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Will 35 House Dems committ political suicide for Obama??

No, the real question is, are they stupid enough?

History has shown all polies are stupid, but when has one been brave.

I'm going to have to get back to you on this one, Froggy.
I'm going to have to do some deep research in what your asking.

George W Bush was brave. He was being told to withdraw from IRaq. Harry Reid said "The war is lost." He even had an independent commission telling him he couldn't win.
Instead he listened to his general and initiated the surge and won the war.
That's leadership.
The Dums have nothing like that. All they have is lies and spin and win at all costs.
Can you provide links to GOP candidates saying these things? Or did you just make that up?

I want to see Dems squirm when asked whether they really did vote to put law abiding Americans in jail for not buying a financial product.

If the dems were concerned about Americans losing their healthcare insurance because of job loss, they would have made "JOB CREATION" their top priority. Instead it's not in the top 2......maybe 3.
Let's see
1) healthcare
2) no child left behind
3) green industry/cap 'n tax
4)????? job creation?

If they were focusing on job creation you'd be
1) Calling that Socialism as well
2) Bashing them for not focusing on healthcare
3) Accusing them of creating the wrong kind of jobs
4) Calling that socialism as well, again.

And he would be right every single time. BEcause this administration sees every problem as an opportunity for gov't to expand and spend more money.
Its for the American people who will DIE without proper medical care and not for Obama.

Once this passes and is amended you will be as fearful of defunding it as you are medicare.

This is for the people, I know you dont care about them.

Health care is available now, via the E.R. No one -- legal or illegal -- is turned away based on ability to pay. Stop spouting shit.

I truly hope that the next time you have a medical emergency, that you have to go to the ER with proof of insurance or ability to pay. If you survive, you may have a bit of a differant attitude.

And just how is it cheaper for us to let medical conditions get to the point where an emergency room visit is neccessary?

Other nations have univeral health care, pay less per capita, insure all their citizens, and their results exceed ours.

You cannot be turned away from the E.R. regardless of your ability to pay. That Americans will DIE without this Obamacare passing is nothing but the sky is falling fearmongering.
Can you provide links to GOP candidates saying these things? Or did you just make that up?

I want to see Dems squirm when asked whether they really did vote to put law abiding Americans in jail for not buying a financial product.

If the dems were concerned about Americans losing their healthcare insurance because of job loss, they would have made "JOB CREATION" their top priority. Instead it's not in the top 2......maybe 3.
Let's see
1) healthcare
2) no child left behind
3) green industry/cap 'n tax
4)????? job creation?

If they were focusing on job creation you'd be
1) Calling that Socialism as well
2) Bashing them for not focusing on healthcare
3) Accusing them of creating the wrong kind of jobs
4) Calling that socialism as well, again.

1. Fail on your response.....you don't need to have socialism to fix the economy. I can't believe you would say something like that.
2. healthcare needs to be tweeked with some mandates, not overhauled.
3. If you let the free market create the jobs, you wouldn't have a problem as to what type of jobs being created. Not all have to be union wage jobs.
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If the dems were concerned about Americans losing their healthcare insurance because of job loss, they would have made "JOB CREATION" their top priority. Instead it's not in the top 2......maybe 3.
Let's see
1) healthcare
2) no child left behind
3) green industry/cap 'n tax
4)????? job creation?

If they were focusing on job creation you'd be
1) Calling that Socialism as well
2) Bashing them for not focusing on healthcare
3) Accusing them of creating the wrong kind of jobs
4) Calling that socialism as well, again.

1. Fail on your response.....you don't need to have socialism to fix the economy. I can't believe you would say something like that.
2. healthcare needs to be tweeked with some mandates, not overhauled.
3. If you let the free market create the jobs, you wouldn't have a problem as to what type of jobs being created. Not all have to be union wage jobs.

OK... How does the... ahem... GOVERNMENT... create jobs, without the possibility of it being interpreted as Socialism?

And unions are a function of capitalism. They have nothing to do with socialism.
Why would anyone not believe the savings? I mean c'mon, who could doubt him? Health care for all, employers saving enough to give everyone a raise!

A lot of confusing double talk....that's what it takes for obamacare to pass.
Double spending the Medicare money is so disengenuous from barry....I have to call him a liar.
You mean we won't be getting raises off all the savings? :lol:
Yes, some of the Dems will commit political suicide to pass ObamaCare.

The far Left has been jonsing for decades to pass socialized medicine; the political stars have never been this closely aligned for them to put legislation in place which makes nationalized health care virtually inevitable. Once the law is passed and the bureaucracy established - it's done deal. They will sacrifice a great deal to achieve it.
If they were focusing on job creation you'd be
1) Calling that Socialism as well
2) Bashing them for not focusing on healthcare
3) Accusing them of creating the wrong kind of jobs
4) Calling that socialism as well, again.

1. Fail on your response.....you don't need to have socialism to fix the economy. I can't believe you would say something like that.
2. healthcare needs to be tweeked with some mandates, not overhauled.
3. If you let the free market create the jobs, you wouldn't have a problem as to what type of jobs being created. Not all have to be union wage jobs.

OK... How does the... ahem... GOVERNMENT... create jobs, without the possibility of it being interpreted as Socialism?

And unions are a function of capitalism. They have nothing to do with socialism.

government can create jobs through temporary tax credits, and temporary tax cuts. ahem....
the government mandated union wage jobs with the stimulus money.....when there could have been more jobs created without the mandated union wages.
Of course you knew it was just to pay back the union cronies for supporting him during the election....of course you did, because your not a stupid person.
Why would anyone not believe the savings? I mean c'mon, who could doubt him? Health care for all, employers saving enough to give everyone a raise!

