An Asian American Responds to “Why Can’t Blacks be More Like ‘The Asians’”

An Asian American Responds to “Why Can’t Blacks be More Like ‘The Asians’”

Khoi B.

“The point I was raising was why the Asians who were oppressed did so well and are integrating so well, and the blacks are not doing as well,”

Let me answer that for you Professor. It’s because Asians didn’t have the same complex and elaborate system of racism that was built to oppress Blacks. Asians came onto the scene in the mid 1800s long after the system of slavery had been established to oppress Blacks. We Asians definitely were (and are) discriminated against. Lynch mobs, housing discrimination, internment camps, immigration quotas, but the system that oppressed Blacks had been here longer, was enforced more brutally, and has remained to this day. Slavery, black codes, segregation, redlining, ghettos, police brutality, prison systems. And let’s remember that stereotypes cast Asians as smart and workaholics, while Blacks are portrayed as lazy, dangerous, and dumb. These stereotypes can cost jobs, opportunities, and even lives.

The struggles that Asians and Blacks went through were completely different. One group came over mostly as willing economic migrants or as refugees fleeing war. The other group was forcefully taken from their homelands to work as slaves.

This statement also assumes that Asian Americans don’t have serious issues to deal with either. Americans of South Asian descent are often victims of hate crimes that stem from islamophobia. Southeast Asian Americans have some of the highest poverty and high school drop-out rates in the country, but because of the ‘model minority’ stereotype that all Asian Americans are thriving in America, these issues often are ignored.

It's time to shut up another white racist lie.

Oh my

a guilt-ridden asian lib

it just goes to show they arent all highly intelligent
Oh my

a guilt-ridden asian lib

it just goes to show they arent all highly intelligent
Truth has nothing to do with guilt.
Your "truth" is what is wrong. The more like you, the more shoved away from your anger bullshit. You are the token Angry Black Man. Enjoy it while you screw the rest of your race that thinks like you do.
All whites? Some whites? Some of any other ethnicity you care to name as well?
A white man named Linnaeus created racial classifications. Whites in America made white the only qualification for the rights of citizenship and constitutional rights. Laws and policy by whites at every level of government, education, business and socitey made white the preferred race. This is what the record shows.
Your "truth" is what is wrong. The more like you, the more shoved away from your anger bullshit. You are the token Angry Black Man. Enjoy it while you screw the rest of your race that thinks like you do.

Gracie, I have to laugh at you. You're ignorant. If I am angry, I have right to be. Whites like you are angry based on a made up lie about an election that wasn't stolen and you dare run your mouth about me being angry about 245 years of continuing white racism. GFY.

There is no my truth. There is THE truth. And THE truth is something you cannot face.
Yes, I know you hate every race other than your own, and I am starting to suspect that you don't like that one all that much either.

I hardly ever read more than a few sentences of One Note Samba boys posts on racism, they're all nearly identical.

Asians, overall, have strong families and communities and commitment to education.

The white Liberal sold blacks a very toxic bill of goods in the 60s. The reality is: Whatever you want to achieve, you can! G-d has it waiting for you! It's yours!

An Asian American Responds to “Why Can’t Blacks be More Like ‘The Asians’”

Khoi B.

“The point I was raising was why the Asians who were oppressed did so well and are integrating so well, and the blacks are not doing as well,”

Let me answer that for you Professor. It’s because Asians didn’t have the same complex and elaborate system of racism that was built to oppress Blacks. Asians came onto the scene in the mid 1800s long after the system of slavery had been established to oppress Blacks. We Asians definitely were (and are) discriminated against. Lynch mobs, housing discrimination, internment camps, immigration quotas, but the system that oppressed Blacks had been here longer, was enforced more brutally, and has remained to this day. Slavery, black codes, segregation, redlining, ghettos, police brutality, prison systems. And let’s remember that stereotypes cast Asians as smart and workaholics, while Blacks are portrayed as lazy, dangerous, and dumb. These stereotypes can cost jobs, opportunities, and even lives.

The struggles that Asians and Blacks went through were completely different. One group came over mostly as willing economic migrants or as refugees fleeing war. The other group was forcefully taken from their homelands to work as slaves.

