Wilders, Le Pen will win: why is remake possible despite self-detonating scary clowns Donald, Boris

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Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
"Nationalists" Wilders & Le Pen win: how is the Trump remake possible despite self-detonating inspiration, the scary clowns Donald, Boris
In Turkey same as everywhere else in the IV Reich: "elections" rigged at will, not only "Erdogan islamists" but all parties, from "far-right nationalists" to "pro-kurdish" led by illuminazi agents.
This should be enough to get the answer without having to read the script explained below:
EU states: "liberal" governments replaced by "far-right": extended from "obscure" Hungary to mainstream Netherlands and France.

European cities scramble to stop Turkish referendum rallies - for dummies
Headlines from March 10, 2017 illustrating the black is white psy-op technique, followed the day after by:
- Dutch bar plane carrying Turkish foreign minister from landing.
- Erdogan compares Dutch rally ban to Nazism

General Agenda
Illuminati theater: marketing the grotesquely fake war "democratic EU v authoritarian Erdogan".
There's one KEY reason to prevent this agenda from becoming obsolete, despite the current transition to legal fascism in the USA and all EU states: the ongoing genocide in the EU death camps, mostly in previously fenced Hungary.
In other words: since late 2015 this agenda is mainly used to divert from Erdogan supplying the EU death camps, where more than one million refugees and migrants were already gasssed since Oct 2015.

Turkey agendas
Goals include: to prevent rallies against Erdogan while rallying turks behind him.
Erdogan is scripted to win every election although now his support is reduced to less than 10%, also as a consequence of the two main agendas advanced with the fake coup attempt staged in Turkey Jul 2016:
1. Terror agenda pushed to episodes such as "around 100,000 teachers and other state employees fired for supporting the coup".
2. "sunni" Erdogan, no longer only passively or undercover (through ISIS) but also officially with boots on the ground, participating in the genocide of sunnis across the border.
This includes:
- the fake "war on ISIS" in Syria while the official Assad military (80% foreign shia militias) "liberates" "ISIS controlled" areas.
- the destruction of Mosul, Iraq, where any of its 2 million inhabitants fleeing is executed in death camps nearby.
In this mission Erdogan joined not only the shia neo-Gestapo but also the treasonous kurdish leader Barzani.
As for why it's impossible for an independent journalist to come to the scene, it goes beyond preventing images from the genocide, as in Syria: in Iraq, from Fallujah to Mosul, rebels are falsely called ISIS.

Hollande and France "elections" agenda
"European cities scramble to stop Turkish referendum rallies" is followed by "Erdogan calls nazis to Dutch government", an episode advancing the remake of "nationalist Trump elected" in Europe.
This includes adding material to how "political analysts" will explain the scripted victory of Geert Wilders, the "Dutch Politician of the Year 2015 and 2016", and Marine Le Pen in France.

How is all this possible?
Same as anything else, the main reason is not nazi terror but rather an audience reduced to beasts. Inability to see total illuminati control is all the proof you need for that reduction.
That's why it's possible to justifying the coming victories of illuminati agents dressed as "far right nationalists"
- in mostly sunni Turkey despite Erdogan participating with ground troops in the sunni genocide across the border
- in Hollande and France, despite their "scary clown" inspirations, from "Brexit champion" Boris Johnson to "billionaire Trump", who already lost half of his supporters since the "election".

March 10, 2017 - European cities scramble to stop Turkish referendum rallies
European cities scramble to stop Turkish referendum rallies
March 11, 2017- Dutch bar plane carrying Turkish foreign minister from landing
Dutch bar plane carrying Turkish foreign minister from landing

March 11, 2017 - Erdogan compares Dutch rally ban to Nazism as row spirals
Erdogan compares Dutch rally ban to Nazism as row spirals

Marketing Erdogan crowds:
Aug 7, 2016 - Multipliers at the end of the show: recreate nazi crowds for 2016 Hitler milestones: Erdogan rally, Clinton votes
End Times Data: Multipliers recreate crowds Hitler miestones Erdogan Clinton

After reading this you'll know why illuminati media didn't show any overview of Trump's first rally as president, in Melbourne, Fla, Feb 18, 2017.
End of The USA - Horrible Facts revealed first by Prophet: Trump first rally after inauguration Why NO crowd overview at Melbourne, Fla

May 2016: Boris Johnson, Trump: BOTH illuminati suicide bombers casted also as scary clowns: half echoed by illuminati media
Web of Truth: Boris Johnson, Trump scary clowns why ALL not HALF of the TRUTH must be echoed

Same as Hitler, because same illuminazis still in control: not it's time again for gays, non-whites, dissidents in gas chambers and beyond, what was scripted for 1940 had Hitler's army not been defeated:
the global kill shot alias compulsory "vaccination" against the "super virus pandemic" hoax.
Reminder of what was explained in advance worldwide only by Last Prophet and is now already unfolding, from the Ukraine to the Philippines:
BIG BANG: the most extreme inversion of illuminati scripts ever.
The ultimate reverse script starts with a sudden inversion just before the BIG BANG, launched with Obama's staged arrest.
Some of the scripts that will be suddenly inverted:
4. "Ultra-nationalists" become "our national heroes"
5. Staged democracy becomes Hitler was right
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: Most extreme inversion of illuminati scripts ever

Reminder from Dec 2015, illuminati passing truth in plain sight about the ongoing gassing in Hungary's death camps
Truth (hidden) in plain sight, by the Illuminati: Extermination camps for refugees in Europe:

How illuminati TOTALLY rig elections - Three basic methods:
For illuminati eyes only: How paper ballot elections are rigged, from Portugal to Bulgaria as well as in Germany
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We all love our Prophet for his great entertainment value but the situation is clear:
Erdogan laundering ISIS oil, creating giveaway prices that hurt countries like Russia, Iran or Venezuela: Good boy.
Erdogan cooperating with Russia: Bad boy.

Another example:
Funny prophet using "illuminati propaganda figures": "Syrian army = 80 % foreign militias".

Reality: 270000 SAA personell serving:
The rebirth of the Syrian Arab Army, by Valentin Vasilescu
When will this be happening ?
The scary clown script in Hollande
March 2017 "election": illuminati serve the version "Wilders rise forces liberals to change policies" instead of "Widers most voted".
At the end of the day, there's no difference, only the pace at which the "transport non-whites to death camps" agenda is advanced.
In other words: title of this thread to be slightly changed, to:

"Nationalists"'s votes: Wilders rises & Le Pen wins: how is the Trump remake possible despite self-detonating inspiration, the scary clowns Donald, Boris
When will this be happening ?
The scary clown script in Hollande
March 2017 "election": illuminati serve the version "Wilders rise forces liberals to change policies" instead of "Widers most voted".
At the end of the day, there's no difference, only the pace at which the "transport non-whites to death camps" agenda is advanced.
In other words: title of this thread to be slightly changed, to:

"Nationalists"'s votes: Wilders rises & Le Pen wins: how is the Trump remake possible despite self-detonating inspiration, the scary clowns Donald, Boris
You might want to rethink this one as well.

This includes adding material to how "political analysts" will explain the scripted victory of Geert Wilders, the "Dutch Politician of the Year 2015 and 2016", and Marine Le Pen in France.
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