Why would God create billions of other galaxies?

When you try to logically evaluate religious beliefs, God often seems to be a bit of a dick.
No, it's not God that's a dick...it's those that try to define God that are the dicks. God doesn't fit in a bible.

I never said God was a dick. I said that if you actually evaluate the things that many bible thumpers claim, God would seem to be a dick.
Don't take it personally...I was just clarifying who the real dicks are.
Why would God create billions of other galaxies?

To tickle our perceptions.
I never said God was a dick. I said that if you actually evaluate the things that many bible thumpers claim, God would seem to be a dick.
Some early Christians couldn't believe the God of Jews and the God of Jesus were one and the same so they actually believed in two (or more) different gods.
I never said God was a dick. I said that if you actually evaluate the things that many bible thumpers claim, God would seem to be a dick.
Some early Christians couldn't believe the God of Jews and the God of Jesus were one and the same so they actually believed in two (or more) different gods.
In Genesis, it says that after Adam and eve ate the fruit of knowledge, God said, "they have become like US".
genesis 3:22
Why would God create billions of other galaxies?

To tickle our perceptions.
Is that the cause or the effect?

From our perspective, how can we know the difference?

This is not at all meant to be facetious. When one considers how much of what we call beautiful in the world has no other 'meaning', no other 'purpose', and in all likelihood does not register with any other creature, it is difficult not to pose the question of its being for our pleasure.

We can even say that life is for enjoying, except people seem to take such a statement in a throughly excessive hedonistic sense.
It is belied that there are much older universes beyond ours, and newer ones
Is that theoretical or is there any evidence I don't know about?

Dark matter has been proved to exist but nobody knows what it is because it is Dark. Dark Energy has been proved to exist but nobody knows what it is because it is Dark. Dark Matter and Dark Energy could come from a parallel Universe.
Anything is possible but, without evidence...

There is plenty of evidence for Dark Matter and Dark Energy but they are not created in our Universe. Technically a Black Hole is outside our Universe and all Galaxies have black holes and all big Galaxies have a super massive black hole at the center.
I never said God was a dick. I said that if you actually evaluate the things that many bible thumpers claim, God would seem to be a dick.
Some early Christians couldn't believe the God of Jews and the God of Jesus were one and the same so they actually believed in two (or more) different gods.
In Genesis, it says that after Adam and eve ate the fruit of knowledge, God said, "they have become like US".
genesis 3:22
Please look again. It is not of knowledge they partake, but particularly the knowledge of 'good' and 'evil'; dualism.
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.
A. You know what time of the year it is.
B. To humble us to know that the Creator of the vast universe knows how many hairs are on your head.
There is plenty of evidence for Dark Matter and Dark Energy but they are not created in our Universe. Technically a Black Hole is outside our Universe and all Galaxies have black holes and all big Galaxies have a super massive black hole at the center.
There is big difference between not understanding the physics of black holes and saying they are not created in or are outside our Universe.
When I look at sub-atomic physics, then I look at the cosmos, they mirror each other in design. One very tiny, one immensely large. Maybe our solar system is one atom in the mote in a giant's eye.
In Genesis, it says that after Adam and eve ate the fruit of knowledge, God said, "they have become like US".
genesis 3:22
I think the early Jews were polytheists. There were other gods but they were exclusive to only one of them.
... why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?
The more we learn, the more we don't know.
Exactly. That's why we should remain open minded; open to new knowledge & concepts/theories that rationalize what we learn.

Jumping to a fantasy conclusion such as "God did it" or "a single god started it all" is as mature as the thought process of a 4-yr-old who believes that Santa Claus rewards only "good" children.
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There is plenty of evidence for Dark Matter and Dark Energy but they are not created in our Universe. Technically a Black Hole is outside our Universe and all Galaxies have black holes and all big Galaxies have a super massive black hole at the center.
There is big difference between not understanding the physics of black holes and saying they are not created in or are outside our Universe.

Just inside the Event Horizon of a Black Hole can never be observed due to the Speed of Light and that puts it outside our Universe. The Event Horizon can be observed if Hawking Radiation is ever proved by direct observation. I find discussion of a Black Hole fascinating.
There is big difference between not understanding the physics of black holes and saying they are not created in or are outside our Universe.
Just inside the Event Horizon of a Black Hole can never be observed due to the Speed of Light and that puts it outside our Universe. The Event Horizon can be observed if Hawking Radiation is ever proved by direct observation. I find discussion of a Black Hole fascinating.
First of all "never" is a very long time. Second, just because you can't observe something it is "outside" the universe? They certainly come from our universe and interact with our universe. Sounds like they are part of it we are just ignorant of the physics that define them. Very likely a temporary situation.
There is big difference between not understanding the physics of black holes and saying they are not created in or are outside our Universe.
Just inside the Event Horizon of a Black Hole can never be observed due to the Speed of Light and that puts it outside our Universe. The Event Horizon can be observed if Hawking Radiation is ever proved by direct observation. I find discussion of a Black Hole fascinating.
First of all "never" is a very long time. Second, just because you can't observe something it is "outside" the universe? They certainly come from our universe and interact with our universe. Sounds like they are part of it we are just ignorant of the physics that define them. Very likely a temporary situation.

Einstein has not been proved wrong yet. Very recently LIGO proved Gravity Waves predicted by Einstein. When Einstein was asked about Quantum Theory he said God does not roll dice.
There is plenty of evidence for Dark Matter and Dark Energy ...

I find discussion of a Black Hole fascinating.
Trying to understand what we cannot perceive directly is certainly a challenge, and will continue to extend our "upper limits" of cosmic & quantum knowledge.
No need for a God, though ... an intellectual crutch.
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.
Stars are so widely spaced that galaxies merge rather than collide.

What makes me wonder is why people believe the universe is "young" when we can see billions of years into the past. Is God just trying to trick us?
The universe and everything in it is expanding. Galaxies are moving farther away.
Many evangelicals will still tell you that the world is only six thousand years old.
Thanks to Einstein, the distance of the light from a star is measured by the speed of light, which tells us how long it took for that light to get to us.
Much of the light we see from other galaxies takes hundreds, even thousands of light years to get to us, which means the light we see happened billions of years ago.
Evangelicals call that witchcraft.
God laughs.
No tricks, just dumb humans that can't figure it out.
The more we learn, the more we don't know.

Not all evangelicals believe that the universe is only 6000 years old

When Einstein was asked about Quantum Theory he said God does not roll dice.
Perhaps dice are not needed to explain at the macro level, but until we can better understand the micro levels, it seems like dice are involved.
There is plenty of evidence for Dark Matter and Dark Energy ...

I find discussion of a Black Hole fascinating.
Trying to understand what we cannot perceive directly is certainly a challenge, and will continue to extend our "upper limits" of cosmic & quantum knowledge.
No need for a God, though ... an intellectual crutch.

A "God Gene" has been found in the human genome.

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