Why would anybody vote for a Democrat in this election?

With all do respect, it’s rather pompous if you to speak for most republicans. I see a tremendous over politicalization of issues on both sides and much more dishonest hot air coming from the right. You have a point that the Left have blinders on about many issues an avoid discussing them. But the right is combatting them with very dishonest propaganda.

The border is not open. I drove by it last week. Checkpoints, patrollers everywhere, very far from a free for all.

I asked for the example of a well managed country so we can run economic comparisons. Can you point to one?
Show me where I have EVER spoken for all Republicans.

I've been to the border too, and I've seen the problem with my own eyes. I live in a border state. I also pay close attention to what the border agents themselves are saying about the situation. The tens of thousands pouring across the border who don't go through those checkpoints. And the truly dangerous situation that is.

I encourage you to read Tom Homan's book "Defend the Border" and get back to me on how secure the border is today.

And I don't look to other countries to show us how the USA should be run. The Founders created us as a grand experiment--one that has exceeded all expectations--and intended the USA to be a nation like no other, unique in the world. Their vision made us the greatest, strongest, most prosperous, most generous nation the world has ever known providing choices, options, opportunity, liberty for all.

When we remain unique in the world in the MAGA vision, we remain the greatest, strongest, most prosperous, most generous nation the world has ever known. The Democrats--and maybe you?--want us to be like other, far less successful nations and in so doing weaken us and make us far more vulnerable.
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Well first of all many of the things you blame on Biden and democrats are worldwide economic conditions that are an after effect of a pandemic. It should be an easy election for republicans but the reason why I’d see people voting dem would be if they are up against one of the maga republicans who is out there pushing stolen election lies and dishonest propaganda
This is why we ridicule you Liberals so much.

You never take responsibility for the damage that Leftest policies do. You always try to blame your failures on somebody else. You are always either in denial or trying shift the blame. Your silly post is a great example.

Trump had a great economy until Potatohead's Chinese buddies released their bio weapon. Trump managed the pandemic effectively at the Federal level without shutting down the economy. He turned over a post pandemic recovering complete with a vaccine.

When the Democrats took over the House, Senate, White House and all the worthless government agencies they screwed up everything and it is their fault. Massive inflation, millions of Illegals, decreased family income, tremendous debt with nothing to show for it, tanking stock market, high cost of fuel and two quarters of recession. Potatohead even had more Covid deaths than Trump. Terrible record and it is their fault.

No amount of typical Moon Bat denial or blame shifting is going to change that.

Democrats have shitty politics and it is always a disaster to have them in charge of anything. Hopefully next week we can kick them out of the House and Senate and their damage will be limited to only what they can do in the White House with that moron President and the filthy government agencies.
Just because the organization formerly known as the Republican Party is now a terrorist incubator, it does not follow we would be better off under Democrats.
I disagree. We will be infinitely better off going with the democrats, they've proven to be easily divided among themselves and it would be easier to fend off the crazy left if we had a few more centrists.
He did that by encouraging the oil companies to expand, produce, plan for the future with innovation and expansion of the products they provide us. By eliminating a lot of unnecessary red tape, rules and regs, he was opening the door to expand our refining capacities that Biden has again clamped down on resulting in several refineries closing altogether. The last significant oil refinery in the USA was built in 1976. The Trump initiatives made the USA energy independent and far more secure in that we were not dependent on anybody else for our energy needs.

On Day 1 Biden declared war on the oil industry by saying fossil fuel would be eliminated entirely, oil companies would lose any subsidies, took millions of land away from exploration by oil companies, and made it impossible for them to plan for the future with no confidence they would be allowed to profit from any investment.

And now Biden is going hat in hand to OPEC and Venezuela begging for oil and they are laughing in his face.
This is a lie, simple as that, it seems everything that comes from the right is a lie or such a major distortion that it loses its credibility completely. One question expecting one answer, tell us why big oil isn't using or taking advantage of the thousands of federal oil permits that the Biden administration has handed out or has existed on the books for years.
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?
Orange man bad

Besides, January 6th.
Ptuh! I remember the Carter days with gas lines around the block; Guess what? Biden's worse and that's going to happen again.
Biden is definitely draining the Strategic Oil Reserve to dangerously low levels. Trump had almost refilled it and would have if Biden and the Democrats hadn't nixed the 77 million barrels for the Reserve that Trump authorized to top it off in late 2020.

We're almost out of diesel. In fact as I write this, we may be out of diesel in a lot of America and no word when it will be replenished. Our refining capacity has been significantly reduced since Biden took office, and he has restored all the policies that Trump was removing to make it more affordable and profitable to increase our refining capacity. We were running pretty much at full capacity in the Trump administration and it was barely keeping up with demand.
Patriots don't vote for a party that literally is the biggest threat to this country, and pissing and crapping on the floor of the capital is reason enough not to vote for these pigs.
Patriots don't vote for a party that literally is the biggest threat to this country, and pissing and crapping on the floor of the capital is reason enough not to vote for these pigs.
Holy Balkanization-a-Moly, Batman!

So who are these pigs again?
Disclaimer: I know a LOT of Democrats and for the most part they are just ordinary Americans who want the same things all Americans want: a decent roof over their heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, enough money to give their children good things, afford a few other necessary/satisfying/interesting/fun things and/or help others.

But the Joe Biden presidency has made it more difficult for many, probably most Americans to afford any of that, and because Biden is doing the bidding of the Democrat Party, it goes without saying the Democrat agenda is the problem for most of it.

