Wikileaks: Russia didn't hack shit.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
2016: The year when smug elitist regressives made complete ass-clowns out of themselves. One of the most hopeful, best year, ever!

WikiLeaks is maintaining that the source of its leaks was not Russia hackers. WikiLeaks was the main source of leaked information during the presidential campaign, through emails released from John Podesta’s account and the DNC.

Did Russia Hack the Election? WikiLeaks Said Its Source Was Not Russian

Wikileaks has never lied. These agencies seem to never do anything but lie... which do you trust more?

I guess, it's time for the snowflakes to ACCEPT their downfall and start acquiring some human decency. It seems that their inability to operate EMAIL, and not Russian interference was a cause for their descend. And because of that, they are now threatening nuclear capable countries with war!
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2016: The year when smug elitist regressives made complete ass-clowns out of themselves. One of the most hopeful, best year, ever!

WikiLeaks is maintaining that the source of its leaks was not Russia hackers. WikiLeaks was the main source of leaked information during the presidential campaign, through emails released from John Podesta’s account and the DNC.

Did Russia Hack the Election? WikiLeaks Said Its Source Was Not Russian

Wikileaks has never lied. These agencies seem to never do anything but lie... which do you trust more?

I guess, it's time for the snowflakes to ACCEPT their downfall and start acquiring some human decency. It seems that their inability to operate EMAIL, and not Russians was a cause for their descend. And because of that, they are now threatening nuclear capable countries with war!

I trust CNN and MSNBC because would they ever twist the reality of the world to feed us propaganda news!?!

( You should know better but I am guessing not! )
one thing is for certain

this administration has been a fly by night set up from the get go
2016: The year when smug elitist regressives made complete ass-clowns out of themselves. One of the most hopeful, best year, ever!

WikiLeaks is maintaining that the source of its leaks was not Russia hackers. WikiLeaks was the main source of leaked information during the presidential campaign, through emails released from John Podesta’s account and the DNC.

Did Russia Hack the Election? WikiLeaks Said Its Source Was Not Russian

Wikileaks has never lied. These agencies seem to never do anything but lie... which do you trust more?

I guess, it's time for the snowflakes to ACCEPT their downfall and start acquiring some human decency. It seems that their inability to operate EMAIL, and not Russian interference was a cause for their descend. And because of that, they are now threatening nuclear capable countries with war!
Maybe we can hope for global warming and the end of snowflakes?
2016: The year when smug elitist regressives made complete ass-clowns out of themselves. One of the most hopeful, best year, ever!

WikiLeaks is maintaining that the source of its leaks was not Russia hackers. WikiLeaks was the main source of leaked information during the presidential campaign, through emails released from John Podesta’s account and the DNC.

Did Russia Hack the Election? WikiLeaks Said Its Source Was Not Russian

Wikileaks has never lied. These agencies seem to never do anything but lie... which do you trust more?

I guess, it's time for the snowflakes to ACCEPT their downfall and start acquiring some human decency. It seems that their inability to operate EMAIL, and not Russians was a cause for their descend. And because of that, they are now threatening nuclear capable countries with war!
And in more important news, Bugs Bunny was really a communist rodent


Elmer Fudd of the CIA just never knew

Or was Elmer a Russian Mole in the CIA the entire time, and Bugs knew and was mocking him?


And what if Daffy earned no pay at a message board..............................
WikiLeaks is maintaining that the source of its leaks was not Russia hackers. WikiLeaks was the main source of leaked information during the presidential campaign, through emails released from John Podesta’s account and the DNC.
Here is the confirmation from the source, Julian Assange, during an interview with Sean Hannity on 12/15.

The source of the DNC/Podesta leaks was not a State source and it was not the Russians.
2016: The year when smug elitist regressives made complete ass-clowns out of themselves. One of the most hopeful, best year, ever!

WikiLeaks is maintaining that the source of its leaks was not Russia hackers. WikiLeaks was the main source of leaked information during the presidential campaign, through emails released from John Podesta’s account and the DNC.

