Wild Turkey, for anyone?!


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
So, the wild turkeys were in the yard heading for the deer corn.

The TOM was huge, huge, huge...
standing in the yard at first showing his fan of feathers all puffed out, while his ladies were feeding off the corn.

He was standing in protection of them, warning other animals to stay away!!

So I went and grabbed my camera and opened the kitchen window which made the turkeys scatter and leave...

I managed to get a couple of pictures.

And yes, we have grass now, and dandelions and clover, but Matt mowed for the first time less than a week ago and he REFUSES to mow more than once a week!! :lol: I don't blame him....and who's around to complain in the vicinity that doesn't do the same! :)



So, the wild turkeys were in the yard heading for the deer corn.

The TOM was huge, huge, huge...
standing in the yard at first showing his fan of feathers all puffed out, while his ladies were feeding off the corn.

He was standing in protection of them, warning other animals to stay away!!

So I went and grabbed my camera and opened the kitchen window which made the turkeys scatter and leave...

I managed to get a couple of pictures.

And yes, we have grass now, and dandelions and clover, but Matt mowed for the first time less than a week ago and he REFUSES to mow more than once a week!! :lol: I don't blame him....and who's around to complain in the vicinity that doesn't do the same! :)

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I have those stupid things all over my property, the dog chases them up into the trees.

They're not much good to eat, only the breast.
This was our same lawn last week, where the Turkey's were....

Matt had mowed 24 hours or less earlier for the first time....and poof, the dandelions! We embrace the pretty yellow flowers at our house! The critters love them! Especially the Snowshoe Hare rabbits! Patches of grass still have not filled in....the deer paths have not grown in any yet etc, and less than a week later in the turkey pics the grass has grown really tall. All of the spread of wild plum trees are flowering a week earlier and now they have fallen or are wilted

The wild apple trees in the yard this week are now in full bloom! The whole yard smells like sweet apple, on the side with all the apple trees.....need to take pics and post them....

This is my birthday week! Every year, the most beautiful week of the year in Maine, imo!!!

Pictures of the blooming wild plum trees!



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So, the wild turkeys were in the yard heading for the deer corn.

The TOM was huge, huge, huge...
standing in the yard at first showing his fan of feathers all puffed out, while his ladies were feeding off the corn.

He was standing in protection of them, warning other animals to stay away!!

So I went and grabbed my camera and opened the kitchen window which made the turkeys scatter and leave...

I managed to get a couple of pictures.

And yes, we have grass now, and dandelions and clover, but Matt mowed for the first time less than a week ago and he REFUSES to mow more than once a week!! :lol: I don't blame him....and who's around to complain in the vicinity that doesn't do the same! :)

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You should have taken advantage of the spring turkey season that went out on the 19th of May.
So, the wild turkeys were in the yard heading for the deer corn.

The TOM was huge, huge, huge...
standing in the yard at first showing his fan of feathers all puffed out, while his ladies were feeding off the corn.

He was standing in protection of them, warning other animals to stay away!!

So I went and grabbed my camera and opened the kitchen window which made the turkeys scatter and leave...

I managed to get a couple of pictures.

And yes, we have grass now, and dandelions and clover, but Matt mowed for the first time less than a week ago and he REFUSES to mow more than once a week!! :lol: I don't blame him....and who's around to complain in the vicinity that doesn't do the same! :)

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He's not protecting the hens, it's a mating display. It's rutting season.

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