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Why Would He Say Such Things?

why did benedict arnold SELL out to the british?

why did jonathan pollard SELL out to the israelis?

for some people, the only value loyalty has is that of a bargaining chip.
Why did Muslims side with Hitler?

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

hmmmmmm...that must have been back in the time when haj amin al-husseini, was the only muslim in the world, or perhaps he just was the spokesperson for the perhaps 500,000,000 muslims at the time.

here is where the "UHHHHH DUH" comes into play...wait for it.

UHHHHH DUH. anyone with half an ounce of intelligence and a sliver of intgrity would realise that amin al-husseini was an arab nationalist from a very early age and had opposed european colonialism (to include the migration of european zionists) in palestine from 1920 on.

perhaps the fact that he was wanted for arrest by the british in the mid-thirties and was afforded mrelief by germany, and more substantial relief from italy had something to do with it. the entry in his memoirs sats it all... 'I have considered Germany to be a friendly country, because it was not a colonizing country, and it never harmed any Arab or Islamic country, and because it was fighting our colonialist and Zionist enemies, and because the enemy of your enemy is your friend. And I was certain that Germany's victory would definitely save our countries from the danger of Zionism and colonization'."

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i sure hate to burst your ethnocentric little bubble there, roudy, but WWII was about a helluva lot more than the jews. they were only small players on a very large stage,
why did benedict arnold SELL out to the british?

why did jonathan pollard SELL out to the israelis?

for some people, the only value loyalty has is that of a bargaining chip.
Why did Muslims side with Hitler?

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

hmmmmmm...that must have been back in the time when haj amin al-husseini, was the only muslim in the world, or perhaps he just was the spokesperson for the perhaps 500,000,000 muslims at the time.

here is where the "UHHHHH DUH" comes into play...wait for it.

UHHHHH DUH. anyone with half an ounce of intelligence and a sliver of intgrity would realise that amin al-husseini was an arab nationalist from a very early age and had opposed european colonialism (to include the migration of european zionists) in palestine from 1920 on.

perhaps the fact that he was wanted for arrest by the british in the mid-thirties and was afforded mrelief by germany, and more substantial relief from italy had something to do with it. the entry in his memoirs sats it all... 'I have considered Germany to be a friendly country, because it was not a colonizing country, and it never harmed any Arab or Islamic country, and because it was fighting our colonialist and Zionist enemies, and because the enemy of your enemy is your friend. And I was certain that Germany's victory would definitely save our countries from the danger of Zionism and colonization'."

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i sure hate to burst your ethnocentric little bubble there, roudy, but WWII was about a helluva lot more than the jews. they were only small players on a very large stage,
And we can see Seal plays that "the enemy of our enemy is our friend" to the hilt.

hmmmmmm...that must have been back in the time when haj amin al-husseini, was the only muslim in the world, or perhaps he just was the spokesperson for the perhaps 500,000,000 muslims at the time.

here is where the "UHHHHH DUH" comes into play...wait for it.

UHHHHH DUH. anyone with half an ounce of intelligence and a sliver of intgrity would realise that amin al-husseini was an arab nationalist from a very early age and had opposed european colonialism (to include the migration of european zionists) in palestine from 1920 on.

perhaps the fact that he was wanted for arrest by the british in the mid-thirties and was afforded mrelief by germany, and more substantial relief from italy had something to do with it. the entry in his memoirs sats it all... 'I have considered Germany to be a friendly country, because it was not a colonizing country, and it never harmed any Arab or Islamic country, and because it was fighting our colonialist and Zionist enemies, and because the enemy of your enemy is your friend. And I was certain that Germany's victory would definitely save our countries from the danger of Zionism and colonization'."

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i sure hate to burst your ethnocentric little bubble there, roudy, but WWII was about a helluva lot more than the jews. they were only small players on a very large stage,
And we can see Seal plays that "the enemy of our enemy is our friend" to the hilt.

