Why Would Holocaust Deniers Lie.

...Hitler got a bad rap.
Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.
did you see any of the German jews stay , no. The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel...

:lmao: Inquiring minds want to know ... where do you Nazi types get your "facts?"

I heard it came out of a Cracker Jacks box but the decoder ring is missing.

Pene is definitely more than a few Cracker Jacks short of a full box but I suspect it's the voices in her toaster that provide her with "facts."

What surprises me is the resilience of the Holocaust Denial Movement. No matter how often these moles get their silliness whacked they just pop up elsewhere trying to sell the same, worn-out BS.

They seem to raise whole new generations of Nazi loons to carry the torch for Hitler and hatred.

It's the same way conspiracy theories manage to survive despite repeated thumpings by facts. People who follow the Holocaust Denial Movement are looking for some sort of validation for their beliefs that Jews were the cause of their own demise, that Germany was provoked etc. All they need to do is find a few descrepencies (and every historical event will have some) and then blow them up into Big Questions. In fact - it's the same way Creationists try to chip away at evolution. The people who believe in Holocaust denial are already biased towards that belief and the core of the Holocaust Denial Movement is the affirmation that Jews are lying/manipulating/profiting or caused the Holocaust. The Denial Movement gives them an outwardly acceptable means of confirming their anti-semitism without labeling it anti-semitism because all they are doing is "questioning" history. There's a difference between questioning the history of the Holocaust and Holocaust Denial and that difference is in the belief system that underlies it.
Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.
did you see any of the German jews stay , no. The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel...

:lmao: Inquiring minds want to know ... where do you Nazi types get your "facts?"

I heard it came out of a Cracker Jacks box but the decoder ring is missing.

Pene is definitely more than a few Cracker Jacks short of a full box but I suspect it's the voices in her toaster that provide her with "facts."

What surprises me is the resilience of the Holocaust Denial Movement. No matter how often these moles get their silliness whacked they just pop up elsewhere trying to sell the same, worn-out BS.

They seem to raise whole new generations of Nazi loons to carry the torch for Hitler and hatred.

It's the same way conspiracy theories manage to survive despite repeated thumpings by facts. People who follow the Holocaust Denial Movement are looking for some sort of validation for their beliefs that Jews were the cause of their own demise, that Germany was provoked etc. All they need to do is find a few descrepencies (and every historical event will have some) and then blow them up into Big Questions. In fact - it's the same way Creationists try to chip away at evolution. The people who believe in Holocaust denial are already biased towards that belief and the core of the Holocaust Denial Movement is the implication that Jews are lying/manipulating/profiting or caused the Holocaust. The Denial Movement gives them an outwardly acceptable means of confirming their anti-semitism without labeling it anti-semitism because all they are doing is "questioning" history. There's a difference between questioning the history of the Holocaust and Holocaust Denial and that difference is in the belief system that underlies it.

I am impressed----Coyote has managed not only to describe some of the
underlying reasons for holocaust denial but also the mechanism for the
development of conspiracy theories. A very nice job on not so easy a task.
I will again ADD-----that HOLOCAUST denial is not new-----propaganda of
DENIAL was promulgated right here in the USA in English----in lots of
handy pamphlets----in simple English-----way back in the mid 1930s. It's
existence in the minds of gullible and WILLINGLY RECEPTIVE americans
was inserted therein almost subliminally even before the program was in full
swing. To me that fact is evidence that a lot more existed in the minds
of both Adolf and his friends than that with which they are generally
credited----Josef Goebbels certainly knew
Don't let it go to your head, Coyote-----but I am giving you a B+ on your theme paper -------it is the very highest grade that my Freshman comp. Prof ever
Conspiracy theories are "believable" because they often have a kernal of truth - it's the linkages and conclusions that are usually faulty. Pene's claim that Germany was "provoked" by a boycott is true in the sense that yes, there was a boycott but false in that anti-semitism was already rife and it took little for Hitler to stoke it in post-WW1 Germany. Conspiracy-theory type thinking lends itself to scapegoating.

