Wife gets 1 billion divorce settlement. Demands much much more.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The husband founded Continental and built it into the giant company it now is. Men are idiots to get married. They do all the work and then the useless bitch takes the money.

Oil magnate s ex-wife slams 1 billion divorce ruling in appeal - Yahoo News

dec 5 2014.
(Reuters) - The ex-wife of Oklahoma oil magnate Harold Hamm has appealed a November divorce ruling that awarded her $1 billion, citing 78 alleged errors and missteps that caused a judge to grossly undervalue her stake in one of America's greatest oil fortunes.

Sue Ann Arnall's appeal assails as "inappropriate" Judge Howard Haralson's decision to allow lawyers for both her ex-husband and his oil company, Continental Resources, to "double team" her during an epic divorce trial.

It also disputes the court's acceptance of a revised version of Continental's corporate history that falsely dates hugely profitable moves as occurring before the couple's 26-year marriage began.
This guy is an idiot for not doing a prenuptial agreement and getting her to sign. He deserves this.
I've met Harold a time or two. Unassuming good ol' boy so to speak.

Bad judge of women, evidently LOL.
I was wondering why Continental changed its hedging strategy and cashed in the short contracts.

You would think a guy who was that cautious about the market for oil would be equally cautious about the market for wives.

Harold Hamm with a wave of his hand,
said goodbye to all that,
He paid his bills, stopped the Milk, and then put on his hat,
He tried to say his last farewells as quickly as he could,
Promising that he would return, but doubted that he would,
doubted that he would.

She was with the guy for 26 years, she certainly deserves enough money to keep her in the lifestyle she helped create.

Useless bitch my ass, Shootspeeders, you are a moron.

However, does seem a bit greedy to sue for more.
Why did the divorce happen?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I don't believe that the law should side with a person who cheats.
She was with the guy for 26 years, she certainly deserves enough money to keep her in the lifestyle she helped create.

Useless bitch my ass, Shootspeeders, you are a moron.

However, does seem a bit greedy to sue for more.
Speedos is one dumb motherfucker.....when he cant back something up that he says is true.....he runs from you like a little girl every time you enter one of his half-assed threads......the guys a wuss....oops....there he goes he saw me enter this thread....

by dipshit......
She was with the guy for 26 years, she certainly deserves enough money to keep her in the lifestyle she helped create.

Useless bitch my ass, Shootspeeders, you are a moron.

However, does seem a bit greedy to sue for more.

She receives $1B out of $18B? Who is greedy?

Wow ... OnePercenter is defending a Billionaire onepercenter .

Shouldn't she donate it all to the people to make things fair and just for the community?


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