Why Would Joe Biden Request the Unmasking of General Flynn?


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Why Would Joe Biden Request the Unmasking of a Communication by General Flynn....at ANY TIME...let alone Eight (8) days before he leaves office as Vice President? See January 12th entry below. Any of you Fanatic Democrats TDSers want to explain that?

To add to my question, I will note that the person requesting "the unmasking" "must be doing so in the execution of his official duties."

So, what in the Hell could Joe Biden have been up to snooping around Flynn's work as incoming National Security Advisor---EIGHT days before he leaves his office as Vice President.

Anybody? Mr. Bueller? Mr. Bueller? Anybody?

To add to my question, I will note that the person requesting "the unmasking" "must be doing so in the execution of his official duties."

So, what in the Hell could Joe Biden have been up to snooping around Flynn's work as incoming National Security Advisor---EIGHT days before he leaves his office as Vice President.

Anybody? Mr. Bueller? Mr. Bueller? Anybody?

I'll give you obvious answer.
Like all of them, he was going all-in on Hillary winning
and nobody ever finding out about this, and General Flynn would already have been locked up by now.

They never thought that Trump could win, and they had an insurance policy just in case, but they got caught bigly.
Treason is the answer, he was committing treason.... I want Obama, Biden, and all of their co-conspirators executed! Folks, this is war, the entire democratic party is engaged in open treason, and they are at war with the United States, no election in which a single democrat is elected to anything, can ever be taken to be legitimate again! Do you fucking understand? They corrupted everything, the entire system is now rendered illegitimate, this is what Obama was working at for 8 years, and he had ample help in this endeavor from John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and about half of the republicans sitting in the United States senate, the whole thing is a giant conspiracy. I now firmly believe democrats, and their mega-billionaire patrons, conspired with communist China in loosing the corona-virus upon the planet.... Folks, Obama was working on behalf of a foreign power, can you spell C H I N A?
Isn’t it weird that our liberal posters ignore this?
they will tell you flynn lied and stop there.

actually i am seeing the shift to BARR IS CORRUPT!!!!

sorry - telling you your side broke the fuck out of the law does not make the man corrupt.
Senator Rand Paul:

"Declassified documents reveal V.P. Biden ordered the unmasking of General Flynn’s private conversation. Anyone think that Biden might have abused his power to go after a political opponent..."

Anybody? Bueller? Bueller? Coyote? Anybody?
Why Would Joe Biden Request the Unmasking of a Communication by General Flynn.

Probably so he could pretend that he was important.
To add to my question, I will note that the person requesting "the unmasking" "must be doing so in the execution of his official duties."

So, what in the Hell could Joe Biden have been up to snooping around Flynn's work as incoming National Security Advisor---EIGHT days before he leaves his office as Vice President.

Anybody? Mr. Bueller? Mr. Bueller? Anybody?


Is it Ukraine related?
Senator Rand Paul:

"Declassified documents reveal V.P. Biden ordered the unmasking of General Flynn’s private conversation. Anyone think that Biden might have abused his power to go after a political opponent..."

Anybody? Bueller? Bueller? Coyote? Anybody?

Coyote seems as confused as Biden today.
I don't think even the Trump cultists understand their loopy conspiracy theory. It's for certain that nobody else does. None of their babbling makes any sense to normal people. Trump cult logic is clearly not like our mere earth logic.

Yep, their handlers have issued orders they hyperventilate about... something - and, for good measure, they add a little spluttering apoplexy on top of that.

An official with a top level security clearance sees an intelligence product - name of U.S. person redacted. Finds, this U.S. person might do something nefarious, and asks the NSA to unmask that person. The NSA then looks at whether or not that U.S. official has a need to know and the necessary security clearance, and, if that is the case, unmasks the name (only then it turns out the crook negotiating sanctions with the Russians behind the Obama/Biden administration's back actually is the incoming national security advisor). Rules followed, and all.

Cue the spluttering apoplexy about... something. Useful idiots, all.
Cue the spluttering apoplexy about... something. Useful idiots, all.
I don't think even the Trump cultists understand their loopy conspiracy theory. It's for certain that nobody else does. None of their babbling makes any sense to normal people. Trump cult logic is clearly not like our mere earth logic.

Yep, their handlers have issued orders they hyperventilate about... something - and, for good measure, they add a little spluttering apoplexy on top of that.

An official with a top level security clearance sees an intelligence product - name of U.S. person redacted. Finds, this U.S. person might do something nefarious, and asks the NSA to unmask that person. The NSA then looks at whether or not that U.S. official has a need to know and the necessary security clearance, and, if that is the case, unmasks the name (only then it turns out the crook negotiating sanctions with the Russians behind the Obama/Biden administration's back actually is the incoming national security advisor). Rules followed, and all.

Cue the spluttering apoplexy about... something. Useful idiots, all.

I like that:

"Cue the spluttering apoplexy about... something. Useful idiots, all."

As dodges go, from you half-wit numb-skull Bolsheviks, it was o.k.

The Question, however, which has so far gone unanswered...which has in fact, been run from like it was a case of the Clap IS:

What was Uncle Joe Biden doing unmasking the conversations of General Flynn eight days before the end of his term as Vice-President?

Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

I like that:

"Cue the spluttering apoplexy about... something. Useful idiots, all."

As dodges go, from you half-wit numb-skull Bolsheviks, it was o.k.

The Question, however, which has so far gone unanswered...which has in fact, been run from like it was a case of the Clap IS:

What was Uncle Joe Biden doing unmasking the conversations of General Flynn eight days before the end of his term as Vice-President?

Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?


Thanks. Otherwise, just read my response as often as necessary for you to understand it. I know you'll get it, one day.
I like that:

"Cue the spluttering apoplexy about... something. Useful idiots, all."

As dodges go, from you half-wit numb-skull Bolsheviks, it was o.k.

The Question, however, which has so far gone unanswered...which has in fact, been run from like it was a case of the Clap IS:

What was Uncle Joe Biden doing unmasking the conversations of General Flynn eight days before the end of his term as Vice-President?

Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?


Thanks. Otherwise, just read my response as often as necessary for you to understand it. I know you'll get it, one day.
I like that:

"Cue the spluttering apoplexy about... something. Useful idiots, all."

As dodges go, from you half-wit numb-skull Bolsheviks, it was o.k.

The Question, however, which has so far gone unanswered...which has in fact, been run from like it was a case of the Clap IS:

What was Uncle Joe Biden doing unmasking the conversations of General Flynn eight days before the end of his term as Vice-President?

Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?


Thanks. Otherwise, just read my response as often as necessary for you to understand it. I know you'll get it, one day.

Read This from your post?

"An official with a top level security clearance sees an intelligence product - name of U.S. person redacted. Finds, this U.S. person might do something nefarious, and asks the NSA to unmask that person..."

My Question still is:

How does Uncle Joe Biden fit into this---Eight (8) days before he left office? Had Uncle Joe figured out that Flynn might do something nefarious? As Vice-President? Eight days before he leaves office?

Was he going to start an investigation?

That had already been done. And he knew it, because he was in the meeting at the White House with the other leaders of the attempt to undermine Trump's Presidency---including Obama, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rice and Yates.

Your Dodges are increasingly exposed as Dodges.

Can you answer? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

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