Why Would Holocaust Deniers Lie.

Oh lots of money made from WWII for the jews. Lots of sympathy as well. What a racket. Any of your distant relatives die in WWII. I think everyone alive has some. Hitler got a bad rap.

Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.

did you see any of the German jews stay , no.

Considering most were rounded up and killed...I can't blame them for not staying...just saying.

The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel. The only Polish jews the Zionist wanted were the ones who could fight. Hitler locked them up as he should, called concentration camps and work camps.

As he should? Why?

The Zionist has made WWII about them and well it is really, their ideology , Hitler and Stalin, neither wanted global communism. How do you think Hitler and the Germans felt when the Jews declared sanctions on Germany, a country that had opened its doors to the Jews, same way I imagine the Iraqis and Iranians felt. Now the US is the hated country, because you got the jews running the US. As many Poles died in the war, but who gives a rip.


Sorry...I get a little over excited at these things.

It comes before the war, to weaken a country. Who told you all about WWII, let me think, the Zionist who even at that time controlled the media. You believe the OT and the rest of the people were pagan and horrible, gee who wrote those books?

So you think that when a group proposes a boycott authorities should conduct a genocidal campaign against them?
I guess this is where we start pretending that Hitler was provoked by the Jews, didn't intend on killing them but only expelling them (because he kindly wanted to keep the families intact), that there was no extensive documentation by the Germans and all the Jews that survived the concentration camps were lying and...

I know that you get along just fine being brainwashed beyond all recognition. But take the red pill. Also, if it would have helped sell the allied version of events, they would have uncovered shitload of German documents talking about unicorns. When they say that history is written by the victors, that is the sort of thing they are talking about.

Germans were obsessive record keepers. Hard to get around that one.

You need to watch the documentary, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." Enter the title into your browser. Click on the first website that comes up. Then scroll down that page. You will see all the parts of the documentary listed. In particular, watch "Part 21, The Leuchter findings." See if you can handle watching a Jew investigate what really went on at Auschwitz. If you think you can handle more, I suggest that you start at the end and work your way back from there. That way you can get to much of the really jucy stuff first.

I have an anaphelactic reaction to conspiracy theory crap.

ANAPH-Y-LACTIC do you get "hives"----that is red blotches upon
you skin----mostly face and neck? Do you get short of breath?

I do!!!!
Oh lots of money made from WWII for the jews. Lots of sympathy as well. What a racket. Any of your distant relatives die in WWII. I think everyone alive has some. Hitler got a bad rap.

Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.

did you see any of the German jews stay , no.

Considering most were rounded up and killed...I can't blame them for not staying...just saying.

The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel. The only Polish jews the Zionist wanted were the ones who could fight. Hitler locked them up as he should, called concentration camps and work camps.

As he should? Why?

The Zionist has made WWII about them and well it is really, their ideology , Hitler and Stalin, neither wanted global communism. How do you think Hitler and the Germans felt when the Jews declared sanctions on Germany, a country that had opened its doors to the Jews, same way I imagine the Iraqis and Iranians felt. Now the US is the hated country, because you got the jews running the US. As many Poles died in the war, but who gives a rip.


Sorry...I get a little over excited at these things.

It comes before the war, to weaken a country. Who told you all about WWII, let me think, the Zionist who even at that time controlled the media. You believe the OT and the rest of the people were pagan and horrible, gee who wrote those books?

I do not know much about world war II-------I was embarrassed by an elderly lawyer
who did serve and was some kind of communications expert-------and seemed to
know every battle and ever second. Other than that I learned a bit from my father who served in the North Atlantic, from a teacher whose family fled Poland
and went to Russia and from people who survived concentration camps and from
writings and statements of the USA generals and the officers in the British army and
from ------great movies like CASA BLANCA What do you know about world war II, Penelope dear?
Oh lots of money made from WWII for the jews. Lots of sympathy as well. What a racket. Any of your distant relatives die in WWII. I think everyone alive has some. Hitler got a bad rap.

Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.

did you see any of the German jews stay , no.