if you and your BFF don't want honest answers to questions, don't ask them.
i sure hate to burst your ethnocentric little bubble there, roudy, but WWII was about a helluva lot more than the jews. they were only small players on a very large stage,

right for AL HUSSEINI----world war II and the NAZI IDEOLOGY was about a SUPREMACIST IDEOLOGY-----and from HIS POV---in HIS WORLD----the annhilation of jews HE LOVED IT, and SUPPORTED IT, and ALLIED WITH IT----and advocated it for the entire UMMAH-------in the entire decade of 1930s only one book was translated to arabic----MEIN KAMPF Sluts in swathed in black rags still ululate with ecstatic delight over their leader ADOLF ABU ALI

there is an idiot on this board who actually believes that AL HUSSEINI and the UMMAH was in it because they supported getting rid of europe's gypsies-----or wants ust to believe that as part of his obfuscation and deflection from his own nazi essence
i sure hate to burst your ethnocentric little bubble there, roudy, but WWII was about a helluva lot more than the jews. they were only small players on a very large stage,

right for AL HUSSEINI----world war II and the NAZI IDEOLOGY was about a SUPREMACIST IDEOLOGY-----and from HIS POV---in HIS WORLD----the annhilation of jews HE LOVED IT, and SUPPORTED IT, and ALLIED WITH IT----and advocated it for the entire UMMAH-------in the entire decade of 1930s only one book was translated to arabic----MEIN KAMPF Sluts in swathed in black rags still ululate with ecstatic delight over their leader ADOLF ABU ALI

there is an idiot on this board who actually believes that AL HUSSEINI and the UMMAH was in it because they supported getting rid of europe's gypsies-----or wants ust to believe that as part of his obfuscation and deflection from his own nazi essence

Just a little heads up here irosie the term gypsie is offensive sort of like calling Jews shylocks, so you might want to consider your words more carefully.

Also who is the idiot, kind of cowerdly of you not to name names.
why did benedict arnold SELL out to the british?

why did jonathan pollard SELL out to the israelis?

for some people, the only value loyalty has is that of a bargaining chip.
Why did Muslims side with Hitler?

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

hmmmmmm...that must have been back in the time when haj amin al-husseini, was the only muslim in the world, or perhaps he just was the spokesperson for the perhaps 500,000,000 muslims at the time.

here is where the "UHHHHH DUH" comes into play...wait for it.

UHHHHH DUH. anyone with half an ounce of intelligence and a sliver of intgrity would realise that amin al-husseini was an arab nationalist from a very early age and had opposed european colonialism (to include the migration of european zionists) in palestine from 1920 on.

perhaps the fact that he was wanted for arrest by the british in the mid-thirties and was afforded mrelief by germany, and more substantial relief from italy had something to do with it. the entry in his memoirs sats it all... 'I have considered Germany to be a friendly country, because it was not a colonizing country, and it never harmed any Arab or Islamic country, and because it was fighting our colonialist and Zionist enemies, and because the enemy of your enemy is your friend. And I was certain that Germany's victory would definitely save our countries from the danger of Zionism and colonization'."

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i sure hate to burst your ethnocentric little bubble there, roudy, but WWII was about a helluva lot more than the jews. they were only small players on a very large stage,
I hate to burst yours, but Arab Islamic Nazism, anti Semetism, and Facism have never left the Muslim world since the foundation were laid back then.


Prime Minister of Pan-Arab Government

Visits Nazi Death Camp with Head of SS H.Himmler

Amin Al Husseini Meets Chief Commander of Nazi SS: Heinrich Himmler

Amin Al-Husseini is made Prime Minister of Pan-Arab Government by Nazi regime. His headquarters are in Berlin.

He plans construction of concentration camp [xxxii] in Nablus (Palestine) to implement the “final solution” in Palestine to exterminate the Jews there, as an extension of Hitler’s plan.

Mufti becomes close friend of Heinrich Himmler, Head of SS (Nazi Officers). Amin Al-Husseini is given a private tour of Aushwitz death camp by Himmler[xxxiii], where he insists on seeing first-hand the murder of Europe’s Jews.

Amin Al Husseini Inspects his Muslim Nazi Troops in WWII.

Nazi View
of Islamic Religion

Head of Nazi SS troops Heinrich Himmler stated to Chief of Nazi propaganda Josef Goebbels:
“ have nothing against Islam because it educates the men in this division for me and promises them heaven if they fight and are killed in action. A very practical and attractive religion for soldiers.” [xxxiv]

Islamic Institute in Dresden, Germany

Nazi Islam

Heinrich Himmler, Head of SS, and close colleague of Amin Al-Husseini, financed and established Islamic Institute (‘Islamische Zentralinstitut’) in Dresden under the Mufti. The purpose was to create a generation of Islamic leaders that would continue to use Islam as a carrier for Nazi ideology into the 21st century. [xxxv]

Mufti Addresses Bosnian Muslim Nazi Troops

Amin Al Husseini Inspecting His Islamo-Nazi Troops in Bosnia during WWII.