According the RCP recent polls--these are an aggregate of many different polls--Biden is seriously underwater re the economy, inflation, foreign policy, handling of Russia/Ukraine, immigration, crime, and abortion.

Why in the world would anybody, even a Democrat, vote for more of that?

The reason we have inflation is because businesses are raising prices to increase their bottom line. The reason to vote for Democrats is to preserve our rights that are under assault from Republicans. You have Republicans with weapons and tactical gear standing at ballot drops. Republicans trying to impose their religious beliefs on us at the point of a gun. If Republicans win, we move closer to becoming Nazi Germany.
This is a lie, simple as that, it seems everything that comes from the right is a lie or such a major distortion that it loses its credibility completely. One question expecting one answer, tell us why big oil isn't using or taking advantage of the thousands of federal oil permits that the Biden administration has handed out or has existed on the books for years.

Even the hostile to Trump CNN had to admire his energy policies:
"President Trump has made good on his promise to put “America First.” That fact is perhaps most evident in his economic policy, specifically his treatment of the US energy sector.

Trump is using America’s vast oil and natural gas resources as a tool of influence around the world. The administration is joining its desire to expand America’s access to overseas oil and gas markets - with the more significant aim of advancing its national security goals. . ."
What Republican policy/initiative is un-American?

Propaganda is what you vote on and not shelter, food, transportation, crime, options/opportunity, etc.?

Republicans attack gay and transgender rights. They attack the rights of women. They attack voting rights. They attack free speech rights. You are the one distributing propaganda.
Why would anyone vote for a democrat?

Democrats promise a bigger gov't that will solve all your problems, and too many people believe that so they vote for the dems. This despite the fact that for decades the democrats have made these promises and spent boatloads of money with little in the way of results or progress to show for it. Is there anything they can point to since Kennedy that were successful relative to the amount of money spent on a given issue? I can't think of one.
Show me where I have EVER spoken for all Republicans
I didn’t claim you spoke for ALL I said most

I think most Republicans ARE informed on the issues. They know why inflation has been exacerbated by legislation the Democrats have passed and how Biden's E.O's and other policies he controls have made things worse.

Most Republicans know that the border is wide open and the really terrible problems that is causing for many many Americans not the least of which is resources needed by many Americans is being used up by the illegals coming in.

Most Republicans know what Democrat policies have escalated crime to unprecedented proportions.
The reason we have inflation is because businesses are raising prices to increase their bottom line. The reason to vote for Democrats is to preserve our rights that are under assault from Republicans. You have Republicans with weapons and tactical gear standing at ballot drops. Republicans trying to impose their religious beliefs on us at the point of a gun. If Republicans win, we move closer to becoming Nazi Germany.
Businesses are subject to the same stresses the average American home is--increased costs of transportation, broken supply chains, high energy costs, runaway inflation in almost every single sector affects their bottom line. They cannot afford to run their businesses at a loss so they must raise prices.

The current Democrat administration has exacerbated all that and done absolutely nothing to help the situation.
Republicans attack gay and transgender rights. They attack the rights of women. They attack voting rights. They attack free speech rights. You are the one distributing propaganda.
Democrats attack Americans rights to be free.
I didn’t claim you spoke for ALL I said most
I don't speak for anyone but me. That I observe the polls, listen to what people are saying, reporting what they are saying and what I think about that is NOT speaking for them.

I do not have my head buried in the sand over what others think.

The RCP averages in the OP represent numerous polls many of which are via pro left and anti-Republican organizations. And they have the Democrats seriously under water on every single one of those critical issues.

The OP questions how ANY thinking person, any honorable or educated person really, could think the Democrats were doing a good job on much of anything and would vote for them to continue doing a really bad job.
The reason we have inflation is because businesses are raising prices to increase their bottom line. The reason to vote for Democrats is to preserve our rights that are under assault from Republicans. You have Republicans with weapons and tactical gear standing at ballot drops. Republicans trying to impose their religious beliefs on us at the point of a gun. If Republicans win, we move closer to becoming Nazi Germany.
The reason we have inflation, dumbfuck, is because Biden restricted American fuel on his 1st day in office and the price of diesel right now is $5+/gal. As goes the price of diesel, thus goes the price of everything.

Not to mention the unnecessary shutting down of everything to make Trump look bad on the economy and steal the 2020

election for Democrats, which is causing supply chain disruptions everywhere. Entire businesses wiped out by that.

Fuck off you retarded monkey.
The reason we have inflation, dumbfuck, is because Biden restricted American fuel on his 1st day in office and the price of diesel right now is $5+/gal. As goes the price of diesel, thus goes the price of everything.

Not to mention the unnecessary shutting down of everything to make Trump look bad on the economy and steal the 2020

election for Democrats, which is causing supply chain disruptions everywhere. Entire businesses wiped out by that.

Fuck off you retarded monkey.
Actually it is more than that. It is the Paris Accord as governments all around the world have promised to declare war on fossil fuels in a myriad of ways, which includes what you mentioned. And the Covid shut downs all around the world. But don't forget about the massive spending, this causes inflation to go up every time as well.

But yea, it all was caused by the DNC leading the world like the Pide Piper leading rats to destruction.

No sane voter would go Republican.
So you like runaway inflation, shortages, unprecedented high crime, open Borders, and the U.S. being at the brink of nuclear war? That's what the Democrats have exacerbated or given us. You want more of that?

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