Why You Should Have An AR-15

SHTF is my main concern and reason.

As for meathead Joe's comment here, like many Leftists, especially with no military service background, which fits his CV, this is the sort of thinking that imagines all military personnel are mindless robots whom will follow orders blindly. (If things ever got to a shootin' situation between Citizens and Guv'mint, quite probable most military persons would side with the Citizens.)

Biden: The Second Amendment is useless because the government can crush you​

BTW, there's an undercurrent in Joe's remarks that suggests a person itching for an excuse to become the next Fuhrer.
I hope you are right with regard to the military not blindly obeying an oppressive government. However, the ranks of the military have been changing since the time when we had the draft.

Except for the Marines, women make up about 1/5 of each branch. For 'racial minorities' the proportion is 1/3.
. [ https://www.militaryonesource.mil/d...military-community-demographics/#below-header ]
[ Over a third of enlisted US military personnel are racial minorities ]

Here in public I won't go into detail about what this might mean, or report on what I have heard from patriots serving in the military.

Put it this way: I would not assume that all members of the military have a strong, pro-American, patriotic feeling. Some of them are just government employees in uniform. And we know that as we go up into the higher ranks, people looking forward to a well-paid retirement, the impulse not to jeapordize promotion and a pension becomes stronger and stronger.

Note that people on the Right who express disdain for racial minorities and/or for women --- and these people do exist -- are doing the work of the enemy, and this is nowhere more obvious than the effect they will have on the female and non-white ranks of the military.

And it's another argument for patriots being as close to, and within, the military as they can be. All the PC bullshit that's now coming down will just have to be endured.

In a crisis, it's political events that will determine how everyone, including the ranks of the military, react. If the leadership of the patriots screws up, and makes it look like we're assaulting/resisting a legally elected, democratic government that is playing by the rules, we will lose a lot of support, or neutrality, from people we want to be on our side, or at least neutral.

One more point: we need to know a lot more about SHTF situations in other countries ... how they developed, what happened, what each side did right or wrong.

Our country has not had such a crisis since 1861, although we might have come close to one in the early 1930s. [ Business Plot - Wikipedia ] But other countries furnish plenty of material for study. We ought to utilize it.
I agree that you should be able to purchase an AR15 if you want one but the argument that you need one for home defense is a bit far fetched. I guess the assumption is that your home might be attacked by numerous assailants and you need to take them out at 100 yards or more. This is mostly fantasy.
I agree that you should be able to purchase an AR15 if you want one but the argument that you need one for home defense is a bit far fetched. I guess the assumption is that your home might be attacked by numerous assailants and you need to take them out at 100 yards or more. This is mostly fantasy.

If the democrats ever decide to send thei thugs blm and antifa into the suburbs an AR-15 will send them away from your home with more reliability than a shotgun……the democrats have hyped that rifle so much their minions think it is a death ray
I agree that you should be able to purchase an AR15 if you want one but the argument that you need one for home defense is a bit far fetched. I guess the assumption is that your home might be attacked by numerous assailants and you need to take them out at 100 yards or more. This is mostly fantasy.
I agree with you. Get a shotgun or a handgun for home defense. In fact, every patriot should have both of these, AND an AR15.

However, there is also the issue of who is going to use these. If someone with a slender frame might use them, then a shotgun might not be the best choice for them.

See the following video:

[ ]

Of course, the real way to find out is to go to a shooting range and have everyone in your family who might need to use a weapon, try firing all three.

Someone who doesn't like guns, and is of a slender frame, might do best with a .22 pistol loaded with hollow-points. We must not let the best be the enemy of the good.

Also: if home invasion is a real worry, then of course you will want outdoor security lights, heavy door locks, and a good intruder alarm, before you spend money on weapons. And maybe one of those signs that says, in English and Spanish, "IF YOU ARE FOUND HERE AT NIGHT, YOU WILL BE FOUND HERE IN THE MORNING."
If the democrats ever decide to send thei thugs blm and antifa into the suburbs an AR-15 will send them away from your home with more reliability than a shotgun……the democrats have hyped that rifle so much their minions think it is a death ray
Sadly I have to refer to the president on that issue. You can't fight off the federal government with a semi-automatic rifle. Don't try it and don't let your meth fused mind think that you can do it.
Sadly I have to refer to the president on that issue. You can't fight off the federal government with a semi-automatic rifle. Don't try it and don't let your meth fused mind think that you can do it.

Whomsaid the entire government….I stated driving off a mob of democrat party brown shirts…..blm and antics……it worked for the Koreans in the Rodney King riots and it worked for various businesses during the democrat party riots in 2020……..the democrat party brown shirts didn’t loot or burn businesses when the owners had those rifles….

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