Did Russia Hack the Election? WikiLeaks Said Its Source Was Not Russian

Wikileaks has never lied. These agencies seem to never do anything but lie... which do you trust more?

I guess, it's time for the snowflakes to ACCEPT their downfall and start acquiring some human decency. It seems that their inability to operate EMAIL, and not Russian interference was a cause for their descend. And because of that, they are now threatening nuclear capable countries with war!
2016: The year when smug elitist regressives made complete ass-clowns out of themselves. One of the most hopeful, best year, ever!

WikiLeaks is maintaining that the source of its leaks was not Russia hackers. WikiLeaks was the main source of leaked information during the presidential campaign, through emails released from John Podesta’s account and the DNC.

Did Russia Hack the Election? WikiLeaks Said Its Source Was Not Russian

Wikileaks has never lied. These agencies seem to never do anything but lie... which do you trust more?

I guess, it's time for the snowflakes to ACCEPT their downfall and start acquiring some human decency. It seems that their inability to operate EMAIL, and not Russian interference was a cause for their descend. And because of that, they are now threatening nuclear capable countries with war!

So we're supposed to believe a web-site called HEAVY--over 17 different intelligence agencies, including the CIA & FBI--LOL Nice try though.

The Russians have been very busy this year:

1. Hacking the Pentagon to get into the Joint Chiefs of Staffs emails.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

2. Hacking into the DNC databases, putting tons of FAKE news on social media outlets to elect Comrade Trump.

AND NOW THE LATEST--our electric power grids--they have found the same Russian malware.

Apparently the FBI has sent out a message to all power grids in this country to look for this Russian malware they've been using and one (so far) has been found in Vermont. They refer to this malware as the GRISSLEY STEEP MALWARE. This is the same malware that was used to hack DNC databases.

"The indicators from the malicious software found on a Burlington Electric Company laptop match those on malware found in the Democratic National Committee computers that the US government has blamed on Russians, the Department of Homeland Security said Saturday.

DHS spokesman Todd Breasseale said the department's investigation into the cyber intrusion on the computer is ongoing and he couldn't comment further.

The DHS's acknowledgment is the first such confirmation by the government that the malware is the same as the code used in malicious cyber activity that the US government has blamed on Russian hackers attempting to influence November's election.

It comes a day after Burlington Electric announced it found the malicious software on a computer that was not connected to its grid control systems. Both the Department of Homeland Security and the utility said Saturday there are no indications that the electric grid was breached.

The DHS and the FBI made a 13-page report public Thursday with information about the malware code -- which was found on Democratic National Committee computers -- and urged all entities to check for it.
Alleged Russian malware found on Vermont utility's laptop -

What does Comrade Trump say about all this--as of tonight December 31, 2016. "President-elect Donald Trump reiterated his doubts Saturday that Russia was behind cyber-meddling in the US election, saying such a crime would be difficult to prove."
Trump casts hacking doubts again -


Maybe not so hard to prove.

WikiLeaks is maintaining that the source of its leaks was not Russia hackers. WikiLeaks was the main source of leaked information during the presidential campaign, through emails released from John Podesta’s account and the DNC.
Here is the confirmation from the source, Julian Assange, during an interview with Sean Hannity on 12/15.

The source of the DNC/Podesta leaks was not a State source and it was not the Russians.

Sean Hannity has been working for the Trump campaign for quite some time now. The intelligence has already been put out in a 13 page report by the FBI & Department of Homeland Security. The Russians installed malware called GRISSLEY STEELE that was found on DNC databases, and it has also been located in one electric grid in Vermont. The FBI has sent an urgent notification to all electric utilities in this country to search for this Russian malware.
Alleged Russian malware found on Vermont utility's laptop -

Why you people turn on FOX News to watch the physco-babble shit that comes out of Sean Hannity and Trump's team is beyond believe. This is why your so fucking dumb.

