Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

He presented a plan, Bozo. Reagan sent balanced budgets to Congress, to which Tip O'Neill chortled, "Dead on Arrival!"

reagan also raised taxes seven times....


But you digress - because you have had your head handed to you.


i don't digress. reagan raised taxes to pay our bills.

tip o'neill was far smarter than any of you rightwingnut freaks.

and i've never had my head handed to me.

certainly never by you or your fellow loons.
Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

Indeed, it is quite possible that Papa Obama has done so much damage
it could take generations to recover from it.

If he makes the right decisions it's more than possible. Reagan cleaned up after Carter in about two years.

We're in quite a lot worse shape than what Carter left, IMO.
Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

Indeed, it is quite possible that Papa Obama has done so much damage
it could take generations to recover from it.

If he makes the right decisions it's more than possible. Reagan cleaned up after Carter in about two years.

And how did Ronnie do that? Spend, spend, spend!!!
All Reagan did was saddle us with triple digit deficits through his insane fiscal policies,

Laughable revisionism.

From PBS:

'In February 1981 Reagan presented the Economic Tax Recovery Act to Congress, calling for massive personal and corporate tax cuts, reductions in government spending, and a balanced budget. '

The 1982 Recession . Reagan . WGBH American Experience | PBS

Tipp O'Neill, of course, said F that.

So you're saying Reagan didn't have the power to 'clean up' anything, so anyone who claims he 'cleaned up' anything is full of shit.
already the right is making excuses for Romneys anticipated failure.
But the left cannot blame Obama's failures on Bush at all.

Ohh this is just precious.

Well there's that and this is also a classic tactic of their's to attack their opponent's strength and try to make it their own.

It's just more disingenuous nonsense from the political right in an effort to hoodwink the people into forgetting the shit hit the fan before Obama took office.
Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

Indeed, it is quite possible that Papa Obama has done so much damage
it could take generations to recover from it.

If he makes the right decisions it's more than possible. Reagan cleaned up after Carter in about two years.

We're in quite a lot worse shape than what Carter left, IMO.

I agree, but it is better shape than when Dumbya left office..
We are in the midst the worst world-wide economic recession/depression since the great depression. If you take your partisan blinders off and watch something other than Faux Noise, you might realize that Obama has done an admirable job in keeping this economy above water despite the republicans saying NO to everything and anything that Obama tries to do. The repubs took over the house with the promise of JOBS JOBS JOBS. They have done nothing about job creation except to block legislation that would help. If your honest with yourself you have to put alot of blame on the congressional republicans. (Please dont tell me that the Dems had a majority in congress for Obama's first 2 years because of the new filibuster rules you now need 60 votes in the senate.)

Yeah, it's US that have the partisan blinders. Um hmm, sure.

So tell me, what have the "JOBS JOBS JOBS" republican congress done or even tried to do about jobs?

Did I say I knew? No, I did not. I was just pointing out your glaring hypocrisy.
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Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

Indeed, it is quite possible that Papa Obama has done so much damage
it could take generations to recover from it.

I'm not really sure when you take into account that Obama hasn't addressed everything Bush left behind because he spent a year trying to pass healthcare instead of working on the economy.

Romney will have all of Obama's mess and some of Bush's leftovers to deal with if he wins, it will be tough.
Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

Indeed, it is quite possible that Papa Obama has done so much damage
it could take generations to recover from it.

If he makes the right decisions it's more than possible. Reagan cleaned up after Carter in about two years.

In the short run
it will be possible to correct for Papa Obama's mess

But the long run problems are where really change is needed.

Neither party has been good at this
But at least the Republicans have some in there who understand
the real problems and how to deal with them. So there is some hope and possible solutions

The Democrats have gone too radical and left to even admit there are problems
and hang on to the same old failed gov't centered paradigm that has gotten us into this mess in the first place.
There is no hope or real solutions there....
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Just like the name, Hussein
for left wing trolls
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Calling for it, and actually having a feasible, workign plan, are two different things...I wish that I could win lotto tomorrow - doesn't mean I will, or that I have a plan on how to make it happen either...

He presented a plan, Bozo. Reagan sent balanced budgets to Congress, to which Tip O'Neill chortled, "Dead on Arrival!"

The Devil is in the detail Crunchie.....How was he going to balance those budgets?

You might as well be trying to convince a Christian fundamentalist that the earth isn't 6000 years old, when you start to argue against Reagan mythology.
You do digress. We aren't talking about Reagan 'raising taxes,' troll.

revenue and expenditures are interrelated....

Reagan presented balanced budgets to Congress.

Tipp O'Neill said 'F that.'

You need to learn to handle the truth.

You seem to have comprehension issues. He could have presented Congress with the second coming....it's getting there that was the problem...

Obama has presented balanced budgets, too....And does that make him the saviour of the US economy?

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