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Why Would He Say Such Things?

oh Ok patrick-----can I call------then TRAVELLERS? is does that offend you?
oh Ok patrick-----can I call------then TRAVELLERS? is does that offend you?
I hope Patrick is not insulted that this article has also used the term Gypsies in one instance.. Notice that it is an Israeli artist who designed the memorial, and no doubt the artist was approved or commissioned by this Hindu group.

Hindus Welcome Completion Of Long-Delayed Berlin Holocaust Memorial For Roma
By: Eurasia Review

October 23, 2012 Hindus have welcomed the completion of the Berlin Holocaust memorial for Roma (Gypsies) and Sinti people, which is being inaugurated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel on October 24.

Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that although memorial came very late, but it was still a “step in the right direction” for Germany. Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, was, however, critical of the apparent half-heartedness of Germany to complete this long neglected memorial waiting in limbo although reportedly promised since 1965 and approved in 1992.

Zed also criticized the German policy of deporting Roma children to Kosovo who were born in Germany. It was irresponsible on the part of Germany to deport them to Kosovo where they reportedly faced excessive poverty, Zed argued.

Rajan Zed stressed that Roma upliftment should be the first priority in Germany and Europe as their maltreatment was a dark stain on the face of the continent. It was simply immoral to continue staying apathetic and silent spectator ignoring European Roma plight, who numbered around 15-million and who reportedly regularly faced social exclusion, racism, substandard education, hostility, joblessness, rampant illness, inadequate housing, lower life expectancy, unrest, living on desperate margins, stereotypes, mistrust, rights violations, discrimination, marginalization, appalling living conditions, prejudice, human rights abuse, etc., Zed noted.

German President Joachim Gauck and about 100 survivors will reportedly join Merkel at the unveiling of this about $3.6 million memorial designed by Israeli artist Dani Karavan in Berlin’s central Tiergarten Park near Reichstag building, whose stele in the center would carry one fresh flower every day. According to estimates, about 500,000 Roma were exterminated during World War II, including many who were subjected to grotesque medical experiments. Holocaust against Roma was long denied in many parts of Europe.

This rectification of the historical injustice should have come up much earlier, Zed commented about the memorial.
If gypsies is the wrong term for that ppl, then please provide the right term.

Dr Ian Hancock of the University of Texas at Austin, foremost authority on the horrors that the Romani suffered during WWII in the Holocaust, suggests that the word Gypsie is slightly offensive. The correct term is Romani, Roma can also be used but is inaccurate as it actually refers to a subtribe of that people.
Yeah, wow, Patrick and his "tidbits" of knowledge. Yes, as with Muslims, Nazis persecuted and killed many ethnicities, as well as Jews. We didn't know that Patrick. Thanks. Keep up the good work, and make sure you invite us to your elementary school graduation. I look forward.
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you remain confused seal-----the word "gyped" is INDEED derived from the word 'gypsy'----as in "tricked" But the word GYPSY itself----as far as I know is not derogatory. I believe the word "gyped" as in tricking or cheating is so obscure in ORIGIN----that even gypsies would not recognize
it as referring to themselves

People of your ilk use the world "jew" ---as verb to describe
a kind of stingy hard bargaining. This usage is not all that common in the USA except amongst people like you and jews and everyone else would recognize it as a slur on jews

"heebs" comes from HEBREW-----hebrew is not a slur. By your logic since "heeb" is a mild slut-----then HEBREW should not be used ?????? you are weirding out

yid-----is simply silly
Gypsy is a European ethnicity.
roudy We have REAL gypsies in the USA-------they have their own language ------and they live together in odd places-----lots in Pennsylvannia--
roudy We have REAL gypsies in the USA-------they have their own language ------and they live together in odd places-----lots in Pennsylvannia--
A friend of mine invited a gypsie band for his son's Barmitzvah. There are varying gypsies all over Europe. The music sounded a lot like the band Gypsie Kings. I had a very interesting conversation with the lead singer, he's actually a pretty successful real estate enterprenuer, and he and the other band members were from the same tribe and grew up together. Apparently they play now mostly because they love the music.
"because as holders of Israeli ID cards they are entitled to many rights and privileges that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip don't enjoy."

This is why arabs would want to live under Israeli rule. That and the fact that a play for arab independence will bring the IDF to their house to bulldoze it. So it's basically out of fear.