When you have the entire Republican Senate in a total uproar over these RUSSIAN hacks. Do you really believe that they would have kicked 35 Russian diplomats and their families out of this country that have been routed in this country for decades just to put on a show?


AND NOW THE LATEST--our electric power grids--they have found the same Russian malware.

On one laptop that wasn't connected to the power grid. You knew this was false and yet you still posted this lie. The grid was never penetrated.

"Last night, U.S. utilities were alerted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of a malware code used in Grizzly Steppe, the name DHS has applied to a Russian campaign linked to recent hacks,” a spokesman for the Burlington Electric Department said. “We acted quickly to scan all computers in our system for the malware signature. We detected the malware in a single Burlington Electric Department laptop not connected to our organization’s grid systems.”

-Burlington Electric Department
AND NOW THE LATEST--our electric power grids--they have found the same Russian malware.

On one laptop that wasn't connected to the power grid. You knew this was false and yet you still posted this lie. The grid was never penetrated.

"Last night, U.S. utilities were alerted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of a malware code used in Grizzly Steppe, the name DHS has applied to a Russian campaign linked to recent hacks,” a spokesman for the Burlington Electric Department said. “We acted quickly to scan all computers in our system for the malware signature. We detected the malware in a single Burlington Electric Department laptop not connected to our organization’s grid systems.”

-Burlington Electric Department

They found Russian malware on a laptop... ALERT THE AUTHORITIES!

Meanwhile in reality: Some liberal watched Russian unicorn porn while "working" and got his laptop infected... Guys, remember to wear protection if you do that!
WikiLeaks is maintaining that the source of its leaks was not Russia hackers. WikiLeaks was the main source of leaked information during the presidential campaign, through emails released from John Podesta’s account and the DNC.
Here is the confirmation from the source, Julian Assange, during an interview with Sean Hannity on 12/15.

The source of the DNC/Podesta leaks was not a State source and it was not the Russians.

Sean Hannity has been working for the Trump campaign for quite some time now. The intelligence has already been put out in a 13 page report by the FBI & Department of Homeland Security. The Russians installed malware called GRISSLEY STEELE that was found on DNC databases, and it has also been located in one electric grid in Vermont. The FBI has sent an urgent notification to all electric utilities in this country to search for this Russian malware.
Alleged Russian malware found on Vermont utility's laptop -

Why you people turn on FOX News to watch the physco-babble shit that comes out of Sean Hannity and Trump's team is beyond believe. This is why your so fucking dumb.

When you have the entire Republican Senate in a total uproar over these RUSSIAN hacks. Do you really believe that they would have kicked 35 Russian diplomats and their families out of this country that have been routed in this country for decades just to put on a show?

First off, spare me your idiotic crap about Fox News. I don't even own a TV. Let alone watch Fox News.

Second, I have caught CNN, NBC, and CBS in enough lies, to know that if you are getting everything you believe from them, you are just as much an idiot as anyone you claim is an idiot.

Third, we all agree the Intelligence community believes that Russia was behind the attack. Now they haven't said they have proof of a Russian attack. Only that they have a "high degree of certainty".

Now the irony here is, this is the same intelligence community that you people on the left screamed and foamed at the mouth over, just a decade ago. Remember? The exact same NSA, CIA, and international intelligence community that said Saddam had mobile chemical weapons and biological weapons development? The same one that you claim all lied? Or was wrong?

Now they say Russia was behind this attack, and you are taking it was divinely inspired truth? Funny how that works. The CIA couldn't possibly be wrong... this time...

So Trump once again, makes a pretty accurate statement. He said, if the other side had won, and Hillary had been president elect, and everyone started playing this "it's all because of a Russian hack job"... you people right now, would be telling us we're tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. You know you would. Don't even try and deny it. You people are 100% predictable.

Hypocrisy aside....

The fact remains that Julian Assange came out and put the reputation of Wikileaks on the line, by stating unambiguously, that Russia was not the source of the leak.

