Why Would Blacks Want An End To "Racism"?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
First off, many of them would have to stop hating/raping/robbing/killing whitey if racism ended. Why stop the gravy-train when guilty liberals can be so easily conned out of their money for grants, make-work, giveaways. Now the AOC crowd is calling for "reparations"....what would your average hood rat do with 40 acres and a mule? a mule? 400,000 white Union soldiers died to free the slaves....ain't that enough reparations? Further, if blacks are discriminated against, why don't they do something about being a stereotype pants on the ground, stolen gold chain, nappy dreads, and that pseudo-jive southern drawl when the last 3 generations of them have lived in northern cities? Who else riots and loots stores for the free shit we supposedly owe them? A brotha can make more sitting on a stoop smoking grass all day than a white cracker breaking his back in a factory. Face it, blacks enjoy the benefits of this supposed "racism" even to the point where a banger like Snoop, the subject of multiple murder investigations, is now a music and video icon.

Well nothing Liberals propose is logical, so forget that. Who are they to decide that American is the starting point of slavery and should pay reparations. Liberals get two for one out of this reparation issue. They get the votes of those looking for free money and they are able to futher divide the people. There would be bad feelings from tax payers that don't feel they should pay for something that went on
150yrs ago. Many people's families weren't even in America during slave days. Many others had no family involved with slavery on any level. Others from Union States had family that fought in civil war. When something like this is proposed where does it start and where does it end. The "victims" would never end. Every nationality and ethnic group was enslaved at some time in history. The only people I
would grant reparations would be native Americans ( excluding Eliz Warren ).
According to DNA test, I'm 2% African. I want my money from all you crackers.
I've been oppresse. And don’t any of you cracker ass crackers ever call me Toby.
First off, many of them would have to stop hating/raping/robbing/killing whitey if racism ended. Why stop the gravy-train when guilty liberals can be so easily conned out of their money for grants, make-work, giveaways. Now the AOC crowd is calling for "reparations"....what would your average hood rat do with 40 acres and a mule? a mule? 400,000 white Union soldiers died to free the slaves....ain't that enough reparations? Further, if blacks are discriminated against, why don't they do something about being a stereotype pants on the ground, stolen gold chain, nappy dreads, and that pseudo-jive southern drawl when the last 3 generations of them have lived in northern cities? Who else riots and loots stores for the free shit we supposedly owe them? A brotha can make more sitting on a stoop smoking grass all day than a white cracker breaking his back in a factory. Face it, blacks enjoy the benefits of this supposed "racism" even to the point where a banger like Snoop, the subject of multiple murder investigations, is now a music and video icon.


It's truly a pathological problem.

In order to be a victim, you need to have an oppressor....In order to continue defining yourself as a victim, you need to make sure you always have that oppressor on hand.

In the end, the race hustling industry has become a twisted modern-day version of demon worshipers.
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Ever since the 1964 Civil Rights Act, there's been nothing to rebel against. Hence, Jussie Smollett.
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I remember a sociology professor in the early 70's telling the class there are no physiological differences between the white and black races....everybody in the class laughed at him.....he was pissed! Take a look at this 18 year old named "Zion" something or other playing basketball at Duke. If he ain't a full-grown man there ain't such a thing....he's built like Tarzan and there's a good chance he's never touched a barbell...how can that be, professor? So they mature much faster, as a rule die much younger, and don't seem all that motivated to physical work after 3 generations of welfare. Dr. King pointed them in the right direction, Rap Brown, Eldridge Cleaver, and Stokely Carmichael herded them into the projects and permanent underclass while the commiecrats smiled and handed out Kools for votes. I've given up on them and try to have as little as possible contact...call me a "racist" for it....I really don't give a shit.

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