I'm amazed you didn't bite me Rosie, but I shan't presume to pat you on the head
Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.

did you see any of the German jews stay , no.

Considering most were rounded up and killed...I can't blame them for not staying...just saying.

The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel. The only Polish jews the Zionist wanted were the ones who could fight. Hitler locked them up as he should, called concentration camps and work camps.

As he should? Why?

The Zionist has made WWII about them and well it is really, their ideology , Hitler and Stalin, neither wanted global communism. How do you think Hitler and the Germans felt when the Jews declared sanctions on Germany, a country that had opened its doors to the Jews, same way I imagine the Iraqis and Iranians felt. Now the US is the hated country, because you got the jews running the US. As many Poles died in the war, but who gives a rip.


Sorry...I get a little over excited at these things.

a boycott is an act of war ONLY when it is jews who are boycotting-----when
islamo Nazis boycott jews it is an act of piety in the name of allah
Fuck you and your association of Nazis with muslims. As I think I told you before, sand negros are Semitic. Jews are Semitic. So if anybody is an "islamo" anything, it is you. Don't go passing wind and blaming the smell on others.

I did not invent the association of Nazis with muslims-----muslims and Nazis did----long before I was born. I did not even know that arabs are generally muslims
until I was almost 10 years old-----I started reading the islamo Nazi propaganda
at age nine
You ever try giving telling the truth a try? Germans in WW I welcomed the help of muslims in their war. If they hadn't, England or Russia would have. Hitler also thought it would be more helpful to their cause to have as many muslims as they could get to be on their side. Again, if they hadn't, the allies would have. That makes national socialism about as "islamo" as American capitalism.
did you see any of the German jews stay , no. The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel...

:lmao: Inquiring minds want to know ... where do you Nazi types get your "facts?"

I heard it came out of a Cracker Jacks box but the decoder ring is missing.

Pene is definitely more than a few Cracker Jacks short of a full box but I suspect it's the voices in her toaster that provide her with "facts."

What surprises me is the resilience of the Holocaust Denial Movement. No matter how often these moles get their silliness whacked they just pop up elsewhere trying to sell the same, worn-out BS.

They seem to raise whole new generations of Nazi loons to carry the torch for Hitler and hatred.

It's the same way conspiracy theories manage to survive despite repeated thumpings by facts. People who follow the Holocaust Denial Movement are looking for some sort of validation for their beliefs that Jews were the cause of their own demise, that Germany was provoked etc. All they need to do is find a few descrepencies (and every historical event will have some) and then blow them up into Big Questions. In fact - it's the same way Creationists try to chip away at evolution. The people who believe in Holocaust denial are already biased towards that belief and the core of the Holocaust Denial Movement is the implication that Jews are lying/manipulating/profiting or caused the Holocaust. The Denial Movement gives them an outwardly acceptable means of confirming their anti-semitism without labeling it anti-semitism because all they are doing is "questioning" history. There's a difference between questioning the history of the Holocaust and Holocaust Denial and that difference is in the belief system that underlies it.

I am impressed----Coyote has managed not only to describe some of the
underlying reasons for holocaust denial but also the mechanism for the
development of conspiracy theories. A very nice job on not so easy a task.
I will again ADD-----that HOLOCAUST denial is not new-----propaganda of
DENIAL was promulgated right here in the USA in English----in lots of
handy pamphlets----in simple English-----way back in the mid 1930s. It's
existence in the minds of gullible and WILLINGLY RECEPTIVE americans
was inserted therein almost subliminally even before the program was in full
swing. To me that fact is evidence that a lot more existed in the minds
of both Adolf and his friends than that with which they are generally
credited----Josef Goebbels certainly knew
One idiot agreeing with another. What a surprise.
What do you do for an encore, put Stalin up for sainthood? Make out Pol Pot to be a misunderstood Buddhist monk? Let's all revise history! Saddam was nothing but an innocent goat herder. The south won the civil war. Hubert Humphrey became president. What else? This is fun....
What do you do for an encore, put Stalin up for sainthood? Make out Pol Pot to be a misunderstood Buddhist monk? Let's all revise history! Saddam was nothing but an innocent goat herder. The south won the civil war. Hubert Humphrey became president. What else? This is fun....
Dr Gump,
Do you disagree with my thread? Do you think my reasons for why a holocaust denier would lie about the holocaust if it happened as people generally believe it did? Do you disagree with my reasons why a holocaust promoter would tell lies about a holocaust that was largely a fraud? Like it or not, I am talking about straight up facts. If you disagree with anything I said, let's hear it.
Dr Gump,
Do you disagree with my thread? Do you think my reasons for why a holocaust denier would lie about the holocaust if it happened as people generally believe it did? Do you disagree with my reasons why a holocaust promoter would tell lies about a holocaust that was largely a fraud? Like it or not, I am talking about straight up facts. If you disagree with anything I said, let's hear it.

