Why would God create billions of other galaxies?

why the assumption that we are it?

Allowing for the premise of intelligent design in terms of why there are multiple galaxies/solar systems, I'd say any engineer designs redundancies or he's not much of an engineer.....

That's because creationism which the theocrats like to re-package with the name "intelligent design" isn't science and is the explanation given to an uneducated desert people.

Kind of like thunder being made by giants stamping their feet.
Everything that exists is definitely by "intelligent design". It takes a super intelligence to create your body. All your organs, veins, white and red corpuscles, DNA, atoms, particles, genes, all working together in perfect order....without order, there is only chaos....chaos without order is nothing.
Imagine driving without any laws....no speed limits...no lanes...no signs....no stop lights.
Why would a perfect potter create an imperfect mold, order it to be perfect and then judge it based on the imperfections he gave it?

The First Cause Argument, or Cosmological Argument [2], is internally contradictoryand raises the following questions: Who or what created god?, Why should a hypothetical ‘cause’ have any of the common attributes of a god?, Why is the ‘cause’ a specific god?, Why can’t the universe be causeless too? and, most importantly, Why rule out all other possible explanations?

It is fundamentally a ‘god of the gaps’ approach. Our current lack of understanding concerning the Universe’s origins does not automatically mean ‘god’ holds any explanatory value. Metaphysical and theistic speculation are not immediately justified or correct simply because we lack a comprehensive scientific model. Uncertainty is the most valid position and one can honestly say “We just don’t know yet”.

“The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. During the minute that it takes me to compose this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten alive, many others are running for their lives, whimpering with fear, others are slowly being devoured from within by rasping parasites, thousands of all species are dying of starvation, thirst, and disease. The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference.” – Richard Dawkins
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

What makes you so sure that of all the worlds that God has created, that this is the only one that he's populated? Surely the scope of his creation is far greater than we are able to imagine.
If humanity is the best God can do, I'm disappointed.
... why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?
The more we learn, the more we don't know.
Exactly. That's why we should remain open minded; open to new knowledge & concepts/theories that rationalize what we learn.

Jumping to a fantasy conclusion such as "God did it" or "a single god started it all" is as mature as the thought process of a 4-yr-old who believes that Santa Claus rewards only "good" children.
Everything started with one...you can't get two or three without first having one. Cause and effect.
But you did touch on the main problem with humanity. Everyone holds on to their "belief", which keeps them from learning the truth.
Right. So a single cell organism existed before evolving into multi cell organisms
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

What makes you so sure that of all the worlds that God has created, that this is the only one that he's populated? Surely the scope of his creation is far greater than we are able to imagine.
If humanity is the best God can do, I'm disappointed.

There is nothing to suggest that human life, our planet or our universe are uniquely privileged nor intended. On the contrary, the sheer scale of the universe in both spaceand time and our understanding of its development indicate we are non-central to the scheme of things; mere products of chance, physical laws and evolution. To believe otherwise amounts to an argument from incredulity and a hubris mix ofanthropocentrism and god of the gaps thinking.

The conditions that we observe, namely, those around our Sun and on Earth, simplyseem fine-tuned to us because we evolved to suit them. We cannot prove that all otherpossible forms of life would be infeasible with a different set of conditions or constants because the only universe that we can observe is the one we occupy. Indeed, modelling[2] suggests star formation (a necessary precursor to our form of biology) may be viable under a number of different universal conditions.

