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Will American ever become a Christian Theocracy?

Will the U.S. ever become a Christian theocrasy?

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The courts have never been more hostile to the free expression of Christian faith.

You want a theocracy? What country would you want it modeled on? Iran? Only Christian? Or Afghanistan?
Pat Robertson considered GW Bush the first dominionist regent.

well, if pat robertson says it, it must be so.

gimme a break.

George W. Bush..hired lawyers directly out of Regent's. A university started by Pat Robertson.


Break given.

Yeah I recall watching Falwell and Robertson talking on their show how they would create lawyers and get them in govt to bring christ to america.
This is a long term plan I first heard them talk about maybe 30+ years ago?
Regarding Ralph Reed, Robertson prodigy:
For a while, former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed looked almost unstoppable in his bid for lieutenant governor of Georgia. Then he got tripped up by the Jack Abramoff scandal.

In recent months, it was reported that Reed's public relations and lobbying businesses received $4.2 million from his longtime friend Abramoff to mobilize Christian voters to fight the opening of casinos that would compete with Abramoff's Indian tribe clients.

Radical Right's Ralph Reed Stumbling In Run For Office Because of Abramoff Ties...

What does this have to do with Christian Theocracy?

That's her proof that we're heading towards one. :eek:

Should we become a Theocracy, the last thing it will be is Christian. That's my point. ;)
No , the Christian faith is the only faith strong enough to allow free rule, That is how it spawned the USA.
Christianity has no interest scripturally to govern states, only mans heart .
Sky seems to think we're headed towards a Christian theocrasy in this country. Is she crazy or do her warnings have merrit?

I think it is unlikely that we will ever be a theocracy. but then again 70% of people in this country don't believe in evolution; text books in texas are being corrupted. so i think certainly vigilance of ANY religion imposing their agenda on us is probably warranted.

Crazy are the loons who screech about 'sharia law' when there has been no indication whatsoever than anyone here pays attention to sharia law. :)
No , the Christian faith is the only faith strong enough to allow free rule, That is how it spawned the USA.
Christianity has no interest scripturally to govern states, only mans heart .

Spot on. The US is second to none when it comes to religous tolerance.

unless you happen to want to build a mosque in staten island.

Protests continue at vacant convent in Midland Beach | SILive.com

although the anti-jewish protests by the WBC were pretty funny.

Westboro Church Protest Against Jews Hilariously Interrupted By Brick Stone (VIDEO)
Some Christians do not like democracy. As Betty Fischer, director of Kids in Ministry International and founder and director of Kids on Fire summer camp in North Dakota, noted in the Jesus Camp documentary, democracy is a problem because it "treats everyone as equals." Therein lies the fundamental reason why Christian Nationalists are striving to turn America into a theocracy: the belief that (certain) Christians should receive preferential treatment in America and control the judicial system. What do they view as the greatest obstacles in elevating Christians to elite, ruling status? Pluralism and "secular humanism."

Who are these Christians that would replace democracy with theocracy?

Firstly, this theocratic movement assumes a variety of labels, including Christian Theocracy, Christian Reconstructionism, Christian Dominionism, Dominion Theology and Theonomy. In general, Christian Dominionism and Dominion Theology are overarching constructs positing the enforced rule of God over the world, while Christian Theocracy / Christian Reconstructionism are the concrete manifestations of the rule of God in government and society.

The ideological founders and leaders of the movement include(d) Rousas John Rushdooney, Francis A. Schaeffer, Gary North and Gary DeMar (see History links below). Many leaders among the Religious Right, although certainly not all, have followed in their footsteps. Many conservative Christians at large advocate theocratic principles in a quest to conquer America, convinced that the United States was founded as a Christian nation and (now) needs to return to her "Christian heritage." Pseudo-historian David Barton, through his Wall Builders organization, has perhaps done the most to propagate the myth of America founded as a Christian nation. The theocratic movement is based on historical falsehoods (for example, the erroneous claim that most of America's founding fathers were Christians) and a belief that Old Testament laws should apply to America governance.

