An Asian American Responds to “Why Can’t Blacks be More Like ‘The Asians’”

Absolutely, however .... culture can vary significantly within ethnic groups. I would venture to say where a particular person sits on the socioeconomic scale will be of a much greater impact than any shared culture.
True. After my last post I started thinking about these cultural variations within ethnic groups. It's a big, complicated subject.

Many people seem to deny to deny that these differences exist. Yet, if gang behavior is considered, for instance, it is easy to see how that behavior is strongly influenced by the culture found in prisons. And that culture of violence is widespread in low income areas, where many gangs, thieves, drug users and abusers, etc., are also found.

Sadly, aspects of such negative belief systems manage to spread rather widely within some groups.
I don’t know what’s more disgusting. That you believe the racist trash you post, Or that you would post such offensive garbage in public even under a pseudonym.

You have no manners. You have no morals. And you have no shame

I agree with you on his first paragraph. But in his second paragraph, he did have a point about fatherless homes. Are you denying that fatherlessness makes a difference? And do you think it’s racist to say that fatherlessness puts people at a disadvantage?

I see that you have a fondness for black crime and race riots, arson and looting in otherwise peaceful American cities that i dont share
Bitter Vindictive Misfits

Thanks for not believing that Liberals actually believe in their victimization tirades. They knowingly turned all these Third World savages loose on American society. They want to destroy what unprivileged Whites built because their weakling attitude and paralyzing fear of actively competing in a challenging society gets them nowhere here.

They are not "guilt-ridden" at all; that's just a pose to throw us off from seeing through their touchy-feely masquerade and realizing the vicious goal behind it that they have in pushing for societal decay.
Neither that professor, nor the person writing that article knows what they are talking about. Blacks today aren't the total sum of their experiences from 300 years ago till today. A past broken system isn't why Blacks aren't achieving today. Blacks are the bottom of the barrel in education and wealth because they have cultivated a culture where achievement in mainstream society whether that be education, business/employment or anything, is looked down upon and ridiculed by a large portion of their youth. Asians come from a culture where they believe you need to grind till you die. The fact that they have higher test scores in school, more success in employment in fields like science, medicine, business probably should not be a shock to anyone. I don't know more than a handful of asians who are not in some sort of professional field. Not one is working at some crappy job, or is umemployed. Success is not looked down upon, learning to read, write and speak proper english isn't made fun of. They're not conjuring ways to rob and steal and break into cars or murder each other. This is even mirrored outside the US. Blacks are their greatest enemy in every aspect of life in America. They even murder themselves at an astronomical rate. Their plight won't change until they make a cultural leap forward. Skin color, politics, white supremacy, none of this has anything to do with why can't get ahead.
Black immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa come from circumstances far worse than the poorest African Americans. Yet they tend to be more successful. It’s all about taking personal responsibility for your life.
Black immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa come from circumstances far worse than the poorest African Americans. Yet they tend to be more successful. It’s all about taking personal responsibility for your life.
Not all. Quite a lot, but not all.
I can't stand sealy, but he has a point this time.

One never hears or sees or is reported of an asian child with no father figure in the picture.
All children have a grow up in the ghetto or to get out by any means necessary and make something of themselves. They are not born dumb unless mentally challenged at birth...and that goes for poor whites too. They learn from the parents...or parent. Then choose which path to take. Stay with ma and have lots of kids and suck the system or work hard, study and be successful.

Asians tend to do the latter.
To many blacks the 'hood' isn't just their neighborhood it's their country.
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Absolutely, however .... culture can vary significantly within ethnic groups. I would venture to say where a particular person sits on the socioeconomic scale will be of a much greater impact than any shared culture.

For example, Chinese culture for a thousand years or more, has prized education very highly. So much so that for several centuries, the path to success in Chinese society was studying for and being admitted into the bureaucratic class. The study of art, literature, and even science and mathematics was the key to societal advancement. Yet, China itself exhibited suffered great poverty and lagged far behind The West in development of technology ... despite a significant head start in that area.
This is one of the great ironies of the developing countries. A well- educated populous that lives in poverty.
A white man named Linnaeus created racial classifications. Whites in America made white the only qualification for the rights of citizenship and constitutional rights. Laws and policy by whites at every level of government, education, business and society made white the preferred race. This is what the record shows.
That's because America was founded by people with a common ancestry, and a common history of separateness from other peoples. Whenever they did mix with other peoples it didn't go well for them.
I hardly ever read more than a few sentences of One Note Samba boys posts on racism, they're all nearly identical.

