Will 4 years be enough time for Romney to clean up Obama's one term Mess?

You do digress. We aren't talking about Reagan 'raising taxes,' troll.

revenue and expenditures are interrelated....

Reagan presented balanced budgets to Congress.

Tipp O'Neill said 'F that.'

You need to learn to handle the truth.

are you sure about your facts? it is generally the house of representatives which presents a budget.

you mean truth like the truth that the budgets signed by reagan included 7 tax increases? that kind of truth?
revenue and expenditures are interrelated....

Reagan presented balanced budgets to Congress.

Tipp O'Neill said 'F that.'

You need to learn to handle the truth.

You seem to have comprehension issues. He could have presented Congress with the second coming....it's getting there that was the problem...

Obama has presented balanced budgets, too....And does that make him the saviour of the US economy?

Which budget would that be?
The one that the Democratic Senate keeps rejecting
Yeah, it's US that have the partisan blinders. Um hmm, sure.

So tell me, what have the "JOBS JOBS JOBS" republican congress done or even tried to do about jobs?

Did i say i knew? no, I did not. I was just pointing out your glaring hypocrisy.

What is my glaring hypocrisy? Did the republicans gain control of congress by promising jobs or not? They didn't just fail at it but they didn't even address it because they know that more jobs lessens their chances to take complete control of our government. I also stated that repubs should share the blame not accept it entirely. Anyone who takes an honest look at the state of our nation would realize that there is plenty of blame and hypocrisy to go around as well as plenty of kudos for trying to turn things around. This is a world wide economic meltdown with no easy answers.
Reagan presented balanced budgets to Congress.

Tipp O'Neill said 'F that.'

You need to learn to handle the truth.

You seem to have comprehension issues. He could have presented Congress with the second coming....it's getting there that was the problem...

Obama has presented balanced budgets, too....And does that make him the saviour of the US economy?

Which budget would that be?
The one that the Democratic Senate keeps rejecting

Thanks for proving my point...

You do realise there is a difference between presenting a budget and getting one passed.....Good, we are making progress...
So tell me, what have the "JOBS JOBS JOBS" republican congress done or even tried to do about jobs?

Did i say i knew? no, I did not. I was just pointing out your glaring hypocrisy.

What is my glaring hypocrisy? Did the republicans gain control of congress by promising jobs or not? They didn't just fail at it but they didn't even address it because they know that more jobs lessens their chances to take complete control of our government. I also stated that repubs should share the blame not accept it entirely. Anyone who takes an honest look at the state of our nation would realize that there is plenty of blame and hypocrisy to go around as well as plenty of kudos for trying to turn things around. This is a world wide economic meltdown with no easy answers.

Keeping Papa Obama and the Left from imposing more radical policies
has lessen the damage the left has done

For most people, this is more than enough
Reagan also got better results in less time with less money spent

He got shit results, and left a legacy that you're still paying for today.

I just love revisionist history....


all that money Papa Obama spent is Reagan's fault

the deficit increases were the greatest under republican presidents.

it is not obama's fault that he was left with two wars, a recession and the bush tax cuts.

you also need to stop attributing TARP to this president. It was signed by the last president, whom, it also happens, said he would have bailed out the auto companies.

notwithstanding your obama-derangement, government has to spend money... which is why you can't keep cutting taxes for rich people and corporations.
So tell me, what have the "JOBS JOBS JOBS" republican congress done or even tried to do about jobs?

Did i say i knew? no, I did not. I was just pointing out your glaring hypocrisy.

What is my glaring hypocrisy? Did the republicans gain control of congress by promising jobs or not? They didn't just fail at it but they didn't even address it because they know that more jobs lessens their chances to take complete control of our government. I also stated that repubs should share the blame not accept it entirely. Anyone who takes an honest look at the state of our nation would realize that there is plenty of blame and hypocrisy to go around as well as plenty of kudos for trying to turn things around. This is a world wide economic meltdown with no easy answers.

The glaring hipocrisy, dunderhead, is that you talked of our "partisan bliders" and yet you use the title "Feaux Noise". Has that gotten through your thick skull yet?
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You seem to have comprehension issues. He could have presented Congress with the second coming....it's getting there that was the problem...

