Why would God create billions of other galaxies?

Not one creation myth in Buddhism. None.

life is circular and god has little or no relevance
the teachings are for an inner journey to perfection of the mind, body and spirit. It is not a god based faith.
... why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?
The more we learn, the more we don't know.
Exactly. That's why we should remain open minded; open to new knowledge & concepts/theories that rationalize what we learn.

Jumping to a fantasy conclusion such as "God did it" or "a single god started it all" is as mature as the thought process of a 4-yr-old who believes that Santa Claus rewards only "good" children.
Everything started with one...you can't get two or three without first having one. Cause and effect.
Where did that "one" come from?
No cause?

The "effect" can also be a "cause" ... of a cause that explained the effect.
Sounds confusing, i know.

Unidirectional cause-effect may work at the micro level, but at a macro level, where structural systems have emergent properties, the "effect" can rule the components of its structure.
I have reason to believe our universe is but one universe in an infinite cosmos of universes.

If not, what is beyond our universe?

If God is infinite then so is his territory. Don't try to put God in a box.
Our universe, other universes, "infinite" cosmos ... all speculation.
What is your reason for your belief(s)?

Why bring a god into this? A single God seems a lot more crude than the Big Bang theory.

I prefer not to hold serious beliefs about such matters. Insufficient evidence.
I enjoy being agnostic; very practical.
Why would God create billions of other galaxies?

Granny says so we'd have somethin' to look up at...

... an' ponder his greatness.
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did

Even the bible has contradictory stories of creation. They can't both be true, so why believe the bible as absolute fact? It was written by ancient with a primitive understanding of the world, not men with all the facts.

Different people have very different of their creation stories. How do you know which if any is more truth than fiction? Certainly the majority don't follow your bible as the only word.

Science is provable to everyone, not faith in myths.
My Bible?

What are the different creation stories? I only know of the 7 days then Adam & Eve.

Actually there is no 7-day creation account. The closts th
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did

Even the bible has contradictory stories of creation. They can't both be true, so why believe the bible as absolute fact? It was written by ancient with a primitive understanding of the world, not men with all the facts.

Different people have very different of their creation stories. How do you know which if any is more truth than fiction? Certainly the majority don't follow your bible as the only word.

Science is provable to everyone, not faith in myths.
My Bible?

What are the different creation stories? I only know of the 7 days then Adam & Eve.

There are two separate creation accounts in the Bible and these accounts contain several contradictions. The first creation story is told in Genesis 1:1 to 2:3, and the second story is from Genesis 2:4-25 .According the First Chapter of Genesis, on day five the fishes and birdies were brought forth; and on day six all other creatures great and small were created, and then and only then were Adam and Eve created together. Here is how the Bible describes the creation of man on the sixth day:

.“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:26, 27, KJV)

According to Genesis 1, both Adam and Eve were created after all other living things, including the animals. However, there is another creation account in the Second Chapter of Genesis which says that Adam was created first, then the animals, and finally Eve.:

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.....And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

“And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Genesis 2:7, 8, 18-23

Now it is evident from the quoted scripture that God first created Adam, then the animals and finally Eve. The flow of the narrative leaves no doubt about the order of creation, It is logically and linguistically impossible to read the above verses and interpret the order of creation in any way other than this: First Adam, then the animals, then Eve.

In conclusion, the First Chapter of Genesis says Adam was created after the animals, but the Second Chapter of Genesis says that Adam was created before the animals. There are other contradictions between the two versions, such as Genesis 1:20 which says that birds and fowl were created out of the water and Genesis 2:19 which claims they were created out of the ground. This has caused many Christians to claim the Genesis accounts are not to be taken literally, but allegorically. Several denominations, including the Catholic Church do not believe in a literal translation.
One day a man called Malunkyaputta approached the Buddha and demanded that hHe explain the origin of the Universe to him. He even threatened to cease to be His follow if the Buddha's answer was not satisfactory.

The Buddha calmly answered that it was of no consequence to him whether or not Malunkyaputta followed him, because the truth did not need anyone's support. The Buddha said that gaining knowledge about the origin of the universe was a waste of time. It is a human being's task to liberate himself from the present, not the past or the future.

The Buddha related the parable of a man who was shot by a poisoned arrow. This foolish man refused to have the arrow removed until he found out all about the person who shot the arrow. By the time his attendants discovered these unnecessary details, the man was dead.