Amazing! While many of the anti-Israel/anti-Jew types here whine about Israel's "mistreatment" of their Arab citizens, Ima actually blames Israel for treating them fairly!
A classic case of damned if they do and damned if they don't.
With these Nazi slimeballs Israel just can't do right. :D
I hate to burst yours, but Arab Islamic Nazism, anti Semetism, and Facism have never left the Muslim world since the foundation were laid back then.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

i use wiki.

you use hate sites.

you, like most zionists, cannot get it through your head that even though jews happen to be involved about things, it is not always just about jews.

has it ever even conceivably crossed your mind that al-Husseini would have been against england letting thousands of one eyed, midget, albino europeans into the palestinian and would have joined hitler even if he treated the jewish people like royalty as long as they weren't immigrating to the mideast, as long as hitler was against england.
I think on Wiki people can say whatever they want to say even if the information is false. How about you give us some information from the history departments of some universities? I hope you noted that your Wiki bit though noted that the Mufti said "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Since both Hitler and the Mufti hated the Jews, it is understandable why they were such great pals.

As for hate sites, anything that Seal and company don't like being said then it just has to be from a hate site. Meanwhile, there are plenty of hate sites which the Jew haters have utilized, and research has been done on these hate sites.

your lying, and a perfect example is anyone can click roudy's link.

as for wiki, they're not perfect but they are pretty damn good.they are prettty damn good.

al-husseini's enemies were european colonialists. germany wasn't colonising palestine. britain was, and later european jews. what do you think. he should be fight the brit colonisation but if other europeans, in this case, the jews, he should say "ok, as long as your not british, come right on in and steal our land and oppress our people."

why don't you show me or point out these hate sites these alleged "jew haters" use. if they are so plentiful, point them out to me.

i can't imagine it more disgusting than this one...

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage[/QUOTE]

that tells people to indoctrinate their children to hate others.

hmmmmmm...that must have been back in the time when haj amin al-husseini, was the only muslim in the world, or perhaps he just was the spokesperson for the perhaps 500,000,000 muslims at the time.

here is where the "UHHHHH DUH" comes into play...wait for it.

UHHHHH DUH. anyone with half an ounce of intelligence and a sliver of intgrity would realise that amin al-husseini was an arab nationalist from a very early age and had opposed european colonialism (to include the migration of european zionists) in palestine from 1920 on.

perhaps the fact that he was wanted for arrest by the british in the mid-thirties and was afforded mrelief by germany, and more substantial relief from italy had something to do with it. the entry in his memoirs sats it all... 'I have considered Germany to be a friendly country, because it was not a colonizing country, and it never harmed any Arab or Islamic country, and because it was fighting our colonialist and Zionist enemies, and because the enemy of your enemy is your friend. And I was certain that Germany's victory would definitely save our countries from the danger of Zionism and colonization'."

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i sure hate to burst your ethnocentric little bubble there, roudy, but WWII was about a helluva lot more than the jews. they were only small players on a very large stage,
I will reiterate.

And we can see Seal plays that "the enemy of our enemy is our friend" to the hilt.

hey, clownoid. i was quoting al-husseini.
"because as holders of Israeli ID cards they are entitled to many rights and privileges that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip don't enjoy."

This is why arabs would want to live under Israeli rule. That and the fact that a play for arab independence will bring the IDF to their house to bulldoze it. So it's basically out of fear.

Amazing! While many of the anti-Israel/anti-Jew types here whine about Israel's "mistreatment" of their Arab citizens, Ima actually blames Israel for treating them fairly!
A classic case of damned if they do and damned if they don't.
With these Nazi slimeballs Israel just can't do right. :D

Nobody whines about arabs Israelis, unless of course you're including Gazans and West Bankers as israeli arabs.
do not laugh roudy----pat has stated that if, in a world wide referendum on "should irish catholics live" ----he would comply with the outcome of the vote -------and irish protestants called that mary chick "bloody mary"

You are a lying bitch irosie, I challenge you to show where I said that

Gee, is this the same Patrick who preached civility on the old MED board?

You are a lying bitch irosie, I challenge you to show where I said that

Gee, is this the same Patrick who preached civility on the old MED board?

this is the same Patrick WHO DID SAY----that if the muslims of the middle east VOTED in 1947 -----that the jews of the middle east must continue to live under islamic oppression-----the jews should have been delighted to do so

You are a lying bitch irosie, I challenge you to show where I said that

Gee, is this the same Patrick who preached civility on the old MED board?