March 1, 1944. Amin Al-Husseini makes speech from Berlin addressing Muslim SS Nazi troops: “Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, History and Religion. This saves your honor. God is with you.” [xxxvi]

Amin Al Husseini Recruiting Muslims To Serve Nazi Regime. (Propaganda Poster)

Arab League and Muslim Brotherhood:
Post-World War II Voice of Amin Al-Husseini

From Amin Al-Husseini to Yasser Arafat
1944 Co-founder and President of Arab League [xxxvii]
Amin Al Husseini at Arab League Meeting. 1944

Amin Al-Husseini is one of the founders of Arab League. Goal is to reinforce Pan-Islamic unity. Founding countries are: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen. Husseini is appointed to President in Absentia of Fourth Higher Committee of Arab League


Leader of Muslim Brotherhood

Amin Al-Husseini is appointed leader of Muslim Brotherhood in Jerusalem [xxxviii] . Wahhabi Islam becomes the perfect vector for Husseini’s policy of ethnic cleansing. He uses recently acquired Nazi methodology to implement his vision of an Arab World free of Jews (Juden-Rei in German). [xxxix]

1946 Yasser Arafat’s Teacher and Uncle:

Amin Al-Husseini

Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat [xlii] meets Amin Al-Husseini at age 17 and starts to work for him. Amin Al-Husseini allegedly great-uncle of Arafat, whose real name is Mohammed Abder Rauf Arafat Al-Kudwa Al-Husseini. Arafat reportedly changed his name intentionally to disguise his connection to Amin al-Husseini.

Husseini-Genoud Connection

Nazi Money To Fund Twentieth Century Jihad

After World War II, Hitler’s Swiss banker, Francois Genoud, visited Amin Al-Husseini multiple times in Beirut.

Genoud finances the ODESSA network. He sponsors Arab Nationalism with Nazi money. In Cairo and Tangiers, Genoud sets up import-export company called Arabo-Afrika, which is a cover to disseminate anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli propaganda.

Genoud sets up Swiss bank accounts for North African liberation armies of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. In partnership with Syria, he sets up Arab Commercial Bank in Geneva. In 1962, he becomes Director of Arab People’s Bank in Algeria [xlvii] .

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Grand mufti sided with Adolf abu ali because they shared a common ideology-------similar religion
Grand mufti sided with Adolf abu ali because they shared a common ideology-------similar religion
This quote says is all:

Head of Nazi SS troops Heinrich Himmler stated to Chief of Nazi propaganda Josef Goebbels:
“ have nothing against Islam because it educates the men in this division for me and promises them heaven if they fight and are killed in action. A very practical and attractive religion for soldiers.” [xxxiv]

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
what a sick joke is Deach poor oppressed AL HUSSEINI "opposed colonization" Deach would be nauseating if he were not so comical-----------lets look back----AND JUST HOW WAS THE ISLAMIC EMPIRE CREATED? ----oh I remember------women all over asia and africa begged arabs to RAPE AND ENSLAVE THEM
why did benedict arnold SELL out to the british?

why did jonathan pollard SELL out to the israelis?

for some people, the only value loyalty has is that of a bargaining chip.
Why did Muslims side with Hitler?

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

hmmmmmm...that must have been back in the time when haj amin al-husseini, was the only muslim in the world, or perhaps he just was the spokesperson for the perhaps 500,000,000 muslims at the time.

here is where the "UHHHHH DUH" comes into play...wait for it.

UHHHHH DUH. anyone with half an ounce of intelligence and a sliver of intgrity would realise that amin al-husseini was an arab nationalist from a very early age and had opposed european colonialism (to include the migration of european zionists) in palestine from 1920 on.

perhaps the fact that he was wanted for arrest by the british in the mid-thirties and was afforded mrelief by germany, and more substantial relief from italy had something to do with it. the entry in his memoirs sats it all... 'I have considered Germany to be a friendly country, because it was not a colonizing country, and it never harmed any Arab or Islamic country, and because it was fighting our colonialist and Zionist enemies, and because the enemy of your enemy is your friend. And I was certain that Germany's victory would definitely save our countries from the danger of Zionism and colonization'."

