Will 2014 be the GOP's last gasp

Demographics and the GOP Commentary Magazine

Demographics may leave the GOP on the outside looking in after 2014. If the GOP does win the Senate in 2014, it may be there last chance to influence national politics. The changing demographics are going to start breaking down the GOP's decided advantage in winning congressional races though gerrymandering,

Even the reliable Red Texas is beginning to turn Purple. Unless the GOP opens their tent to a great variety of voters, they may be doomed to join the fate of the Whig and the Liberty republican parties.

Your opinion?

Sigh, yet another example of taking voters for granted. You just assume that all the minorities are going to line up with Democrats. I have to ask why? Republicans have never hurt minorities and they don't now. Not so with the democrats and it is time for minorities to realize that fact. The one thing that republicans seem to have a problem doing is countering the left wing propaganda.

The GOP creates it own propaganda with its exclusionary policies. They drive another nail in their coffin each time they refuse to consider immigration reform

omg, you're all over the map. the polls show the people are not wanting Obama's type of immigration reform, so how is that going to drive a nail in the gops coffin? or that's just another of your wet dreams again?
come down into the heartbeat of real America dear. 70% of the people disapproves of Obama and his party of democrat comrades in arms, what don't you get about that
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Demographics and the GOP Commentary Magazine

Demographics may leave the GOP on the outside looking in after 2014. If the GOP does win the Senate in 2014, it may be there last chance to influence national politics. The changing demographics are going to start breaking down the GOP's decided advantage in winning congressional races though gerrymandering,

Even the reliable Red Texas is beginning to turn Purple. Unless the GOP opens their tent to a great variety of voters, they may be doomed to join the fate of the Whig and the Liberty republican parties.

Your opinion?

Sigh, yet another example of taking voters for granted. You just assume that all the minorities are going to line up with Democrats. I have to ask why? Republicans have never hurt minorities and they don't now. Not so with the democrats and it is time for minorities to realize that fact. The one thing that republicans seem to have a problem doing is countering the left wing propaganda.

The GOP creates it own propaganda with its exclusionary policies. They drive another nail in their coffin each time they refuse to consider immigration reform

omg, you're all over the map. the polls show the people are not wanting Obama's type of immigration reform, so how is that going to drive a nail in the gops coffin? or that's just another of your wet dreams again?
come down into the heartbeat of real America dear. 70% of the people disapproves of Obama and his party of democrat comrades in arms, what don't you get about that

I am pretty sure O is not running again. But your GOP congress with a record low approval rating is...

Congressional Job Approval Stays Near Historical Low
I recall after 1976 the idea was the Republicans were finished. Watergate thoroughly discredited them. Then the Reagan Revolution brought a GOP ascendency for years, bringing prosperity and of course peopel forgot just how terrible Democrat policies were. The last 6 years should have reminded them.
Now we need another Republican to clean up the mess the Democrats have made, domestically and internationally.
Demographics and the GOP Commentary Magazine

Demographics may leave the GOP on the outside looking in after 2014. If the GOP does win the Senate in 2014, it may be there last chance to influence national politics. The changing demographics are going to start breaking down the GOP's decided advantage in winning congressional races though gerrymandering,

Even the reliable Red Texas is beginning to turn Purple. Unless the GOP opens their tent to a great variety of voters, they may be doomed to join the fate of the Whig and the Liberty republican parties.

Your opinion?

Yes, I agree....the abandonment of any sensible (or lawful) immigration policy, and the purposeful avoidance of the LAW, is entirely motivated by the desire to change the demographics to increase the number of dependents on the state. Santa Claus of the Left always wins over the natural and tough love of conservatism. We are living outside of nature, and the libs profit thereby, at the demise of the greatest social experiment in human history. Res Ipsa Loquitur.
Demographics and the GOP Commentary Magazine

Demographics may leave the GOP on the outside looking in after 2014. If the GOP does win the Senate in 2014, it may be there last chance to influence national politics. The changing demographics are going to start breaking down the GOP's decided advantage in winning congressional races though gerrymandering,

Even the reliable Red Texas is beginning to turn Purple. Unless the GOP opens their tent to a great variety of voters, they may be doomed to join the fate of the Whig and the Liberty republican parties.

Your opinion?

Sigh, yet another example of taking voters for granted. You just assume that all the minorities are going to line up with Democrats. I have to ask why? Republicans have never hurt minorities and they don't now. Not so with the democrats and it is time for minorities to realize that fact. The one thing that republicans seem to have a problem doing is countering the left wing propaganda.