Which leads to some possibilities.

Perhaps the source for the leaks was not the Russian government.... but who gained the leaks from someone who was influenced by the Russian government?

Perhaps someone inside the DNC, or the RNC, is an independent actor, who got the information not knowing who sent it to him?


Or perhaps there is someone actually in the DNC or RNC, that is paid by the Russians?

Possible but less likely.

Or maybe, as I think is possible, someone in the DNC, likely a pro-Bernie supporter, leaked the emails themselves, and at the same time the Russians were doing their hacking.

Maybe the Russians were conducting their normal CIA style information gathering, just like we have our CIA gathering information on them.... and someone completely unrelated leaked to Wikileaks, with no ties whatsoever with the Russians.

The DNC, stunned by a massive defeat, and trying to avoid the party imploding from a Bernie Sanders backlash, tried to blame the leak on the Russia hack, in order to shift attention away from an internal leak and Bernie Sanders revolt.

See, if you had actually read what Julian Assange said, he pointed out that a large number of the emails have dates that are after the Russian hack was dealt with.

And even the intelligence community says there is debate internally about what motive the Russian hacks had, because they would have had far more access to damaging information, than what was in the Wikileaks.

We on the right-wing, are not debating that Russia has hacker groups, or that they have been involved in hacking attempts. The CIA has been doing the same thing for decades on end.

What we're trying to figure out is, did Russia directly release the wikileaks emails, and everything I have read thus far, from all the people concerned, that claim has yet to be proven.

I realize for a partisan, unthinking, parrot like yourself, you'll just squawk whatever you are told. But we on the right-wing, need more evidence.
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I love the way you guys are squirming.

Go ahead, link to every blog, share important-looking tweets, stamp your little feet and keep flailing - we all know Russia did it.

We all know Russia did it and Trump was in on it.

We all know you guys are America-hating traitors.

Good job, Deplorables.
Our Government's own claims are /proven/ crap, and worse it's not even their own damn research they're huranging Russia with. We're a laughing stock in the underground web - thanks for letting the entire world know Obama Administration! Christ...

December 30, 2016 - Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.

April 15, 2016 - Lone wolf claims responsibility for DNC hack, dumps purported Trump smear file

In an intriguing follow-up to Tuesday's report that Russian hackers gained access to Democratic National Committee servers, an anonymous blogger has claimed he alone was responsible for the breach and backed up the claim by publishing what purport to be authentic DNC documents taken during the online heist.

In a blog post published Wednesday, someone with the handle Guccifer 2.0 published hundreds of pages of documents that the author claimed were taken during a lone-wolf hack of the DNC servers. One 231-page document purports to be opposition research into Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee. Other files purport to be spreadsheets that include the names and dollar amounts of large DNC donors. Yet another document purportedly came from the computer of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state.


Guccifer 2.0 is an allusion to the Romanian man who in 2013 shattered the privacy of the family of former presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush after breaking into private e-mail accounts that contained personal communications and pictures. Guccifer also exposed e-mails sent to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a former member of the US joint chiefs of staff and a former presidential advisor. A cab driver whose real name is Marcel Lehel, Guccifer is now in US custody and faces federal charges.

Our government is above the following sage advice... At least when it suits their political agendas:

The incidents over the past 24 hours are a powerful reminder of the perils of using incomplete or circumstantial evidence to attribute breaches to specific groups or individuals. It's possible that hacking tools known to belong to a group can be stolen or otherwise appropriated and that IP addresses and other signs of origin can be faked by attackers attempting to cover their tracks. Ars should have included this oft-repeated disclaimer in Tuesday's report, but didn't. Ars also should have made clear that given the potentially high value of information stored by major presidential candidates, it would be surprising if the DNC, its Republican counterpart, and both major candidates weren't regularly targeted and on occasion successfully breached by hackers motivated by political espionage, financial gain, or both.