Considering most were rounded up and killed...I can't blame them for not staying...just saying.

The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel. The only Polish jews the Zionist wanted were the ones who could fight. Hitler locked them up as he should, called concentration camps and work camps.

As he should? Why?

The Zionist has made WWII about them and well it is really, their ideology , Hitler and Stalin, neither wanted global communism. How do you think Hitler and the Germans felt when the Jews declared sanctions on Germany, a country that had opened its doors to the Jews, same way I imagine the Iraqis and Iranians felt. Now the US is the hated country, because you got the jews running the US. As many Poles died in the war, but who gives a rip.


Sorry...I get a little over excited at these things.

It comes before the war, to weaken a country. Who told you all about WWII, let me think, the Zionist who even at that time controlled the media. You believe the OT and the rest of the people were pagan and horrible, gee who wrote those books?

I do not know much about world war II-------I was embarrassed by an elderly lawyer
who did serve and was some kind of communications expert-------and seemed to
know every battle and ever second. Other than that I learned a bit from my father who served in the North Atlantic, from a teacher whose family fled Poland
and went to Russia and from people who survived concentration camps and from
writings and statements of the USA generals and the officers in the British army and
from ------great movies like CASA BLANCA What do you know about world war II, Penelope dear?

She seems to think the Jews attacked Germany.
Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.

did you see any of the German jews stay , no.

Considering most were rounded up and killed...I can't blame them for not staying...just saying.

The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel. The only Polish jews the Zionist wanted were the ones who could fight. Hitler locked them up as he should, called concentration camps and work camps.

As he should? Why?

The Zionist has made WWII about them and well it is really, their ideology , Hitler and Stalin, neither wanted global communism. How do you think Hitler and the Germans felt when the Jews declared sanctions on Germany, a country that had opened its doors to the Jews, same way I imagine the Iraqis and Iranians felt. Now the US is the hated country, because you got the jews running the US. As many Poles died in the war, but who gives a rip.


Sorry...I get a little over excited at these things.

It comes before the war, to weaken a country. Who told you all about WWII, let me think, the Zionist who even at that time controlled the media. You believe the OT and the rest of the people were pagan and horrible, gee who wrote those books?

I do not know much about world war II-------I was embarrassed by an elderly lawyer
who did serve and was some kind of communications expert-------and seemed to
know every battle and ever second. Other than that I learned a bit from my father who served in the North Atlantic, from a teacher whose family fled Poland
and went to Russia and from people who survived concentration camps and from
writings and statements of the USA generals and the officers in the British army and
from ------great movies like CASA BLANCA What do you know about world war II, Penelope dear?

She seems to think the Jews attacked Germany.

she is quoting islamo Nazi propaganda------stuff like that came out even
before World War II and was promulgated extensively in the USA
What have you got against Jews?

he's a Muslim raghead. simple as that
Is telling lies the best you can do? I am White. Not sand negro.

your not white so what are you lost tourist. liar
First of all, bite me. Next, you bring up an interesting point with yout tourist thing. Some years ago I was watching some news thing about European tourists in Floridia. There were state police cars parked at some exit ramps that led to negro parts of town. They would pull over White people and tell them that they should go elsewhere. Apparently there have been too many naive White European toursts getting robbed or murdered by mistakenly getting off the freeway into negro populated parts of town.

first of all suck me
Back at you slimeboy. Next, are you really a vietnam veteran? Also, are you White? I just want to know what sort of creature I am dealing with before wasting any more time on you.
I guess this is where we start pretending that Hitler was provoked by the Jews, didn't intend on killing them but only expelling them (because he kindly wanted to keep the families intact), that there was no extensive documentation by the Germans and all the Jews that survived the concentration camps were lying and...

I know that you get along just fine being brainwashed beyond all recognition. But take the red pill. Also, if it would have helped sell the allied version of events, they would have uncovered shitload of German documents talking about unicorns. When they say that history is written by the victors, that is the sort of thing they are talking about.

Germans were obsessive record keepers. Hard to get around that one.

