Why wouldn't Trump answer the Jan 6th subpoena. It provides him opportunity to call out lies against him.

You will see in the days to come that Trump is terrified to testify under oath. He is going to dodge and weave like hell to avoid testifying

He's been blowing enough smoke up the asses of the rubes to raise the planet's temperature by 2 degrees.

All I know is Trump has beaten dems at every turn.
Careful what you wish for.
All I know is Trump has beaten dems at every turn.
Careful what you wish for.
Trump is not man enough to stand up for himself. Hillary was man enough.
Trump, himself, said those who plead the 5th are guilty. Not showing up is pleading the 5th by default.
Witch Hunt is a spineless excuse.
Your little committee looks stupid as hell....
Why wouldn't Trump answer the Jan 6th subpoena, It provides him opportunity to call out lies against him.
He has complained that no one has provided his side.

No one can provide his side better than him.
why would anyone answer anything from this Star Chamber?
I know, right.

I was playing the role of a Trump supporter there... If you tell the truth, you don't have to worry about purjuring yourself. I'm sure you will hear, if you haven't already, all matter of "they will trick him into lying".
You don't do disingenuous well.
Fake thread title posing a question and answering it
Trumps not walking into a one way street where he can only talk about the questions, designed to hang him, that are asked him.
That would be a Nazi show trial experience
Fake thread title posing a question and answering it
Trumps not walking into a one way street where he can only talk about the questions, designed to hang him, that are asked him.
That would be a Nazi show trial experience
cause he's a pathological liar, and dumbfucks like you believe all his lies.
cause he's a pathological liar, and dumbfucks like you believe all his lies.
Again and as always
Fact absent personal attack and zero rebuttal .
Using the sort of language that you can comprehend-you be poopy pants too.
and ruin your savings?
Yes, March 2020, the Stock Market was down from a high of 29,300 in Jan 2020 to that LOW of 21,650 in March 2020.

29300-21650 = 7650

7650/29300 = 0.261. or 26.1%

That ^^^^^^ crushed some people.

Today the market closed at 29634 from a high of 36952
36952-29634 = 7318
7318/36953 = 0.198 or 19.8%

Let's compare....... 26.1 > 19.8

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