Why would Putin want Trump as president?

The reason is pretty obvious, but I wonder how many really know.
Because Hillary is a Cheney-sized war mongering skank

Because that's what Putin told you and you believe it.

Remember when Putin called all Russians home saying that when Hillary was elected, there would be war with the US? Gawd right wingers are gullible. And stupid.
The reason is pretty obvious, but I wonder how many really know.
Because Hillary is a Cheney-sized war mongering skank

Because that's what Putin told you and you believe it.

Remember when Putin called all Russians home saying that when Hillary was elected, there would be war with the US? Gawd right wingers are gullible. And stupid.

PUtin didn't tell us that, HIllary told us that.


"N — Hillary Clinton made it abundantly clear Wednesday night that if she defeats Donald J. Trump next month she will enter the White House with the most contentious relationship with Russia of any president in more than three decades, and with a visceral, personal animus toward Vladimir V. Putin, its leader.

“We haven’t seen a you-can’t-trust-these-guys tone like this since the days of Ronald Reagan,” said Stephen Sestanovich, who served in President Bill Clinton’s State Department and is the author of “Maximalist: America in the World from Truman to Obama.” “But even that was more a systemic criticism of the Soviet Union. This is focused on Putin himself.”

In a reversal of political roles, Mrs. Clinton, the Democratic candidate, is the one portraying Mr. Putin as America’s newest archenemy, whose underlings hack into her Brooklyn campaign headquarters, bomb Syrian civilians and threaten Ukraine and NATO allies in Europe. "

"Privately, some of her longtime advisers are already thinking about what mix of sanctions, diplomatic isolation and international condemnation they might put together if they take office to deal with Mr. Putin and the fragile economic state he runs, an update of the “containment” strategy that George F. Kennan formulated for President Harry S. Truman in 1947."

DId you like the Cold War? Cause Cold War II, is what you would have gotten.

At best.

Time and time again, I ran into lefties, who when asked if Estonia was really worth WWIII, admitted that they considered that threat of war, a BLUFF.

You don't BLUFF, about World Fucking WAR.
The reason is pretty obvious, but I wonder how many really know.
" The reason? Nobody in the freaking intelligence community ever suggested that "Putin wants Trump". The concept is a desperate invention of the radical left fed to their angry psychotic base to try to undermine the incoming administration.

Benghazi ........
The reason is pretty obvious, but I wonder how many really know.
Because Hillary is a Cheney-sized war mongering skank

Because that's what Putin told you and you believe it.

Remember when Putin called all Russians home saying that when Hillary was elected, there would be war with the US? Gawd right wingers are gullible. And stupid.

Hillary was a bigger war monger than Bush and Cheney combined. You have to believe there's a God watching over us who didn't want this mentally ill lunatic in the White House starting a war with a nuclear power
No sanctions have been dropped....
Sanctions Obama put in place over the Fake Russian scam.

Instead we find out Obama Soied on Trump continuously according to a Senior Known Intelligence Official.

This just came out this Morning so again he is Vindicated.

Up until Election Night Russia was talking to The Clinton Camp expecting them to win so this is a Fake Thread based on a Fake Premise created by a Fake Protestor!
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Russia Good!

We sent millions of Russian illegals Immigrants to America to Vote For Trump for the glory of Mother Russia!

Your Border Security and Immigration Law Not Good!

Your Voter ID Worse!

America is Now Full Of Communists, Fags, Whores & Junkies.

Drink Vodka Instead!
OUR Vodka IS best in all World!

Russia is Free & Strong & Democratic!

America Not So Much! Your Government Spy on more People Than Old KGB!

We are Smarter than Americans.

Each Russian speak and write 3 languages.

We take SAT drunk and beat Sober American scores!

We Sleep on beds made from Russian Trees, by Russian Workers and put Russian made clothes in our Russian Made Dressers.

Americans sleep on Chinese beds, wear Chinese clothes, watch Chinese TV and play on Chonese PCs paid for by money they Borrow from The Chinese!
No sanctions have been dropped.
Sanction Obama put in place over the Fake Russian scam.

Instead we find out Obama Soied on Trump continuously according to a Senior Known Intelligence Official.

This just came out this Morning so again he is Vindicated.