Our immediate task is to attain enlightenment, not to worry about our beginnings.
But isn't knowledge power?
... why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?
The more we learn, the more we don't know.
Exactly. That's why we should remain open minded; open to new knowledge & concepts/theories that rationalize what we learn.

Jumping to a fantasy conclusion such as "God did it" or "a single god started it all" is as mature as the thought process of a 4-yr-old who believes that Santa Claus rewards only "good" children.
Everything started with one...you can't get two or three without first having one. Cause and effect.
Where did that "one" come from?
No cause?

The "effect" can also be a "cause" ... of a cause that explained the effect.
Sounds confusing, i know.

Unidirectional cause-effect may work at the micro level, but at a macro level, where structural systems have emergent properties, the "effect" can rule the components of its structure.
I have reason to believe our universe is but one universe in an infinite cosmos of universes.

If not, what is beyond our universe?

If God is infinite then so is his territory. Don't try to put God in a box.
Our universe, other universes, "infinite" cosmos ... all speculation.
What is your reason for your belief(s)?

Why bring a god into this? A single God seems a lot more crude than the Big Bang theory.

I prefer not to hold serious beliefs about such matters. Insufficient evidence.
I enjoy being agnostic; very practical.
We are all agnostic. I'm an agnostic athiest. I lean towards not believing and even if some "God" created everything I don't believe it is the God of holy books. In other words I doubt it visited anyone ever or cares.

My reason for believing in infinite cosmos is what else could there be? What's beyond our universe?

Even theists who argue this are putting God in a box. They are putting limitations on God. They are saying there is a place God can't go.

Easier for them to believe God is eternal rather than the cosmos.

And yes it's hard to imagine. Easier to just imagine a God and only one universe.

Speculating is better than making up a story based on magical thinking
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did

Even the bible has contradictory stories of creation. They can't both be true, so why believe the bible as absolute fact? It was written by ancient with a primitive understanding of the world, not men with all the facts.

Different people have very different of their creation stories. How do you know which if any is more truth than fiction? Certainly the majority don't follow your bible as the only word.

Science is provable to everyone, not faith in myths.
My Bible?

What are the different creation stories? I only know of the 7 days then Adam & Eve.

Actually there is no 7-day creation account. The closts th
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did

Even the bible has contradictory stories of creation. They can't both be true, so why believe the bible as absolute fact? It was written by ancient with a primitive understanding of the world, not men with all the facts.

Different people have very different of their creation stories. How do you know which if any is more truth than fiction? Certainly the majority don't follow your bible as the only word.

Science is provable to everyone, not faith in myths.
My Bible?

What are the different creation stories? I only know of the 7 days then Adam & Eve.

There are two separate creation accounts in the Bible and these accounts contain several contradictions. The first creation story is told in Genesis 1:1 to 2:3, and the second story is from Genesis 2:4-25 .According the First Chapter of Genesis, on day five the fishes and birdies were brought forth; and on day six all other creatures great and small were created, and then and only then were Adam and Eve created together. Here is how the Bible describes the creation of man on the sixth day:

.“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:26, 27, KJV)

According to Genesis 1, both Adam and Eve were created after all other living things, including the animals. However, there is another creation account in the Second Chapter of Genesis which says that Adam was created first, then the animals, and finally Eve.:

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.....And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

“And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Genesis 2:7, 8, 18-23

Now it is evident from the quoted scripture that God first created Adam, then the animals and finally Eve. The flow of the narrative leaves no doubt about the order of creation, It is logically and linguistically impossible to read the above verses and interpret the order of creation in any way other than this: First Adam, then the animals, then Eve.

In conclusion, the First Chapter of Genesis says Adam was created after the animals, but the Second Chapter of Genesis says that Adam was created before the animals. There are other contradictions between the two versions, such as Genesis 1:20 which says that birds and fowl were created out of the water and Genesis 2:19 which claims they were created out of the ground. This has caused many Christians to claim the Genesis accounts are not to be taken literally, but allegorically. Several denominations, including the Catholic Church do not believe in a literal translation.
All speculation?. So what else in these books is made up? Virgin birth? Rising from the dead? Everything?
There is no god.

