Will America learn?

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Biden has so corrupted the USA this important question has to be asked of Americans?
Can we learn? Learn from what? History of course!!! Mistakes are committed daily by Democrats who believe if they keep trying to make mistakes, the mistakes will vanish. But can they vanish?

I want you listen to a man from Russia who now lives in Britain as a citizen there who is widely asked to talk. And he is a wonderful person to listen to. Will Democrats listen to him? Let's all hope they do.
Biden has so corrupted the USA this important question has to be asked of Americans?
Can we learn? Learn from what? History of course!!! Mistakes are committed daily by Democrats who believe if they keep trying to make mistakes, the mistakes will vanish. But can they vanish?

I want you listen to a man from Russia who now lives in Britain as a citizen there who is widely asked to talk. And he is a wonderful person to listen to. Will Democrats listen to him? Let's all hope they do.

No one cares about Biden or Trump. Here is the deal. It is all identity politics nowadays. Even if Biden was a vegetable, the dems would still vote for him and the vegetable would not hamper the filthy commies from promoting their agenda...just as they have been doing for the last 3.7 years.

If you don't understand this, here is an example.

A transqueer or abortion lover would never vote against promoting their agenda. A black would never vote against dreams of hitting the lotto with reparations or a free get out of jail card. And so on and so forth.

Same way I'd never vote to turn America into Mehcio or confiscate my guns. Why would I vote to end up like Malinowski did?

But a filthy, commie dem...will happily vote to Malinowski me.

...it is all identity politics nowadays.

biden demographics.jpg
No one cares about Biden or Trump. Here is the deal. It is all identity politics nowadays. Even if Biden was a vegetable, the dems would still vote for him and the vegetable would not hamper the filthy commies from promoting their agenda...just as they have been doing for the last 3.7 years.

If you don't understand this, here is an example.

A transqueer or abortion lover would never vote against promoting their agenda. A black would never vote against dreams of hitting the lotto with reparations or a free get out of jail card. And so on and so forth.

Same way I'd never vote to turn America into Mehcio or confiscate my guns. Why would I vote to end up like Malinowski did?

But a filthy, commie dem...will happily vote to Malinowski me.

...it is all identity politics nowadays.

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I get what you mean. But America has long been under the control of the media. And try to tell that to Americans. They deny it. They live with the Media controlling them yet they brag about free speech. But Democrats do not brag about free speech because it is their tool and they love authoritarian ideology way too much. They do not understand it is like they own rattle snakes and so love them they trust them totally. Biden is a bad rattlesnake.
The MSM and "Deep State" lied about Trump and Hunter's laptop.
I have long ago spotted the enemy among us is .... with remorse ... the mainstream media. It was around the time when Democrats kept harping about Fox news. I realized that to them FOX was the enemy. And our only friend was Fox News. We now have more friends.
Biden has so corrupted the USA this important question has to be asked of Americans?
Can we learn? Learn from what? History of course!!! Mistakes are committed daily by Democrats who believe if they keep trying to make mistakes, the mistakes will vanish. But can they vanish?

I want you listen to a man from Russia who now lives in Britain as a citizen there who is widely asked to talk. And he is a wonderful person to listen to. Will Democrats listen to him? Let's all hope they do.

Listen to a man from Russia…

No thanks asshead
Be specific about the trump lies and the hunter lies.

And there is no such thing as "The Deep State"
1. Lies about Trump?
Russia, Russia, Russia.
Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation, signed by 51 National security "experts", i.e. "the deep state".

2. Yes there is a deep state.
Guys like Fau-Chi that paid Wuhan Lab to do "gain of function" research even after Obama told him not to.
Guys like Vindman, and people like Comey, Strzok, McCabe who "won't let Trump win"
FBI guys like Elvis Chan who got hi-tech oligarchs to censor info voters needed

House Judiciary Committee sues FBI agent who flouted subpoena over social media censorship probe​


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