How strange, NEITHER Guccifer is Russian... I'm actually surprised this information is still public as it doesn't fit the Russian blame agenda - Guccifer - Wikipedia

Marcel Lazăr Lehel (born in 1971/1972[1]), known as Guccifer, is a Romanian hacker responsible for a number of high-level computer security breaches in the U.S. and Romania. Lehel targeted celebrities, Romanian and U.S. government officials, and other prominent persons.

That's Guiccifer, then there's Guiccifer 2.0 - Guccifer 2.0 - Wikipedia

On June 21, 2016, in an interview with Vice "Guccifer 2.0" stated that he is Romanian.[30][31]

Meh that doesn't matter! Besides, they have two other "agents" some folks think are Russian

December 30, 2016 - GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

On October 7, 2016, the Department Of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) issued a joint statement on election security compromises. DHS has released a Joint Analysis Report (JAR) attributing those compromises to Russian malicious cyber activity, designated as GRIZZLY STEPPE.

The JAR package offers technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services (RIS).

Deeper, into the PDF release of "evidence" - STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

The U.S. Government confirms that two different RIS actors participated in the intrusion into a U.S. political party. The first actor group, known as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) 29, entered into the party’s systems in summer 2015, while the second, known as APT28, entered in spring 2016.

Both groups have historically targeted government organizations, think tanks, universities, and corporations around the world. APT29 has been observed crafting targeted spearphishing campaigns leveraging web links to a malicious dropper; once executed, the code delivers Remote Access Tools (RATs) and evades detection using a range of techniques. APT28 is known for leveraging domains that closely mimic those of targeted organizations and tricking potential victims into entering legitimate credentials. APT28 actors relied heavily on shortened URLs in their spearphishing email campaigns. Once APT28 and APT29 have access to victims, both groups exfiltrate and analyze information to gain intelligence value. These groups use this information to craft highly targeted spearphishing campaigns. These actors set up operational infrastructure to obfuscate their source infrastructure, host domains and malware for targeting organizations, establish command and control nodes, and harvest credentials and other valuable information from their targets.

The groups – and how our government is totally cool with letting private companies dictate the story and do the work /we/ pay them for with our taxes

Advanced Persistent Threat 28 - aka Fancy Bear -- Fancy Bear - Wikipedia

Fancy Bear (also known as APT28, Pawn Storm, Sofacy Group, Sednit and STRONTIUM) is a cyber espionage group. Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has said with a medium level of confidence that it is associated with the Russian military intelligence agency GRU.[2] Security firms SecureWorks,[3] ThreatConnect,[4] and Fireeye's Mandiant[5] have also said the group is sponsored by the Russian government.

Likely operating since the mid-2000s, Fancy Bear's methods are consistent with the capabilities of nation-state actors. The threat group is known to target government, military, and security organizations, especially Transcaucasian and NATO-aligned states. Fancy Bear is thought to be responsible for cyber attacks on the German parliament, the French television station TV5Monde, the White House, NATO, and the Democratic National Committee.

Fancy Bear's behaviour has been classified as an advanced persistent threat. They employ zero-day vulnerabilities and use spear phishing and malware to compromise targets.

Advanced Persistent Threat 29 – aka Cozy Bear -- Cozy Bear - Wikipedia

Cozy Bear, classified as advanced persistent threat APT29, are a Russian hacker group believed to be associated with Russian intelligence. Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has suggested that it may be associated with the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB).[1] The group was given other nicknames by other cybersecurity firms, including Office Monkeys, CozyCar,[2] The Dukes (by Volexity), and CozyDuke (by F-Secure).

