Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election?

yeah....why anybody would vote demonRat in this election.....

they have their faithful voters anyway!

I don't think most of the leftists on this forum want communism. I do think they have been conditioned to hate Republicans and Patriots but I don't think many of them are very well informed on the issues.
I see it very differently. Any real 'leftist' wouldn't bristle at the communism shaming by magaturds. Hell, the regressives likely would be proud of it. The problem with your view is that you believe there is any sort of marginal percentage of 'leftists' on this board. The magaturd barometer for 'leftist'/socialist/maoist'/communist/fascist (?)/baby killer/knob gobbler/etc.', isn't very deep. :dunno: With magaturds it's 'agree with me = patriot' or ' disagree with me = scum'. In that way, they are just like the regressives they seem to hate.
I see it very differently. Any real 'leftist' wouldn't bristle at the communism shaming by magaturds. Hell, the regressives likely would be proud of it. The problem with your view is that you believe there is any sort of marginal percentage of 'leftists' on this board. The magaturd barometer for 'leftist'/socialist/maoist'/communist/fascist (?)/baby killer/knob gobbler/etc.', isn't very deep. :dunno: With magaturds it's 'agree with me = patriot' or ' disagree with me = scum'. In that way, they are just like the regressives they seem to hate.
Sorry but there are several leftists on this board I have good relationships with and who I don't feel hate me. All are able to articulate their position though admittedly most aren't often able to support their position with credible sources. They are conditioned to believe what the MSM is feeding them and have not really done the research to know what the truth is sometimes. But they're good people I'm happy to call friend and they would be welcome in my home and at my dinner table anytime.

But people like you I think hold me in complete contempt and believe I really am Satan's helper or some such nonsense. Your President went before the cameras this week to say that we are all scum, election deniers, and anybody who questions the results of the election is a threat to democracy. . .

Unless. . .in the very same speech. . .

. . . if the Democrats lose it will be because the MAGAs/Patriots/Republicans will have stolen the election via voter suppression or some such nonsense and they are a threat to democracy.

You can't make this stuff up.
I see it very differently. Any real 'leftist' wouldn't bristle at the communism shaming by magaturds. Hell, the regressives likely would be proud of it. The problem with your view is that you believe there is any sort of marginal percentage of 'leftists' on this board. The magaturd barometer for 'leftist'/socialist/maoist'/communist/fascist (?)/baby killer/knob gobbler/etc.', isn't very deep. :dunno: With magaturds it's 'agree with me = patriot' or ' disagree with me = scum'. In that way, they are just like the regressives they seem to hate.
They can bristle all they want.

Dumbshit, commies KILL people.

They killed 120 million plus people in the last century.

Communists are fucking EVIL human beings.
So Uncle Joe gave an unscheduled address to the nation this past week. And it is noted:

But he did mention orange man bad, Republicans/MAGAs/Patriots are a threat to democracy, questioning the results of an election is a threat to democracy, expect there to be several days before we know the results of the election as it takes a long time to count votes and anyone who questions that is a threat to democracy. Oh, and if the Democrats lose it will be because the Republicans cheated and they are a threat to democracy.

I suspect between him and other Democrats, what we're seeing on social media, what we see in the leftist media including talking heads on television, the assigned phrase to use now is 'threat to democracy' along with the same old Republicans will take away your Social Security and Medicare.

These people have zero credibility or conscience it would seem.
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So Uncle Joe gave an unscheduled address to the nation this past week. And it is noted:

But he did mention orange man bad, Republicans/MAGAs/Patriots are a threat to democracy, questioning the results of an election is a threat to democracy, expect there to be several days before we know the results of the election as it takes a long time to count votes and anyone who questions that is a threat to democracy. Oh, and if the Democrats lose it will be because the Republicans cheated and they are a threat to democracy.

I suspect between him and other Democrats, what we're seeing on social media, what we see in the leftist media including talking heads on television, the assigned phrase to use now is 'threat to democracy' along with the same old Republicans will take away your Social Security and Medicare.

These people have zero credibility or conscience it would seem.

He said what was important, there is no issue other than, are we going to let the people who killed and brutalized police in our capital to bring down our government to force in a piece of shit for a dictator again. The people who did it and the people who supported it should be shot, every last one of them. . That would be you, wouldn't it. Traitor. Your list of what you think is important are pitiful up against your treason. The people who did this and the people who supported this are this countries biggest threat and enemy. That would be you also, wouldn't it.
So Uncle Joe gave an unscheduled address to the nation this past week. And it is noted:

But he did mention orange man bad, Republicans/MAGAs/Patriots are a threat to democracy, questioning the results of an election is a threat to democracy, expect there to be several days before we know the results of the election as it takes a long time to count votes and anyone who questions that is a threat to democracy. Oh, and if the Democrats lose it will be because the Republicans cheated and they are a threat to democracy.

