Why You Shouldn't Trust RT ("russia" Today) and other Putin´s propagandacondoms.ru


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

Latvia banned RT and they instantly made a video calling this "censorship and a violation of free speech" LOL Muscovite czar mentioned "censorship and a violation of free speech". ps You’re going to the gulag for this one mate
From the ''most serious people want to talk about their opinions and ideas'' department...

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Ha, that is RT again. Interesting to see how one propaganda channel mocks its competitors.

If you want people to watch your videos, best to keep em under three minutes. That's basic Interwebz shenanigans 101, bro.

There's some scientific studies out there which find that the average human has about a three minute attention span, with the average American having slightly over a thirty second attention span. Maximum. I don't feel like looking them up, though. I only offer that advice as a courtesy.
I read ALL US news through my "Pravda" filter; the truth is in there somewhere but deflected by sheer BS!!!

Ha, that is RT again. Interesting to see how one propaganda channel mocks its competitors.

If you want people to watch your videos, best to keep em under three minutes. That's basic Interwebz shenanigans 101, bro.

There's some scientific studies out there which find that the average human has about a three minute attention span, with the average American having slightly over a thirty second attention span. Maximum. I don't feel like looking them up, though. I only offer that advice as a courtesy.
I agree with that. Likewise, too long posts on internet forums dont make sense. My post was more about the source of the video you posted.

Latvia banned RT and they instantly made a video calling this "censorship and a violation of free speech" LOL Muscovite czar mentioned "censorship and a violation of free speech". ps You’re going to the gulag for this one mate

Free world telling its people what they can´t see again? Quite antagonistic. Let us freeze them in the Stalingrad Cauldron, like they do with people whose governments they don´t like. Let them starve to death there.

Latvia banned RT and they instantly made a video calling this "censorship and a violation of free speech" LOL Muscovite czar mentioned "censorship and a violation of free speech". ps You’re going to the gulag for this one mate

Of course we shall trust western jewish presstitutes only
Russians are bad, only Jews are fine


Latvia banned RT and they instantly made a video calling this "censorship and a violation of free speech" LOL Muscovite czar mentioned "censorship and a violation of free speech". ps You’re going to the gulag for this one mate

I rust RT more than I trust CNN or even Savannah Guthrie
Relevant reading....

NYTimes warns readers against critical thinking...

''It’s logical that the Times should warn its readers against engaging too deeply with “wrongthink,” of course – Times readers often lack a solid grasp of the views they consider to be their deeply-held beliefs, having picked them up absent-mindedly from one ‘approved’ source or another without thinking too deeply about their implications or how they might possibly conflict with their existing values.

That is, if the average Times reader were to think too deeply about the material they ingest every day with their morning coffee, the resulting cognitive dissonance would cause their heads to explode. The paper contradicts itself on at least a weekly basis, as the narrative managers gleefully mine out society’s foundations from beneath it. Merely comparing the paper’s evolving coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic makes it clear that if they aren’t trying to keep their readers fear-stricken and off-balance with constant infusions of cognitive dissonance, they couldn’t have paid someone to do it better.

Warzel cites a professor who warns that “the goal of disinformation is to capture attention, and critical thinking is deep attention,” implying that to think critically about some forbidden morsel is to fall victim to the evil mastermind who created it. “The natural human mind-set is a liability in an attention economy,” he continues, making very sure the reader gets the point that “it allows grifters, conspiracy theorists, trolls, and savvy attention hijackers to take advantage of us and steal our focus.” You wouldn’t want that, would you? Close that browser window NOW!''


Latvia banned RT and they instantly made a video calling this "censorship and a violation of free speech" LOL Muscovite czar mentioned "censorship and a violation of free speech". ps You’re going to the gulag for this one mate

I rust RT more than I trust CNN or even Savannah Guthrie

Ok, and of course you consider Putin to be a great leader, right?

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