This statement also assumes that Asian Americans don’t have serious issues to deal with either. Americans of South Asian descent are often victims of hate crimes that stem from islamophobia. Southeast Asian Americans have some of the highest poverty and high school drop-out rates in the country, but because of the ‘model minority’ stereotype that all Asian Americans are thriving in America, these issues often are ignored.

It's time to shut up another white racist lie.

You might be wrong in your analysis. It might be that Asians have much higher IQ than all other races. When you’re dumb you do dumb things.
If we look at American history we see that whites have been the thugs. So this is about AMERICAN CULTURE.
Every true, but not any more. Blacks have become the thugs.
Actually he does.
You're the one who doesn't.
I have far more to complain about slavery than he does

except for the fact of slavery very few black people would be living in America today and this would be a happier and more peaceful country

But unlike angry hate-filled blacks I accept history for what it is and try to make the best of it

An Asian American Responds to “Why Can’t Blacks be More Like ‘The Asians’”

Khoi B.

“The point I was raising was why the Asians who were oppressed did so well and are integrating so well, and the blacks are not doing as well,”

Let me answer that for you Professor. It’s because Asians didn’t have the same complex and elaborate system of racism that was built to oppress Blacks. Asians came onto the scene in the mid 1800s long after the system of slavery had been established to oppress Blacks. We Asians definitely were (and are) discriminated against. Lynch mobs, housing discrimination, internment camps, immigration quotas, but the system that oppressed Blacks had been here longer, was enforced more brutally, and has remained to this day. Slavery, black codes, segregation, redlining, ghettos, police brutality, prison systems. And let’s remember that stereotypes cast Asians as smart and workaholics, while Blacks are portrayed as lazy, dangerous, and dumb. These stereotypes can cost jobs, opportunities, and even lives.

The struggles that Asians and Blacks went through were completely different. One group came over mostly as willing economic migrants or as refugees fleeing war. The other group was forcefully taken from their homelands to work as slaves.

This statement also assumes that Asian Americans don’t have serious issues to deal with either. Americans of South Asian descent are often victims of hate crimes that stem from islamophobia. Southeast Asian Americans have some of the highest poverty and high school drop-out rates in the country, but because of the ‘model minority’ stereotype that all Asian Americans are thriving in America, these issues often are ignored.

It's time to shut up another white racist lie.

You are pretty dumb and you blame everyone else IM2 so I will tell you why asians do better............

They are as a group are INTELLIGENT and take responsibility for themselves and families.

An Asian American Responds to “Why Can’t Blacks be More Like ‘The Asians’”

Khoi B.

“The point I was raising was why the Asians who were oppressed did so well and are integrating so well, and the blacks are not doing as well,”

Let me answer that for you Professor. It’s because Asians didn’t have the same complex and elaborate system of racism that was built to oppress Blacks. Asians came onto the scene in the mid 1800s long after the system of slavery had been established to oppress Blacks. We Asians definitely were (and are) discriminated against. Lynch mobs, housing discrimination, internment camps, immigration quotas, but the system that oppressed Blacks had been here longer, was enforced more brutally, and has remained to this day. Slavery, black codes, segregation, redlining, ghettos, police brutality, prison systems. And let’s remember that stereotypes cast Asians as smart and workaholics, while Blacks are portrayed as lazy, dangerous, and dumb. These stereotypes can cost jobs, opportunities, and even lives.

The struggles that Asians and Blacks went through were completely different. One group came over mostly as willing economic migrants or as refugees fleeing war. The other group was forcefully taken from their homelands to work as slaves.

This statement also assumes that Asian Americans don’t have serious issues to deal with either. Americans of South Asian descent are often victims of hate crimes that stem from islamophobia. Southeast Asian Americans have some of the highest poverty and high school drop-out rates in the country, but because of the ‘model minority’ stereotype that all Asian Americans are thriving in America, these issues often are ignored.

It's time to shut up another white racist lie.

Well, 50 IQ points on average could have something to do with it.
So your another punk kid that hates blacks.
Fuck off.
You have low reading skills

nowhere have i indicated that I hate black people

I just question their right to hate America when it has so much opportunity for them

and to hate whites who have not harmed them in any way

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