WI Is Not Listening Audit Coming

2 1/2 years of nothing but Russia Collusion.

There was no violent attempt to stop the transfer of power to the new administration in 2017. Clinton called and conceded the election in the wee hours of the next morning after the election.

Then Mueller finds “no Russia collusion”

Mueller found plenty of collusion between Russians and the Trumpybear Campaign. Collusion is not a crime.

Republicans had complete control of the WH, the Senate and the House for his first two years. He was his own worst enemy. His own DOJ investigated the Russian Connection, not the Democrats in the House, they had no power at all to investigate Trumpyberra until 2019.
Because they counted illegal votes again and the people running it were corrupt. Even you, as dumb as are, should know that.
Liar. The same rules were in place in 2016 when the Trumpybear won the state.

At issue is a section of a Wisconsin statute that allows voters to declare themselves as "indefinitely confined." They can then cast an absentee ballot without providing a photo ID, as would be required for in-person voting or a traditional absentee ballot.

The number of people claiming this status in Wisconsin rose from 57,000 in the 2016 presidential election to about 215,000 in the November 2020 election. That's about 7% of the Wisconsin vote in 2020.
Liar. The same rules were in place in 2016 when the Trumpybear won the state.

At issue is a section of a Wisconsin statute that allows voters to declare themselves as "indefinitely confined." They can then cast an absentee ballot without providing a photo ID, as would be required for in-person voting or a traditional absentee ballot.

The number of people claiming this status in Wisconsin rose from 57,000 in the 2016 presidential election to about 215,000 in the November 2020 election. That's about 7% of the Wisconsin vote in 2020.
Bullshit. Why would an audit bother you if there was no fraud?
Hahaha, the AZ Fraudit is not valid state audit.
It sure is. The Senate had it done. You don't like the illegal votes they found, the misalinged ballots they found, the counterfeit ballots they found? Biden did not legally win AZ. That is now a fact.
It sure is. The Senate had it done.

The AZ State Senate can't change AZ's certification of the 2020 election by any means in 2021.

Have the fraudsters released their findings along with the ballots and equipment they've rendered worthless. I think the County should sue the AZ Republicans for the replacement costs of those machines.
More censorship of something that did not happen? Worried too many people will become informed and aware the election was really stolen? I think so. :mm:
The AZ State Senate can't change AZ's certification of the 2020 election by any means in 2021.

Have the fraudsters released their findings along with the ballots and equipment they've rendered worthless. I think the County should sue the AZ Republicans for the replacement costs of those machines.
The citizens will not settle for a fraudulent president. Something will be done. This will kill the Democratic party, if nothing else.
There was no violent attempt to stop the transfer of power to the new administration in 2017. Clinton called and conceded the election in the wee hours of the next morning after the election.


Mueller found plenty of collusion between Russians and the Trumpybear Campaign. Collusion is not a crime.

Republicans had complete control of the WH, the Senate and the House for his first two years. He was his own worst enemy. His own DOJ investigated the Russian Connection, not the Democrats in the House, they had no power at all to investigate Trumpyberra until 2019.
It was never Trump's DOJ. The place was full of saboteurs and Trump haters that did not advertise it. The FBI was never Trump's Wray is as bad as Comey. Even the State Dept. backstabbed him. Get real or STFU up.
The citizens will not settle for a fraudulent president. Something will be done. This will kill the Democratic party, if nothing else.
Exactly why Trumpybear will never be installed based on the Neo-GOP's attempted fraud in the several swing States.
It was never Trump's DOJ. The place was full of saboteurs and Trump haters that did not advertise it. The FBI was never Trump's Wray is as bad as Comey. Even the State Dept. backstabbed him. Get real or STFU up.
Not according to the Trumpyberra, it was his, and the AG was suppose to do his bidding too. In reality anyone with an once of integrity opposes Trumpybears' corrupt authoritarianism.
Your “uprising” failed. Time to mothball the bear spray, Rump flags, gallos, crossbows, stun guns & battering rams and try to be good citizens for a change :)

View attachment 517908
The January 6th riot was no uprising. It was an out of control mob but not a organized and planned insurrection. It was less destructive than many Antifa and BLM riots.

I don’t want to see this nation break apart but hopefully
if and when it does it will do so peacefully.

Safe and secure elections? Not the one in 2020.

You need to stop believing the nonsense you read on these unreliable rightwing fake news sites.

“Overall, we rate National File an extreme right Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy website based on the promotion of unproven/debunked claims and a Strong Pseudoscience purveyor based on using junk science to support claims.”

You need to stop believing the nonsense you read on these unreliable rightwing fake news sites.

“Overall, we rate National File an extreme right Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy website based on the promotion of unproven/debunked claims and a Strong Pseudoscience purveyor based on using junk science to support claims.”

Dispute what they say. Or STFU.
The January 6th riot was no uprising. It was an out of control mob but not a organized and planned insurrection. It was less destructive than many Antifa and BLM riots.

I don’t want to see this nation break apart but hopefully
if and when it does it will do so peacefully.

View attachment 518103
It was totally organized by the Insurrectionist in Chief. Hence many charged crimes of Conspiracy
Such is the right’s ignorance of the Constitution and hatred of America; conservatives literally want to divide the American people.
Conservatives have ABSOLUTELY NO DESIRE to live in a socialist workers paradise. Conservatives refuse to follow the old Pied Piper Bernie Sanders or the young foolish AOC.

Conservatives want to fund GOOD police not defund them. Conservative want to put dangerous criminals in prison and not just let them walk back on the street through the revolving doors of a poorly functioning justice system to commit more violent crime. Conservatives want to see bad police removed but good police backed by their cities.

Conservatives don’t mind peaceful demostrations but riots including the January 6th fiasco at the Capitol are out.

Conservatives want a rule of law that applies equally to democrats and not just to conservatives.

Conservatives love this nation with all its faults and hope to improve it but not to be held personally accountable for all the sins of citizens who lived in prior centuries.

Conservatives believe in teaching the history of this nation and covering its faults but not teaching that our nation was founded on slavery because it wasn’t. Conservatives want to see schools teach students how to think and not brainwash them.

Conservatives believe in our Constitution especially the Bill of Rights. Conservatives believe in the right of free speech, the right to own firearms and freedom of religion.

Conservatives believe in a free press but not a press that functions only as the propaganda machine for the Democratic Party.

Conservatives believe the states should have more power than the Federal bureaucracy as government is far more efficient when it addresses local problems rather than passing laws where one size fits all. Real conservatives are not Globalists.

Conservatives do not hate rich people. They want to make everybody richer. Billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and Elon Musk will likely get us to the moon, set up a colony on Mars and start mining the asteroid belt much faster than NASA.

Conservatives want to treat people based on their character not the color of their skin. We want everybody in our nation to have an equal opportunity to succeed.

Conservatives want fair elections that everybody agrees are honest and above board.
Too funny Batboy ...
Translation: Conservatives want fair elections, but when we lose - Then there was massive fraud!

Both Democrats and Republicans find ways to cheat on elections if given the opportunity.

In the 2020 election both the Democratic Party and the establishment Republican Party wanted to see Trump gone.

It will be interesting to see what the audits uncover when they finish.
Both Democrats and Republicans find ways to cheat on elections if given the opportunity.

In the 2020 election both the Democratic Party and the establishment Republican Party wanted to see Trump gone.

It will be interesting to see what the audits uncover when they finish.
The Q-Kook grift in Maricopa County is a Fraudit.
It resembles an actual audit only in the twisted mind of a Rump Fetishist.
You don't already know what it will find - SERIOUSLY?
C'mon now, playing dumb is not an option here. ;)

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