Wife Divorces Trumper after his Love for the president causes her ‘frustration and embarrassment’

My Mexican-American wife caucused for Trump in 2016.
Great marriage and I'm a lucky man!

Same here. My wife and I have been married 13 years and haven't had a cross word between us yet. She was a Political Science and History major in college and voted for Reagan back in the day

Over the years she became more liberal and voted for Obama in 2008. I was still a right-winger then and hated Obama with a passion, but we never discussed politics or got into any arguments.

By Obama's second term, she realized what a shit head Obama really was and heartily supported Donald Trump. Now she leans a little farther to the right than I am, if you can believe that.
Yiu both are older white people, right?

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It’s definitely a cult. This is how cults break up families.

Trump supporter divorced by his wife after his love for the president causes her ‘frustration and embarrassment’

Trump supporter divorced by his wife after his love for the president causes her ‘frustration and embarrassment’ | Raw Story

Does Donald Trump’s presidency have the power to destroy love itself?

That seems to be the case with one woman who divorced her husband of 24 years because she could no longer stand his support for the president.

Voice of America News reports that Jennifer Merrill decided to file for divorce because her husband’s love of Trump had become a source of “frustration and embarrassment” for her.

In particular, Merrill tells VOA News that she grew fed up with her husband ridiculing her for going to protests against the president.

“He had no sensitivity for how I felt, that I felt so strongly about it, especially when I was going out and doing protests… and he would just laugh about it and continue to defend [Trump],” she tells the publication. “So that just made me very, very angry.”

It seems that Trump’s presidency is causing friction in many more relationships as well.

VOA News cites a study from nonpartisan firm Wakefield Research claiming that “22 percent of people in their 20s and 30s report breaking up with someone over political differences.” The same survey shows roughly 33 percent of Millennials say they know of at least one marriage that has been negatively impacted by Trump’s election.
Radical Leftists projecting again, calling Trump supporters a "cult". In other words, it was the cultist behavior and intolerance of the wife that caused the divorce.
My Mexican-American wife caucused for Trump in 2016.
Great marriage and I'm a lucky man!

Same here. My wife and I have been married 13 years and haven't had a cross word between us yet. She was a Political Science and History major in college and voted for Reagan back in the day

Over the years she became more liberal and voted for Obama in 2008. I was still a right-winger then and hated Obama with a passion, but we never discussed politics or got into any arguments.

By Obama's second term, she realized what a shit head Obama really was and heartily supported Donald Trump. Now she leans a little farther to the right than I am, if you can believe that.
Yiu both are older white people, right?

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You oppose the perspective that comes from experience? That’s illogical and basically stupid.
My guess is you confuse assimilated with white because you’re a black segregationist.
It’s definitely a cult. This is how cults break up families.

Trump supporter divorced by his wife after his love for the president causes her ‘frustration and embarrassment’

Trump supporter divorced by his wife after his love for the president causes her ‘frustration and embarrassment’ | Raw Story

Does Donald Trump’s presidency have the power to destroy love itself?

That seems to be the case with one woman who divorced her husband of 24 years because she could no longer stand his support for the president.

Voice of America News reports that Jennifer Merrill decided to file for divorce because her husband’s love of Trump had become a source of “frustration and embarrassment” for her.

In particular, Merrill tells VOA News that she grew fed up with her husband ridiculing her for going to protests against the president.

“He had no sensitivity for how I felt, that I felt so strongly about it, especially when I was going out and doing protests… and he would just laugh about it and continue to defend [Trump],” she tells the publication. “So that just made me very, very angry.”

It seems that Trump’s presidency is causing friction in many more relationships as well.

VOA News cites a study from nonpartisan firm Wakefield Research claiming that “22 percent of people in their 20s and 30s report breaking up with someone over political differences.” The same survey shows roughly 33 percent of Millennials say they know of at least one marriage that has been negatively impacted by Trump’s election.
I heard shortly after the divorce she went on a rampage running down mexicans and blacks.
Or she went out and fuxed every ni**er she could wrap her twat around...
And you can’t rebut because the logic is beyond your argument.
What is it with you morons who think that, because someone doesn't do something, they can't? Retards...

No, the sperm donor doesn't have equal rights to decide if the pregnancy is carried to term as the person who carries it to term.

Sorry. Enjoy pissing in the wind crybaby, because this wish ain't ever coming true . Not ever.
And you can’t rebut because the logic is beyond your argument.
What is it with you morons who think that, because someone doesn't do something, they can't? Retards...

No, the sperm donor doesn't have equal rights to decide if the pregnancy is carried to term as the person who carries it to term.