Quote: Originally Posted by irosie91
do not laugh roudy----pat has stated that if, in a world wide referendum on "should irish catholics live" ----he would comply with the outcome of the vote -------and irish protestants called that mary chick "bloody mary"

Originally Posted by irosie 91
this is the same Patrick WHO DID SAY----that if the muslims of the middle east VOTED in 1947 -----that the jews of the middle east must continue to live under islamic oppression-----the jews should have been delighted to do so

Fair and balanced:

Yes this is the same Patrick who used to talk and recommend civility on the old Med Board. I think that if you live up to your name you will admit that I have been civil in almost all of my dealings with members of both boards. I have to admit though that it is getting harder to be so. I have been civil when all sorts of calumnies were directed towards me, I have put up with ethnic slurs, questions about my sexual orientation, my intelligence, my state of mind, also I have been told that my heroes are Hitler and Gobbles, that I worship Islamic Terrorists, and my favorite that I am either a Holocaust denier or a Nazi !!! I have generally replied civilly and attempted to maintain a rational discussion. However when that old cow irosie fabricated out of thin air the two quotes you see above I felt as if I had been unfairly painted into a corner, and my only way out was to come out swinging. It is a sad thing to say but she is a bitch whose every post reeks with hate and vituperative anger. I am not sorry for what I said, I still respect myself as a civil person but when you are tossed in with the PIGS sometimes you have to throw crap back in their faces to get out

irosie please quit lying about what I say !!!
Gee, is this the same Patrick who preached civility on the old MED board?

Quote: Originally Posted by irosie91
do not laugh roudy----pat has stated that if, in a world wide referendum on "should irish catholics live" ----he would comply with the outcome of the vote -------and irish protestants called that mary chick "bloody mary"

Originally Posted by irosie 91
this is the same Patrick WHO DID SAY----that if the muslims of the middle east VOTED in 1947 -----that the jews of the middle east must continue to live under islamic oppression-----the jews should have been delighted to do so

Fair and balanced:

Yes this is the same Patrick who used to talk and recommend civility on the old Med Board. I think that if you live up to your name you will admit that I have been civil in almost all of my dealings with members of both boards. I have to admit though that it is getting harder to be so. I have been civil when all sorts of calumnies were directed towards me, I have put up with ethnic slurs, questions about my sexual orientation, my intelligence, my state of mind, also I have been told that my heroes are Hitler and Gobbles, that I worship Islamic Terrorists, and my favorite that I am either a Holocaust denier or a Nazi !!! I have generally replied civilly and attempted to maintain a rational discussion. However when that old cow irosie fabricated out of thin air the two quotes you see above I felt as if I had been unfairly painted into a corner, and my only way out was to come out swinging. It is a sad thing to say but she is a bitch whose every post reeks with hate and vituperative anger. I am not sorry for what I said, I still respect myself as a civil person but when you are tossed in with the PIGS sometimes you have to throw crap back in their faces to get out

irosie please quit lying about what I say !!!

i wouldn't be pissed about what rose says so much as i would be pissed about all those proud "chosen" jews who say nothing and let her ramble on, laughing at how she sticks it to the unwashed "goyim."

rose isn't a true representative of judaism. all those who are too chickenshite to stand up to her and let her spew her invective without consequence are the true representatives of judaism....and yet, when any goy responds in kind, they will bellow "anti-semitism" or the new replacment word, "jew hater" (as if that ploy will work).

it is kind of like "the white rose". sophie and hans scholl, cristoph probst, alexander schmorell, kurt huber, and willi graf, were beheaded by the NAZIs in the early 1940s for standing up to the tyranny that had become germany. even the NAZIs remarked on the courage of these six martyrs for the cause of justice and freedom and equality as they faced their executioner, and yet the german jews lingered in he background, silent and afraid, not unlike the jews on this board when irosie, roudy, say it, and those like them run amok. i am reminded of the words in one of the pamphlets that sealed their tragic fate...

"Why do German people behave so apathetically in the face of all these abominable crimes, crimes so unworthy of the human race? ... The German people slumber on in their dull, stupid sleep and encourage these fascist criminals....[The German] must evidence not only sympathy; no, much more: a sense of complicity in guilt....For through his apathetic behaviour he gives these evil men the opportunity to act as they do.... he himself is to blame for the fact that it came about at all! Each man wants to be exonerated ....But he cannot be exonerated; he is guilty, guilty, guilty!... now that we have recognized [the Nazis] for what they are, it must be the sole and first duty, the holiest duty of every German to destroy these beasts. (From Leaflet 2)"

White Rose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

substitute a few words, and you will see the descendants of these same european jews, cowering and lurking in the backgrounds of these boards, too afraid to speak up against a tyrant of their own making.
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Gee, is this the same Patrick who preached civility on the old MED board?