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i sure hate to burst your ethnocentric little bubble there, roudy, but WWII was about a helluva lot more than the jews. they were only small players on a very large stage,
I will reiterate.

And we can see Seal plays that "the enemy of our enemy is our friend" to the hilt.
good point Hoss-----with seal----decency and ethics has nothing to with -------anything
i sure hate to burst your ethnocentric little bubble there, roudy, but WWII was about a helluva lot more than the jews. they were only small players on a very large stage,

right for AL HUSSEINI----world war II and the NAZI IDEOLOGY was about a SUPREMACIST IDEOLOGY-----and from HIS POV---in HIS WORLD----the annhilation of jews HE LOVED IT, and SUPPORTED IT, and ALLIED WITH IT----and advocated it for the entire UMMAH-------in the entire decade of 1930s only one book was translated to arabic----MEIN KAMPF Sluts in swathed in black rags still ululate with ecstatic delight over their leader ADOLF ABU ALI

there is an idiot on this board who actually believes that AL HUSSEINI and the UMMAH was in it because they supported getting rid of europe's gypsies-----or wants ust to believe that as part of his obfuscation and deflection from his own nazi essence

Just a little heads up here irosie the term gypsie is offensive sort of like calling Jews shylocks, so you might want to consider your words more carefully.

Also who is the idiot, kind of cowerdly of you not to name names.

If gypsies is the wrong term for that ppl, then please provide the right term.

Just a little heads up here irosie the term gypsie is offensive sort of like calling Jews shylocks, so you might want to consider your words more carefully.

Also who is the idiot, kind of cowerdly of you not to name names.

If gypsies is the wrong term for that ppl, then please provide the right term.

I (irose) live in the USA-----we have gypsies in my part of the USA----they do call themselves GYPSIES-----but also sometimes ROMA s I have never heard that using the term "gypsy" is derogatory
Just a little heads up here irosie the term gypsie is offensive sort of like calling Jews shylocks, so you might want to consider your words more carefully.

Also who is the idiot, kind of cowerdly of you not to name names.

If gypsies is the wrong term for that ppl, then please provide the right term.

I (irose) live in the USA-----we have gypsies in my part of the USA----they do call themselves GYPSIES-----but also sometimes ROMA s I have never heard that using the term "gypsy" is derogatory
Romani, Roma,Romane,Roms and many other variations (depending on dialect.)
Also, Gypsy, Gypsies is correct among English speakers.In Iberia, called 'Kale.'

hmmmmmm...that must have been back in the time when haj amin al-husseini, was the only muslim in the world, or perhaps he just was the spokesperson for the perhaps 500,000,000 muslims at the time.

here is where the "UHHHHH DUH" comes into play...wait for it.

UHHHHH DUH. anyone with half an ounce of intelligence and a sliver of intgrity would realise that amin al-husseini was an arab nationalist from a very early age and had opposed european colonialism (to include the migration of european zionists) in palestine from 1920 on.

perhaps the fact that he was wanted for arrest by the british in the mid-thirties and was afforded mrelief by germany, and more substantial relief from italy had something to do with it. the entry in his memoirs sats it all... 'I have considered Germany to be a friendly country, because it was not a colonizing country, and it never harmed any Arab or Islamic country, and because it was fighting our colonialist and Zionist enemies, and because the enemy of your enemy is your friend. And I was certain that Germany's victory would definitely save our countries from the danger of Zionism and colonization'."

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i sure hate to burst your ethnocentric little bubble there, roudy, but WWII was about a helluva lot more than the jews. they were only small players on a very large stage,
I hate to burst yours, but Arab Islamic Nazism, anti Semetism, and Facism have never left the Muslim world since the foundation were laid back then.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

i use wiki.

you use hate sites.

you, like most zionists, cannot get it through your head that even though jews happen to be involved about things, it is not always just about jews.

has it ever even conceivably crossed your mind that al-Husseini would have been against england letting thousands of one eyed, midget, albino europeans into the palestinian and would have joined hitler even if he treated the jewish people like royalty as long as they weren't immigrating to the mideast, as long as hitler was against england.
Seal-----you are ignoring the entire jewish experience in the middle east even before AL HUSSEINI WAS BORN and even before Herzl was born Al Husseini did not INVENT islamic hatred of jews -------MUHUMMAD DID------another problem is-----those HATED JEWS never left palestine entirely-----nor did they leave the various countries of north africa---entirely. Your construct is something like claiming-----
things were fine between britishers and Irish------ until a few Irish Lepracauns INVADED LONDON-----in 1922
Just a little heads up here irosie the term gypsie is offensive sort of like calling Jews shylocks, so you might want to consider your words more carefully.