Obama has presented balanced budgets, too....And does that make him the saviour of the US economy?

Which budget would that be?
The one that the Democratic Senate keeps rejecting

Thanks for proving my point...

You do realise there is a difference between presenting a budget and getting one passed.....Good, we are making progress...

This is probably were we should dumb it down for you.

Wish us luck.

The post that started this was:

'All Reagan did was saddle us with triple digit deficits through his insane fiscal policies'

The insane 'policies' in question here were Tipp O'Neill budget priorities. Reagan, as has been proved, presented balanced budget policies to Congress.
Carter left office with UE under 8%, a deficit of 70 billion, and positive GDP. His only problematic legacy,

for which he cannot really be held to blame for, was inflation.

Volcker fixed the inflation problem with monetary policy, and then aided the eventual business expansion of the 80's by reversing that policy. Oil prices also came down.

Had Reagan done his part on the fiscal side, we could have staved off the borrow and spend disaster we all now pay for.
Did i say i knew? no, I did not. I was just pointing out your glaring hypocrisy.

What is my glaring hypocrisy? Did the republicans gain control of congress by promising jobs or not? They didn't just fail at it but they didn't even address it because they know that more jobs lessens their chances to take complete control of our government. I also stated that repubs should share the blame not accept it entirely. Anyone who takes an honest look at the state of our nation would realize that there is plenty of blame and hypocrisy to go around as well as plenty of kudos for trying to turn things around. This is a world wide economic meltdown with no easy answers.

Keeping Papa Obama and the Left from imposing more radical policies
has lessen the damage the left has done

For most people, this is more than enough

Name one radical policy. And remember that just because you don't agree with it doesn't make radical.
He got shit results, and left a legacy that you're still paying for today.

I just love revisionist history....


all that money Papa Obama spent is Reagan's fault

the deficit increases were the greatest under republican presidents.

it is not obama's fault that he was left with two wars, a recession and the bush tax cuts.

you also need to stop attributing TARP to this president. It was signed by the last president, whom, it also happens, said he would have bailed out the auto companies.

notwithstanding your obama-derangement, government has to spend money... which is why you can't keep cutting taxes for rich people and corporations.

greatest until Papa Obama that is
TARP was paid back- so that is a no go for you
Granted Papa Obama has followed a lot of Bush policies but
the bailout was totally unnecessary

Outside your obama-worship and gov't creates wealth-derangement
gov't does not have to spend money the way they do now

The gov't does not have a tax problem
it has a spending problem
What is my glaring hypocrisy? Did the republicans gain control of congress by promising jobs or not? They didn't just fail at it but they didn't even address it because they know that more jobs lessens their chances to take complete control of our government. I also stated that repubs should share the blame not accept it entirely. Anyone who takes an honest look at the state of our nation would realize that there is plenty of blame and hypocrisy to go around as well as plenty of kudos for trying to turn things around. This is a world wide economic meltdown with no easy answers.

Keeping Papa Obama and the Left from imposing more radical policies
has lessen the damage the left has done

For most people, this is more than enough

Name one radical policy. And remember that just because you don't agree with it doesn't make radical.

Obamacare and its requiring private citizens to buy a product from a private company or face government penalties.
depending on any one potus to make miraculous economic changes within one term, after generations of damage done, is akin to placing hope in a new titantic captian after the berg hit

Carter did stink it up. I remember those glorious four years of inflation, high unemployment, long gas lines, incompetence and such. Although he was horrible at politics, he was a smart man.
Of course CON$ have a habit of "remembering" what never happened. The highest UE got under Carter was 7.8% unlike St Ronnie who was able to jack it up from 7.2% to 10.8%, but no problem, just blame Reagan's double digit UE on Carter.
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus, GDP has been growing for 3 years, we have had 28 straight months of private sector job growth. We have had record auto sale, record retail sales, and the Fortune 500 just recorded record profits. If not for the government jobs loss, the unemployment rate would be below 6%. Obama has done a good job, but Republicans voted against a infrastructure bill last year that would have helped a lot. Republicans are to blame for the collapse, and they are blocking the recovery. Vote out the Republicans, my friends.

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