WikiLeaks release- Hillary for Open Borders

There is no cheap hypothetical gotcha about any of it. She's a neofuckingliberal.
and this is why we should never do anything but laugh when Hillary speaks...

To her Dem supporters, she is for all sorts of restrictions.

To her foreign donors, she is for open borders and trade.

Hillary is for whatever puts the most money in Hillary's pocket, and nothing else matters.
^ that
We need walls...big beautiful walls, walls to keep murderers and rapists out of....walls that taxpayers other than Trump will get a bill

Did you miss......."in some places "?

No. Did you not grasp that whole private and public thang? Or are you just supporting Clinton "in some places"?

Public and private walls?

*Clinton: “But If Everybody's Watching, You Know, All Of The Back Room Discussions And The Deals, You Know, Then People Get A Little Nervous, To Say The Least. So, You Need Both A Public And A Private Position.”* CLINTON: You just have to sort of figure out how to -- getting back to that word, "balance" -- how to balance the public and the private efforts that are necessary to be successful, politically, and that's not just a comment about today. That, I think, has probably been true for all of our history, and if you saw the Spielberg movie, Lincoln, and how he was maneuvering and working to get the 13th Amendment passed, and he called one of my favorite predecessors, Secretary Seward, who had been the governor and senator from New York, ran against Lincoln for president, and he told Seward, I need your help to get this done. And Seward called some of his lobbyist friends who knew how to make a deal, and they just kept going at it. I mean, politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position. And finally, I think -- I believe in evidence-based decision making. I want to know what the facts are. I mean, it's like when you guys go into some kind of a deal, you know, are you going to do that development or not, are you going to do that renovation or not, you know, you look at the numbers. You try to figure out what's going to work and what's not going to work. [Clinton Speech For National Multi-Housing Council, 4/24/13]
We need walls...big beautiful walls, walls to keep murderers and rapists out of....walls that taxpayers other than Trump will get a bill

Did you miss......."in some places "?

No. Did you not grasp that whole private and public thang? Or are you just supporting Clinton "in some places"?

Public and private walls?

Along with this:
CLINTON TALKS ABOUT HOLDING WALL STREET ACCOUNTABLE ONLY FOR POLITICAL REASONS* *Clinton Said That The Blame Placed On The United States Banking System For The Crisis “Could Have Been Avoided In Terms Of Both Misunderstanding And Really Politicizing What Happened.”* “That was one of the reasons that I started traveling in February of '09, so people could, you know, literally yell at me for the United States and our banking system causing this everywhere. Now, that's an oversimplification we know, but it was the conventional wisdom. And I think that there's a lot that could have been avoided in terms of both misunderstanding and really politicizing what happened with greater transparency, with greater openness on all sides, you know, what happened, how did it happen, how do we prevent it from happening? You guys help us figure it out and let's make sure that we do it right this time. And I think that everybody was desperately trying to fend off the worst effects institutionally, governmentally, and there just wasn't that opportunity to try to sort this out, and that came later.” [Goldman Sachs AIMS Alternative Investments Symposium, 10/24/13]
We need walls...big beautiful walls, walls to keep murderers and rapists out of....walls that taxpayers other than Trump will get a bill

Did you miss......."in some places "?

No. Did you not grasp that whole private and public thang? Or are you just supporting Clinton "in some places"?

Public and private walls?

*Clinton: “But If Everybody's Watching, You Know, All Of The Back Room Discussions And The Deals, You Know, Then People Get A Little Nervous, To Say The Least. So, You Need Both A Public And A Private Position.”* CLINTON: You just have to sort of figure out how to -- getting back to that word, "balance" -- how to balance the public and the private efforts that are necessary to be successful, politically, and that's not just a comment about today. That, I think, has probably been true for all of our history, and if you saw the Spielberg movie, Lincoln, and how he was maneuvering and working to get the 13th Amendment passed, and he called one of my favorite predecessors, Secretary Seward, who had been the governor and senator from New York, ran against Lincoln for president, and he told Seward, I need your help to get this done. And Seward called some of his lobbyist friends who knew how to make a deal, and they just kept going at it. I mean, politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position. And finally, I think -- I believe in evidence-based decision making. I want to know what the facts are. I mean, it's like when you guys go into some kind of a deal, you know, are you going to do that development or not, are you going to do that renovation or not, you know, you look at the numbers. You try to figure out what's going to work and what's not going to work. [Clinton Speech For National Multi-Housing Council, 4/24/13]

That surprises you?