The GOP creates it own propaganda with its exclusionary policies. They drive another nail in their coffin each time they refuse to consider immigration reform
Let's send airline tickets to everyone in China. It's unfair that poor, ignorant Mexicans only have to wade across a shallow river to get here. How's that for compassion?
Demographics and the GOP Commentary Magazine

Demographics may leave the GOP on the outside looking in after 2014. If the GOP does win the Senate in 2014, it may be there last chance to influence national politics. The changing demographics are going to start breaking down the GOP's decided advantage in winning congressional races though gerrymandering,

Even the reliable Red Texas is beginning to turn Purple. Unless the GOP opens their tent to a great variety of voters, they may be doomed to join the fate of the Whig and the Liberty republican parties.

Your opinion?

Sigh, yet another example of taking voters for granted. You just assume that all the minorities are going to line up with Democrats. I have to ask why? Republicans have never hurt minorities and they don't now. Not so with the democrats and it is time for minorities to realize that fact. The one thing that republicans seem to have a problem doing is countering the left wing propaganda.

The GOP creates it own propaganda with its exclusionary policies. They drive another nail in their coffin each time they refuse to consider immigration reform

omg, you're all over the map. the polls show the people are not wanting Obama's type of immigration reform, so how is that going to drive a nail in the gops coffin? or that's just another of your wet dreams again?
come down into the heartbeat of real America dear. 70% of the people disapproves of Obama and his party of democrat comrades in arms, what don't you get about that

It is a wedge issue that the liberals are going to hammer on at least past the mid-terms. NO one in their right mind thinks that flooding the US with uneducated and unskilled labor is a good idea, or no one should. No one in their right mind can think that these "sparks" are the future of America. If they are then we are screwed worse then I thought.

The left will scream that we must accept everyone who can swim the Rio Grande river then they will bitch about income inequality. What a bunch of hypocrites. With the left wing vision of America you would think they would be telling the illegals to flee the country not come to it.
Demographics and the GOP Commentary Magazine

Demographics may leave the GOP on the outside looking in after 2014. If the GOP does win the Senate in 2014, it may be there last chance to influence national politics. The changing demographics are going to start breaking down the GOP's decided advantage in winning congressional races though gerrymandering,

Even the reliable Red Texas is beginning to turn Purple. Unless the GOP opens their tent to a great variety of voters, they may be doomed to join the fate of the Whig and the Liberty republican parties.

Your opinion?

Sigh, yet another example of taking voters for granted. You just assume that all the minorities are going to line up with Democrats. I have to ask why? Republicans have never hurt minorities and they don't now. Not so with the democrats and it is time for minorities to realize that fact. The one thing that republicans seem to have a problem doing is countering the left wing propaganda.

The GOP creates it own propaganda with its exclusionary policies. They drive another nail in their coffin each time they refuse to consider immigration reform

omg, you're all over the map. the polls show the people are not wanting Obama's type of immigration reform, so how is that going to drive a nail in the gops coffin? or that's just another of your wet dreams again?
come down into the heartbeat of real America dear. 70% of the people disapproves of Obama and his party of democrat comrades in arms, what don't you get about that

I am pretty sure O is not running again. But your GOP congress with a record low approval rating is...

Congressional Job Approval Stays Near Historical Low

You do understand that the GOP only controls the House not Congress? Or do you really not know the difference?
Demographics and the GOP Commentary Magazine

Demographics may leave the GOP on the outside looking in after 2014. If the GOP does win the Senate in 2014, it may be there last chance to influence national politics. The changing demographics are going to start breaking down the GOP's decided advantage in winning congressional races though gerrymandering,

Even the reliable Red Texas is beginning to turn Purple. Unless the GOP opens their tent to a great variety of voters, they may be doomed to join the fate of the Whig and the Liberty republican parties.

Your opinion?

Sigh, yet another example of taking voters for granted. You just assume that all the minorities are going to line up with Democrats. I have to ask why? Republicans have never hurt minorities and they don't now. Not so with the democrats and it is time for minorities to realize that fact. The one thing that republicans seem to have a problem doing is countering the left wing propaganda.

The GOP creates it own propaganda with its exclusionary policies. They drive another nail in their coffin each time they refuse to consider immigration reform

omg, you're all over the map. the polls show the people are not wanting Obama's type of immigration reform, so how is that going to drive a nail in the gops coffin? or that's just another of your wet dreams again?
come down into the heartbeat of real America dear. 70% of the people disapproves of Obama and his party of democrat comrades in arms, what don't you get about that

It is a wedge issue that the liberals are going to hammer on at least past the mid-terms. NO one in their right mind thinks that flooding the US with uneducated and unskilled labor is a good idea, or no one should. No one in their right mind can think that these "sparks" are the future of America. If they are then we are screwed worse then I thought.