Theocratic Organizations

Alliance for Marriage
American Center for Law and Justice
American Family Association
American Vision - founded by Gary Demar, leading theocratic ideologue
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Chalcedon Foundation - led by R. J. Rushdoony
Christian Action Network
Christian Business Men's Committee
Christian Coalition of America
Christian Exodus
Citizens for Excellence in Education - arm of National Association of Christian Educators
CitizenLink.Com - an arm of Focus on the Family
Coalition on Revival - Applying Biblical Principles to Every Sphere of Life and Thought
Concerned Women for America
Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens
Coral Ridge Ministries - led by D. James Kennedy
Council for National Policy - secret government council policy formed by Tim LaHaye
Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Creation Resource Foundation
Eagle Forum
Family Policy Network
Family Research Council
Free Congress Foundation
Home School Foundation - funded by the HSLDF
Home School Legal Defense Foundation (HSLDF)
Institute for Christian Economics - led by Gary North
National Association of Christian Educators (NACE)
Joshua Generation - aimed at 11 to 19 year olds; affiliated with Patrick Henry College
National Center for Home Education - affiliated with HSLDF
National Clergy Council
National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI)- funded by HSLDF
Operation Rescue
Restore America
Rutherford Institute
Traditional Values Coalition
Vision America - founded by Rick Scarborough, Baptist
Vision Forum Ministries
Wall Builders - led by David Barton
Worldview Weekend

Theocratic Educational Institutions

Patrick Henry College - for homeschooled children, partner of HSLDF
Regent University - "Regent" refers to Christian rulers who will govern the nation

Theocratic Publications and Media

A Christian Manifesto - address by Francis A. Schaeffer; summary of theocratic views
A Manifesto for the Christian Church - endorsed by the major theocratic players
American Vision Home School Online Store
Biblical Worldview Magazine
Citizen Magazine - published by Focus on the Family
Civilized Revolt (Formerly Virtue Magazine)
FreeBooks - from the Institute for Christian Economics
Generations - Radio Program
Home School Heartbeat (Radio program)
LifeWay Homeschool, Southern Baptist Convention - affiliated with HSLDF & NHERI
WorldView Magazine

American Theocracy: Who Wants to Turn America into a Theocracy?
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I'm going up into this tower and not coming down until you people say it's ok to be a Christian. Also, send me some money too cause I'm not coming down until you do!:lol: Isn't that sort of what Pat Robertson said on tv once upon a time?

Maybe this has already been mentioned, I have not read farther than this post, but I believe the person you are thinking of was Oral Roberts.

Now that I have read further, I note that Bodecea supplied the answer.

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Sky seems to think we're headed towards a Christian theocrasy in this country. Is she crazy or do her warnings have merrit?

I think it is unlikely that we will ever be a theocracy. but then again 70% of people in this country don't believe in evolution; text books in texas are being corrupted. so i think certainly vigilance of ANY religion imposing their agenda on us is probably warranted.

Crazy are the loons who screech about 'sharia law' when there has been no indication whatsoever than anyone here pays attention to sharia law. :)

It is Islam that is compelled to bring the World into compliance with Sharia Law, not us. Someone is on a path, they are telling you they are on a path, they are telling you what their intentions are, evidence of those intentions are as plain as day in any country they are a majority. Why do you doubt the effectiveness of their ability? The end game is the subjugation of your will. By ignoring the problem you encourage and enable that which seeks dominion over you. You obstruct others that do address, question, and push for Reform. Reform is what is needed, not denial or retreat. This is not an anti Islam stand. Where Unalienable Right is not recognized, there is a serious problem.
Some Christians do not like democracy. As Betty Fischer, director of Kids in Ministry International and founder and director of Kids on Fire summer camp in North Dakota, noted in the Jesus Camp documentary, democracy is a problem because it "treats everyone as equals." Therein lies the fundamental reason why Christian Nationalists are striving to turn America into a theocracy: the belief that (certain) Christians should receive preferential treatment in America and control the judicial system. What do they view as the greatest obstacles in elevating Christians to elite, ruling status? Pluralism and "secular humanism."

Who are these Christians that would replace democracy with theocracy?

