would vote Democrat in this election is they've been hopelessly brainwashed or they vote with their feelings/ideology/hate instead of common sense or pure ignorance.

I feel that way about both parties given their track record over this century.
I don't speak for anyone but me. That I observe the polls, listen to what people are saying, reporting what they are saying and what I think about that is NOT speaking for them.

I do not have my head buried in the sand over what others think.

The RCP averages in the OP represent numerous polls many of which are via pro left and anti-Republican organizations. And they have the Democrats seriously under water on every single one of those critical issues.

The OP questions how ANY thinking person, any honorable or educated person really, could think the Democrats were doing a good job on much of anything and would vote for them to continue doing a really bad job.

Polls are not the end all be all. Out of 3 special elections in the US House, Democrats have won 2 of 3. The third was a House seat that was won by Trump by 15 points. Republicans retained the seat by 4 points. What we are seeing is heavy turnout in many states. That could spell trouble for the GOP. A Georgia GOP consultant admitted that they have their work cut out for them due to the heavy turnout in Georgia.,

Democrats are doing a good job of protecting our rights. Republicans are attacking our rights.
Any sane person who honestly cares about people opposes a welfare state that invariably increases poverty and the misery index. White nationalism is not a Republican trait ever. The only place I've ever seen it exhibited is among Democrats. Republicans do believe in protecting the Constitution including the 2nd Amendment and believe it their constitutional right to have guns for recreational purposes, hunting, self defense. And they know it is stupid, stupid, stupid to take guns away from law abiding citizens and leave weapons in the hands of thugs and dangerous criminals.

And....there are a lot more thugs and dangerous criminals out there with Democrat policies of cashless bail, letting violent criminals out of jail early or not putting them there at all, and an open border that is allowing in hundreds if not many thousands of very bad actors.

Any sane person who cares about ordinary people would not be giving big tax cuts to the rich and powerful. Income inequality is hitting new highs in this country because government has been bought off by the rich and powerful. There is nothing wrong with helping people. This is necessary because corporations making record profits refuse to pay decent wages. Republicans are white nationalists. They attack our free speech rights, voting rights and other rights. Women are the first people in this country to lose rights in the history of this country.

Crime is up the most in red states. You know, states run by Republicans. Republicans refuse to support efforts to prevent crime before it starts. If they did, maybe we would have less crime. Crime is still down in this country and still at historic lows.
Polls are not the end all be all. Out of 3 special elections in the US House, Democrats have won 2 of 3. The third was a House seat that was won by Trump by 15 points. Republicans retained the seat by 4 points. What we are seeing is heavy turnout in many states. That could spell trouble for the GOP. A Georgia GOP consultant admitted that they have their work cut out for them due to the heavy turnout in Georgia.,

Democrats are doing a good job of protecting our rights. Republicans are attacking our rights.
Democrats haven't given a damn about anybody's rights unless it involves killing the unborn, forcing kindergartners and elementary students to be sexualized and/or transgendered, protecting criminals while doing nothing for the rights of their victims, demanding PC and deference to their pet constituencies to do or say anything they want but denying the average citizen the right to express his/her beliefs.

Republicans want kids to be allowed the wonderful time to be innocent kids and be allowed to grow up as kids until they have enough life experience and maturity to make their own irreversible choices. So do more than 90% of all people polled.

Republicans think there should be at least some consideration for the life of the unborn. So do more than 80% of all people polled.

Republicans think people who prey on and steal from the weak, assault, terrorize, vandalize/destroy property of others should be arrested and prevented from doing that so that law abiding citizens can live in peace without fear. So do more than 90% of people polled.

Republicans think free speech means free exchange of ideas and opinions and not censoring or cancelling those we disagree with.

Democrats are strongly under water in public opinion on all of those issues. I don't know how any Democrat can defend anything other than the Republican position on them. and consider himself/herself as having the high road.
Any sane person who cares about ordinary people would not be giving big tax cuts to the rich and powerful. Income inequality is hitting new highs in this country because government has been bought off by the rich and powerful. There is nothing wrong with helping people. This is necessary because corporations making record profits refuse to pay decent wages. Republicans are white nationalists. They attack our free speech rights, voting rights and other rights. Women are the first people in this country to lose rights in the history of this country.

Crime is up the most in red states. You know, states run by Republicans. Republicans refuse to support efforts to prevent crime before it starts. If they did, maybe we would have less crime. Crime is still down in this country and still at historic lows.
Republicans think tax policy should be even and non discriminatory across the board, across all income groups, across all demographics. When that happens the poor and middle class invariably benefit more than the big guys. You cannot punish the rich for being rich without hurting the poor far more than you do the rich.