Your reasons suck because they cannot be relied upon. In order for your scenario to be taken even remotely seriously you've have to be an academic with no horse in the race.

You're not though. You are a racist jerk with an agenda so anything you say has no credibility, even if it was credible.
Oh lots of money made from WWII for the jews. Lots of sympathy as well. What a racket. Any of your distant relatives die in WWII. I think everyone alive has some. Hitler got a bad rap.

Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.

did you see any of the German jews stay , no.

Considering most were rounded up and killed...I can't blame them for not staying...just saying.

The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel. The only Polish jews the Zionist wanted were the ones who could fight. Hitler locked them up as he should, called concentration camps and work camps.

As he should? Why?

The Zionist has made WWII about them and well it is really, their ideology , Hitler and Stalin, neither wanted global communism. How do you think Hitler and the Germans felt when the Jews declared sanctions on Germany, a country that had opened its doors to the Jews, same way I imagine the Iraqis and Iranians felt. Now the US is the hated country, because you got the jews running the US. As many Poles died in the war, but who gives a rip.


Sorry...I get a little over excited at these things.

It comes before the war, to weaken a country. Who told you all about WWII, let me think, the Zionist who even at that time controlled the media. You believe the OT and the rest of the people were pagan and horrible, gee who wrote those books?
I of course agree with you. Is there any way that we can speak privately? There is something I would like to ask you in private.
I guess this is where we start pretending that Hitler was provoked by the Jews, didn't intend on killing them but only expelling them (because he kindly wanted to keep the families intact), that there was no extensive documentation by the Germans and all the Jews that survived the concentration camps were lying and...

I know that you get along just fine being brainwashed beyond all recognition. But take the red pill. Also, if it would have helped sell the allied version of events, they would have uncovered shitload of German documents talking about unicorns. When they say that history is written by the victors, that is the sort of thing they are talking about.

Germans were obsessive record keepers. Hard to get around that one.

You need to watch the documentary, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." Enter the title into your browser. Click on the first website that comes up. Then scroll down that page. You will see all the parts of the documentary listed. In particular, watch "Part 21, The Leuchter findings." See if you can handle watching a Jew investigate what really went on at Auschwitz. If you think you can handle more, I suggest that you start at the end and work your way back from there. That way you can get to much of the really jucy stuff first.

I have an anaphelactic reaction to conspiracy theory crap.

No me , I just get fed up and sick from all the lies, and I get real tired of people who plan and carry out the conspiracies, and then ridicule the ones who research it enough to know they pulled off another one. The no. of Jews who perished in WWII, some killed while fighting, is a small no. in comparison to the 65 to 85 million who died due to the war. The Americans in Japanese concentration camps were not having at a health spa retreat either.
Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.

did you see any of the German jews stay , no.

Considering most were rounded up and killed...I can't blame them for not staying...just saying.

The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel. The only Polish jews the Zionist wanted were the ones who could fight. Hitler locked them up as he should, called concentration camps and work camps.

As he should? Why?