Also who is the idiot, kind of cowerdly of you not to name names.

If gypsies is the wrong term for that ppl, then please provide the right term.

I (irose) live in the USA-----we have gypsies in my part of the USA----they do call themselves GYPSIES-----but also sometimes ROMA s I have never heard that using the term "gypsy" is derogatory

"gypsy" is not derogatory at all. frequently i hear people say "that low life SOB, he fookin' gyped me out of a quarter" all the time when what they really mean to say is "that low life SOB, he fooking jewed me out of a quarter."

usually, they are saying it about some raghead paki working at the local 7-11.

if "gypsy" ain't a slur, than neither is "heeb" or "yid".
hmmmmmm...that must have been back in the time when haj amin al-husseini, was the only muslim in the world, or perhaps he just was the spokesperson for the perhaps 500,000,000 muslims at the time.

here is where the "UHHHHH DUH" comes into play...wait for it.

UHHHHH DUH. anyone with half an ounce of intelligence and a sliver of intgrity would realise that amin al-husseini was an arab nationalist from a very early age and had opposed european colonialism (to include the migration of european zionists) in palestine from 1920 on.

perhaps the fact that he was wanted for arrest by the british in the mid-thirties and was afforded mrelief by germany, and more substantial relief from italy had something to do with it. the entry in his memoirs sats it all... 'I have considered Germany to be a friendly country, because it was not a colonizing country, and it never harmed any Arab or Islamic country, and because it was fighting our colonialist and Zionist enemies, and because the enemy of your enemy is your friend. And I was certain that Germany's victory would definitely save our countries from the danger of Zionism and colonization'."

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i sure hate to burst your ethnocentric little bubble there, roudy, but WWII was about a helluva lot more than the jews. they were only small players on a very large stage,
I hate to burst yours, but Arab Islamic Nazism, anti Semetism, and Facism have never left the Muslim world since the foundation were laid back then.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

i use wiki.

you use hate sites.

you, like most zionists, cannot get it through your head that even though jews happen to be involved about things, it is not always just about jews.

has it ever even conceivably crossed your mind that al-Husseini would have been against england letting thousands of one eyed, midget, albino europeans into the palestinian and would have joined hitler even if he treated the jewish people like royalty as long as they weren't immigrating to the mideast, as long as hitler was against england.
I think on Wiki people can say whatever they want to say even if the information is false. How about you give us some information from the history departments of some universities? I hope you noted that your Wiki bit though noted that the Mufti said "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Since both Hitler and the Mufti hated the Jews, it is understandable why they were such great pals.

As for hate sites, anything that Seal and company don't like being said then it just has to be from a hate site. Meanwhile, there are plenty of hate sites which the Jew haters have utilized, and research has been done on these hate sites.
you remain confused seal-----the word "gyped" is INDEED derived from the word 'gypsy'----as in "tricked" But the word GYPSY itself----as far as I know is not derogatory. I believe the word "gyped" as in tricking or cheating is so obscure in ORIGIN----that even gypsies would not recognize
it as referring to themselves

People of your ilk use the world "jew" ---as verb to describe
a kind of stingy hard bargaining. This usage is not all that common in the USA except amongst people like you and jews and everyone else would recognize it as a slur on jews

"heebs" comes from HEBREW-----hebrew is not a slur. By your logic since "heeb" is a mild slut-----then HEBREW should not be used ?????? you are weirding out

yid-----is simply silly

Just a little heads up here irosie the term gypsie is offensive sort of like calling Jews shylocks, so you might want to consider your words more carefully.

Also who is the idiot, kind of cowerdly of you not to name names.

If gypsies is the wrong term for that ppl, then please provide the right term.

Dr Ian Hancock of the University of Texas at Austin, foremost authority on the horrors that the Romani suffered during WWII in the Holocaust, suggests that the word Gypsie is slightly offensive. The correct term is Romani, Roma can also be used but is inaccurate as it actually refers to a subtribe of that people.

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