Never realized you were that naive about politics

Did you miss......."in some places "?

No. Did you not grasp that whole private and public thang? Or are you just supporting Clinton "in some places"?

Public and private walls?

*Clinton: “But If Everybody's Watching, You Know, All Of The Back Room Discussions And The Deals, You Know, Then People Get A Little Nervous, To Say The Least. So, You Need Both A Public And A Private Position.”* CLINTON: You just have to sort of figure out how to -- getting back to that word, "balance" -- how to balance the public and the private efforts that are necessary to be successful, politically, and that's not just a comment about today. That, I think, has probably been true for all of our history, and if you saw the Spielberg movie, Lincoln, and how he was maneuvering and working to get the 13th Amendment passed, and he called one of my favorite predecessors, Secretary Seward, who had been the governor and senator from New York, ran against Lincoln for president, and he told Seward, I need your help to get this done. And Seward called some of his lobbyist friends who knew how to make a deal, and they just kept going at it. I mean, politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position. And finally, I think -- I believe in evidence-based decision making. I want to know what the facts are. I mean, it's like when you guys go into some kind of a deal, you know, are you going to do that development or not, are you going to do that renovation or not, you know, you look at the numbers. You try to figure out what's going to work and what's not going to work. [Clinton Speech For National Multi-Housing Council, 4/24/13]

That surprises you?

Never realized you were that naive about politics

No. You. Don't. You have no idea wtf she is about. But it's cute that you went for the wall.
Did you miss......."in some places "?

No. Did you not grasp that whole private and public thang? Or are you just supporting Clinton "in some places"?

Public and private walls?
*Clinton: “But If Everybody's Watching, You Know, All Of The Back Room Discussions And The Deals, You Know, Then People Get A Little Nervous, To Say The Least. So, You Need Both A Public And A Private Position.”* CLINTON: You just have to sort of figure out how to -- getting back to that word, "balance" -- how to balance the public and the private efforts that are necessary to be successful, politically, and that's not just a comment about today. That, I think, has probably been true for all of our history, and if you saw the Spielberg movie, Lincoln, and how he was maneuvering and working to get the 13th Amendment passed, and he called one of my favorite predecessors, Secretary Seward, who had been the governor and senator from New York, ran against Lincoln for president, and he told Seward, I need your help to get this done. And Seward called some of his lobbyist friends who knew how to make a deal, and they just kept going at it. I mean, politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position. And finally, I think -- I believe in evidence-based decision making. I want to know what the facts are. I mean, it's like when you guys go into some kind of a deal, you know, are you going to do that development or not, are you going to do that renovation or not, you know, you look at the numbers. You try to figure out what's going to work and what's not going to work. [Clinton Speech For National Multi-Housing Council, 4/24/13]
That surprises you?

Never realized you were that naive about politics

No. You. Don't. You have no idea wtf she is about. But it's cute that you went for the wall.
Are you really that naive?

You really think Trump gives a shit about a wall?

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No. Did you not grasp that whole private and public thang? Or are you just supporting Clinton "in some places"?

Public and private walls?
*Clinton: “But If Everybody's Watching, You Know, All Of The Back Room Discussions And The Deals, You Know, Then People Get A Little Nervous, To Say The Least. So, You Need Both A Public And A Private Position.”* CLINTON: You just have to sort of figure out how to -- getting back to that word, "balance" -- how to balance the public and the private efforts that are necessary to be successful, politically, and that's not just a comment about today. That, I think, has probably been true for all of our history, and if you saw the Spielberg movie, Lincoln, and how he was maneuvering and working to get the 13th Amendment passed, and he called one of my favorite predecessors, Secretary Seward, who had been the governor and senator from New York, ran against Lincoln for president, and he told Seward, I need your help to get this done. And Seward called some of his lobbyist friends who knew how to make a deal, and they just kept going at it. I mean, politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position. And finally, I think -- I believe in evidence-based decision making. I want to know what the facts are. I mean, it's like when you guys go into some kind of a deal, you know, are you going to do that development or not, are you going to do that renovation or not, you know, you look at the numbers. You try to figure out what's going to work and what's not going to work. [Clinton Speech For National Multi-Housing Council, 4/24/13]
That surprises you?