Without actual proof of creation, naturalistic explanations [2] for the properties of this universe cannot be wholly ruled out. It is possible an infinity of universes [2] exist, all with different conditions and forms of life. The fact that our particular universe has thephysical constants we observe may be no more to the point than the fact a hand of cards, dealt from a shuffled deck, is the one a hypothetical player holds. Though the chances of any one universe being hospitable to life might be low, the conditional probability of a form of life observing a set of constants suitable to it is exactly unity. That is to say, every possible universe would ‘appear’ fine-tuned to the form of life it harbours, while all those inhospitable universes would never be observed by life at all.
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There are collisions all the time. Just look at how many craters are on the moon.
Mystery Wave in Milky Way Galaxy Suggests Recent Collision
100 million years ago is hardly "all the time", but only a moment to an eternal God. But yeah, there are other far off galaxies that collide into each other, that they have seen on telescopes....which also happened long before we actually saw them happen, because of the space time thing. The light we see from those galaxies, took millions of light years to reach us. So the question remains....why do they exist at all if humans are all there is?
We don't know that that light from stars that existed thousands of parsecs ago still exist. Although the light from celestial bodies is just now reaching us the physics that produced that light might have disappeared before life existed here on earth. Also there is reputed to be far more "dark matter" in the universe than the bright objects we can see would suggest. In any case, I wonder why life exists at all, even if it is only here on earth. And why did intelligent life emerge to question it's own origins? The book of Genesis looks mighty credible sometimes.
Why would God tell Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit, without warning them about Satan? Why did God ask them who told them about their naked shame after they ate the fruit, if God is all knowing?
It's like parents giving their innocent child to a known pedophile to baby sit for them.
why the assumption that we are it?

Allowing for the premise of intelligent design in terms of why there are multiple galaxies/solar systems, I'd say any engineer designs redundancies or he's not much of an engineer.....

That's because creationism which the theocrats like to re-package with the name "intelligent design" isn't science and is the explanation given to an uneducated desert people.

Kind of like thunder being made by giants stamping their feet.

You'll note that I said "allowing for the premise"

People do that to have a theoretical discussion. I know that's beyond the normal poo flinging nature of this and other political boards, but it does happen.

We don't know how all of this came to be, none of us, so some givens have to be allowed for to have a theoretical discussion of creationism, intelligent design or whatever you'd like to call it.
why the assumption that we are it?

Allowing for the premise of intelligent design in terms of why there are multiple galaxies/solar systems, I'd say any engineer designs redundancies or he's not much of an engineer.....

That's because creationism which the theocrats like to re-package with the name "intelligent design" isn't science and is the explanation given to an uneducated desert people.

Kind of like thunder being made by giants stamping their feet.
Everything that exists is definitely by "intelligent design". It takes a super intelligence to create your body. All your organs, veins, white and red corpuscles, DNA, atoms, particles, genes, all working together in perfect order....without order, there is only chaos....chaos without order is nothing.
Imagine driving without any laws....no speed limits...no lanes...no signs....no stop lights.
I'll tell my parents you called them super intelligent.
It's that kind of super intelligence that we get 50-100 car wrecks on the interstate.
... why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?
The more we learn, the more we don't know.
Exactly. That's why we should remain open minded; open to new knowledge & concepts/theories that rationalize what we learn.

Jumping to a fantasy conclusion such as "God did it" or "a single god started it all" is as mature as the thought process of a 4-yr-old who believes that Santa Claus rewards only "good" children.
Everything started with one...you can't get two or three without first having one. Cause and effect.
But you did touch on the main problem with humanity. Everyone holds on to their "belief", which keeps them from learning the truth.
Right. So a single cell organism existed before evolving into multi cell organisms
One caused the big bang....all the other numbers were the effect. Cause and effect.
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

What makes you so sure that of all the worlds that God has created, that this is the only one that he's populated? Surely the scope of his creation is far greater than we are able to imagine.
If humanity is the best God can do, I'm disappointed.

There is nothing to suggest that human life, our planet or our universe are uniquely privileged nor intended. On the contrary, the sheer scale of the universe in both spaceand time and our understanding of its development indicate we are non-central to the scheme of things; mere products of chance, physical laws and evolution. To believe otherwise amounts to an argument from incredulity and a hubris mix ofanthropocentrism and god of the gaps thinking.

