Will America be the same if its not white-english speaking anymore


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Move'em North
there is a chance it will be mixed race/hispanic/black/asian and bilingual maybe with spanish as second language in 50 years. will the character of america remain the same because a standard americaness is usually associated with whiteness and english language. any thoughts? maybe it will be more like brasil
there is a chance it will be mixed race/hispanic/black/asian and bilingual maybe with spanish as second language in 50 years. will the character of america remain the same because a standard americaness is usually associated with whiteness and english language. any thoughts? maybe it will be more like brasil
Eventually that will happen, sure.

But not in Northern Idaho.

Ever been there?

You probably shouldn't go.
there is a chance it will be mixed race/hispanic/black/asian and bilingual maybe with spanish as second language in 50 years. will the character of america remain the same because a standard americaness is usually associated with whiteness and english language. any thoughts? maybe it will be more like brasil
Eventually that will happen, sure.

But not in Northern Idaho.

Ever been there?

You probably shouldn't go.

never been there but dont think it can be more racist then where i live, austria voted a far right president and its 999% white i think "rednecks" etc. are overrated, i dont think the south is racist either, a little bit maybe but not much. doubt i would have a serious problem. i know what racial abuse is though was racially abused often.
Spanish is already the second language. Other languages include Hawaiian, French, Japanese, Amish German, Mandarin Chinese, VietNamese, Punjab, Arabic, Hungarian, Russian, Welsh, Cherokee, et cetera.

But it's not like Brazil. They speak Portuguese in Brazil.
Spanish is already the second language. Other languages include French, Japanese, Amish German, Mandarin Chinese, VietNamese, Punjab, Arabic, Hungarian, Russian, Welsh, Cherokee, et cetera.

But it's not like Brazil. They speak Portuguese in Brazil.

do you think it will be the same when the marlboro man is latino instead of white
there is a chance it will be mixed race/hispanic/black/asian and bilingual maybe with spanish as second language in 50 years. will the character of america remain the same because a standard americaness is usually associated with whiteness and english language. any thoughts? maybe it will be more like brasil
It is not just a chance, but it's very likely that America will become more Hispanic, more Black, and more multicultural. Even without immigration, it will happen because of the higher birth rate among blacks, Hispanics, and other ethnic groups. With immigration, it will occur faster but it will occur anyway.

Multiculturalism is not just an American or European phenomena. It is occurring in every nation where freedom of movement exist. As trade, travel, immigration, and communication increases globally, so will multiculturalism. A country can wall itself off such as Cuba and North Korea have done, but eventually, those walls crumble.
Just move to Alaska, it's too cold for the jungle people.
there is a chance it will be mixed race/hispanic/black/asian and bilingual maybe with spanish as second language in 50 years. will the character of america remain the same because a standard americaness is usually associated with whiteness and english language. any thoughts? maybe it will be more like brasil
It is not just a chance, but it's very likely that America will become more Hispanic, more Black, and more multicultural. Even without immigration, it will happen because of the higher birth rate among blacks, Hispanics, and other ethnic groups. With immigration, it will occur faster but it will occur anyway.

Multiculturalism is not just an American or European phenomena. It is occurring in every nation where freedom of movement exist. As trade, travel, immigration, and communication increases globally, so will multiculturalism. A country can wall itself off such as Cuba and North Korea have done, but eventually, those walls crumble.

The demographics are changing worldwide

America has always been a country of many peoples and languages. English will continue to be the dominant language going forward.
America has always been a country of many peoples and languages. English will continue to be the dominant language going forward.
Not very many people in the US can even speak or write English anymore. Hillbillies, beaners, Asians and negros all have their own dialect, but it's not real English. Kinda like you. :D
Just move to Alaska, it's too cold for the jungle people.
So the Eskimos never lived in the Arctic circle?
They're pacified and we get along with them, and they're grateful for us teaching them English and bringing them stuff they like, like rifles and snow mobiles. Plus, they know lots of shit about snow.
Just move to Alaska, it's too cold for the jungle people.
So the Eskimos never lived in the Arctic circle?
They're pacified and we get along with them, and they're grateful for us teaching them English and bringing them stuff they like, like rifles and snow mobiles. Plus, they know lots of shit about snow.
That is not what you said in your earlier post, but you were vague.........
The destruction of America's racial composition is basically an overreaction to WWII, an overreaction to the excess and horrors of Nazism.