Psalms 53:1: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.…”

I ran across a free ebook on the internet that has zillions of quotes from the bible. And the author comments on them. The book is called, "Our Holy Hell: The causes, The solutions." Just enter the title into your browser. Find it and read it. But somehow, I get the feeling that you won't. So I will tell you what the first four main chapters are called. 1. Stupidity and lies of the old tesatment. 2. Evil of the old testament. 3. Stupidity and lies of the new testament. 4. Evil of the new testament. Make what you will of these titles.
So there your faith lies. It is said you are what you eat....but in reality, you are what eats you. What consumes your life, makes you what you are. As long as you choose to disobey the natural laws, you will pay the consequences.You reap what you sow, karma. Works every time, though sometimes not instantly. That's why so many are bewildered when it comes later, and they can't understand why the tragedy struck.
Exactly. That's why we should remain open minded; open to new knowledge & concepts/theories that rationalize what we learn.

Jumping to a fantasy conclusion such as "God did it" or "a single god started it all" is as mature as the thought process of a 4-yr-old who believes that Santa Claus rewards only "good" children.
Everything started with one...you can't get two or three without first having one. Cause and effect.
Where did that "one" come from?
No cause?

The "effect" can also be a "cause" ... of a cause that explained the effect.
Sounds confusing, i know.

Unidirectional cause-effect may work at the micro level, but at a macro level, where structural systems have emergent properties, the "effect" can rule the components of its structure.
I have reason to believe our universe is but one universe in an infinite cosmos of universes.

If not, what is beyond our universe?

If God is infinite then so is his territory. Don't try to put God in a box.
Our universe, other universes, "infinite" cosmos ... all speculation.
What is your reason for your belief(s)?

Why bring a god into this? A single God seems a lot more crude than the Big Bang theory.

I prefer not to hold serious beliefs about such matters. Insufficient evidence.
I enjoy being agnostic; very practical.
We are all agnostic. I'm an agnostic athiest. I lean towards not believing and even if some "God" created everything I don't believe it is the God of holy books. In other words I doubt it visited anyone ever or cares.

My reason for believing in infinite cosmos is what else could there be? What's beyond our universe?

Even theists who argue this are putting God in a box. They are putting limitations on God. They are saying there is a place God can't go.

Easier for them to believe God is eternal rather than the cosmos.

And yes it's hard to imagine. Easier to just imagine a God and only one universe.

Speculating is better than making up a story based on magical thinking
Positive is not negative, and negative is not positive. They are not interchangeable.
Everything is magic, down to the particles of an atom, that give everything mass. The best science can figure, is the "God" particle.
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did
You acknowledge that there is the "truth", therefore there is the opposite which is not. Truth=positive...positive=creation ....negative=untruth, lies, deception, false.
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

he is trolling us .
One day a man called Malunkyaputta approached the Buddha and demanded that hHe explain the origin of the Universe to him. He even threatened to cease to be His follow if the Buddha's answer was not satisfactory.

The Buddha calmly answered that it was of no consequence to him whether or not Malunkyaputta followed him, because the truth did not need anyone's support. The Buddha said that gaining knowledge about the origin of the universe was a waste of time. It is a human being's task to liberate himself from the present, not the past or the future.

The Buddha related the parable of a man who was shot by a poisoned arrow. This foolish man refused to have the arrow removed until he found out all about the person who shot the arrow. By the time his attendants discovered these unnecessary details, the man was dead.

Our immediate task is to attain enlightenment, not to worry about our beginnings.
"Those that don't' learn from the past are bound to repeat it."

A pilgrim asked the Buddha how many times he must be reincarnated before reaching enlightenment. The Buddha pointed to an hug oak tree, and said, "As many leaves as are on that tree." The pilgrim started dancing with delight, and the Buddha asked why. The pilgrim laughed and replied....BECAUSE I WILL GET THERE!!!!!!!!!
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did

Even the bible has contradictory stories of creation. They can't both be true, so why believe the bible as absolute fact? It was written by ancient with a primitive understanding of the world, not men with all the facts.

Different people have very different of their creation stories. How do you know which if any is more truth than fiction? Certainly the majority don't follow your bible as the only word.

Science is provable to everyone, not faith in myths.
My Bible?

What are the different creation stories? I only know of the 7 days then Adam & Eve.

Actually there is no 7-day creation account. The closts th
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did

Even the bible has contradictory stories of creation. They can't both be true, so why believe the bible as absolute fact? It was written by ancient with a primitive understanding of the world, not men with all the facts.

Different people have very different of their creation stories. How do you know which if any is more truth than fiction? Certainly the majority don't follow your bible as the only word.

Science is provable to everyone, not faith in myths.
My Bible?

What are the different creation stories? I only know of the 7 days then Adam & Eve.