The conditions that we observe, namely, those around our Sun and on Earth, simplyseem fine-tuned to us because we evolved to suit them. We cannot prove that all otherpossible forms of life would be infeasible with a different set of conditions or constants because the only universe that we can observe is the one we occupy. Indeed, modelling[2] suggests star formation (a necessary precursor to our form of biology) may be viable under a number of different universal conditions.

Without actual proof of creation, naturalistic explanations [2] for the properties of this universe cannot be wholly ruled out. It is possible an infinity of universes [2] exist, all with different conditions and forms of life. The fact that our particular universe has thephysical constants we observe may be no more to the point than the fact a hand of cards, dealt from a shuffled deck, is the one a hypothetical player holds. Though the chances of any one universe being hospitable to life might be low, the conditional probability of a form of life observing a set of constants suitable to it is exactly unity. That is to say, every possible universe would ‘appear’ fine-tuned to the form of life it harbours, while all those inhospitable universes would never be observed by life at all.
Nothing exists that was not created. Cause and effect=reason ....reason=purpose.....chance is a benign variable, having nothing to do with purpose. Think about being pregnant and getting an abortion.
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

There are collisions all the time. Just look at how many craters are on the moon.
Mystery Wave in Milky Way Galaxy Suggests Recent Collision
100 million years ago is hardly "all the time", but only a moment to an eternal God. But yeah, there are other far off galaxies that collide into each other, that they have seen on telescopes....which also happened long before we actually saw them happen, because of the space time thing. The light we see from those galaxies, took millions of light years to reach us. So the question remains....why do they exist at all if humans are all there is?
We don't know that that light from stars that existed thousands of parsecs ago still exist. Although the light from celestial bodies is just now reaching us the physics that produced that light might have disappeared before life existed here on earth. Also there is reputed to be far more "dark matter" in the universe than the bright objects we can see would suggest. In any case, I wonder why life exists at all, even if it is only here on earth. And why did intelligent life emerge to question it's own origins? The book of Genesis looks mighty credible sometimes.
Why would God tell Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit, without warning them about Satan? Why did God ask them who told them about their naked shame after they ate the fruit, if God is all knowing?
It's like parents giving their innocent child to a known pedophile to baby sit for them.

Great questions and analogy. No one on earth is qualified to resolve those mysteries now that the author(s) of Genesis are long dead.
BUt as an aside, the story of the Hebrew version of the Creation had a precedent: the Epic of Gilgamesh, set in the region of ancient Mesopotamia. The provided link explores a comparative analysis of the two seminal works and may provide some insight for addressing your query.
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

What makes you so sure that of all the worlds that God has created, that this is the only one that he's populated? Surely the scope of his creation is far greater than we are able to imagine.
If humanity is the best God can do, I'm disappointed.

So was God. Thus, we had to be saved from His wrath by Jesus who died on the Cross. But I have always wondered if the pain and suffering Jesus endured was more meaningful than His death. After all, death had no mystery for Him and He was secure in the knowledge that He couldn't really die. But I am baffled by His having to suffer. Who put that prerequisite on Jesus? Surely His Father would not want the incarnate image of Himself to be tortured in such a manner. I just don't get it! God could have just forgiven mankind without Jesus having to pay such a horrendous price in His own blood!
... why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?
The more we learn, the more we don't know.
Exactly. That's why we should remain open minded; open to new knowledge & concepts/theories that rationalize what we learn.

Jumping to a fantasy conclusion such as "God did it" or "a single god started it all" is as mature as the thought process of a 4-yr-old who believes that Santa Claus rewards only "good" children.
Everything started with one...you can't get two or three without first having one. Cause and effect.
But you did touch on the main problem with humanity. Everyone holds on to their "belief", which keeps them from learning the truth.
Right. So a single cell organism existed before evolving into multi cell organisms
One caused the big bang....all the other numbers were the effect. Cause and effect.
The Big Bang is another mysterious anomaly if there was a Big Bang at all. If the physical nature of the universe was empty space before the Big Bang, did the laws we know as physics gradually develop or were they in place right out of the blast?
... why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?
The more we learn, the more we don't know.
Exactly. That's why we should remain open minded; open to new knowledge & concepts/theories that rationalize what we learn.

