I'm pro life but not voting for Trump (some poster said)--Poll

Is the poster mentioned in OP a liar?

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  • There are issues more important than baby murdero

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You get full abortion rights, and child support is abolished.

After all Mens reproductive rights are human rights.
You are saying in so many words that since all rights are given to the woman to kill or not kill the child

men should not have to pay child support?

Well, that's understandable but we can't have single mothers raising children their fathers do not want to support.
It is to me but not to those running for office
But it sounds like if there were a politician who was truly pro life and one who wasn't, you would not necessarily put your allegedly pro life views ahead of... say, whether your taxes may be reduced?
You are saying in so many words that since all rights are given to the woman to kill or not kill the child

men should not have to pay child support?

Well, that's understandable but we can't have single mothers raising children their fathers do not want to support.
Where did I say men can’t voluntarily support a child?
Or momma keeps her legs crossed? Men can’t give birth. No matter what the left loonies think.

How dumb society had become
why is it always women who should "keep their legs crossed."

Are men animals who have to have sex all the time and therefore cannot be blamed at all for an "unwanted" child?

I frankly feel this is one of those unconscious messages thatsociety in general sends to all:

men get a pass bc they are just animals... ("need" sex) whereas women are the ones who have to stop them... Never mind the fact that women are not always able to do that, if you know what I mean.. Men are often aggressive when things go too far.. don't want to take No for an answer
why is it always women who should "keep their legs crossed."

Are men animals who have to have sex all the time and therefore cannot be blamed at all for an "unwanted" child?

I frankly feel this is one of those unconscious messages thatsociety in general sends to all:

men get a pass bc they are just animals... ("need" sex) whereas women are the ones who have to stop them... Never mind the fact that women are not always able to do that, if you know what I mean.. Men are often aggressive when things go too far.. don't want to take No for an answer

Have you noticed that it is the woman that entices the male? Hell, they spent hours each day doing so. Then when they get what they spent hours each day trying to achieve, then it’s on the Man?

And, I’m all for men volunteering to support the child. But if they have ZERO say as to if the child somehow magically transforms from a parasite, then it’s up to the woman to support it.

And if the woman can’t, they should be jailed for such failure.

Men’s reproductive rights are human rights.
And, I’m all for men volunteering to support the child. But if they have ZERO say as to if the child somehow magically transforms from a parasite, then it’s up to the woman to support it.

If a man helps make a baby, he should pay for the child's upbringing for 18 years, just as the mother will have to also sacrifice because children need the parents to sacrifice for them, as they are helpless

Men can say No as easily as women. And both need to do that until marriage.

Fornication and its results are destroying our country
So looks like

Poster hates Trump more than she loves unborn children
Not necessarily. I don't know or care who you are referring to but considering that Trump's position on abortion isn't really that important, there may be other issues or concerns for her that outweigh Trump's abortion stance. I do not believe the US Congress can or will pass any kind of abortion rights bill cuz that requires 60 votes in the Senate and I do not see either party getting that many seats. As I understand it, Trump's position is that it is a state issue rather than a federal one, which means he ain't going to issue any kind of executive order on abortion. I doubt he has the power to do that anyway, cuz Congress has not passed any kind of legislation that he can base his actions on. And the SC wouldn't allow it anyway, even a right-leaning court that we have now. IOW, a person can be pro-life and still not vote for Trump.
Not necessarily. I don't know or care who you are referring to but considering that Trump's position on abortion isn't really that important, there may be other issues or concerns for her that outweigh Trump's abortion stance. I do not believe the US Congress can or will pass any kind of abortion rights bill cuz that requires 60 votes in the Senate and I do not see either party getting that many seats. As I understand it, Trump's position is that it is a state issue rather than a federal one, which means he ain't going to issue any kind of executive order on abortion. I doubt he has the power to do that anyway, cuz Congress has not passed any kind of legislation that he can base his actions on. And the SC wouldn't allow it anyway, even a right-leaning court that we have now. IOW, a person can be pro-life and still not vote for Trump.
I don't know what IOW is

but life anddeath is the most important issue. Without life, obviously a person doesn't have any OTHER rights either and the Declaration says all have the Right to LIFE, liberty...

If saving the lives of innocent people is not the most important issue, something is wrong

If a man helps make a baby, he should pay for the child's upbringing for 18 years, just as the mother will have to also sacrifice because children need the parents to sacrifice for them, as they are helpless

Men can say No as easily as women. And both need to do that until marriage.

Fornication and its results are destroying our country
Sure, if abortion is illegal he sure should. If not, then no he should not be compelled to pay.

I wonder when so many men decided to get “some” they had to start acting like wimps and cuckolds?

Was never my problem.
Sure, if abortion is illegal he sure should. If not, then no he should not be compelled to pay.

I wonder when so many men decided to get “some” they had to start acting like wimps and cuckolds?

Was never my problem.
I don't get your point. Whether abortion is legal or not, if there is a dependent child, that child has a father. If he was irresponsible enough to help bring a child in the world.. didn't know the woman well enough to know she would maybe deliberately get pregnant.. that is on him.

Again, people need to be taught at an early age just how much work and $$ it takes to raise a child, and the very SERIOUS problems that ensue with irresponsible (unmarried) sex.. Instead, kids are taught all kinds of worthless and even harmful information when they attend public schools.. Anything helpful like raising children is totally ignored..
I don't get your point. Whether abortion is legal or not, if there is a dependent child, that child has a father. If he was irresponsible enough to help bring a child in the world.. didn't know the woman well enough to know she would maybe deliberately get pregnant.. that is on him.

Again, people need to be taught at an early age just how much work and $$ it takes to raise a child, and the very SERIOUS problems that ensue with irresponsible (unmarried) sex.. Instead, kids are taught all kinds of worthless and even harmful information when they attend public schools.. Anything helpful like raising children is totally ignored..

My god, I’ll ask again, when did the American male become cucks?
I sat those elections out. I was not convinced either Clinton or Obama was going to drive the country into the shitter, like Biden has done and promises to continue to do.
WE have been doing to many of the wrong things for many many years, no matter what party had the steering wheel.
We KEEP voting in the same people who work for the party, not the people.
I don't know what IOW is

but life anddeath is the most important issue. Without life, obviously a person doesn't have any OTHER rights either and the Declaration says all have the Right to LIFE, liberty...

If saving the lives of innocent people is not the most important issue, something is wrong

IOW = In Other Words

What I am attempting to say is that even if he's elected there's not a damn thing Trump can do as far as abortion laws are concerned. Every executive action that any president takes has to be based on existing law, the same as the Judicial Branch can only base their rulings on their perspective of existing law. You may believe that abortion is the most important issue, but not everyone shares that view. So, some voters can and should be looking at other issues when deciding who to vote for.

I am a pro-life person myself but since abortion is nowhere mentioned in our Constitution, I am going to respect the views of others that differ from mine. And I do believe that this should be as Trump says a state issue rather than a federal one.
IOW = In Other Words

What I am attempting to say is that even if he's elected there's not a damn thing Trump can do as far as abortion laws are concerned. Every executive action that any president takes has to be based on existing law,
I stopped reading at the first ... uh... can't find a word!

OK, what you should have said is that EOs are SUPPOSED to be based on existing law. And I would never expect T to go against that. But have you noticed how the current "president" couldn't care less about basing anything on existing law?

Yeh, I know... that seems rather a pointless thing to focus on..

In any case, I never said anything about how T could make abortion illegal nationally.

Still, all humans regardless of what state they abide in, have a right to continue living

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