This is the rational behind this overreaction:

"If America remains a white majority country the same thing can happen here someday."

That's why you see the destruction of the racial makeup of America but not of China's, Nigeria's, India's, etc...

Instead of educating the future generations of americans about the danger of supremacist ideologies, the country got rid of its own identity as a western nation, redefined itself as a "multiracial country" and changed its immigration laws in 1965 to implement the crazy agenda it had just adopted.

It's an insanity that defies descrition...

A country willingly, voluntarily denationalising itself, erasing its own national identity as an european, western country.

But try to sell a modicum of logic, common sense to the majority of the american population and see what happens to you.

In the end, the ones who are going to decide the future of America is not a handful of mentally sane political scientists.

It' gonna be the giant madhouse that 60 years of multiracialist indoctrination of the american youth has created.

Millions upon millions of totally clueless, brainwashed individuals going around saying that America's white character is an "insignificant detail", an "accident of history" and similar nutteries.

It's a spectacle of collective madness that brings to mind the corridors of Bellevue Hospital or any other psychiatric ward with its patients shouting:

"I'm Jesus Christ!!"


"I'm Napoleon Bonapart!!"...

If you insist on saying that a country destroying its own racial identity is a bat shit crazy idea you'll be called a racist by 300 million multiracialist zombies that currently inhabit the USA just like you'd be called a lunatic at Bellevue if you insisted that you were yourself and not some famous character of History.

So what can I do?

Unfortunately the future of America belongs to them and not to a latino who isn't even an american citizen.
America will collapse just like the Roman Empire when and if its founding inhabitants and who it was intended for become a minority or are in any other way not in control all you have to do is look at Rhodesia and South Africa to see what happens when negros control a previously white controlled country
there is a chance it will be mixed race/hispanic/black/asian and bilingual maybe with spanish as second language in 50 years. will the character of america remain the same because a standard americaness is usually associated with whiteness and english language. any thoughts? maybe it will be more like brasil
It is not just a chance, but it's very likely that America will become more Hispanic, more Black, and more multicultural. Even without immigration, it will happen because of the higher birth rate among blacks, Hispanics, and other ethnic groups. With immigration, it will occur faster but it will occur anyway.

Multiculturalism is not just an American or European phenomena. It is occurring in every nation where freedom of movement exist. As trade, travel, immigration, and communication increases globally, so will multiculturalism. A country can wall itself off such as Cuba and North Korea have done, but eventually, those walls crumble.

The demographics are changing worldwide

According to National Policy Institute, a white supremacist group disguising itself as a research organization. It is true multiculturalism is growing worldwide. However, NPI statistics are exaggerated to support their claims of the death of the white race, that is the pure white race.
there is a chance it will be mixed race/hispanic/black/asian and bilingual maybe with spanish as second language in 50 years. will the character of america remain the same because a standard americaness is usually associated with whiteness and english language. any thoughts? maybe it will be more like brasil
It is not just a chance, but it's very likely that America will become more Hispanic, more Black, and more multicultural. Even without immigration, it will happen because of the higher birth rate among blacks, Hispanics, and other ethnic groups. With immigration, it will occur faster but it will occur anyway.

Multiculturalism is not just an American or European phenomena. It is occurring in every nation where freedom of movement exist. As trade, travel, immigration, and communication increases globally, so will multiculturalism. A country can wall itself off such as Cuba and North Korea have done, but eventually, those walls crumble.

The demographics are changing worldwide

.....the white race, that is the pure white race.

The what now?

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