Jumping to a fantasy conclusion such as "God did it" or "a single god started it all" is as mature as the thought process of a 4-yr-old who believes that Santa Claus rewards only "good" children.
Everything started with one...you can't get two or three without first having one. Cause and effect.
But you did touch on the main problem with humanity. Everyone holds on to their "belief", which keeps them from learning the truth.
Right. So a single cell organism existed before evolving into multi cell organisms
One caused the big bang....all the other numbers were the effect. Cause and effect.
The Big Bang is another mysterious anomaly if there was a Big Bang at all. If the physical nature of the universe was empty space before the Big Bang, did the laws we know as physics gradually develop or were they in place right out of the blast?
Think about the empty dark spaces in a lava lamp. There's nothing there yet there is. Our universe is just one bubble in an infinite cosmos of universes. You will only ever know this universe though so like God I can't prove this
Exactly. That's why we should remain open minded; open to new knowledge & concepts/theories that rationalize what we learn.

Jumping to a fantasy conclusion such as "God did it" or "a single god started it all" is as mature as the thought process of a 4-yr-old who believes that Santa Claus rewards only "good" children.
Everything started with one...you can't get two or three without first having one. Cause and effect.
But you did touch on the main problem with humanity. Everyone holds on to their "belief", which keeps them from learning the truth.
Right. So a single cell organism existed before evolving into multi cell organisms
One caused the big bang....all the other numbers were the effect. Cause and effect.
The Big Bang is another mysterious anomaly if there was a Big Bang at all. If the physical nature of the universe was empty space before the Big Bang, did the laws we know as physics gradually develop or were they in place right out of the blast?
Think about the empty dark spaces in a lava lamp. There's nothing there yet there is. Our universe is just one bubble in an infinite cosmos of universes. You will only ever know this universe though so like God I can't prove this

I cant say I know the nature of the visible material universe made of elements and chemicals.: a chaotic place of intense fiery heat and and extreme bitter cold. I ponder that scene as best as I can and imagine as much of the vastness my mind can contain. Then I look at the physical body that is mine with new wonder. I feel, I breathe, I see and I think…I am animated…I love and I hate. I am ALIVE.
HOW and WHY? How did I come to be…out of this chaotic universe of flame and rock…the life in me emerged…in a chain reaction that began before time was measured…the essence of what was to become me began…I came, I saw , I conquered and sometimes I was defeated but did any of that have any meaning outside of earthly boundaries?
Everything started with one...you can't get two or three without first having one. Cause and effect.
But you did touch on the main problem with humanity. Everyone holds on to their "belief", which keeps them from learning the truth.
Right. So a single cell organism existed before evolving into multi cell organisms
One caused the big bang....all the other numbers were the effect. Cause and effect.
The Big Bang is another mysterious anomaly if there was a Big Bang at all. If the physical nature of the universe was empty space before the Big Bang, did the laws we know as physics gradually develop or were they in place right out of the blast?
Think about the empty dark spaces in a lava lamp. There's nothing there yet there is. Our universe is just one bubble in an infinite cosmos of universes. You will only ever know this universe though so like God I can't prove this

I cant say I know the nature of the visible material universe made of elements and chemicals.: a chaotic place of intense fiery heat and and extreme bitter cold. I ponder that scene as best as I can and imagine as much of the vastness my mind can contain. Then I look at the physical body that is mine with new wonder. I feel, I breathe, I see and I think…I am animated…I love and I hate. I am ALIVE.
HOW and WHY? How did I come to be…out of this chaotic universe of flame and rock…the life in me emerged…in a chain reaction that began before time was measured…the essence of what was to become me began…I came, I saw , I conquered and sometimes I was defeated but did any of that have any meaning outside of earthly boundaries?
To think that every living thing and every planet moon meteor comit asteroid all came from a star the blew up billions of years before our small star was even born. We are all made of star stuff. If that doesn't make you feel connected to the universe nothing will.
If this is the only marble in the universe with "so called" intelligent life on it, why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?

