wiil the left riot, loot , and burn down city blocks again if they lose the 2024 election ?

will the left riot, loot and burn down city blocks if they lose the 2024 election ?

  • yes

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • no

    Votes: 4 44.4%

  • Total voters
exactly the kind of response one would expect from a leftist .. when confronted with facts the left doesnt care ..
I don't care, not because I am a leftist, rightist, centrist, cartographer, or a scrimshaw artist, it's because I don't care because there is and was nothing I could do to stop it, nor did I instigate the actions of other humans, I am merely a spectator and I really don't care what humans do because they will do as they want no matter what I think. I am a counter-culture person and dislike much of what humans have engineered socially. I don't participate in the material possession competition most humans actively participate in, in other words, I don't try to keep up with the Joneses and material wealth is not important to me.

I don't care, not because I am a leftist, rightist, centrist, cartographer, or a scrimshaw artist, it's because I don't care because there is and was nothing I could do to stop it, nor did I instigate the actions of other humans, I am merely a spectator and I really don't care what humans do because they will do as they want no matter what I think. I am a counter-culture person and dislike much of what humans have engineered socially. I don't participate in the material possession competition most humans actively participate in, in other words, I don't try to keep up with the Joneses and material wealth is not important to me.
blah blah blah .. you are a leftist .. you know it we all know it .
other than brief violence on jan 6th 2020 the gop doesnt have a history of violence like the left .
You must have forgotten Charlottesville when you were running folks over with cars, beating the shit out of black folks etc...
i doubt there will be any mass violence from the right no matter how the election turns out .
Same here. You guys are sure an election was stolen from you and you've done nothing but post on a message board. You're truly dickless. A true patriot would be much more active.
You must have forgotten Charlottesville when you were running folks over with cars, beating the shit out of black folks etc...

Same here. You guys are sure an election was stolen from you and you've done nothing but post on a message board. You're truly dickless. A true patriot would be much more active.
over 2 dozen murdered during the lefts summer of violence ! over 2000 police injured ..
over 2 dozen murdered during the lefts summer of violence ! over 2000 police injured ..
Yep...it was pretty violent. The difference is that I didn't endorse/rationalize/or pull the "whataboutism" to the violence or try to downplay it as you do here...daily. Except for that time when you did honor your bet but have since then welched on it like only a true scumbag would.

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