There are two separate creation accounts in the Bible and these accounts contain several contradictions. The first creation story is told in Genesis 1:1 to 2:3, and the second story is from Genesis 2:4-25 .According the First Chapter of Genesis, on day five the fishes and birdies were brought forth; and on day six all other creatures great and small were created, and then and only then were Adam and Eve created together. Here is how the Bible describes the creation of man on the sixth day:

.“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:26, 27, KJV)

According to Genesis 1, both Adam and Eve were created after all other living things, including the animals. However, there is another creation account in the Second Chapter of Genesis which says that Adam was created first, then the animals, and finally Eve.:

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.....And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

“And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Genesis 2:7, 8, 18-23

Now it is evident from the quoted scripture that God first created Adam, then the animals and finally Eve. The flow of the narrative leaves no doubt about the order of creation, It is logically and linguistically impossible to read the above verses and interpret the order of creation in any way other than this: First Adam, then the animals, then Eve.

In conclusion, the First Chapter of Genesis says Adam was created after the animals, but the Second Chapter of Genesis says that Adam was created before the animals. There are other contradictions between the two versions, such as Genesis 1:20 which says that birds and fowl were created out of the water and Genesis 2:19 which claims they were created out of the ground. This has caused many Christians to claim the Genesis accounts are not to be taken literally, but allegorically. Several denominations, including the Catholic Church do not believe in a literal translation.
Lilith was Adam's first wife made from the ground like he was. Eve was created from Adam's rib after Lilith rejected being subservient to Adam.
Lilith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

he is trolling us .
He's trying to be deep but it's an epic failure. I can't even tell if he agrees with me or not. LOL.

There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did

Even the bible has contradictory stories of creation. They can't both be true, so why believe the bible as absolute fact? It was written by ancient with a primitive understanding of the world, not men with all the facts.

Different people have very different of their creation stories. How do you know which if any is more truth than fiction? Certainly the majority don't follow your bible as the only word.

Science is provable to everyone, not faith in myths.
My Bible?

What are the different creation stories? I only know of the 7 days then Adam & Eve.

Actually there is no 7-day creation account. The closts th
There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did

Even the bible has contradictory stories of creation. They can't both be true, so why believe the bible as absolute fact? It was written by ancient with a primitive understanding of the world, not men with all the facts.

Different people have very different of their creation stories. How do you know which if any is more truth than fiction? Certainly the majority don't follow your bible as the only word.

Science is provable to everyone, not faith in myths.
My Bible?

What are the different creation stories? I only know of the 7 days then Adam & Eve.

There are two separate creation accounts in the Bible and these accounts contain several contradictions. The first creation story is told in Genesis 1:1 to 2:3, and the second story is from Genesis 2:4-25 .According the First Chapter of Genesis, on day five the fishes and birdies were brought forth; and on day six all other creatures great and small were created, and then and only then were Adam and Eve created together. Here is how the Bible describes the creation of man on the sixth day:

.“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:26, 27, KJV)

According to Genesis 1, both Adam and Eve were created after all other living things, including the animals. However, there is another creation account in the Second Chapter of Genesis which says that Adam was created first, then the animals, and finally Eve.:

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.....And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

“And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Genesis 2:7, 8, 18-23

Now it is evident from the quoted scripture that God first created Adam, then the animals and finally Eve. The flow of the narrative leaves no doubt about the order of creation, It is logically and linguistically impossible to read the above verses and interpret the order of creation in any way other than this: First Adam, then the animals, then Eve.

In conclusion, the First Chapter of Genesis says Adam was created after the animals, but the Second Chapter of Genesis says that Adam was created before the animals. There are other contradictions between the two versions, such as Genesis 1:20 which says that birds and fowl were created out of the water and Genesis 2:19 which claims they were created out of the ground. This has caused many Christians to claim the Genesis accounts are not to be taken literally, but allegorically. Several denominations, including the Catholic Church do not believe in a literal translation.
Lilith was Adam's first wife made from the ground like he was. Eve was created from Adam's rib after Lilith rejected being subservient to Adam.
Lilith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And that makes sense to you?

Hey, you already admitted you believe in magic so I don't know what else to tell you. Just don't try to ask us to pass any laws based on this magical invisible guy you claim comes down and talks to you.

P.S. Where is heaven? Is it somewhere near Alpha Centauri? Is it in the Milky Way? Where is this 3rd dimension? And I find it really funny that theists doubt there are other universes outside of ours but they are completely open to a place called heaven which is where???
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There is no god.
I find it very refreshing liberating and enlightening knowing that what we've been told is a lie. Knowing the truth is always helpful when trying to learn more.