The left will scream that we must accept everyone who can swim the Rio Grande river then they will bitch about income inequality. What a bunch of hypocrites. With the left wing vision of America you would think they would be telling the illegals to flee the country not come to it.

The plan from the GOP is to wait, wait, and wait and hope that the immigration issue just goes away. If the come up with a moderate immigration policy, they lose. If they don't come up with a policy they lose. So....they will do nothing.....an in the long term...lose.
2014 will be the Republicans last gasp

Because Dems are defending their wins from 2008 and it is a mid term election, Repubs may just take the Senate

If they take the Senate, they will convince themselves that Amerca has bought their message and carry that message into 2016

Republicans can only take a 51-49 advantage in the Senate.....Dems can take 55-60 seats when they win their cycle
Republicans can take 280 Electoral votes to win the Whitehouse, Dems take 320 to 350

Numbers are not adding up
2014 will be the Republicans last gasp

Because Dems are defending their wins from 2008 and it is a mid term election, Repubs may just take the Senate

If they take the Senate, they will convince themselves that Amerca has bought their message and carry that message into 2016

Republicans can only take a 51-49 advantage in the Senate.....Dems can take 55-60 seats when they win their cycle
Republicans can take 280 Electoral votes to win the Whitehouse, Dems take 320 to 350

Numbers are not adding up

And by 2016, it will become painfully obvious to even the GOP leaders that their numbers are dropping. Their messages and agendas are old and out of date....(here come the constitutional comments). It may be too late for them to turn the page and rewrite their platform to fit the 21st Century.
They do this stuff all the time. In 2002 they were talking about the end of the Democratic Party. It's cyclic. But GOP has up hill fight because of liberal media. Remember MSNBC before it went communist? Imus in the Morning, Joe Scarborough show, Matthews was an attack dog to everybody. It was pretty much right down the middle. Now it's mouthpiece of the White House. Meet the Press is a joke now too. All GOP has is Fox, but they are hell on everybody. CNN will do whatever it takes to help Democrats as well. It's a DC establishment thing. News media is centered around Washington DC and needs the massive bloated federal government in order to keep their jobs reporting on it. So they will not have positive stories on conservatives who want to cut the federal government. I hope the fed shrinks so small that cable news will have nothing to talk about. Instead they will have to send reporters to state capitals to cover the real constitutional power base...state government.

the Republicans have to takeover the Senate in 2014 or it may be 6 - 8 years if ever for the present R party to have a meaningful presence in that branch of gov't.

the 5 republican Supreme Court justices are the real firewall that have kept the Rs deceivingly relevant and would be their greatest loss if one prematurely retires before 2016.
2014 will be the Republicans last gasp

Because Dems are defending their wins from 2008 and it is a mid term election, Repubs may just take the Senate

If they take the Senate, they will convince themselves that Amerca has bought their message and carry that message into 2016

Republicans can only take a 51-49 advantage in the Senate.....Dems can take 55-60 seats when they win their cycle
Republicans can take 280 Electoral votes to win the Whitehouse, Dems take 320 to 350

Numbers are not adding up
If you look at the map, Florida and Ohio still toss-ups. Dems have lost WVa. for good. Pennsylvania is in play as unions don't have the votes that they once did. Ferguson, Mo. Will be a wake up call for lots of independents who saw the left in full form. They will lean GOP. Colorado is a pick for Dems and so is New Mexico. But, the GOP can shore up Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan could be a take away. So electoral college not overwhelming one way or another. GOP controls state houses so House of Representatives will remain in control of Republicans. GOP will take the Senate back in 2014. When you look at 2016, Colorado is in play for GOP, Harry Reid is shaky, and yes, Boxer in California is in play. GOP might lose Illinois and Pennsylvania. So they will actually gain 1 in the Senate. As Obama's popularity goes into free fall Democrats will feel the pain. Voters will reject Hillary, especially if it begins to look like a coronation and not an election.
Demographics and the GOP Commentary Magazine

Demographics may leave the GOP on the outside looking in after 2014. If the GOP does win the Senate in 2014, it may be there last chance to influence national politics. The changing demographics are going to start breaking down the GOP's decided advantage in winning congressional races though gerrymandering,

Even the reliable Red Texas is beginning to turn Purple. Unless the GOP opens their tent to a great variety of voters, they may be doomed to join the fate of the Whig and the Liberty republican parties.

