
There is nothing woke about it. Most people, like yourself, do not know the meaning of the word woke, except that you and others have been hearing it a zillion times from the lips of De Santis and others.

NO one has to go and buy Pride products of any kind. NO one goes to check all of the isles in any store. Those products are offensive to one, just stay away from them.

What is offensive to me is Nazis, etc walking around with t-shirts etc displaying a woman being held in the background with ropes. That is a T-shirt I saw in person worn by a teenager.

Those are the groups and products one needs to worry about.
The difference is that those are individual outliers. It’s not like corporations all over town are buying into that bullshit and promoting it - even at the cost of sales.
The difference is that those are individual outliers. It’s not like corporations all over town are buying into that bullshit and promoting it - even at the cost of sales.
There is no BS.
The BS is in your mind because you are not accepting those groups as legitimate.

They have always been around, forced to stay in the background or the closet.

Just mind your own life, and not theirs. It is that simple.
A effort to increase market share....Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't.

The difference is certain sexual deviants like bi-sexuals make up half the deviants so if a company can get part of that 4% it's a big win for them.

Conversely the backlash with the trannys (think bud light) is clear, their ilk are not accepted.

  • An estimated 20 million U.S. adults identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, according to a HRC analysis of government data.
That is a large percentage of the 5.6% of the US population who have been diagnosed with mental illness. Seems reasonable. LGBTQ+ Trannies are mentally deficient.
There is no BS.
The BS is in your mind because you are not accepting those groups as legitimate.

They have always been around, forced to stay in the background or the closet.

Just mind your own life, and not theirs. It is that simple.

The degradation of our society IS my business, and tens of millions of Americans agree with me.

“Celebrating” homosexuality and transgenderism at the corporate level - where it overtakes normal sexual behavior - is inappropriate at best, and stupid business to boot.
There is no BS.
The BS is in your mind because you are not accepting those groups as legitimate.

They have always been around, forced to stay in the background or the closet.

Just mind your own life, and not theirs. It is that simple.
P.S. And why don’t you mind YOUR own life. Stop complaining about what billionaires do with their money.
The degradation of our society IS my business, and tens of millions of Americans agree with me.

“Celebrating” homosexuality and transgenderism at the corporate level - where it overtakes normal sexual behavior - is inappropriate at best, and stupid business to boot.
Nothing is being degraded. It is all in wha people choose to believe.

This is no different from being against other people's minorities rights.

They are normal people, and should just be allowed to do what is normal to them. If they murder, rape or anything else THEN it becomes a matter of society to castigate them.

Tens of Millions of religious extremists and others who are ignorant and cannot accept the facts of life is not good for America or the rest of the world, wherever homosexuals and others are killed for simply having been born that way.

The more religion gets into an issue, the more prejudiced a society becomes. And that is exactly what is going on in the US today.
Nothing is being degraded. It is all in wha people choose to believe.

This is no different from being against other people's minorities rights.

They are normal people, and should just be allowed to do what is normal to them. If they murder, rape or anything else THEN it becomes a matter of society to castigate them.

Tens of Millions of religious extremists and others who are ignorant and cannot accept the facts of life is not good for America or the rest of the world, wherever homosexuals and others are killed for simply having been born that way.

The more religion gets into an issue, the more prejudiced a society becomes. And that is exactly what is going on in the US today.
You’re Jewish and objecting to religion?

I‘m OK with gays having rights, including the right to get married. It’s all OK until the leftists start pushing what is abnormal behavior on our children, with all this Pride this and Transgender that everywhere we turn.
Which Billionaires?
Any of them. I keep hearing from leftists that rich people should pay more in taxes.

I say just be glad you were born in this country, with all its opportunities, and take advantage of them to achieve a nice standard of life. Stop worrying that other people have more.
Someone should care that young children aren't indoctrinated with blatant sexuality.
Don't give us that shit again, that seems to be all of yours scape goat. Prove to me and all that all these children you speak of are being indoctrinated. How many? Give us a figure or stuff it up your ass. Admit it you and other's on this board want to tell fucking grown ups how to live their lives.
Why do you care? If it bothers you that much lock yourself in your house turn your tv and computer off and huddle in the corner.
All; that has to happen is cut the taxes in half or so. Stop paying for others. End it. Then we can do what we want.
You’re Jewish and objecting to religion?

I‘m OK with gays having rights, including the right to get married. It’s all OK until the leftists start pushing what is abnormal behavior on our children, with all this Pride this and Transgender that everywhere we turn.
You do not know that is normal or abnormal because it is all new and mostly the right is screaming bloody murder about them.

I object, and always have objected to extremism in ANY religion. And it is mostly religious extremists who are at the forefront of the attacks on the Pride parades and transpeople now.

That is, until it become more normal and more acceptable with time. Time take care of a lot of things, extremists do not like.
Any of them. I keep hearing from leftists that rich people should pay more in taxes.

I say just be glad you were born in this country, with all its opportunities, and take advantage of them to achieve a nice standard of life. Stop worrying that other people have more.
I do not think I brought Billionaires into the conversation. You did.

And Yes, since most Billionaires are getting away with not paying their due taxes, it is only fair that Billionaires from all parties, do pay their due in taxes like anyone else. It helps the country, not only themselves.
Don't give us that shit again, that seems to be all of yours scape goat. Prove to me and all that all these children you speak of are being indoctrinated. How many? Give us a figure or stuff it up your ass. Admit it you and other's on this board want to tell fucking grown ups how to live their lives.
You proved it yourself with your very own post! Are you denying that kids are being taught that queer is normal? For God sakes, the term "queer" (which they labeled themselves) means you are not normal and they take pride in the fact that they are not normal. And yet you and the left want to indoctrinate young kids that it is normal.
Stop buying their products.

See how quick they abandon The Message.

They'll say whatever it takes to make more money.

They don't give a single damn about the LGBTIAQ+ community.

They just want your money.
You proved it yourself with your very own post! Are you denying that kids are being taught that queer is normal? For God sakes, the term "queer" (which they labeled themselves) means you are not normal and they take pride in the fact that they are not normal. And yet you and the left want to indoctrinate young kids that it is normal.
Change your name from independentthinker to followtheleader. The grooming is being taught by priests, pastors and about 99% or straights, moron.

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