Never realized you were that naive about politics

No. You. Don't. You have no idea wtf she is about. But it's cute that you went for the wall.
Are you really that naive?

You really think Trump gives a shit about a wall?

No, you stupid mother fucker. It clearly means something to you.
There is no cheap hypothetical gotcha about any of it. She's a neofuckingliberal.
Every time something is brought up about Trump, like say this recent video, and the reaction is "but bill Clinton did it too" that is dodging the issue and trying to flip the arguement. It is a cheap gotchya
Public and private walls?
*Clinton: “But If Everybody's Watching, You Know, All Of The Back Room Discussions And The Deals, You Know, Then People Get A Little Nervous, To Say The Least. So, You Need Both A Public And A Private Position.”* CLINTON: You just have to sort of figure out how to -- getting back to that word, "balance" -- how to balance the public and the private efforts that are necessary to be successful, politically, and that's not just a comment about today. That, I think, has probably been true for all of our history, and if you saw the Spielberg movie, Lincoln, and how he was maneuvering and working to get the 13th Amendment passed, and he called one of my favorite predecessors, Secretary Seward, who had been the governor and senator from New York, ran against Lincoln for president, and he told Seward, I need your help to get this done. And Seward called some of his lobbyist friends who knew how to make a deal, and they just kept going at it. I mean, politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position. And finally, I think -- I believe in evidence-based decision making. I want to know what the facts are. I mean, it's like when you guys go into some kind of a deal, you know, are you going to do that development or not, are you going to do that renovation or not, you know, you look at the numbers. You try to figure out what's going to work and what's not going to work. [Clinton Speech For National Multi-Housing Council, 4/24/13]
That surprises you?

Never realized you were that naive about politics

No. You. Don't. You have no idea wtf she is about. But it's cute that you went for the wall.
Are you really that naive?

You really think Trump gives a shit about a wall?

No, you stupid mother fucker. It clearly means something to you.
Touching a nerve..

You honsetly think politicians don't have private positions?

Trump cares about abortion? guns? Veterans?

*Clinton: “But If Everybody's Watching, You Know, All Of The Back Room Discussions And The Deals, You Know, Then People Get A Little Nervous, To Say The Least. So, You Need Both A Public And A Private Position.”* CLINTON: You just have to sort of figure out how to -- getting back to that word, "balance" -- how to balance the public and the private efforts that are necessary to be successful, politically, and that's not just a comment about today. That, I think, has probably been true for all of our history, and if you saw the Spielberg movie, Lincoln, and how he was maneuvering and working to get the 13th Amendment passed, and he called one of my favorite predecessors, Secretary Seward, who had been the governor and senator from New York, ran against Lincoln for president, and he told Seward, I need your help to get this done. And Seward called some of his lobbyist friends who knew how to make a deal, and they just kept going at it. I mean, politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position. And finally, I think -- I believe in evidence-based decision making. I want to know what the facts are. I mean, it's like when you guys go into some kind of a deal, you know, are you going to do that development or not, are you going to do that renovation or not, you know, you look at the numbers. You try to figure out what's going to work and what's not going to work. [Clinton Speech For National Multi-Housing Council, 4/24/13]
That surprises you?

Never realized you were that naive about politics

No. You. Don't. You have no idea wtf she is about. But it's cute that you went for the wall.
Are you really that naive?

You really think Trump gives a shit about a wall?

No, you stupid mother fucker. It clearly means something to you.
Touching a nerve..

You honsetly think politicians don't have private positions?

Trump cares about abortion? guns? Veterans?