Methods and technical capability

Kaspersky Lab determined that the earliest samples of Miniduke are from 2008.[3] The original Miniduke malware was written in assembler.[4] Symantec believes that Cozy Bear had been compromising diplomatic organizations and governments since at least 2010.[5] Cozy Bear appears to have different projects, with different user groups. The focus of its project "Nemesis Gemina" is military, government, energy, diplomatic and telecom sectors.[4]

The CozyDuke malware utilises a backdoor and a dropper. The malware exfiltrates data to a command and control server. Attackers may tailor the malware to the environment.[3] The backdoor components of Cozy Bear's malware are updated over time with modifications to cryptography, trojan functionality, and anti-detection. The speed at which Cozy Bear develops and deploys its components is reminiscent of the toolset of Fancy Bear, which also uses the tools CHOPSTICK and CORESHELL.[6]

Cozy Bear's CozyDuke malware toolset is structurally and functionally similar to second stage components used in early Miniduke, Cosmicduke, and OnionDuke operations. A second stage module of the CozyDuke malware, Show.dll, appears to have been built onto the same platform as OnionDuke, suggesting that the authors are working together or are the same people.[6] The campaigns and the malware toolsets they use are referred to as the Dukes, including Cosmicduke, Cozyduke, and Miniduke.[5] CozyDuke is connected to the MiniDuke and CosmicDuke campaigns, as well as to the OnionDuke cyberespionage campaign. Each threat group tracks their targets and use toolsets that were likely created and updated by Russian speakers.[3] Following exposure of the MiniDuke in 2013, updates to the malware were written in C/C++ and it was packed with a new obfuscator.[4]

Cozy Bear is suspected of being behind the 'HAMMERTOSS' remote access tool which uses commonly visited websites like Twitter and GitHub to relay command data.[7]

Seaduke is a highly configurable, low-profile Trojan only used for a small set of high-value targets. Typically, Seaduke is installed on systems already infected with the much more widely distributed CozyDuke.[5]

Deeper into the utter embarrassment of just how little /anyone/ actually knows what's going on (because of TOR untraceable anonymous IPs etc - nature of the beast)

4/29/2015 -- WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database

On December 18, 2015, the Democratic National Committee and Bernie 2016 appeared in United States District Court on Bernie 2016's indication that it would be seeking an injunction in the breach of contract action it filed against the DNC earlier that day. The Sanders campaign alleged that the DNC wrongfully terminated its access to the party-administered voter file system, VoteBuilder, following DNC's discovery that Sanders campaign personnel had discovered a flaw in system security and had accessed Clinton campaign proprietary score data.

The parties proceeded in the course of the hearing to settle the immediate issue before the Court. The DNC agreed to restore access to VoteBuilder by the next day, and the campaign agreed to cooperate in an independent investigation of the data breach. The Sanders campaign also agreed as part of this investigation to assume a share of the costs of the investigation. The DNC and the Sanders campaign agreed on the retention of CrowdStrike to conduct the investigation.

Over a five-week period and the commitment to the work of 128 hours, CrowdStrike examined user activity within VoteBuilder by three Democratic Presidential campaigns: Hillary for America, Bernie 2016, and O'Malley for President. Additionally, CrowdStrike conducted a forensic examination of two systems belonging to the Bernie 2016 campaign. The investigation sought to first identify whether any campaigns' users accessed data via the VoteBuilder system in an unauthorized fashion and then determine the nature of any unauthorized access that did occur.

The cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has concluded the independent investigation agreed to by the DNC and Bernie 2016. It identified evidence of unauthorized access via four user accounts from the Bernie 2016 campaign. All unauthorized access occurred during a one-hour period from 10:41 to 11:42 EST on December 16, 2015.

During that time, the four users conducted 25 searches using proprietary Hillary for America score data across 11 states. All of the results of these searches were saved within the VoteBuilder system, with the exception of one instance where a user exported a statistical summary of a search using HFA scoring in New Hampshire.

June 14, 2015 - Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump

“The purpose of such intelligence gathering is to understand the target’s proclivities,” said Robert Deitz, former senior councillor to the CIA director and a former general counsel at the National Security Agency. “Trump’s foreign investments, for example, would be relevant to understanding how he would deal with countries where he has those investments” should he be elected, Deitz said. “They may provide tips for understanding his style of negotiating. In short, this sort of intelligence could be used by Russia, for example, to indicate where it can get away with foreign adventurism.”