Sorry. Enjoy pissing in the wind crybaby, because this wish ain't ever coming true . Not ever.
The pregnancy can’t come about without the man’s sperm deposited into the egg holder, to put it in reverse terms of your bias. Sometimes a third party is required to carry the fetus. Bottom line is that a specific man as well as a specific woman are necessary to generate life. Your limited and biased take on this is a perfect parallel to Dred Scott.
What is unclear about this statement from the article?
What is clear is that those are the authors words. Now quote hers.

“He had no sensitivity for how I felt, that I felt so strongly about it, especially when I was going out and doing protests… and he would just laugh about it and continue to defend [Trump],” she tells the publication. “So that just made me very, very angry.”

So, as it is with all Democrats, her intolerance was hunky-dory, but his was not acceptable.

Got it.
It’s definitely a cult. This is how cults break up families.

Trump supporter divorced by his wife after his love for the president causes her ‘frustration and embarrassment’

Trump supporter divorced by his wife after his love for the president causes her ‘frustration and embarrassment’ | Raw Story

Does Donald Trump’s presidency have the power to destroy love itself?

That seems to be the case with one woman who divorced her husband of 24 years because she could no longer stand his support for the president.

Voice of America News reports that Jennifer Merrill decided to file for divorce because her husband’s love of Trump had become a source of “frustration and embarrassment” for her.

In particular, Merrill tells VOA News that she grew fed up with her husband ridiculing her for going to protests against the president.

“He had no sensitivity for how I felt, that I felt so strongly about it, especially when I was going out and doing protests… and he would just laugh about it and continue to defend [Trump],” she tells the publication. “So that just made me very, very angry.”

It seems that Trump’s presidency is causing friction in many more relationships as well.

VOA News cites a study from nonpartisan firm Wakefield Research claiming that “22 percent of people in their 20s and 30s report breaking up with someone over political differences.” The same survey shows roughly 33 percent of Millennials say they know of at least one marriage that has been negatively impacted by Trump’s election.
Leftists belong to the cult of hate for America
A multi decade marriage does not end because of political views.
Neither did this one. Ffs did anyone read the article? She left because of his abuse.

Abuse? He LAUGHED at her!

You liberals have become such delicate flowers with your safe zones and liberal media saturation that if someone dares to laugh at your silliness then they're deemed to be ABUSIVE! It's farce...
Interesting... I don't care about my wife's politics. She doesn't care about mine. We rarely, if ever, discuss politics. On the few occasions we've watched the debates, both Democrat and Republican, we both tend to shake our heads at the same bullshit, but not always...

My feelings for my wife are not predicated by her political beliefs. That's ridiculous, in my opinion.
It’s definitely a cult. This is how cults break up families.

Trump supporter divorced by his wife after his love for the president causes her ‘frustration and embarrassment’

Trump supporter divorced by his wife after his love for the president causes her ‘frustration and embarrassment’ | Raw Story

Does Donald Trump’s presidency have the power to destroy love itself?

That seems to be the case with one woman who divorced her husband of 24 years because she could no longer stand his support for the president.

Voice of America News reports that Jennifer Merrill decided to file for divorce because her husband’s love of Trump had become a source of “frustration and embarrassment” for her.

In particular, Merrill tells VOA News that she grew fed up with her husband ridiculing her for going to protests against the president.

“He had no sensitivity for how I felt, that I felt so strongly about it, especially when I was going out and doing protests… and he would just laugh about it and continue to defend [Trump],” she tells the publication. “So that just made me very, very angry.”

It seems that Trump’s presidency is causing friction in many more relationships as well.

VOA News cites a study from nonpartisan firm Wakefield Research claiming that “22 percent of people in their 20s and 30s report breaking up with someone over political differences.” The same survey shows roughly 33 percent of Millennials say they know of at least one marriage that has been negatively impacted by Trump’s election.
It would appear as if it was HER problem..not his. His, 'lack of sensitivity'..is married code for he didn't agree with me. It sounds as though he was amused by her political stance...but allowed her to exercise her rights..her issue is her friends gave her shit about having a Trumpster for a husband..and she was too weak..or did not love him enough..to give him the same rights she wanted for herself.

In any event..blaming anyone outside of a marriage..for the breakup of said marriage..is absurd. Solid marriages laugh such shit off..or work out an accommodation.
The Bible tells us not to be "unequally yoked". This means you take the time to get to know and marry a person who has your same shared values. To many people fail in this wisdom from the Bible.

That said; Divorce is to be seldom and for cause. It appears he had cause...
So what was Fat Donnies problem?

He still doesn’t need assistance walking, like lard ass hilly.

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