Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election?

We've been buying foreign oil for over six decades. Well I say we but it is the refiners who buy it and we buy the finished product. Our politicians have asked over the year for the OPEC nations to increase and or decrease production to stabilizes the global prices because that what they do. Do you think Trumpybear was begging when he asked them to increase production and then later decrease production?
Again, I don’t deny all Presidents ask OPEC to increase or decrease production. Look at the average price of gas from Bush to Biden. Bush and Trump were very friendly to US Oil companies, so when those Presidents went to ask for more production from OPEC, they didn’t have to beg because the economic incentive was already there. Biden puts the screws to US Energy companies, when he goes to ask for increased production, there is no economic incentive for OPEC, Biden’s ask turns into a beg. How? Because OPEC can see that Biden is increasing costs and risks for domestic oil.
Where did I say that? I just applied common sense, that drilling a hole in the ground in the desert is easier than pumping water into shale to try force up petroleum.

Hey, let me tell you a story. DUring WWII, the Japanese Empire overran Southeast Asia and cut off the world's supply of rubber. Crucial for making tires and other things needed for the war effort.

Do you know what happened? We made a crash effort to create alternatives.

You invest the money, you get the alternatives... this isn't complicated.

China is massively investing in Solar, Wind and alternative energies.

Where did I say that? I just applied common sense, that drilling a hole in the ground in the desert is easier than pumping water into shale to try force up petroleum.

Your common sense doesn’t validate the position of climate activists. While it may be easier to drill in the desert, the oil is not in a desert in the US.

Hey, let me tell you a story. DUring WWII, the Japanese Empire overran Southeast Asia and cut off the world's supply of rubber. Crucial for making tires and other things needed for the war effort.

Do you know what happened? We made a crash effort to create alternatives.

You invest the money, you get the alternatives... this isn't complicated.

China is massively investing in Solar, Wind and alternative energies.

While rubber is a valued commodity, it does not run the economy like oil does. Also, had there been rubber supply in the US, would the government increased regulations on them making it more costly while the alternatives were being matured?

You need to stop losing your shit over investing money into energy alternatives. I’m all for it. But, it’s not that simple (as you say it) when the technologies don’t mature in a timely fashion. What is further asinine, is to punish or hinder the domestic industry that engages in the top critical factor for the economy while an alternative (s) is not yet viable.
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?
The legislation he moved, choice and Democracy.

Inflation? Blame corporations.
I don't think most of the leftists on this forum want communism. I do think they have been conditioned to hate Republicans and Patriots but I don't think many of them are very well informed on the issues.

Since you seem to be able to say that someone else does something or thinks something, I believe you wear a 1 piece jumpsuit without the crotch in it and molest small rodents. it must be true since I typed it.
Since you seem to be able to say that someone else does something or thinks something, I believe you wear a 1 piece jumpsuit without the crotch in it and molest small rodents. it must be true since I typed it.
Since I said what I think and not what anyone else does or thinks, I'll just wish you a pleasant afternoon.
Since I said what I think and not what anyone else does or thinks, I'll just wish you a pleasant afternoon.

No, you slanted things again. I am a patriot and not a MAGAt. I find that there are many MAGAts that are mentioned in the oath I took 5 times to serve the US Military. You want to present "What you think" don't condemn me for pointing out just how silly are are.

In the Military we would say that you had a "Broke Brain'
My point is you hate Jews and love Muslim murderers because you're fucked in the head.

Not at all. If they want to kill each other to please their imaginary sky friend, let them have at it.

We shouldn't be in the middle of it, and we shouldn't be continuing to subsidize the madness by being dependent on petroleum.
Not at all. If they want to kill each other to please their imaginary sky friend, let them have at it.

We shouldn't be in the middle of it, and we shouldn't be continuing to subsidize the madness by being dependent on petroleum.
I agree.
Israel should not be given 3.8 billion a year for their technology; Israel should charge 10 billion a year.
Okay. After every progtard who rioted during the Summer of Love has been drawn and quartered, you can have them.
One protested cop killing young black men, which is a fact , the other was an attempted overthrow of our country democracy and flag for a complete brain-dead lie. . Ya you bet idiot.
One protested cop killing young black men, which is a fact , the other was an attempted overthrow of our country democracy and flag for a complete brain-dead lie. . Ya you bet idiot.

You're quite the moron, aren't you?

If you believe that was "an attempted overthrow of our country" you're dumb as a stump.

Fucking brainwashed Kool aid swilling dumbass leftard.

You GOTTA be, to keep repeating that idiotic shit.
The Zionist Entity sucks hundreds of billions out of our pockets every year.
The US gets most of it’s intelligence and military technology from Jew Boys and Jew Girls.
I know that causes you untold of agony.
Again, I don’t deny all Presidents ask OPEC to increase or decrease production. Look at the average price of gas from Bush to Biden. Bush and Trump were very friendly to US Oil companies, so when those Presidents went to ask for more production from OPEC, they didn’t have to beg because the economic incentive was already there. Biden puts the screws to US Energy companies, when he goes to ask for increased production, there is no economic incentive for OPEC, Biden’s ask turns into a beg. How? Because OPEC can see that Biden is increasing costs and risks for domestic oil.
From Reagan to the second Bush, US production plummeted and our import and dependence on foreign oil soared to record proportions. Yes, the Saudis and OPEC were happy with US policy that restricted us from exporting petroleum products. That changed during the Obama administration, straining our relations with the Royal Kingdom and OPEC. If the Royal Family doesn't want to play American Ball anymore then so be it.
Leftard microbes.

The extent of their brain capacity is to hover over free gubmint food.
Good God man, if you are going to insult me, it should be at a level that at least you get me to raise a eyebrow. You are like arguing with a third-grader. This is what stupid is , trump sending his killers to the capital which we all know was preplanned months ahead of the election, Then once they stopped the election to make a recount on illegal voting that he knew didn't exist. That literally everyone in the country knew didn't exist , he was going to have the recount on this lie but decide to respect the second recount and let Biden take office , You are one dumb fuck.

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