Why would God create billions of other galaxies?

If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.
So good people can go where no Jew has declared ownership.
Why would God create billions of other galaxies?

Granny says so we'd have somethin' to look up at...

... an' ponder his greatness.

just look to the sun everyday that brings light and energy and allows life on this planet.

then consider the 300 billion "suns" just in our milky way

hard to imagine we are the only planet with life or a god could manage (interfere) in our world much less individuals on it.

Suns and planets are still being created and dying long after our sun does extinguish itself.

There there are other galaxies and other universes beyond.

Why do we need to humanize creation or ourselves with a god?

Do you think the ants and cockroaches we crush under our feet pray and god listens to them? Bacteria? Were they created in god's image as well? What of dinosaurs? and fish?

We are a very new species and even when we are gone, life will continue on this planet. You really think a god/creator cares? Very egotistical, makes no sense.

Ants build, termites destroy, dolphins think.... why should we consider ourselves as special or superior to any other form of life here or galaxies far far away? Why should we pray to a god created in our image by a man (handful of men) a few thousand years ago? What of all the other gods and myths far older of cultures around the world?

The idea of a god is a limitation, a control of the masses. Stagnation of our natural growth and curiosity.

If a god created the tree of knowledge and was omnipotent, it had to know someone would eventually eat the fruit, that mankind had to move beyond the nursery of his magic garden and spread around the world. Even a toddler is curious when told not to touch. One of the first word and understanding begins with the "why".

Bible teller from genesis to the NT tell differing tales of the same or similar event....... WHY?
If they know and recording god's word for what reason to stories contradict each other. How inspired can incorrect information be. Why should we believe lies, which lies and which truth?

Sorry but science we can see, test, prove and understand. Knowledge, not tales by ancients around a camp fire over centuries before recording them.

In ten millennia or so will people think god was the internet, giving us the power and kn nowledge to move into another age or beyond the stars? Will we find the same "god" among life elsewhere?

What early man called miracles, we can now explain and even duplicate. What they called god we now call laws of science and nature. No old man in the clouds pulling our stings like a puppet master.

The idea of god is repressive and controlling, a boot on our necks. Stand up and look at the world with eyes open. We have freed ourselves from the garden (nursery) walls and the universe is our oyster.

Lets not destroy it though, nature is doing that on it's own. Born, expands, dies and possibly recreated in another galaxy or even a new universe through a black hole or some other means. Life recycled again and again. Think of all the big bangs happening elsewhere, even in other dimensions. Our universe just a grain of sand on an infinite beach. Humbling.....and god is listening to your prayers?

talk about egotistical

“I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking. The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.” – Carl Sagan
Why would God create billions of other galaxies?

Granny says so we'd have somethin' to look up at...

... an' ponder his greatness.

just look to the sun everyday that brings light and energy and allows life on this planet.

then consider the 300 billion "suns" just in our milky way

hard to imagine we are the only planet with life or a god could manage (interfere) in our world much less individuals on it.

Suns and planets are still being created and dying long after our sun does extinguish itself.

There there are other galaxies and other universes beyond.

Why do we need to humanize creation or ourselves with a god?

Do you think the ants and cockroaches we crush under our feet pray and god listens to them? Bacteria? Were they created in god's image as well? What of dinosaurs? and fish?

We are a very new species and even when we are gone, life will continue on this planet. You really think a god/creator cares? Very egotistical, makes no sense.

Ants build, termites destroy, dolphins think.... why should we consider ourselves as special or superior to any other form of life here or galaxies far far away? Why should we pray to a god created in our image by a man (handful of men) a few thousand years ago? What of all the other gods and myths far older of cultures around the world?

The idea of a god is a limitation, a control of the masses. Stagnation of our natural growth and curiosity.

If a god created the tree of knowledge and was omnipotent, it had to know someone would eventually eat the fruit, that mankind had to move beyond the nursery of his magic garden and spread around the world. Even a toddler is curious when told not to touch. One of the first word and understanding begins with the "why".

Bible teller from genesis to the NT tell differing tales of the same or similar event....... WHY?
If they know and recording god's word for what reason to stories contradict each other. How inspired can incorrect information be. Why should we believe lies, which lies and which truth?

Sorry but science we can see, test, prove and understand. Knowledge, not tales by ancients around a camp fire over centuries before recording them.

In ten millennia or so will people think god was the internet, giving us the power and kn nowledge to move into another age or beyond the stars? Will we find the same "god" among life elsewhere?

What early man called miracles, we can now explain and even duplicate. What they called god we now call laws of science and nature. No old man in the clouds pulling our stings like a puppet master.

The idea of god is repressive and controlling, a boot on our necks. Stand up and look at the world with eyes open. We have freed ourselves from the garden (nursery) walls and the universe is our oyster.