Asians, overall, have strong families and communities and commitment to education.

The white Liberal sold blacks a very toxic bill of goods in the 60s. The reality is: Whatever you want to achieve, you can! G-d has it waiting for you! It's yours!
Black leaders of that day are equally guilty.
Yes, I know you hate every race other than your own, and I am starting to suspect that you don't like that one all that much either.

So in other words, you have nothing, so you resort to insults, right off the hop. That's ALL you have is insults. No ideas. No brains. No willingness to do anything but whine about how hard the white man has it.
That's because America was founded by people with a common ancestry, and a common history of separateness from other peoples. Whenever they did mix with other peoples it didn't go well for them.

BULLSHIT. You need to stop listen to FOX News and actually read the history of the Founding of the USA. White people controlled the government and the nation was built on their Constitution, but all three races built the nation.

America was founded by white people from Europe, black people from Africa, and Hispanics from Mexico. And they started by subjugating the Native Americans, and stealing their land. The South-West was explored and settled by Hispanics. White people weren't all that interested until gold was found in California.

The Europeans along the East Coast fought to liberate the nation from the English, and set up the framework of the nation, which was expected to be a collection of "colonies" along the East Coast. Not a massive nation from sea to sea.
BULLSHIT. You need to stop listen to FOX News and actually read the history of the Founding of the USA. White people controlled the government and the nation was built on their Constitution, but all three races built the nation.

America was founded by white people from Europe, black people from Africa, and Hispanics from Mexico. And they started by subjugating the Native Americans, and stealing their land. The South-West was explored and settled by Hispanics. White people weren't all that interested until gold was found in California.

The Europeans along the East Coast fought to liberate the nation from the English, and set up the framework of the nation, which was expected to be a collection of "colonies" along the East Coast. Not a massive nation from sea to sea.
"All three" ....... :rolleyes:
Neither that professor, nor the person writing that article knows what they are talking about. Blacks today aren't the total sum of their experiences from 300 years ago till today. A past broken system isn't why Blacks aren't achieving today. Blacks are the bottom of the barrel in education and wealth because they have cultivated a culture where achievement in mainstream society whether that be education, business/employment or anything, is looked down upon and ridiculed by a large portion of their youth. Asians come from a culture where they believe you need to grind till you die. The fact that they have higher test scores in school, more success in employment in fields like science, medicine, business probably should not be a shock to anyone. I don't know more than a handful of asians who are not in some sort of professional field. Not one is working at some crappy job, or is umemployed. Success is not looked down upon, learning to read, write and speak proper english isn't made fun of. They're not conjuring ways to rob and steal and break into cars or murder each other. This is even mirrored outside the US. Blacks are their greatest enemy in every aspect of life in America. They even murder themselves at an astronomical rate. Their plight won't change until they make a cultural leap forward. Skin color, politics, white supremacy, none of this has anything to do with why can't get ahead.
Thanks for a great post, krichton.

I wish it could be stapled to the forehead of every BLM scumbag, and every lazy, worthless, whining piece of garbage who supports them.
Neither that professor, nor the person writing that article knows what they are talking about. Blacks today aren't the total sum of their experiences from 300 years ago till today. A past broken system isn't why Blacks aren't achieving today. Blacks are the bottom of the barrel in education and wealth because they have cultivated a culture where achievement in mainstream society whether that be education, business/employment or anything, is looked down upon and ridiculed by a large portion of their youth. Asians come from a culture where they believe you need to grind till you die. The fact that they have higher test scores in school, more success in employment in fields like science, medicine, business probably should not be a shock to anyone. I don't know more than a handful of asians who are not in some sort of professional field. Not one is working at some crappy job, or is umemployed. Success is not looked down upon, learning to read, write and speak proper english isn't made fun of. They're not conjuring ways to rob and steal and break into cars or murder each other. This is even mirrored outside the US. Blacks are their greatest enemy in every aspect of life in America. They even murder themselves at an astronomical rate. Their plight won't change until they make a cultural leap forward. Skin color, politics, white supremacy, none of this has anything to do with why can't get ahead.
you are 100% full of shit.

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