You need to watch the documentary, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." Enter the title into your browser. Click on the first website that comes up. Then scroll down that page. You will see all the parts of the documentary listed. In particular, watch "Part 21, The Leuchter findings." See if you can handle watching a Jew investigate what really went on at Auschwitz. If you think you can handle more, I suggest that you start at the end and work your way back from there. That way you can get to much of the really jucy stuff first.

I have an anaphelactic reaction to conspiracy theory crap.
Excuse me for saying so, but calling something a conspiracy theory is a pretty chickenshit way to get out of looking at the truth. For example, in the part I suggested you watch, one of the things they SHOW is the person who runs the holocaust memorial museum at Auschwitz TELLING the Jewish investigator that their gas chamber was made to look like a gas chamber by the Russians after the war. There is no conspitacy about that. It is straightforward fact. But if you want to remain a patsy of Stalin, among others, it is your loss.
Who would have reason to lie about the holocaust and why. If the holocaust happened as is generally believed, why would there be those who would deny it. Let's list the reasons.
1. To make money. There are people who write books or give lectures to make money by supporting all sorts of conspiracy theories. I imagine holocaust denial would fit right in.
2. To cover the guilt of having killed so many "innocent" people. Which is no reason to me. There are people out there who would say that even if 6 million Jews were killed, it wasn't nearly enough.
3. To help sell the idea of White patriotism not being so bad by saying White patriots didn't kill as many Jews as is generally believed.
4. Those who don't like the Jews would likely be interested in slandering them by saying that the Jews mostly made up the whole holocaust thing.

Now let's say that the holocaust was largely a fabrication. Why would people lie by saying that 6 million Jews were killed. Let's list those reasons.
1. For the victors to demonize their enemies is a tactic that is probably as old as mankind. A holocaust story would help do that.
2. In 1933, a London newspaper headline read, "Judea declares war on Germany." And in war it is said that truth is the first casuality. The Jews controlled the movie industry. They may have also had a major influence in the raido industry. This gave them a huge "soapbox" from which to spread their lies.
3. Jews probably sought revenge against the Germans for having dared to deport or force out the "chosen of GOD!"
4. Reparations were made by Germany for the whole holocaust thing. As far as I know, they're still being made. If the holocaust was shown to largely have been a fraud, those reparations would dry up. Jews may even have to pay most of them back.
5. The U.S. might lessen its funding of Israel. A country that it already gave nuclear weapons to.
6. By playing the "pity" card, Jews can get away with far more.
7. For many Christians, a good way to prove the power of their imaginary god is to support the Jewish people.
8. If the holocaust was ever disproved, Jews might again be persecuted.
9. National Socialism was economically sucessful. Capitalism wasn't and still isn't. To support "The American Way," it would be very helpful to discredit National Socialism in any way possible.
10. Stalin was the real monster. The holocaust and other things could be supported so the U.S. doesn't look so bad for having supported Stalin.
11. If the holocaust was shown to largely be a fraud, most people would feel extrmemly suckered. They would lose even more faith in the U.S. government.
12. German National Socialism wasn't into the whole multiethnic society thing that is constantly being shoved down Americans throats. So to support their multiethnic society, they have to discredit the White patriot national socialist party. Etc.

Keep in mind that history is written by the victors. Consider the power the U.S. government and the jews have to see that their version of history prevails. Compare to that to the power of the few who seek the truth for the truth's sake. Holocaust deniers vs holocaust promoters. Holocaust promoters have much more reason to lie.

Why would racists hate? Hate's irrational and serves no useful purpose. So asking what irrational people do those irrational things is asking why are they irrational? Hate like that is learned and taught. If you're raised with it it's all you know and you never consider anything else. Racial hatred is akin to the people of DPRK who love their Dear Leader because they've been conditioned to love him. The thought of not loving him and supporting his even to their detriment doesn't even occur to them as an option. Same with racists. That hate is comforting because it's familar.
Is talking out of your ass the best you can do? Apart from some humans, all the creatures on the planet are "racist." And it is probably like that on every life bearing planet throughout infinity. But somehow, your conditioned "politically correct" views are right. Are you really that far gone in the head? There is an area where bobcats and lynx home ranges overlap. Depend on the pairing, they can interbreed and have viable offspring. But usually don't. There is an area where the home ranges of white tail deer and mule deer overlap. They could interbreed, but usually don't. Etc times zillions.

