Why would God create billions of other galaxies?

Think about the empty dark spaces in a lava lamp. There's nothing there yet there is. Our universe is just one bubble in an infinite cosmos of universes. You will only ever know this universe though so like God I can't prove this

I cant say I know the nature of the visible material universe made of elements and chemicals.: a chaotic place of intense fiery heat and and extreme bitter cold. I ponder that scene as best as I can and imagine as much of the vastness my mind can contain. Then I look at the physical body that is mine with new wonder. I feel, I breathe, I see and I think…I am animated…I love and I hate. I am ALIVE.
HOW and WHY? How did I come to be…out of this chaotic universe of flame and rock…the life in me emerged…in a chain reaction that began before time was measured…the essence of what was to become me began…I came, I saw , I conquered and sometimes I was defeated but did any of that have any meaning outside of earthly boundaries?
To think that every living thing and every planet moon meteor comit asteroid all came from a star the blew up billions of years before our small star was even born. We are all made of star stuff. If that doesn't make you feel connected to the universe nothing will.
The big bang was not an exploding star, it was all of everything condensed into a ball the size of a golf ball. That's the theory anyway. The universe is all of everything....if there were other universes, none of them would be a universe.
That's how small you think. First, I never said the big bang was an exploding star. I said WE came from an exploding car. We are all made of star stuff. You do get that, right?

And the universe you see is the universe you see. You have no idea what is beyond our universe. Stop pretending you do because you don't. Unless you are a god or something?

Don't confuse the universe you see with the Cosmos. The Cosmos is infinite.
Your post says nothing about an exploding CAR.

"To think that every living thing and every planet moon meteor comit asteroid all came from a star the blew up billions of years before our small star was even born. We are all made of star stuff. If that doesn't make you feel connected to the universe nothing will."

Snobbery does nothing for your credibility or integrity.
STAR! Let me start over because I wasn't trying to be a snob.

1. Every living thing and every planet moon meteor commit asteroid all came from a star that blew up billions of years before our small star was even born.

2. Knowing what makes you and the world you live in used to be inside a star billions of years ago, that makes me feel connected to the universe. It makes me feel like a part of the universe. Most people look at the stars and feel small. I feel connected.

Maybe Neil can explain it better than I.

If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.
There is no god.

Psalms 53:1: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.…”

I ran across a free ebook on the internet that has zillions of quotes from the bible. And the author comments on them. The book is called, "Our Holy Hell: The causes, The solutions." Just enter the title into your browser. Find it and read it. But somehow, I get the feeling that you won't. So I will tell you what the first four main chapters are called. 1. Stupidity and lies of the old tesatment. 2. Evil of the old testament. 3. Stupidity and lies of the new testament. 4. Evil of the new testament. Make what you will of these titles.
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There are collisions all the time. Just look at how many craters are on the moon.
Mystery Wave in Milky Way Galaxy Suggests Recent Collision
100 million years ago is hardly "all the time", but only a moment to an eternal God. But yeah, there are other far off galaxies that collide into each other, that they have seen on telescopes....which also happened long before we actually saw them happen, because of the space time thing. The light we see from those galaxies, took millions of light years to reach us. So the question remains....why do they exist at all if humans are all there is?

Galaxies collide frequently. BUT the solar systems and planets are so far apart from each other in their orbits that the chances of an actual sun to sun or planet to planet collision is remote.
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.

Laws of science trump god.
Gods have come and gone across all civilization. Nature remains.
There is no god.

Psalms 53:1: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.…”

I ran across a free ebook on the internet that has zillions of quotes from the bible. And the author comments on them. The book is called, "Our Holy Hell: The causes, The solutions." Just enter the title into your browser. Find it and read it. But somehow, I get the feeling that you won't. So I will tell you what the first four main chapters are called. 1. Stupidity and lies of the old tesatment. 2. Evil of the old testament. 3. Stupidity and lies of the new testament. 4. Evil of the new testament. Make what you will of these titles.

Most of the world does not share the same religious ideas. How do people defend that they are the only ones that are "right"?
Being a considerate person to all is the best way to live, not worry about heaven or hell or gods.
There is no god.

Psalms 53:1: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.…”

For 13 billion yrs there was no god(s) or was irreverent.
God(s) have only been around for 10,000 yrs.
Life has come and gone several times through mass extinctions.
Why do some find a need for god today? We understand science and nature in a way the early humans did not. Science is the same to all life, in the whole universe, god(s) are not.
There is no god.