Lets not destroy it though, nature is doing that on it's own. Born, expands, dies and possibly recreated in another galaxy or even a new universe through a black hole or some other means. Life recycled again and again. Think of all the big bangs happening elsewhere, even in other dimensions. Our universe just a grain of sand on an infinite beach. Humbling.....and god is listening to your prayers?

talk about egotistical

I found something interesting on the big bang.

The confirmation of the Big Bang gives us an explicit history for the formation of stars, galaxies, and rocky planets in the Universe. If the Universe started off hot, dense, expanding and uniform, then not only would we cool and form atomic nuclei and neutral atoms, but it would take time for gravitation to pull objects together into gravitationally collapsed structures. The first stars would take 50-to-100 million years to form; the first galaxies wouldn’t form for 150-250 million years; Milky Way-sized galaxies might take billions of years and the first rocky planets wouldn’t form until multiple generations of stars lived, burned through their fuel, and died in catastrophic supernovae explosions. It may not be a coincidence that we’re observing the Universe now, 13.8 billion years after the Big Bang; it might be that this is when the time is ripe for life on rocky worlds to emerge!
I always knew time existed before the big bang

The Big Bang itself doesn’t necessarily mean the very beginning anymore. It’s tempting to extrapolate this hot, dense expanding state all the way back to a singularity, as Lemaître did some 89 years ago. But there’s a suite of observations — led by the fluctuations in the primeval fireball — that teach us there was a different state prior to that, where all the energy in the Universe was inherent to space itself, and that space expanded at an exponential rate. This period was known as cosmic inflation, and we’re still researching the details on that. Science progresses farther and farther back, but so far, there’s no end in sight.
Ever try to make a point? You failed here. Also, if there were a god, you could say it eats us. It is also what is behind all those parables about, "fishing for men." So if god eats us, does that make us gods? Not by a long shot. Also, fishermen eat their fish. Does that make the fish men?
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.
So good people can go where no Jew has declared ownership.
We own everything...there's nowhere to go.
If you were God, what would you do? Would you create a universe, then cherry pick one planet, create life there and then micro manage every aspect of life on it? Or would you create diverse life forms on multiple planets and observe how each species evolves and adapts?
If you were God, what would you do? Would you create a universe, then cherry pick one planet, create life there and then micro manage every aspect of life on it? Or would you create diverse life forms on multiple planets and observe how each species evolves and adapts?
I'd build a bid fiery pit and then anyone who doesn't agree with Harry Potter books as being the word of god (me), then I'd toss them in the pit and burn them for all eternity. That'll teach them not to believe in childish nonsense. :D
If you were God, what would you do? Would you create a universe, then cherry pick one planet, create life there and then micro manage every aspect of life on it? Or would you create diverse life forms on multiple planets and observe how each species evolves and adapts?
That's exactly what I was going to say. Life on other planets wouldn't prove God doesn't exist but it would prove all the religions were made up by ignorant earthlings
If you were God, what would you do? Would you create a universe, then cherry pick one planet, create life there and then micro manage every aspect of life on it? Or would you create diverse life forms on multiple planets and observe how each species evolves and adapts?
I'd build a bid fiery pit and then anyone who doesn't agree with Harry Potter books as being the word of god (me), then I'd toss them in the pit and burn them for all eternity. That'll teach them not to believe in childish nonsense. :D
Is this jk Rowling's?

If I were Superman ID take bad people up 1000 feet and drop them.

Does anyone realize the same kind of imagination that came up with the Greek gods is similar to the super friends, DC comic, x men. And people actually believed Zeus existed. So no surprise people still believe Adam and Eve and virgin births.

Hell how many people believe in angels ghosts and the devil. We are still primitive young species
How long after a big bang does it take for life to start popping up all over the universe? About 11 billion years
How long after a big bang does it take for life to start popping up all over the universe? About 11 billion years

Big difference than six day
If you were a cult leader 7000 years ago making up your religion story and you had absolutely no clue about science you would imagine a God just made it happen in a few days. Not a few weeks months or years but days. So there's no mistaking what religion believes.

But today I hear people say maybe 1 day to God is not one day to us. Oh please!
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

Perhaps God made the universe so big so that it would humble us.

If so, it didn't work.
Maybe Jesus has been visiting many of those other galaxies, and that's why it's taken 2000 years for him to get back. Could take a couple hundred thousand years more for him to get back. Maybe we will be left to our own demise.My guess is that there is many more life forms much more intelligent to hang out with.
And none of em are on this forum, that's for sure.
When you try to logically evaluate religious beliefs, God often seems to be a bit of a dick.
No, it's not God that's a dick...it's those that try to define God that are the dicks. God doesn't fit in a bible.

I never said God was a dick. I said that if you actually evaluate the things that many bible thumpers claim, God would seem to be a dick.
He obviously has a sense of humor when He created you.

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