
Two women having a conversation at the water cooler:

A: They failed to pass the anti-sex trafficking bill in Congress.
B: Yeah....those Dems blocked it! Assholes!
A: They did that because the GOP added an amendment about abortion that had nothing tondo with the bill.
B: oh! Really! SonTHEY are the assholes, then?
A: Yep. You got it.
So the only source of funding for those abortions would be money from this bill?

Its an immeidately relevant issue that accompanies human trafficking. A huge number of women that are human trafficked are used for sex. Often against their will.

Why wouldn't the bill include funding for abortions due to rape under these circumstances?

And you really think that most women are going to buy this 'Democratic war on women' narrative? This is shit that even among conservatives is said with a giggle.

And again, this would be the ONLY source for funding for that?

What other source of funding for abortions to sex trafficked women are Republicans offering?

None. Again, your argument only has merit if there is a viable alternative being offered by the folks slapping on the anti-abortion rider. And there is none. Which is exactly the point.

Get the funding for that part from somewhere else.

And where would that be?

By all means, be specific. The whole 'somewhere else' schtick only works if you have a viable option to offer in alternative. But cutting funding for immediately relevant reproductive health needs of the very population you claim to be trying to help is an obvious act of meaningless hypocritical bullshit.

And an act women will most certainly be able to see through. Seriously, guys.......you're fooling no one. Not even yourselves.

How was there federal funding available for it in the first place if its banned by the Hyde amendment already?
Women are very much aware of the fact that most republicans and others on the right are hostile to the privacy rights of women.

And this does nothing to restrict those rights.

It makes it harder and more time consuming to exercise those rights. Which is exactly why republicans slapped on the rider.

And given the high rate of pregnancy due to rape among sex trafficked workers, this issue is immediately relevant to the human trafficking bill. But true to bone stupid form, many conservatives imagine that women won't be able to pierce their clever veil of 'plausible deniability', and accept that abortion being harder and more time consuming for victims of human trafficking to receive is just a random coincidence.

With the majority of women voting democrat for over a generation, face it fellas: the ladies cracked your 'code'.

Its amazing you don't see it even when its right in front of your face.

Even without the amendment, the original Hyde amendment prevents funding of abortions with federal money ANYWAY.

And guess what? Right now, they GET NO FUCKING HELP WHATSOEVER because your assholes are blocking the bill.

God you are fucking dense.

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