The Zionist has made WWII about them and well it is really, their ideology , Hitler and Stalin, neither wanted global communism. How do you think Hitler and the Germans felt when the Jews declared sanctions on Germany, a country that had opened its doors to the Jews, same way I imagine the Iraqis and Iranians felt. Now the US is the hated country, because you got the jews running the US. As many Poles died in the war, but who gives a rip.


Sorry...I get a little over excited at these things.

It comes before the war, to weaken a country. Who told you all about WWII, let me think, the Zionist who even at that time controlled the media. You believe the OT and the rest of the people were pagan and horrible, gee who wrote those books?
I of course agree with you. Is there any way that we can speak privately? There is something I would like to ask you in private.
I guess this is where we start pretending that Hitler was provoked by the Jews, didn't intend on killing them but only expelling them (because he kindly wanted to keep the families intact), that there was no extensive documentation by the Germans and all the Jews that survived the concentration camps were lying and...

I know that you get along just fine being brainwashed beyond all recognition. But take the red pill. Also, if it would have helped sell the allied version of events, they would have uncovered shitload of German documents talking about unicorns. When they say that history is written by the victors, that is the sort of thing they are talking about.

Germans were obsessive record keepers. Hard to get around that one.

You need to watch the documentary, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." Enter the title into your browser. Click on the first website that comes up. Then scroll down that page. You will see all the parts of the documentary listed. In particular, watch "Part 21, The Leuchter findings." See if you can handle watching a Jew investigate what really went on at Auschwitz. If you think you can handle more, I suggest that you start at the end and work your way back from there. That way you can get to much of the really jucy stuff first.

I have an anaphelactic reaction to conspiracy theory crap.

No me , I just get fed up and sick from all the lies, and I get real tired of people who plan and carry out the conspiracies, and then ridicule the ones who research it enough to know they pulled off another one. The no. of Jews who perished in WWII, some killed while fighting, is a small no. in comparison to the 65 to 85 million who died due to the war. The Americans in Japanese concentration camps were not having at a health spa retreat either.

It's not a "small number" in relation to their small over all population. 2/3 of Europe's Jews slaughtered. Did any other group lose that great a proportion of their overall population? Or - is where you come in and insist they deserved it for "declaring war" on Germany?
Why does the scorpion sting the frog?

View attachment 54769

Good analogy------in fact it describes why holocaust denial is a crime----
It is the nature of Nazis to deny the Holocaust-----the reason why holocaust
denial is a crime is because ------being a Nazi is a crime most especially in
lands harmed by nazism

I don't think it should be a crime. It should be out in the open where it can be refuted.
Holocaust deniers know full well they're just lying and pulling stuff out of their asses, so no need to pretend they have 'serious questions' about anything, any more than the idiots who bash FDR, peddle the Lincoln Myth or the Camelot Myth, peddle Libertoonism and laissez faire hoaxes, Marxist drivel, etc., etc., etc.

Learn to mock and abuse them for a post or two, then ignore them; they have their own playpens in which to perform their assorted circus acts and indulge in Fever Swamp Fellatio with each other, and responding to them in any other context but derision only encourages them to litter other forums with their juvenile gibberish.
Holocaust deniers know full well they're just lying and pulling stuff out of their asses, so no need to pretend they have 'serious questions' about anything, any more than the idiots who bash FDR, peddle the Lincoln Myth or the Camelot Myth, peddle Libertoonism and laissez faire hoaxes, Marxist drivel, etc., etc., etc.

Learn to mock and abuse them for a post or two, then ignore them; they have their own playpens in which to perform their assorted circus acts and indulge in Fever Swamp Fellatio with each other, and responding to them in any other context but derision only encourages them to litter other forums with their juvenile gibberish.

That is why it needs to be out in the open - not illegal, not driven underground where it can grow.
Holocaust deniers know full well they're just lying and pulling stuff out of their asses, so no need to pretend they have 'serious questions' about anything, any more than the idiots who bash FDR, peddle the Lincoln Myth or the Camelot Myth, peddle Libertoonism and laissez faire hoaxes, Marxist drivel, etc., etc., etc.