Take for example the creation story vs evolution. What came first adult humans or baby humans? If you say adults that makes no sense. So to continue to believe religion would mean I'm experiencing cognitive dissonance and magical thinking.

So this is why religions are holding us back. We are still debating if we came from monkeys. And before that fish. Of course we did
You acknowledge that there is the "truth", therefore there is the opposite which is not. Truth=positive...positive=creation ....negative=untruth, lies, deception, false.

There is a truth and reality independent of our desires. Faith simply reinforces your belief in what you would like to be true, rather than what really is.

In order to better under understand this reality and discover the truth we must look for evidence outside ourselves.

Faith isn’t a virtue; it is the glorification of voluntary ignorance.

See also: Putting faith in it’s place (a must watch), The faith cake (a must watch).

“Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements – the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life – weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be today.” – Lawrence Krauss
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“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts

“A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it.” – David Stevens

Atheism is simply alack of beliefin a god or gods, nothing more. It is the default position of doubt, uncertainty and skepticism one may have regarding claims made by theists. Just as ittakes no faithto lack belief or remain uncertain concerning any other imaginable claim, it takes none to doubt the existence of a god or gods. Every person ever born begins life as animplicit atheistand must be taught the concept of theism or, more commonly, indoctrinated with it. Atheism has no sacred texts, objects, places or times, no rituals or creation stories, no positive beliefs, central tenants, modes of worship or supernatural claims, no implicit or derived moral codes, philosophies or world views and no central organization or church.

Atheists may subscribe to any additional ideologies, philosophies and belief systems they choose, eg. Buddhism, Jainism, Universalism, Environmentalism, Pragmatism, Liberalism, Socialism, Libertarianism, Conservatism, etc. They may even appreciate components of traditional religion and spiritualism, including any supernatural elements unrelated to a god. Common among many atheists, however, is an appreciation for secularism, rationalism, humanism, skepticism, naturalism, materialism and freethinking – none of which are implicit or derived from atheism, nor necessary in order to lack belief.
Why would God create billions of other galaxies?

Granny says so we'd have somethin' to look up at...

... an' ponder his greatness.

just look to the sun everyday that brings light and energy and allows life on this planet.

then consider the 300 billion "suns" just in our milky way

hard to imagine we are the only planet with life or a god could manage (interfere) in our world much less individuals on it.

Suns and planets are still being created and dying long after our sun does extinguish itself.

There there are other galaxies and other universes beyond.

Why do we need to humanize creation or ourselves with a god?

Do you think the ants and cockroaches we crush under our feet pray and god listens to them? Bacteria? Were they created in god's image as well? What of dinosaurs? and fish?

We are a very new species and even when we are gone, life will continue on this planet. You really think a god/creator cares? Very egotistical, makes no sense.

Ants build, termites destroy, dolphins think.... why should we consider ourselves as special or superior to any other form of life here or galaxies far far away? Why should we pray to a god created in our image by a man (handful of men) a few thousand years ago? What of all the other gods and myths far older of cultures around the world?

The idea of a god is a limitation, a control of the masses. Stagnation of our natural growth and curiosity.

If a god created the tree of knowledge and was omnipotent, it had to know someone would eventually eat the fruit, that mankind had to move beyond the nursery of his magic garden and spread around the world. Even a toddler is curious when told not to touch. One of the first word and understanding begins with the "why".

Bible teller from genesis to the NT tell differing tales of the same or similar event....... WHY?
If they know and recording god's word for what reason to stories contradict each other. How inspired can incorrect information be. Why should we believe lies, which lies and which truth?

Sorry but science we can see, test, prove and understand. Knowledge, not tales by ancients around a camp fire over centuries before recording them.

In ten millennia or so will people think god was the internet, giving us the power and kn nowledge to move into another age or beyond the stars? Will we find the same "god" among life elsewhere?

What early man called miracles, we can now explain and even duplicate. What they called god we now call laws of science and nature. No old man in the clouds pulling our stings like a puppet master.

The idea of god is repressive and controlling, a boot on our necks. Stand up and look at the world with eyes open. We have freed ourselves from the garden (nursery) walls and the universe is our oyster.

Lets not destroy it though, nature is doing that on it's own. Born, expands, dies and possibly recreated in another galaxy or even a new universe through a black hole or some other means. Life recycled again and again. Think of all the big bangs happening elsewhere, even in other dimensions. Our universe just a grain of sand on an infinite beach. Humbling.....and god is listening to your prayers?

talk about egotistical

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