Up until Election Night Russia was talking to The Clinton Camp expecting them to win so this is a Fake Thread based on a Fake Premise created by a Fake Protestor!

Your post is word salad. When were the Russians talking to the Clinton camp? - Link???

Your post is also full of lies. Obama DID NOT SPY ON TRUMP. The Obama administration was spying on Russians, and the Trump team kept contacting the Russians the government was spying on.

Now we have Flynn who wants to turn States' evidence. Flynn wouldn't be willing to make a deal if he didn't have some big fish to give up.

Russia Good!

We sent millions of Russian illegals Immigrants to America to Vote For Trump for the glory of Mother Russia!

Your Border Security and Immigration Law Not Good!

Your Voter ID Worse!

America is Now Full Of Communists, Fags, Whores & Junkies.

Drink Vodka Instead!
OUR Vodka IS best in all World!

Russia is Free & Strong & Democratic!

America Not So Much! Your Government Spy on more People Than Old KGB!

We are Smarter than Americans.

Each Russian speak and write 3 languages.

We take SAT drunk and beat Sober American scores!

We Sleep on beds made from Russian Trees, by Russian Workers and put Russian made clothes in our Russian Made Dressers.

Americans sleep on Chinese beds, wear Chinese clothes, watch Chinese TV and play on Chonese PCs paid for by money they Borrow from The Chinese!
Is That You Brite Bart????
Bart Simpson Maybe!
Russia Good!

We sent millions of Russian illegals Immigrants to America to Vote For Trump for the glory of Mother Russia!

Your Border Security and Immigration Law Not Good!

Your Voter ID Worse!

America is Now Full Of Communists, Fags, Whores & Junkies.

Drink Vodka Instead!
OUR Vodka IS best in all World!

Russia is Free & Strong & Democratic!

America Not So Much! Your Government Spy on more People Than Old KGB!

We are Smarter than Americans.

Each Russian speak and write 3 languages.

We take SAT drunk and beat Sober American scores!

We Sleep on beds made from Russian Trees, by Russian Workers and put Russian made clothes in our Russian Made Dressers.

Americans sleep on Chinese beds, wear Chinese clothes, watch Chinese TV and play on Chonese PCs paid for by money they Borrow from The Chinese!
Is That You Brite Bart????
Intelligence official who 'unmasked' Trump associates is 'very high up,' source says

No sanctions have been dropped.
Sanction Obama put in place over the Fake Russian scam.

Instead we find out Obama Soied on Trump continuously according to a Senior Known Intelligence Official.

This just came out this Morning so again he is Vindicated.

Up until Election Night Russia was talking to The Clinton Camp expecting them to win so this is a Fake Thread based on a Fake Premise created by a Fake Protestor!

Your post is word salad. When were the Russians talking to the Clinton camp? - Link???

Your post is also full of lies. Obama DID NOT SPY ON TRUMP. The Obama administration was spying on Russians, and the Trump team kept contacting the Russians the government was spying on.

Now we have Flynn who wants to turn States' evidence. Flynn wouldn't be willing to make a deal if he didn't have some big fish to give up.

Intelligence official who 'unmasked' Trump associates is 'very high up,' source says

No sanctions have been dropped.
Sanction Obama put in place over the Fake Russian scam.

Instead we find out Obama Soied on Trump continuously according to a Senior Known Intelligence Official.

This just came out this Morning so again he is Vindicated.

Up until Election Night Russia was talking to The Clinton Camp expecting them to win so this is a Fake Thread based on a Fake Premise created by a Fake Protestor!

Your post is word salad. When were the Russians talking to the Clinton camp? - Link???

Your post is also full of lies. Obama DID NOT SPY ON TRUMP. The Obama administration was spying on Russians, and the Trump team kept contacting the Russians the government was spying on.

Now we have Flynn who wants to turn States' evidence. Flynn wouldn't be willing to make a deal if he didn't have some big fish to give up.


Nothing in this says anything about anyone. It's not naming the leak, the source who told them he or she was highly placed. In short, there is nothing new or verifiable in this purported news story.

You still haven't answered the question about the Clintons.
Whatever the question was about The Clintons, the answer is always

"They Were Criminals"

Sometimes the bad guy gets away. Especially if they have money and power!

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