Firstly, this theocratic movement assumes a variety of labels, including Christian Theocracy, Christian Reconstructionism, Christian Dominionism, Dominion Theology and Theonomy. In general, Christian Dominionism and Dominion Theology are overarching constructs positing the enforced rule of God over the world, while Christian Theocracy / Christian Reconstructionism are the concrete manifestations of the rule of God in government and society.

The ideological founders and leaders of the movement include(d) Rousas John Rushdooney, Francis A. Schaeffer, Gary North and Gary DeMar (see History links below). Many leaders among the Religious Right, although certainly not all, have followed in their footsteps. Many conservative Christians at large advocate theocratic principles in a quest to conquer America, convinced that the United States was founded as a Christian nation and (now) needs to return to her "Christian heritage." Pseudo-historian David Barton, through his Wall Builders organization, has perhaps done the most to propagate the myth of America founded as a Christian nation. The theocratic movement is based on historical falsehoods (for example, the erroneous claim that most of America's founding fathers were Christians) and a belief that Old Testament laws should apply to America governance.

Theocratic Organizations

Alliance for Marriage
American Center for Law and Justice
American Family Association
American Vision - founded by Gary Demar, leading theocratic ideologue
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Chalcedon Foundation - led by R. J. Rushdoony
Christian Action Network
Christian Business Men's Committee
Christian Coalition of America
Christian Exodus
Citizens for Excellence in Education - arm of National Association of Christian Educators
CitizenLink.Com - an arm of Focus on the Family
Coalition on Revival - Applying Biblical Principles to Every Sphere of Life and Thought
Concerned Women for America
Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens
Coral Ridge Ministries - led by D. James Kennedy
Council for National Policy - secret government council policy formed by Tim LaHaye
Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Creation Resource Foundation
Eagle Forum
Family Policy Network
Family Research Council
Free Congress Foundation
Home School Foundation - funded by the HSLDF
Home School Legal Defense Foundation (HSLDF)
Institute for Christian Economics - led by Gary North
National Association of Christian Educators (NACE)
Joshua Generation - aimed at 11 to 19 year olds; affiliated with Patrick Henry College
National Center for Home Education - affiliated with HSLDF
National Clergy Council
National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI)- funded by HSLDF
Operation Rescue
Restore America
Rutherford Institute
Traditional Values Coalition
Vision America - founded by Rick Scarborough, Baptist
Vision Forum Ministries
Wall Builders - led by David Barton
Worldview Weekend

Theocratic Educational Institutions

Patrick Henry College - for homeschooled children, partner of HSLDF
Regent University - "Regent" refers to Christian rulers who will govern the nation

Theocratic Publications and Media

A Christian Manifesto - address by Francis A. Schaeffer; summary of theocratic views
A Manifesto for the Christian Church - endorsed by the major theocratic players
American Vision Home School Online Store
Biblical Worldview Magazine
Citizen Magazine - published by Focus on the Family
Civilized Revolt (Formerly Virtue Magazine)
FreeBooks - from the Institute for Christian Economics
Generations - Radio Program
Home School Heartbeat (Radio program)
LifeWay Homeschool, Southern Baptist Convention - affiliated with HSLDF & NHERI
WorldView Magazine

American Theocracy: Who Wants to Turn America into a Theocracy?

Not to mention a contingent of conservative American Politicians that advocated for the execution of gays...in de-facto Christian Theocracy..Uganda.
No , the Christian faith is the only faith strong enough to allow free rule, That is how it spawned the USA.
Christianity has no interest scripturally to govern states, only mans heart .

Spot on. The US is second to none when it comes to religous tolerance.

Yes. Because it is secular. Not Christian.

Tell that to the Christians. They disagree with you. They argue America is and has always been a Christian nation.
Spot on. The US is second to none when it comes to religous tolerance.

Yes. Because it is secular. Not Christian.

Tell that to the Christians. They disagree with you. They argue America is and has always been a Christian nation.

There is no "god" in our Constitution.

Hence..they are..and always have been wrong.

Additionally..nothing..and I mean nothing..of our system of justice comes from Christianity. We've actually had to have a war..the civil war..to dispatch one of their commonly held beliefs..that slavery is acceptable.