Psalms 53:1: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.…”

I ran across a free ebook on the internet that has zillions of quotes from the bible. And the author comments on them. The book is called, "Our Holy Hell: The causes, The solutions." Just enter the title into your browser. Find it and read it. But somehow, I get the feeling that you won't. So I will tell you what the first four main chapters are called. 1. Stupidity and lies of the old tesatment. 2. Evil of the old testament. 3. Stupidity and lies of the new testament. 4. Evil of the new testament. Make what you will of these titles.

You've apparently chooses, as has the author who you cite, to try to defy and deny God. I hardly think that qualifies you or him to give any useful knowledge about God or about scripture.

Romans 1:21-22:
  • Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
  • Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did

Even the bible has contradictory stories of creation. They can't both be true, so why believe the bible as absolute fact? It was written by ancient with a primitive understanding of the world, not men with all the facts.

Different people have very different of their creation stories. How do you know which if any is more truth than fiction? Certainly the majority don't follow your bible as the only word.

Science is provable to everyone, not faith in myths.
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did

Even the bible has contradictory stories of creation. They can't both be true, so why believe the bible as absolute fact? It was written by ancient with a primitive understanding of the world, not men with all the facts.

Different people have very different of their creation stories. How do you know which if any is more truth than fiction? Certainly the majority don't follow your bible as the only word.

Science is provable to everyone, not faith in myths.
My Bible?

What are the different creation stories? I only know of the 7 days then Adam & Eve.
... why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?
The more we learn, the more we don't know.
Exactly. That's why we should remain open minded; open to new knowledge & concepts/theories that rationalize what we learn.

Jumping to a fantasy conclusion such as "God did it" or "a single god started it all" is as mature as the thought process of a 4-yr-old who believes that Santa Claus rewards only "good" children.
Everything started with one...you can't get two or three without first having one. Cause and effect.
Where did that "one" come from?
No cause?

The "effect" can also be a "cause" ... of a cause that explained the effect.
Sounds confusing, i know.

Unidirectional cause-effect may work at the micro level, but at a macro level, where structural systems have emergent properties, the "effect" can rule the components of its structure.
... why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?
The more we learn, the more we don't know.
Exactly. That's why we should remain open minded; open to new knowledge & concepts/theories that rationalize what we learn.

Jumping to a fantasy conclusion such as "God did it" or "a single god started it all" is as mature as the thought process of a 4-yr-old who believes that Santa Claus rewards only "good" children.
Everything started with one...you can't get two or three without first having one. Cause and effect.
Where did that "one" come from?
No cause?

The "effect" can also be a "cause" ... of a cause that explained the effect.
Sounds confusing, i know.

Unidirectional cause-effect may work at the micro level, but at a macro level, where structural systems have emergent properties, the "effect" can rule the components of its structure.
I have reason to believe our universe is but one universe in an infinite cosmos of universes.

If not, what is beyond our universe?

If God is infinite then so is his territory. Don't try to put God in a box.
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did

Even the bible has contradictory stories of creation. They can't both be true, so why believe the bible as absolute fact? It was written by ancient with a primitive understanding of the world, not men with all the facts.

Different people have very different of their creation stories. How do you know which if any is more truth than fiction? Certainly the majority don't follow your bible as the only word.

Science is provable to everyone, not faith in myths.
My Bible?

What are the different creation stories? I only know of the 7 days then Adam & Eve.

The Two Biblical Stories of Creation
Most people don't realize it, but there are two (yes, count 'em TWO) different and contradictory stories of Creation in Genesis, the first book of the Bible. The first ...
Why Are There Two Different Accounts of Creation? | The Great ...
Jan 12, 2015 - Scholars tell us the two accounts were written at very different times by ... editorials and poems; we must do the same when we read the Bible, and ... In Genesis 1, the reader's a distant observer of the creation of the universe.
Genesis creation narrative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Genesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediacreation_narrative
Structure. The creation narrative is made up of two stories, roughly equivalent to the two first chapters of the Book of Genesis. (There are no chapter divisions in the original Hebrew text, see Chapters and verses of the Bible.)
Apologetics Press - Are There Two Creation Accounts in Genesis?
It is common for liberal critics of the Bible to assert that the book of Genesis contains two accounts of the creation of the Earth and mankind. Allegedly, these two ...
The two contradictory creation accounts. - Skeptic's Annotated Bible
The Book of Genesis begins with two contradictory creation accounts (1:1-2:3 and 2:4-3:24). In the first, God created humans (male and female) after he finished ...
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did

Even the bible has contradictory stories of creation. They can't both be true, so why believe the bible as absolute fact? It was written by ancient with a primitive understanding of the world, not men with all the facts.