That is the way things really work. Not your delusional ideas. Even babies have been found to be "bigoted." Why? There are many reasons. But the most important is that not only is "racism" good and natural, but absolutely necessary to the developement of separate species. Which in the event of some cataclysm. could help some to survive. Is that enough of a "useful purpose" for you?

babies have not been found to be bigoted-----they are very observant of the reactions of their MOTHERS ----if a mom reacts negatively ---for example to a
black person------so will they. If a mom reacts negatively to boiled beets---so
will they
I can help you get the real truth about bigoted babies. Go to your browser and enter, "60 Minutes: Bigoted babies." That should bring you to a segiment from that show where they discuss the matter. It was a conclusion reached by researchers at Yale universitiy's baby lab. I'm sure that the researchers were well aware of things that can taint the results of a study and avoided them.
Oh lots of money made from WWII for the jews. Lots of sympathy as well. What a racket. Any of your distant relatives die in WWII. I think everyone alive has some. Hitler got a bad rap.

Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.

did you see any of the German jews stay , no.

Considering most were rounded up and killed...I can't blame them for not staying...just saying.

The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel. The only Polish jews the Zionist wanted were the ones who could fight. Hitler locked them up as he should, called concentration camps and work camps.

As he should? Why?

The Zionist has made WWII about them and well it is really, their ideology , Hitler and Stalin, neither wanted global communism. How do you think Hitler and the Germans felt when the Jews declared sanctions on Germany, a country that had opened its doors to the Jews, same way I imagine the Iraqis and Iranians felt. Now the US is the hated country, because you got the jews running the US. As many Poles died in the war, but who gives a rip.


Sorry...I get a little over excited at these things.

a boycott is an act of war ONLY when it is jews who are boycotting-----when
islamo Nazis boycott jews it is an act of piety in the name of allah
Fuck you and your association of Nazis with muslims. As I think I told you before, sand negros are Semitic. Jews are Semitic. So if anybody is an "islamo" anything, it is you. Don't go passing wind and blaming the smell on others.
Oh lots of money made from WWII for the jews. Lots of sympathy as well. What a racket. Any of your distant relatives die in WWII. I think everyone alive has some. Hitler got a bad rap.

Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.

did you see any of the German jews stay , no.

Considering most were rounded up and killed...I can't blame them for not staying...just saying.

The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel. The only Polish jews the Zionist wanted were the ones who could fight. Hitler locked them up as he should, called concentration camps and work camps.

As he should? Why?

The Zionist has made WWII about them and well it is really, their ideology , Hitler and Stalin, neither wanted global communism. How do you think Hitler and the Germans felt when the Jews declared sanctions on Germany, a country that had opened its doors to the Jews, same way I imagine the Iraqis and Iranians felt. Now the US is the hated country, because you got the jews running the US. As many Poles died in the war, but who gives a rip.


Sorry...I get a little over excited at these things.

It comes before the war, to weaken a country. Who told you all about WWII, let me think, the Zionist who even at that time controlled the media. You believe the OT and the rest of the people were pagan and horrible, gee who wrote those books?
I of course agree with you. Is there any way that we can speak privately? There is something I would like to ask you in private.
...Hitler got a bad rap.

And that is as succinct an explanation of why some deny the Holocaust ... to mitigate Hitler's (and by extension Nazi) crimes.

Harold Covington (aka/Winston Smith), the Fuhrer of the National Socialist White People's Party, does not quibble about it:

"The real purpose of Holocaust revisionism is to make National Socialism an acceptable political alternative again."
Oh lots of money made from WWII for the jews. Lots of sympathy as well. What a racket. Any of your distant relatives die in WWII. I think everyone alive has some. Hitler got a bad rap.

Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.