The south..the conservative christian theocratic "state-rights" traitors..lost.
Some Christians do not like democracy. As Betty Fischer, director of Kids in Ministry International and founder and director of Kids on Fire summer camp in North Dakota, noted in the Jesus Camp documentary, democracy is a problem because it "treats everyone as equals." Therein lies the fundamental reason why Christian Nationalists are striving to turn America into a theocracy: the belief that (certain) Christians should receive preferential treatment in America and control the judicial system. What do they view as the greatest obstacles in elevating Christians to elite, ruling status? Pluralism and "secular humanism."

Who are these Christians that would replace democracy with theocracy?

Firstly, this theocratic movement assumes a variety of labels, including Christian Theocracy, Christian Reconstructionism, Christian Dominionism, Dominion Theology and Theonomy. In general, Christian Dominionism and Dominion Theology are overarching constructs positing the enforced rule of God over the world, while Christian Theocracy / Christian Reconstructionism are the concrete manifestations of the rule of God in government and society.

The ideological founders and leaders of the movement include(d) Rousas John Rushdooney, Francis A. Schaeffer, Gary North and Gary DeMar (see History links below). Many leaders among the Religious Right, although certainly not all, have followed in their footsteps. Many conservative Christians at large advocate theocratic principles in a quest to conquer America, convinced that the United States was founded as a Christian nation and (now) needs to return to her "Christian heritage." Pseudo-historian David Barton, through his Wall Builders organization, has perhaps done the most to propagate the myth of America founded as a Christian nation. The theocratic movement is based on historical falsehoods (for example, the erroneous claim that most of America's founding fathers were Christians) and a belief that Old Testament laws should apply to America governance.

Theocratic Organizations

Alliance for Marriage
American Center for Law and Justice
American Family Association
American Vision - founded by Gary Demar, leading theocratic ideologue
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Chalcedon Foundation - led by R. J. Rushdoony
Christian Action Network
Christian Business Men's Committee
Christian Coalition of America
Christian Exodus
Citizens for Excellence in Education - arm of National Association of Christian Educators
CitizenLink.Com - an arm of Focus on the Family
Coalition on Revival - Applying Biblical Principles to Every Sphere of Life and Thought
Concerned Women for America
Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens
Coral Ridge Ministries - led by D. James Kennedy
Council for National Policy - secret government council policy formed by Tim LaHaye
Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Creation Resource Foundation
Eagle Forum
Family Policy Network
Family Research Council
Free Congress Foundation
Home School Foundation - funded by the HSLDF
Home School Legal Defense Foundation (HSLDF)
Institute for Christian Economics - led by Gary North
National Association of Christian Educators (NACE)
Joshua Generation - aimed at 11 to 19 year olds; affiliated with Patrick Henry College
National Center for Home Education - affiliated with HSLDF
National Clergy Council
National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI)- funded by HSLDF
Operation Rescue
Restore America
Rutherford Institute
Traditional Values Coalition
Vision America - founded by Rick Scarborough, Baptist
Vision Forum Ministries
Wall Builders - led by David Barton
Worldview Weekend

Theocratic Educational Institutions

Patrick Henry College - for homeschooled children, partner of HSLDF
Regent University - "Regent" refers to Christian rulers who will govern the nation

Theocratic Publications and Media

A Christian Manifesto - address by Francis A. Schaeffer; summary of theocratic views
A Manifesto for the Christian Church - endorsed by the major theocratic players
American Vision Home School Online Store
Biblical Worldview Magazine
Citizen Magazine - published by Focus on the Family
Civilized Revolt (Formerly Virtue Magazine)
FreeBooks - from the Institute for Christian Economics
Generations - Radio Program
Home School Heartbeat (Radio program)
LifeWay Homeschool, Southern Baptist Convention - affiliated with HSLDF & NHERI
WorldView Magazine

American Theocracy: Who Wants to Turn America into a Theocracy?

I do understand your point. My point is that, any proclaimed Christian Group that would try to turn our Federalist Republic into a Theocracy, would be acting contrary to Christian teachings, and would fall into the category of Cult. It is a contradiction. A Christian Theocracy by definition is an Oxymoron. Those that don't get it should study Locke. John Locke: A Letter Concerning Toleration

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