Positive spin: Well...at least 0bama is finally transparent to me.

How it might be true: If employers look at the costs of cadillac plans, they may eliminate them and the associated tax on those plans, resulting in a 3000% reduction in premiums. Of course, it will mean a big change in coverage and deductables for these people.

Most likely case: 0bama is just lying his ass off like usual.
I wonder how the GOP candidates will fair, having said they don't care about people with pre-existing conditions, or who lost their healthcare when they lost their job, or are dropped by their insurance company when they do get sick.

That is simply not true. The Republicans had many, many amendments to the HC bill that were consistently shot down on a party line vote. When you reveal the truth, the whole "party of no" thing becomes a big Dem lie.
Healthcare Freedom REJECTED: Republican Amendments
Its for the American people who will DIE without proper medical care and not for Obama.

Once this passes and is amended you will be as fearful of defunding it as you are medicare.

This is for the people, I know you dont care about them.
That is such dramatic crap. No more people are going to die from lack of Obama's health care than would die if we had NO health care. I think more people would die because of rationing, the loss of good doctors and the killing of incentive for improvements in medical care than would die if we just left the system as is. The plan includes cutting of Medicare benefits. Obama and Company is after the old folks...the sooner they die, the easier it will be to spread what's left of health care to the young voters.

Why do you think other countries are better than us?

Why do you think they can manage systems that distribute better healthcare than we get to all their citizens and pay way less than Americans do?

You really dont have much faith in Amerticans do you?
Why do YOU think other countries are better than we? Are you mad? Can you read? Do follow anything besides USMB?:cuckoo:

Looks like the House Dems will do the right thing and pass healthcare..

Great day to be an American!
No. They'll be doing the left thing. If they do slip this through by hook or crook, I hope you live long enough to regret supporting it...just like many today regret ever voting for the Marxist Obama. You sound like some loony idiot in a third world country that hates the USA because of its greatness.

We need to modify our capitalistic health care system, but we don't need to resort to government control. Start with tort reform. Oh, wait! That's something the bill won't touch. There may still be a clause in it that says if any state passes legislation to limit medical malpractice suits, it will lose some funding. The libs are protecting the real rapists of the system...the trial lawyers.

Maybe they've taken that out, but who knows? We have to let them pass the bill so we can find out what's in it!

How frickin' stupid can you wealth-envying, socialist dingbats get?
MARCH 15, 2010.
Swing Districts Oppose Health Reform

Sobering poll news for 35 key House members..ArticleComments (10)more in .By HEATHER R. HIGGINS AND KELLYANNE E. CONWAY

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she plans to bring health-care reform to a vote this week. Democratic leaders cite national polls that show support for individual provisions of the bill as a reason to pass this reform. Yet vulnerable politicians should be warned: Responses to questions about individual benefits, particularly when removed from a cost context, are different from those on the whole bill.

Voters in key congressional districts are clear in their opposition to what they have seen, read and heard on health-care reform. That's one of the findings of a survey that will be released today by the Polling Company on behalf of Independent Women's Voice. The survey consisted of 1,200 registered voters in 35 districts represented by members who could determine the outcome of the health-care debate. Twenty of those members voted for the House bill in November but now may be reconsidering. Fifteen voted against the bill but are under tremendous pressure to change their vote.

The survey shows astonishing intensity and sharp opposition to reform, far more than national polls reflect. For 82% of those surveyed, the heath-care bill is either the top or one of the top three issues for deciding whom to support for Congress next November. (That number goes to 88% among independent women.) Sixty percent want Congress to start from scratch on a bipartisan health-care reform proposal or stop working on it this year. Majorities say the legislation will make them and their loved ones (53%), the economy (54%) and the U.S. health-care system (55%) worse off—quite the trifecta.

Heather Higgins and Kellyanne Conway: Swing Districts Oppose Health Reform - WSJ.com

all I have to say is..................fcukking w00t.:lol::lol::lol::clap2:

It's clear that anyone who votes for this bill--won't have a snow-balls chance in hell of being re-elected. And that goes for 2012 too. Americans will not forget who they are.

NOW--Blue Dog democrats who vote against the nuclear option or whatever gets thrown at them in the next few weeks--can be HERO'S to their constituency--& I imagine they will be re-elected to congress.

It's all up to them now.

Political suicide?

Far from it. Dems know they need to pass healthcare like they promised. Right wingnuts are not going to vote for them anyway.

Let the Republicans run in November on "I am going to take away your healthcare" rather than " Dems failed"
Political suicide?

Far from it. Dems know they need to pass healthcare like they promised. Right wingnuts are not going to vote for them anyway.

Let the Republicans run in November on "I am going to take away your healthcare" rather than " Dems failed"

Keep saying that one, leftwinger....I'm sure there are a few wingnuts such as yourself that actually believe it.
Obama, Pelosi, Reid and their brainwashed followers are delivering arguments that appeal to emotion rather than the details of the bill. "You're against health care..." is not the same as "You're against government control of health care..." I am definitely in favor of health care for all citizens with insurance or money (and foreigners with insurance or money). Citizens that cannot afford premiums for insurance should have their premiums paid for them by the government.
Obama, Pelosi, Reid and their brainwashed followers are delivering arguments that appeal to emotion rather than the details of the bill. "You're against health care..." is not the same as "You're against government control of health care..." I am definitely in favor of health care for all citizens with insurance or money (and foreigners with insurance or money). Citizens that cannot afford premiums for insurance should have their premiums paid for them by the government.

Can we apply that to car insurance, homeowners, renters etc etc?

Makes no sense.

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