To "people" like Pene, Hitler got a bad rap because the Nazis only managed to kill 2/3.
...Hitler got a bad rap.

And that is as succinct an explanation of why some deny the Holocaust ... to mitigate Hitler's (and by extension Nazi) crimes.

Harold Covington (aka/Winston Smith), the Fuhrer of the National Socialist White People's Party, does not quibble about it:

"The real purpose of Holocaust revisionism is to make National Socialism an acceptable political alternative again."
It looks like another Jew has somehow managed to lead a White patriot organization. Well it wouldn't be the first time. But I will tell you the REAL reason behind holocaust revisionism. Because the holocaust was largely bullshit! Fuck what anybody else is supposed to have said. What I said is the real fact.
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Who would have reason to lie about the holocaust and why. If the holocaust happened as is generally believed, why would there be those who would deny it. Let's list the reasons.
1. To make money. There are people who write books or give lectures to make money by supporting all sorts of conspiracy theories. I imagine holocaust denial would fit right in.
2. To cover the guilt of having killed so many "innocent" people. Which is no reason to me. There are people out there who would say that even if 6 million Jews were killed, it wasn't nearly enough.
3. To help sell the idea of White patriotism not being so bad by saying White patriots didn't kill as many Jews as is generally believed.
4. Those who don't like the Jews would likely be interested in slandering them by saying that the Jews mostly made up the whole holocaust thing.

Now let's say that the holocaust was largely a fabrication. Why would people lie by saying that 6 million Jews were killed. Let's list those reasons.
1. For the victors to demonize their enemies is a tactic that is probably as old as mankind. A holocaust story would help do that.
2. In 1933, a London newspaper headline read, "Judea declares war on Germany." And in war it is said that truth is the first casuality. The Jews controlled the movie industry. They may have also had a major influence in the raido industry. This gave them a huge "soapbox" from which to spread their lies.
3. Jews probably sought revenge against the Germans for having dared to deport or force out the "chosen of GOD!"
4. Reparations were made by Germany for the whole holocaust thing. As far as I know, they're still being made. If the holocaust was shown to largely have been a fraud, those reparations would dry up. Jews may even have to pay most of them back.
5. The U.S. might lessen its funding of Israel. A country that it already gave nuclear weapons to.
6. By playing the "pity" card, Jews can get away with far more.
7. For many Christians, a good way to prove the power of their imaginary god is to support the Jewish people.
8. If the holocaust was ever disproved, Jews might again be persecuted.
9. National Socialism was economically sucessful. Capitalism wasn't and still isn't. To support "The American Way," it would be very helpful to discredit National Socialism in any way possible.
10. Stalin was the real monster. The holocaust and other things could be supported so the U.S. doesn't look so bad for having supported Stalin.
11. If the holocaust was shown to largely be a fraud, most people would feel extrmemly suckered. They would lose even more faith in the U.S. government.
12. German National Socialism wasn't into the whole multiethnic society thing that is constantly being shoved down Americans throats. So to support their multiethnic society, they have to discredit the White patriot national socialist party. Etc.

Keep in mind that history is written by the victors. Consider the power the U.S. government and the jews have to see that their version of history prevails. Compare to that to the power of the few who seek the truth for the truth's sake. Holocaust deniers vs holocaust promoters. Holocaust promoters have much more reason to lie.

Why would racists hate? Hate's irrational and serves no useful purpose. So asking what irrational people do those irrational things is asking why are they irrational? Hate like that is learned and taught. If you're raised with it it's all you know and you never consider anything else. Racial hatred is akin to the people of DPRK who love their Dear Leader because they've been conditioned to love him. The thought of not loving him and supporting his even to their detriment doesn't even occur to them as an option. Same with racists. That hate is comforting because it's familar.
Is talking out of your ass the best you can do? Apart from some humans, all the creatures on the planet are "racist." And it is probably like that on every life bearing planet throughout infinity. But somehow, your conditioned "politically correct" views are right. Are you really that far gone in the head? There is an area where bobcats and lynx home ranges overlap. Depend on the pairing, they can interbreed and have viable offspring. But usually don't. There is an area where the home ranges of white tail deer and mule deer overlap. They could interbreed, but usually don't. Etc times zillions.