Different people have very different of their creation stories. How do you know which if any is more truth than fiction? Certainly the majority don't follow your bible as the only word.

Science is provable to everyone, not faith in myths.
My Bible?

What are the different creation stories? I only know of the 7 days then Adam & Eve.

The Two Biblical Stories of Creation
Most people don't realize it, but there are two (yes, count 'em TWO) different and contradictory stories of Creation in Genesis, the first book of the Bible. The first ...
Why Are There Two Different Accounts of Creation? | The Great ...
Jan 12, 2015 - Scholars tell us the two accounts were written at very different times by ... editorials and poems; we must do the same when we read the Bible, and ... In Genesis 1, the reader's a distant observer of the creation of the universe.
Genesis creation narrative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Genesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediacreation_narrative
Structure. The creation narrative is made up of two stories, roughly equivalent to the two first chapters of the Book of Genesis. (There are no chapter divisions in the original Hebrew text, see Chapters and verses of the Bible.)
Apologetics Press - Are There Two Creation Accounts in Genesis?
It is common for liberal critics of the Bible to assert that the book of Genesis contains two accounts of the creation of the Earth and mankind. Allegedly, these two ...
The two contradictory creation accounts. - Skeptic's Annotated Bible
The Book of Genesis begins with two contradictory creation accounts (1:1-2:3 and 2:4-3:24). In the first, God created humans (male and female) after he finished ...
It seems like the bibles are just ramblings of ancient men. They ramble on so long about anything and everything that it pretty much covers every base if you look hard enough. So much random ramblings that monks and priests spend lifetimes trying to figure it all out.

One thing I'll give theists they sure are committed.
There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did

Even the bible has contradictory stories of creation. They can't both be true, so why believe the bible as absolute fact? It was written by ancient with a primitive understanding of the world, not men with all the facts.

Different people have very different of their creation stories. How do you know which if any is more truth than fiction? Certainly the majority don't follow your bible as the only word.

Science is provable to everyone, not faith in myths.
My Bible?

What are the different creation stories? I only know of the 7 days then Adam & Eve.

The Two Biblical Stories of Creation
Most people don't realize it, but there are two (yes, count 'em TWO) different and contradictory stories of Creation in Genesis, the first book of the Bible. The first ...
Why Are There Two Different Accounts of Creation? | The Great ...
Jan 12, 2015 - Scholars tell us the two accounts were written at very different times by ... editorials and poems; we must do the same when we read the Bible, and ... In Genesis 1, the reader's a distant observer of the creation of the universe.
Genesis creation narrative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Genesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediacreation_narrative
Structure. The creation narrative is made up of two stories, roughly equivalent to the two first chapters of the Book of Genesis. (There are no chapter divisions in the original Hebrew text, see Chapters and verses of the Bible.)
Apologetics Press - Are There Two Creation Accounts in Genesis?
It is common for liberal critics of the Bible to assert that the book of Genesis contains two accounts of the creation of the Earth and mankind. Allegedly, these two ...
The two contradictory creation accounts. - Skeptic's Annotated Bible
The Book of Genesis begins with two contradictory creation accounts (1:1-2:3 and 2:4-3:24). In the first, God created humans (male and female) after he finished ...
It seems like the bibles are just ramblings of ancient men. They ramble on so long about anything and everything that it pretty much covers every base if you look hard enough. So much random ramblings that monks and priests spend lifetimes trying to figure it all out.

One thing I'll give theists they sure are committed.

Or perhaps should be committed?
One day a man called Malunkyaputta approached the Buddha and demanded that hHe explain the origin of the Universe to him. He even threatened to cease to be His follow if the Buddha's answer was not satisfactory.

The Buddha calmly answered that it was of no consequence to him whether or not Malunkyaputta followed him, because the truth did not need anyone's support. The Buddha said that gaining knowledge about the origin of the universe was a waste of time. It is a human being's task to liberate himself from the present, not the past or the future.

The Buddha related the parable of a man who was shot by a poisoned arrow. This foolish man refused to have the arrow removed until he found out all about the person who shot the arrow. By the time his attendants discovered these unnecessary details, the man was dead.

Our immediate task is to attain enlightenment, not to worry about our beginnings.

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