The Democrats are famous for sweetheart deals with big corp. That was evident in the Pandemic when the big box stores were allowed to operate but the mom and pop operations were shut down and many never recovered. The big box stores were thrilled. Republicans prefer to eliminate unnecessary rules and regs that hinder all business from expanding, planning, growing, innovating. Democrats throw massive amounts of money at businesses that inevitably fail or depend on government support forever.
even right wing states have democrat controlled areas.

back at ya

you go on a diatribe of mental retardation and then ask ME to provide sources? LMAO. What a clown.
I'll explain stupid for everyone here. If a MAGA maggot thinks that the fact that there are democrat controlled areas in hate party states , making them bad . Then why isn't it worse in states that are totally Democratic controlled across the board. Interesting statistic , there are 13 whole states that have higher homicide rate per 100,000 then New York, guess what asshole they are all hate party states. You are a idiot , but step right up and say something stupid , for me to bury your ass again.

You definitely don't want to move your children to Right wing states, especially daughters. They are listed as the worst places to raise your children and the highest incident of rape.

You don't want to live in right wing states, they have the highest crime rate, murder rates and murder rates by gun. This is a hoot because they are always saying how dangerous democratically run cities are, when in fact many of their states are way more dangerous than these democratically run cities.

The biggest welfare and food support states by far are right wing states, and federally what they contribute is way less than the government funnels into these states just for minimal civilized resources. Where do they get the money from, well of course they get it from successful democratic states?

The worst states for pay for your work are right wing states , their household family income is way less than democratic states.

Education in right wing states is a disaster. They have the worst educated people in the country, My opinion is because the right wants to keep them stupid because they know they have to keep them stupid to vote for them.

Guess which states have the highest number of hate groups, well of course, hate party states. That one is easy to figure out. It is in right wing states that are run and based on hatred as their party is across the board.

IF you are concerned at all as far as the economy is concerned, the worst thing you can do is elect a republican for president. They are a disaster for every aspect of the economy including Jobs, pay, unemployment
Republicans think tax policy should be even and non discriminatory across the board, across all income groups, across all demographics. When that happens the poor and middle class invariably benefit more than the big guys. You cannot punish the rich for being rich without hurting the poor far more than you do the rich.

The Democrats are famous for sweetheart deals with big corp. That was evident in the Pandemic when the big box stores were allowed to operate but the mom and pop operations were shut down and many never recovered. The big box stores were thrilled. Republicans prefer to eliminate unnecessary rules and regs that hinder all business from expanding, planning, growing, innovating. Democrats throw massive amounts of money at businesses that inevitably fail or depend on government support forever.
This is total stupidity, not one point that is true or even reasonable. It hurts no one but the fat ass rich if you tax the rich.
even right wing states have democrat controlled areas.

back at ya

you go on a diatribe of mental retardation and then ask ME to provide sources? LMAO. What a clown.By the way thats not what I said , I said if you can prove one fact that I listed as to why being a republican is such a loser , then post it and suply sources. YOu can't do that because you are aq dumb fuck. Here is my statement again----------

You definitely don't want to move your children to Right wing states, especially daughters. They are listed as the worst places to raise your children and the highest incident of rape.

You don't want to live in right wing states, they have the highest crime rate, murder rates and murder rates by gun. This is a hoot because they are always saying how dangerous democratically run cities are, when in fact many of their states are way more dangerous than these democratically run cities.

The biggest welfare and food support states by far are right wing states, and federally what they contribute is way less than the government funnels into these states just for minimal civilized resources. Where do they get the money from, well of course they get it from successful democratic states?

The worst states for pay for your work are right wing states , their household family income is way less than democratic states.

Education in right wing states is a disaster. They have the worst educated people in the country, My opinion is because the right wants to keep them stupid because they know they have to keep them stupid to vote for them.

Guess which states have the highest number of hate groups, well of course, hate party states. That one is easy to figure out. It is in right wing states that are run and based on hatred as their party is across the board.

IF you are concerned at all as far as the economy is concerned, the worst thing you can do is elect a republican for president. They are a disaster for every aspect of the economy including Jobs, pay, unemployment
Really? Rasmussen generally gives Joe Biden his highest approval ratings and generally favors Democrats on generic ballot polls.
Idiot ---------In 2009 Time magazine described Rasmussen Reports as a "conservative-leaning polling group". John Zogby said in 2010 that Scott Rasmussen had a "conservative constituency". In 2012 The Washington Post called Rasmussen a "polarizing pollster". Rasmussen has received criticism over the wording in its polls.

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