I suspect between him and other Democrats, what we're seeing on social media, what we see in the leftist media including talking heads on television, the assigned phrase to use now is 'threat to democracy' along with the same old Republicans will take away your Social Security and Medicare.

These people have zero credibility or conscience it would seem.

Show me one democrat that threatened to take away social security and for everyone you come up with I'll come up with 20 hate party politicians that have said just that , Dumb brainless liar.
The level of lying worthless scum here is amazing. One question can anyone of you haters say one thing that is true , give it a try , I say you righty's can't do that even when you try. Like Trump. Just like the piece of shit of yours.
Marathon hit the nail on the head. In the GOP, you almost always have people in congress going along at different times with Democratic initiatives. Think Rand Paul, the woman in Alaska, the other female senator in the NW, and a host of people in the House that change vote to vote, and they do it when NOT in an election year. While they are lambasted by the GOP and people on here, they are voting their conscience.

But, when it comes to the Left...........if you throw out Mansion and Sinema, name me the last time a Democrat voted with the GOP in the Senate, or the House when NOT in an election year!

One of the top 3 or 4 issues on the table the last 2 years, has been illegal immigration. They have total control of the government. What did they do? NOTHING! Why? Because when you vote for a Democrat, you are NOT voting for a representative for your district, or your state; instead you are voting for a rubber stamp for what the Left wants to do, no matter if the issue is most important to the majority of Americans. This is why they make excuses for inflation, price of fuel, etc..........but they WILL not touch illegal immigration that they could have stopped long ago, and did zero to fix it. They have no deflection for that issue to muddy the waters, so they avoid addressing it at all costs.

You're actually kidding with this post right? lol. The GOP is literally the party of obstruction because that's literally all they did for Obama's 8 years in office, despite the democratic party's idiotic efforts to reach a middle ground with the GOP on many issues. I mean wow. Time to put down the kool aid for a minute.

What did Trump do to stop "illegal immigration?" Where are the numbers showing the record apprehensions at the border under Trump? Where is the great wall he was supposed to get Mexico to pay for? Please answer these questions. The only thing I saw was an effort to stop LEGAL immigration, which goes against our own sanctuary laws.
democrats dont care, they want to punish Americans for refusing communism
and when we refuse, we will have it shoved down our throats through bogus elections.

If your state does not do anything to stop this thievery, this criminality

don't vote for those people again. And bring lawsuits against them. The law and Constitution is clear: state legislatures control election procedures.. not governors, not anyone else..
and when we refuse, we will have it shoved down our throats through bogus elections.

If your state does not do anything to stop this thievery, this criminality

don't vote for those people again. And bring lawsuits against them. The law and Constitution is clear: state legislatures control election procedures.. not governors, not anyone else..
This is funny stuff from the hate Nazi's/ Q anon insanity with their tried and true lie about everything philosophy. The hate party is claiming fraud in states that haven't been counted yet. It will quit if they happen to win , They are scum , the lowest form of humanity who are traitors to this great country and sold every patriot in this country down the crapper. We get to find out how much hate they have brought to this country by how well the hate party does in this election.
This is funny stuff from the hate Nazi's/ Q anon insanity with their tried and true lie about everything philosophy. The hate party is claiming fraud in states that haven't been counted yet. It will quit if they happen to win , They are scum , the lowest form of humanity who are traitors to this great country and sold every patriot in this country down the crapper. We get to find out how much hate they have brought to this country by how well the hate party does in this election.

Funny stuff. ^^^ :p

So they're traitors for daring to question election security? In your world?

Funny stuff. ^^^ :p

So they're traitors for daring to question election security? In your world?
What a hoot , killing police to bring down our government, constitution and flag while shitting and pissing on the floor of the capital. Every person who was involved in this treason and everyone that supported this should be shot. They are scum.
What a hoot , killing police to bring down our government, constitution and flag while shitting and pissing on the floor of the capital. Every person who was involved in this treason and everyone that supported this should be shot. They are scum.
Okay. After every progtard who rioted during the Summer of Love has been drawn and quartered, you can have them.
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

okay, here's the problem... Biden didn't create the inflation problem. Inflation is a world wide problem largely due to increased costs in commodities and a labor shortage.

It has nothing to do with the "Democratic" agenda.
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?
Democrats still are living in the 1960s and think the Democrats still represent THE WORKING MAN. Truth is, THEY NEVER DID,,,they were always a front for the billionaires that want a new world order. They do not know that the Demonrats want to allow kindergartners to get a sex change.
okay, here's the problem... Biden didn't create the inflation problem. Inflation is a world wide problem largely due to increased costs in commodities and a labor shortage.

It has nothing to do with the "Democratic" agenda.
The Democrat agenda has everything to do with why inflation is as bad as it is in the USA.

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