WikiLeaks release- Hillary for Open Borders

There is no cheap hypothetical gotcha about any of it. She's a neofuckingliberal.
Every time something is brought up about Trump, like say this recent video, and the reaction is "but bill Clinton did it too" that is dodging the issue and trying to flip the arguement. It is a cheap gotchya

We have serious issues that need to be addressed. The only reason to focus on a video from 2005 that sounds like something out of a locker room is to not address those issues. Like the IMF.
The video is an attack on Trumps character, all has been said and known about him however hearing him say those words has a visceral effect. The Clinton campaign and/or news agency's would be stupid to ignore it. I agree it is unfortunate and petty and I'd rather focus on serious stuff but I also think pointing out the extreme douchiness of Trump appropriate. Who in the world would want a guy like that as the leader of the free world? How embarrassing!

The video is a shit game to detract from the douche bag Hillary. It's transparent as hell. She is a neoliberal piece of crap and all of the alleged liberals are now defending policy they would not have a year ago. Are you a neoliberal? Do you support Wall Street regulating themselves? Did you support exploiting Haiti and justify tampering with their elections? How about "regime change"? Do you support lowering taxes on corporations?
I don't label myself anything, I take each issue at face value. Support heavy regulations on Wall Street, don't support regime change, and support higher taxes on the top earners and less on low/middle class and small businesses. I'm all for lowering Corporate taxes if the result is bringing companies back from over seas and increasing jobs. This should be debated

Why wasn't it?
Every time something is brought up about Trump, like say this recent video, and the reaction is "but bill Clinton did it too" that is dodging the issue and trying to flip the arguement. It is a cheap gotchya

We have serious issues that need to be addressed. The only reason to focus on a video from 2005 that sounds like something out of a locker room is to not address those issues. Like the IMF.
The video is an attack on Trumps character, all has been said and known about him however hearing him say those words has a visceral effect. The Clinton campaign and/or news agency's would be stupid to ignore it. I agree it is unfortunate and petty and I'd rather focus on serious stuff but I also think pointing out the extreme douchiness of Trump appropriate. Who in the world would want a guy like that as the leader of the free world? How embarrassing!

The video is a shit game to detract from the douche bag Hillary. It's transparent as hell. She is a neoliberal piece of crap and all of the alleged liberals are now defending policy they would not have a year ago. Are you a neoliberal? Do you support Wall Street regulating themselves? Did you support exploiting Haiti and justify tampering with their elections? How about "regime change"? Do you support lowering taxes on corporations?
I don't label myself anything, I take each issue at face value. Support heavy regulations on Wall Street, don't support regime change, and support higher taxes on the top earners and less on low/middle class and small businesses. I'm all for lowering Corporate taxes if the result is bringing companies back from over seas and increasing jobs. This should be debated

Why wasn't it?
Because we live in a kardashian world and our public has become dumb, dense and drama hungry... and our media and politicians feed them
We have serious issues that need to be addressed. The only reason to focus on a video from 2005 that sounds like something out of a locker room is to not address those issues. Like the IMF.
The video is an attack on Trumps character, all has been said and known about him however hearing him say those words has a visceral effect. The Clinton campaign and/or news agency's would be stupid to ignore it. I agree it is unfortunate and petty and I'd rather focus on serious stuff but I also think pointing out the extreme douchiness of Trump appropriate. Who in the world would want a guy like that as the leader of the free world? How embarrassing!

The video is a shit game to detract from the douche bag Hillary. It's transparent as hell. She is a neoliberal piece of crap and all of the alleged liberals are now defending policy they would not have a year ago. Are you a neoliberal? Do you support Wall Street regulating themselves? Did you support exploiting Haiti and justify tampering with their elections? How about "regime change"? Do you support lowering taxes on corporations?
I don't label myself anything, I take each issue at face value. Support heavy regulations on Wall Street, don't support regime change, and support higher taxes on the top earners and less on low/middle class and small businesses. I'm all for lowering Corporate taxes if the result is bringing companies back from over seas and increasing jobs. This should be debated

Why wasn't it?
Because we live in a kardashian world and our public has become dumb, dense and drama hungry... and our media and politicians feed them

I could almost hug you.

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