Quote: Originally Posted by irosie91
do not laugh roudy----pat has stated that if, in a world wide referendum on "should irish catholics live" ----he would comply with the outcome of the vote -------and irish protestants called that mary chick "bloody mary"

Originally Posted by irosie 91
this is the same Patrick WHO DID SAY----that if the muslims of the middle east VOTED in 1947 -----that the jews of the middle east must continue to live under islamic oppression-----the jews should have been delighted to do so

Fair and balanced:

Yes this is the same Patrick who used to talk and recommend civility on the old Med Board. I think that if you live up to your name you will admit that I have been civil in almost all of my dealings with members of both boards. I have to admit though that it is getting harder to be so. I have been civil when all sorts of calumnies were directed towards me, I have put up with ethnic slurs, questions about my sexual orientation, my intelligence, my state of mind, also I have been told that my heroes are Hitler and Gobbles, that I worship Islamic Terrorists, and my favorite that I am either a Holocaust denier or a Nazi !!! I have generally replied civilly and attempted to maintain a rational discussion. However when that old cow irosie fabricated out of thin air the two quotes you see above I felt as if I had been unfairly painted into a corner, and my only way out was to come out swinging. It is a sad thing to say but she is a bitch whose every post reeks with hate and vituperative anger. I am not sorry for what I said, I still respect myself as a civil person but when you are tossed in with the PIGS sometimes you have to throw crap back in their faces to get out

irosie please quit lying about what I say !!!

lol...i think ya scared 'em off there, bogtrotter.

Originally Posted by irosie 91
this is the same Patrick WHO DID SAY----that if the muslims of the middle east VOTED in 1947 -----that the jews of the middle east must continue to live under islamic oppression-----the jews should have been delighted to do so

Fair and balanced:

Yes this is the same Patrick who used to talk and recommend civility on the old Med Board. I think that if you live up to your name you will admit that I have been civil in almost all of my dealings with members of both boards. I have to admit though that it is getting harder to be so. I have been civil when all sorts of calumnies were directed towards me, I have put up with ethnic slurs, questions about my sexual orientation, my intelligence, my state of mind, also I have been told that my heroes are Hitler and Gobbles, that I worship Islamic Terrorists, and my favorite that I am either a Holocaust denier or a Nazi !!! I have generally replied civilly and attempted to maintain a rational discussion. However when that old cow irosie fabricated out of thin air the two quotes you see above I felt as if I had been unfairly painted into a corner, and my only way out was to come out swinging. It is a sad thing to say but she is a bitch whose every post reeks with hate and vituperative anger. I am not sorry for what I said, I still respect myself as a civil person but when you are tossed in with the PIGS sometimes you have to throw crap back in their faces to get out

irosie please quit lying about what I say !!!

i wouldn't be pissed about what rose says so much as i would be pissed about all those proud "chosen" jews who say nothing and let her ramble on, laughing at how she sticks it to the unwashed "goyim."

rose isn't a true representative of judaism. all those who are too chickenshite to stand up to her and let her spew her invective without consequence are the true representatives of judaism....and yet, when any goy responds in kind, they will bellow "anti-semitism" or the new replacment word, "jew hater" (as if that ploy will work).

it is kind of like "the white rose". sophie and hans scholl, cristoph probst, alexander schmorell, kurt huber, and willi graf, were beheaded by the NAZIs in the early 1940s for standing up to the tyranny that had become germany. even the NAZIs remarked on the courage of these six martyrs for the cause of justice and freedom and equality as they faced their executioner, and yet the german jews lingered in he background, silent and afraid, not unlike the jews on this board when irosie, roudy, say it, and those like them run amok. i am reminded of the words in one of the pamphlets that sealed their tragic fate...

"Why do German people behave so apathetically in the face of all these abominable crimes, crimes so unworthy of the human race? ... The German people slumber on in their dull, stupid sleep and encourage these fascist criminals....[The German] must evidence not only sympathy; no, much more: a sense of complicity in guilt....For through his apathetic behaviour he gives these evil men the opportunity to act as they do.... he himself is to blame for the fact that it came about at all! Each man wants to be exonerated ....But he cannot be exonerated; he is guilty, guilty, guilty!... now that we have recognized [the Nazis] for what they are, it must be the sole and first duty, the holiest duty of every German to destroy these beasts. (From Leaflet 2)"

White Rose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

substitute a few words, and you will see the descendants of these same european jews, cowering and lurking in the backgrounds of these boards, too afraid to speak up against a tyrant of their own making.
Can't bear to see the descendants of the people herded off to gas chambers and death camps stand on their two hind legs and speak their piece?
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Fair and balanced:

Yes this is the same Patrick who used to talk and recommend civility on the old Med Board. I think that if you live up to your name you will admit that I have been civil in almost all of my dealings with members of both boards. I have to admit though that it is getting harder to be so. I have been civil when all sorts of calumnies were directed towards me, I have put up with ethnic slurs, questions about my sexual orientation, my intelligence, my state of mind, also I have been told that my heroes are Hitler and Gobbles, that I worship Islamic Terrorists, and my favorite that I am either a Holocaust denier or a Nazi !!! I have generally replied civilly and attempted to maintain a rational discussion. However when that old cow irosie fabricated out of thin air the two quotes you see above I felt as if I had been unfairly painted into a corner, and my only way out was to come out swinging. It is a sad thing to say but she is a bitch whose every post reeks with hate and vituperative anger. I am not sorry for what I said, I still respect myself as a civil person but when you are tossed in with the PIGS sometimes you have to throw crap back in their faces to get out

irosie please quit lying about what I say !!!

i wouldn't be pissed about what rose says so much as i would be pissed about all those proud "chosen" jews who say nothing and let her ramble on, laughing at how she sticks it to the unwashed "goyim."

rose isn't a true representative of judaism. all those who are too chickenshite to stand up to her and let her spew her invective without consequence are the true representatives of judaism....and yet, when any goy responds in kind, they will bellow "anti-semitism" or the new replacment word, "jew hater" (as if that ploy will work).

it is kind of like "the white rose". sophie and hans scholl, cristoph probst, alexander schmorell, kurt huber, and willi graf, were beheaded by the NAZIs in the early 1940s for standing up to the tyranny that had become germany. even the NAZIs remarked on the courage of these six martyrs for the cause of justice and freedom and equality as they faced their executioner, and yet the german jews lingered in he background, silent and afraid, not unlike the jews on this board when irosie, roudy, say it, and those like them run amok. i am reminded of the words in one of the pamphlets that sealed their tragic fate...

"Why do German people behave so apathetically in the face of all these abominable crimes, crimes so unworthy of the human race? ... The German people slumber on in their dull, stupid sleep and encourage these fascist criminals....[The German] must evidence not only sympathy; no, much more: a sense of complicity in guilt....For through his apathetic behaviour he gives these evil men the opportunity to act as they do.... he himself is to blame for the fact that it came about at all! Each man wants to be exonerated ....But he cannot be exonerated; he is guilty, guilty, guilty!... now that we have recognized [the Nazis] for what they are, it must be the sole and first duty, the holiest duty of every German to destroy these beasts. (From Leaflet 2)"

White Rose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

substitute a few words, and you will see the descendants of these same european jews, cowering and lurking in the backgrounds of these boards, too afraid to speak up against a tyrant of their own making.
Can't bear to see the descendants of the people herded off to gas chambers and death camps stand on their two hind legs and speak their piece?

if that is what you got from my post, you are ar more stupid than i even imagined.

so, you think that the jews were herded off to gas chambers and death camps meekly and silently...that they didn't stand on their hind legs and speak their piece? it does seem that way, doesn't it. they certainly didn't rise up to protest the executions of the white rose martyrs, who gave their lives to protest what hitler was doing to jews and other peoples..
In fact Deach did say------that in 1948 -----whether or not the jews of the middle east should have had a place of refuge from islamic oppression in a separate land or not-------SHOULD HAVE BEEN LEFT TO POPULAR VOTE in a vote in which muslims clearly out numbered jews ------the disgusting lump of shit pimp criminal who called me by various terms such as "old sow" ------is lying ----in his usual manner
In fact Deach did say------that in 1948 -----whether or not the jews of the middle east should have had a place of refuge from islamic oppression in a separate land or not-------SHOULD HAVE BEEN LEFT TO POPULAR VOTE in a vote in which muslims clearly out numbered jews ------the disgusting lump of shit pimp criminal who called me by various terms such as "old sow" ------is lying ----in his usual manner
Seal and Patrick (his shadow) just ramble on and on. However, they would never consider themselves chickenshite on any message board by not condemning those who have constantly bashed the Jews and have brought up articles and videos straight from the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. In fact, with their silence, they apparently go along with them. I think they resent the fact that you tell it like it is. When you have the opportunity to speak to people from countries that oppress those of different religions, you actually know what is going on.
Can't bear to see the descendants of the people herded off to gas chambers and death camps stand on their two hind legs and speak their piece?
How can "the people herded off to gas chambers and death camps" have descendants?

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