The earth spins at 1,500 kilometers per hour. The earth travels around the sun at 100,000 kilometers per hour. Our solar system travels through the galaxy at 500.000 miles per hour. Feel dizzy?

If there isn't a God in control, man there should have been a collision by now.

What makes you so sure that of all the worlds that God has created, that this is the only one that he's populated? Surely the scope of his creation is far greater than we are able to imagine.
If humanity is the best God can do, I'm disappointed.

So was God. Thus, we had to be saved from His wrath by Jesus who died on the Cross. But I have always wondered if the pain and suffering Jesus endured was more meaningful than His death. After all, death had no mystery for Him and He was secure in the knowledge that He couldn't really die. But I am baffled by His having to suffer. Who put that prerequisite on Jesus? Surely His Father would not want the incarnate image of Himself to be tortured in such a manner. I just don't get it! God could have just forgiven mankind without Jesus having to pay such a horrendous price in His own blood!
There are millions of people that endure pain and suffering for years before they die. Diseases, starvation, torture and abuse. Millions of Jews at the hands of the Nazi's. Millions more at the hand of Pol Pot and ISIS. The Christians burned people at the stake and beheaded them during the inquisitions and crusades. Christians committed genocide on the Native Americans....raped their women, slaughtered their children, infected them with small pox, and put them in concentration camps, where many are still today. .Jesus suffered one day.
... why are there so many other solar systems in this galaxy? And why are there all those other galaxies?
The more we learn, the more we don't know.
Exactly. That's why we should remain open minded; open to new knowledge & concepts/theories that rationalize what we learn.

Jumping to a fantasy conclusion such as "God did it" or "a single god started it all" is as mature as the thought process of a 4-yr-old who believes that Santa Claus rewards only "good" children.
Everything started with one...you can't get two or three without first having one. Cause and effect.
But you did touch on the main problem with humanity. Everyone holds on to their "belief", which keeps them from learning the truth.
Right. So a single cell organism existed before evolving into multi cell organisms
One caused the big bang....all the other numbers were the effect. Cause and effect.
The Big Bang is another mysterious anomaly if there was a Big Bang at all. If the physical nature of the universe was empty space before the Big Bang, did the laws we know as physics gradually develop or were they in place right out of the blast?
Akasha, the hall of records, is where everything that ever has happened or ever will happen is already written down. That's where John was taken to receive the knowledge of Revelations.
Akashic records - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Right. So a single cell organism existed before evolving into multi cell organisms
One caused the big bang....all the other numbers were the effect. Cause and effect.
The Big Bang is another mysterious anomaly if there was a Big Bang at all. If the physical nature of the universe was empty space before the Big Bang, did the laws we know as physics gradually develop or were they in place right out of the blast?
Think about the empty dark spaces in a lava lamp. There's nothing there yet there is. Our universe is just one bubble in an infinite cosmos of universes. You will only ever know this universe though so like God I can't prove this

I cant say I know the nature of the visible material universe made of elements and chemicals.: a chaotic place of intense fiery heat and and extreme bitter cold. I ponder that scene as best as I can and imagine as much of the vastness my mind can contain. Then I look at the physical body that is mine with new wonder. I feel, I breathe, I see and I think…I am animated…I love and I hate. I am ALIVE.
HOW and WHY? How did I come to be…out of this chaotic universe of flame and rock…the life in me emerged…in a chain reaction that began before time was measured…the essence of what was to become me began…I came, I saw , I conquered and sometimes I was defeated but did any of that have any meaning outside of earthly boundaries?
To think that every living thing and every planet moon meteor comit asteroid all came from a star the blew up billions of years before our small star was even born. We are all made of star stuff. If that doesn't make you feel connected to the universe nothing will.
The big bang was not an exploding star, it was all of everything condensed into a ball the size of a golf ball. That's the theory anyway. The universe is all of everything....if there were other universes, none of them would be a universe.
One caused the big bang....all the other numbers were the effect. Cause and effect.
The Big Bang is another mysterious anomaly if there was a Big Bang at all. If the physical nature of the universe was empty space before the Big Bang, did the laws we know as physics gradually develop or were they in place right out of the blast?
Think about the empty dark spaces in a lava lamp. There's nothing there yet there is. Our universe is just one bubble in an infinite cosmos of universes. You will only ever know this universe though so like God I can't prove this