Your opinion?

The GOP as we know it...perhaps. Not sure that it will morph into anything less repugnant into the short term.

Parties rise or fall by landmark elections. They don't fade away in off years. So it depends on who is nominated in 2016. Governor Romney is an establishment Republican. He was soundly rejected by the voters. He made some major tactical problems in his campaign...going to Poland during the enterprise is an error that probably will live in infamy. He had some personal issues such as not turning over his tax returns, having a show-horse in the Olympics, and generally embodying the 1% in an atmosphere that was decidedly anti 1%. So he may be an anomaly. Does the GOP go "establishment" in 2016 or rolls the dice with mentally unstable TEA party crazies?

Almost all candidates in the GOP field will try to straddle the line between the two. So it comes down to perception.

If you run Cruz or Paul in 2016; they will lose. It's over; check please.

Does that spell the end of the Party? No.

If they run someone like Rubio or Jindal or Paul Ryan? The blowback becomes less pronounced. There is an intellectual disconnect between the reality of the nation and the GOP worldview. The TEA party is seen as a cancer who infect a body and seek to kill it; not reform it. Whether it is true or not, that is the view. Defeating the TEA party wing of the party is easy but the view of the injury is going to be severe. You'll hear a lot more caterwalling from the GOP and more demands that we divide into 2 different nations.

A slap-down of Rubio or Jindal or Ryan makes the injury less severe. SO you likely won't see the Party fade much if they are rebuked.

Christie, Walker or Bush? Those would be great elections. No damage to the party.

So, my opinion...it depends on which GOP candidate is nominated. Think of it as a playoff game in baseball. If you beat the other team's best pitcher, you really decimate their chances.
Demographics and the GOP Commentary Magazine

Demographics may leave the GOP on the outside looking in after 2014. If the GOP does win the Senate in 2014, it may be there last chance to influence national politics. The changing demographics are going to start breaking down the GOP's decided advantage in winning congressional races though gerrymandering,

Even the reliable Red Texas is beginning to turn Purple. Unless the GOP opens their tent to a great variety of voters, they may be doomed to join the fate of the Whig and the Liberty republican parties.

Your opinion?

Here's a question for you. Do you really want one party to have complete control of the government?

please think before answering, and remember that the GOP could be the party in control.
Demographics and the GOP Commentary Magazine

Demographics may leave the GOP on the outside looking in after 2014. If the GOP does win the Senate in 2014, it may be there last chance to influence national politics. The changing demographics are going to start breaking down the GOP's decided advantage in winning congressional races though gerrymandering,

Even the reliable Red Texas is beginning to turn Purple. Unless the GOP opens their tent to a great variety of voters, they may be doomed to join the fate of the Whig and the Liberty republican parties.

Your opinion?

Here's a question for you. Do you really want one party to have complete control of the government?

please think before answering, and remember that the GOP could be the party in control.
Yes. Need GOP to control executive and Congress to shore up Supreme Court for a generation to come. I think at some point we can get the Court to a 6-3 conservative majority. I pray God for this for the sake of the Republic.
2014 will be the Republicans last gasp

Because Dems are defending their wins from 2008 and it is a mid term election, Repubs may just take the Senate

If they take the Senate, they will convince themselves that Amerca has bought their message and carry that message into 2016

Republicans can only take a 51-49 advantage in the Senate.....Dems can take 55-60 seats when they win their cycle
Republicans can take 280 Electoral votes to win the Whitehouse, Dems take 320 to 350

Numbers are not adding up

And by 2016, it will become painfully obvious to even the GOP leaders that their numbers are dropping. Their messages and agendas are old and out of date....(here come the constitutional comments). It may be too late for them to turn the page and rewrite their platform to fit the 21st Century.
The voting pendulum swings back and forth. When it swings for the Republicans, they barely get a majority. When it swings for the Dems, they get close to 60%
The scary demographic...the one the Socialists (a/k/a Democrats), have been striving for since the Great Society...is to have most American voters on some kind of Federal Dole.

They are just about there, and when 51 per cent are living on the Federal Plantation...free from the stress of making a living for thmsleves...then the Democrats will reveal themselves for the true Marxists they are.

109,000,000 Americans get some kind of Welfare....that's not including Social Security which is earned by life-long payments into the system.

That's 36 per cent of Americans who are now reliable Democratic voters...who just want more Free Stuff.

Its remarkable how, with the collapsed Soviet Union still a fresh example, Democrats want to emulate that failed State....but they are committed to it....Socialism is their only road to power.

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