Learn to mock and abuse them for a post or two, then ignore them; they have their own playpens in which to perform their assorted circus acts and indulge in Fever Swamp Fellatio with each other, and responding to them in any other context but derision only encourages them to litter other forums with their juvenile gibberish.

That is why it needs to be out in the open - not illegal, not driven underground where it can grow.

right----underground where it grows-----like many other perversities-----like
CHILD PORN. Child porn should be legalized so that people can decide
whether they like it or not
Dr Gump,
Do you disagree with my thread? Do you think my reasons for why a holocaust denier would lie about the holocaust if it happened as people generally believe it did? Do you disagree with my reasons why a holocaust promoter would tell lies about a holocaust that was largely a fraud? Like it or not, I am talking about straight up facts. If you disagree with anything I said, let's hear it.

Your reasons suck because they cannot be relied upon. In order for your scenario to be taken even remotely seriously you've have to be an academic with no horse in the race.

You're not though. You are a racist jerk with an agenda so anything you say has no credibility, even if it was credible.
Dr Grump,
You don't need any credentals to speak the truth. If you think anything I said is wron, let's hear it.
Why does the scorpion sting the frog?

View attachment 54769

Good analogy------in fact it describes why holocaust denial is a crime----
It is the nature of Nazis to deny the Holocaust-----the reason why holocaust
denial is a crime is because ------being a Nazi is a crime most especially in
lands harmed by nazism
I don't think the picture was about my point of knowledge, but your point of holocaust support. Though I could be wrong. I hope not.
did you see any of the German jews stay , no.

Considering most were rounded up and killed...I can't blame them for not staying...just saying.

The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel. The only Polish jews the Zionist wanted were the ones who could fight. Hitler locked them up as he should, called concentration camps and work camps.

As he should? Why?

The Zionist has made WWII about them and well it is really, their ideology , Hitler and Stalin, neither wanted global communism. How do you think Hitler and the Germans felt when the Jews declared sanctions on Germany, a country that had opened its doors to the Jews, same way I imagine the Iraqis and Iranians felt. Now the US is the hated country, because you got the jews running the US. As many Poles died in the war, but who gives a rip.


Sorry...I get a little over excited at these things.

It comes before the war, to weaken a country. Who told you all about WWII, let me think, the Zionist who even at that time controlled the media. You believe the OT and the rest of the people were pagan and horrible, gee who wrote those books?
I of course agree with you. Is there any way that we can speak privately? There is something I would like to ask you in private.
I guess this is where we start pretending that Hitler was provoked by the Jews, didn't intend on killing them but only expelling them (because he kindly wanted to keep the families intact), that there was no extensive documentation by the Germans and all the Jews that survived the concentration camps were lying and...

I know that you get along just fine being brainwashed beyond all recognition. But take the red pill. Also, if it would have helped sell the allied version of events, they would have uncovered shitload of German documents talking about unicorns. When they say that history is written by the victors, that is the sort of thing they are talking about.

Germans were obsessive record keepers. Hard to get around that one.

You need to watch the documentary, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." Enter the title into your browser. Click on the first website that comes up. Then scroll down that page. You will see all the parts of the documentary listed. In particular, watch "Part 21, The Leuchter findings." See if you can handle watching a Jew investigate what really went on at Auschwitz. If you think you can handle more, I suggest that you start at the end and work your way back from there. That way you can get to much of the really jucy stuff first.

I have an anaphelactic reaction to conspiracy theory crap.

No me , I just get fed up and sick from all the lies, and I get real tired of people who plan and carry out the conspiracies, and then ridicule the ones who research it enough to know they pulled off another one. The no. of Jews who perished in WWII, some killed while fighting, is a small no. in comparison to the 65 to 85 million who died due to the war. The Americans in Japanese concentration camps were not having at a health spa retreat either.

It's not a "small number" in relation to their small over all population. 2/3 of Europe's Jews slaughtered. Did any other group lose that great a proportion of their overall population? Or - is where you come in and insist they deserved it for "declaring war" on Germany?
Were the 60 to 70% of German Jews deported to Palestine slaughtered? No. They were deported.

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