I'm still not voting for Trump--dipshit. You sound asinine. Regroup. You sound like a robot.
There is no cheap hypothetical gotcha about any of it. She's a neofuckingliberal.
Every time something is brought up about Trump, like say this recent video, and the reaction is "but bill Clinton did it too" that is dodging the issue and trying to flip the arguement. It is a cheap gotchya

We have serious issues that need to be addressed. The only reason to focus on a video from 2005 that sounds like something out of a locker room is to not address those issues. Like the IMF.
There is no cheap hypothetical gotcha about any of it. She's a neofuckingliberal.
Every time something is brought up about Trump, like say this recent video, and the reaction is "but bill Clinton did it too" that is dodging the issue and trying to flip the arguement. It is a cheap gotchya

We have serious issues that need to be addressed. The only reason to focus on a video from 2005 that sounds like something out of a locker room is to not address those issues. Like the IMF.
The video is an attack on Trumps character, all has been said and known about him however hearing him say those words has a visceral effect. The Clinton campaign and/or news agency's would be stupid to ignore it. I agree it is unfortunate and petty and I'd rather focus on serious stuff but I also think pointing out the extreme douchiness of Trump is appropriate. Who in the world would want a guy like that as the leader of the free world? How embarrassing!
There is no cheap hypothetical gotcha about any of it. She's a neofuckingliberal.
Every time something is brought up about Trump, like say this recent video, and the reaction is "but bill Clinton did it too" that is dodging the issue and trying to flip the arguement. It is a cheap gotchya

We have serious issues that need to be addressed. The only reason to focus on a video from 2005 that sounds like something out of a locker room is to not address those issues. Like the IMF.
The video is an attack on Trumps character, all has been said and known about him however hearing him say those words has a visceral effect. The Clinton campaign and/or news agency's would be stupid to ignore it. I agree it is unfortunate and petty and I'd rather focus on serious stuff but I also think pointing out the extreme douchiness of Trump appropriate. Who in the world would want a guy like that as the leader of the free world? How embarrassing!

The video is a shit game to detract from the douche bag Hillary. It's transparent as hell. She is a neoliberal piece of crap and all of the alleged liberals are now defending policy they would not have a year ago. Are you a neoliberal? Do you support Wall Street regulating themselves? Did you support exploiting Haiti and justify tampering with their elections? How about "regime change"? Do you support lowering taxes on corporations?
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There is no cheap hypothetical gotcha about any of it. She's a neofuckingliberal.
Every time something is brought up about Trump, like say this recent video, and the reaction is "but bill Clinton did it too" that is dodging the issue and trying to flip the arguement. It is a cheap gotchya

We have serious issues that need to be addressed. The only reason to focus on a video from 2005 that sounds like something out of a locker room is to not address those issues. Like the IMF.
The video is an attack on Trumps character, all has been said and known about him however hearing him say those words has a visceral effect. The Clinton campaign and/or news agency's would be stupid to ignore it. I agree it is unfortunate and petty and I'd rather focus on serious stuff but I also think pointing out the extreme douchiness of Trump appropriate. Who in the world would want a guy like that as the leader of the free world? How embarrassing!

The video is a shit game to detract from the douche bag Hillary. It's transparent as hell. She is a neoliberal piece of crap and all of the alleged liberals are now defending policy they would not have a year ago. Are you a neoliberal? Do you support Wall Street regulating themselves? Did you support exploiting Haiti and justify tampering with their elections? How about "regime change"? Do you support lowering taxes on corporations?
I don't label myself anything, I take each issue at face value. Support heavy regulations on Wall Street, don't support regime change, and support higher taxes on the top earners and less on low/middle class and small businesses. I'm all for lowering Corporate taxes if the result is bringing companies back from over seas and increasing jobs. This should be debated
Bernie & Obama were right, she says one thing in public, and another in private.

WikiLeaks Dump: Hillary Dreams of ‘Open Trade and Open Borders’
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton admitted she takes two positions on policy issues.

One in private — ostensibly, the “real” position — and one for the public, according to a damaging email leak released on Friday by WikiLeaks that included clips of Clinton’s paid speeches to Wall Street banks and other organizations.

This indicates that the One World Order theory is not some wild conspiracy.

Hillary also indicated that she thinks it's necessary to lie to the people about what you're actually doing behind the scenes. Tell them what they want to hear and then do your thing in secrecy. That is exactly what she meant by having both a private and public position. It's more of the arrogance that says people are too stupid to know what is good for them, so just decide for them and don't let them know what you're really doing.

She isnt that bright, if you look at her record of mishaps. The only reason she was selected is because she is an obedient puppet to the Establishment

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