That is the way things really work. Not your delusional ideas. Even babies have been found to be "bigoted." Why? There are many reasons. But the most important is that not only is "racism" good and natural, but absolutely necessary to the developement of separate species. Which in the event of some cataclysm. could help some to survive. Is that enough of a "useful purpose" for you?

babies have not been found to be bigoted-----they are very observant of the reactions of their MOTHERS ----if a mom reacts negatively ---for example to a
black person------so will they. If a mom reacts negatively to boiled beets---so
will they
I can help you get the real truth about bigoted babies. Go to your browser and enter, "60 Minutes: Bigoted babies." That should bring you to a segiment from that show where they discuss the matter. It was a conclusion reached by researchers at Yale universitiy's baby lab. I'm sure that the researchers were well aware of things that can taint the results of a study and avoided them.

one of my best friends was a Yalie M.D. I did not marry him---he was not all
that bright
Oh lots of money made from WWII for the jews. Lots of sympathy as well. What a racket. Any of your distant relatives die in WWII. I think everyone alive has some. Hitler got a bad rap.

Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.

did you see any of the German jews stay , no.

Considering most were rounded up and killed...I can't blame them for not staying...just saying.

The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel. The only Polish jews the Zionist wanted were the ones who could fight. Hitler locked them up as he should, called concentration camps and work camps.

As he should? Why?

The Zionist has made WWII about them and well it is really, their ideology , Hitler and Stalin, neither wanted global communism. How do you think Hitler and the Germans felt when the Jews declared sanctions on Germany, a country that had opened its doors to the Jews, same way I imagine the Iraqis and Iranians felt. Now the US is the hated country, because you got the jews running the US. As many Poles died in the war, but who gives a rip.


Sorry...I get a little over excited at these things.

a boycott is an act of war ONLY when it is jews who are boycotting-----when
islamo Nazis boycott jews it is an act of piety in the name of allah
Fuck you and your association of Nazis with muslims. As I think I told you before, sand negros are Semitic. Jews are Semitic. So if anybody is an "islamo" anything, it is you. Don't go passing wind and blaming the smell on others.

I did not invent the association of Nazis with muslims-----muslims and Nazis did----long before I was born. I did not even know that arabs are generally muslims
until I was almost 10 years old-----I started reading the islamo Nazi propaganda
at age nine
Oh lots of money made from WWII for the jews. Lots of sympathy as well. What a racket. Any of your distant relatives die in WWII. I think everyone alive has some. Hitler got a bad rap.

Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.

Depends on your mindset-------for Penelope he is a HERO----in fact SAINT sitting on the right hand of the HOLY MOTHER
...Hitler got a bad rap.

And that is as succinct an explanation of why some deny the Holocaust ... to mitigate Hitler's (and by extension Nazi) crimes.

Harold Covington (aka/Winston Smith), the Fuhrer of the National Socialist White People's Party, does not quibble about it:

"The real purpose of Holocaust revisionism is to make National Socialism an acceptable political alternative again."
It looks like another Jew has somehow managed to lead a White patriot organization...

Wait ... so you are claiming the Fuhrer of the NSWPP is Jewish?
Given the massive crock of absolute BS you post, I'm not a bit surprised. :lmao:
...Hitler got a bad rap.
Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.
did you see any of the German jews stay , no. The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel...

:lmao: Inquiring minds want to know ... where do you Nazi types get your "facts?"

I heard it came out of a Cracker Jacks box but the decoder ring is missing.

Pene is definitely more than a few Cracker Jacks short of a full box but I suspect it's the voices in her toaster that provide her with "facts."

What amuses me is the resilience of the Holocaust Denial Movement. No matter how often these moles get their silliness whacked they just pop up elsewhere trying to sell the same, worn-out BS.

They seem to raise whole new generations of Nazi loons to carry the torch for Hitler and hatred.
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