I cant say I know the nature of the visible material universe made of elements and chemicals.: a chaotic place of intense fiery heat and and extreme bitter cold. I ponder that scene as best as I can and imagine as much of the vastness my mind can contain. Then I look at the physical body that is mine with new wonder. I feel, I breathe, I see and I think…I am animated…I love and I hate. I am ALIVE.
HOW and WHY? How did I come to be…out of this chaotic universe of flame and rock…the life in me emerged…in a chain reaction that began before time was measured…the essence of what was to become me began…I came, I saw , I conquered and sometimes I was defeated but did any of that have any meaning outside of earthly boundaries?
To think that every living thing and every planet moon meteor comit asteroid all came from a star the blew up billions of years before our small star was even born. We are all made of star stuff. If that doesn't make you feel connected to the universe nothing will.
The big bang was not an exploding star, it was all of everything condensed into a ball the size of a golf ball. That's the theory anyway. The universe is all of everything....if there were other universes, none of them would be a universe.
That's how small you think. First, I never said the big bang was an exploding star. I said WE came from an exploding car. We are all made of star stuff. You do get that, right?

And the universe you see is the universe you see. You have no idea what is beyond our universe. Stop pretending you do because you don't. Unless you are a god or something?

Don't confuse the universe you see with the Cosmos. The Cosmos is infinite.
The Big Bang is another mysterious anomaly if there was a Big Bang at all. If the physical nature of the universe was empty space before the Big Bang, did the laws we know as physics gradually develop or were they in place right out of the blast?
Think about the empty dark spaces in a lava lamp. There's nothing there yet there is. Our universe is just one bubble in an infinite cosmos of universes. You will only ever know this universe though so like God I can't prove this

I cant say I know the nature of the visible material universe made of elements and chemicals.: a chaotic place of intense fiery heat and and extreme bitter cold. I ponder that scene as best as I can and imagine as much of the vastness my mind can contain. Then I look at the physical body that is mine with new wonder. I feel, I breathe, I see and I think…I am animated…I love and I hate. I am ALIVE.
HOW and WHY? How did I come to be…out of this chaotic universe of flame and rock…the life in me emerged…in a chain reaction that began before time was measured…the essence of what was to become me began…I came, I saw , I conquered and sometimes I was defeated but did any of that have any meaning outside of earthly boundaries?
To think that every living thing and every planet moon meteor comit asteroid all came from a star the blew up billions of years before our small star was even born. We are all made of star stuff. If that doesn't make you feel connected to the universe nothing will.
The big bang was not an exploding star, it was all of everything condensed into a ball the size of a golf ball. That's the theory anyway. The universe is all of everything....if there were other universes, none of them would be a universe.
That's how small you think. First, I never said the big bang was an exploding star. I said WE came from an exploding car. We are all made of star stuff. You do get that, right?

And the universe you see is the universe you see. You have no idea what is beyond our universe. Stop pretending you do because you don't. Unless you are a god or something?

Don't confuse the universe you see with the Cosmos. The Cosmos is infinite.
Your post says nothing about an exploding CAR.

"To think that every living thing and every planet moon meteor comit asteroid all came from a star the blew up billions of years before our small star was even born. We are all made of star stuff. If that doesn't make you feel connected to the universe nothing will."

Snobbery does nothing for your credibility or integrity.

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