Other analysts noted that any dirt dug up in opposition research is likely to be made public anyway. Nonetheless, DNC leadership acted quickly after the intrusion’s discovery to contain the damage.


One group, which CrowdStrike had dubbed Cozy Bear, had gained access last summer and was monitoring the DNC’s email and chat communications, Alperovitch [He is CrowdStrike's Co-founder and CTO -]said.

The other, which the firm had named Fancy Bear, broke into the network in late April and targeted the opposition research files. It was this breach that set off the alarm. The hackers stole two files, Henry said. And they had access to the computers of the entire research staff — an average of about several dozen on any given day.

The computers contained research going back years on Trump. “It’s a huge job” to dig into the dealings of somebody who has never run for office before, Dacey said.

CrowdStrike is not sure how the hackers got in. The firm suspects they may have targeted DNC employees with “spearphishing” emails. These are communications that appear legitimate — often made to look like they came from a colleague or someone trusted — but that contain links or attachments that when clicked on deploy malicious software that enables a hacker to gain access to a computer. “But we don’t have hard evidence,” Alperovitch said.

The two groups did not appear to be working together, Alperovitch said. Fancy Bear is believed to work for the GRU, or Russia’s military intelligence service, he said. CrowdStrike is less sure of whom Cozy Bear works for but thinks it might be the Federal Security Service, or FSB, the country’s powerful security agency, which was once headed by Putin.


Our government cyber division is completely fucking worthless. They were told about /all/ this shit 9 months ago. Oh, but /now/ it’s politically beneficial to make it a big deal.

How fucking pathetic…
I love the way you guys are squirming.

Go ahead, link to every blog, share important-looking tweets, stamp your little feet and keep flailing - we all know Russia did it.

We all know Russia did it and Trump was in on it.

We all know you guys are America-hating traitors.

Good job, Deplorables.

We say Russians did it, therefore they did!

This is how it works if you are a regresive. No proof required...

That is to say, you are a complete moron.
I love the way you guys are squirming.

Go ahead, link to every blog, share important-looking tweets, stamp your little feet and keep flailing - we all know Russia did it.

We all know Russia did it and Trump was in on it.

We all know you guys are America-hating traitors.

Good job, Deplorables.

Is that 'evidence' in your world? "we all know it"?

I'll know it, when I have enough evidence to know it. Apparently that isn't your standard?

By the way.... where were you people in Russia went into Crimea, and started a war in the Ukraine? I didn't see much anti-Russia sentiment from the left wing then.
I love the way you guys are squirming.

Go ahead, link to every blog, share important-looking tweets, stamp your little feet and keep flailing - we all know Russia did it.

We all know Russia did it and Trump was in on it.

We all know you guys are America-hating traitors.

Good job, Deplorables.
Your fascism ends in less than three weeks.....
I love the way you guys are squirming.

Go ahead, link to every blog, share important-looking tweets, stamp your little feet and keep flailing - we all know Russia did it.

We all know Russia did it and Trump was in on it.

We all know you guys are America-hating traitors.

Good job, Deplorables.

We say Russians did it, therefore they did!

This is how it works if you are a regresive. No proof required...

That is to say, you are a complete moron.

Can we assume that after January 20, you won't trust the Trump CIA either or will they suddenly become competent again?
I love the way you guys are squirming.

Go ahead, link to every blog, share important-looking tweets, stamp your little feet and keep flailing - we all know Russia did it.

We all know Russia did it and Trump was in on it.

We all know you guys are America-hating traitors.

Good job, Deplorables.

We say Russians did it, therefore they did!

This is how it works if you are a regresive. No proof required...

That is to say, you are a complete moron.

Can we assume that after January 20, you won't trust the Trump CIA either or will they suddenly become competent again?
Depend on how quickly he fires all the liberals....

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