Will American ever become a Christian Theocracy?

Will the U.S. ever become a Christian theocrasy?

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Spot on. The US is second to none when it comes to religous tolerance.

Yes. Because it is secular. Not Christian.

Tell that to the Christians. They disagree with you. They argue America is and has always been a Christian nation.

We are rooted in Christian Principles, one of which is separation of Church and State, whether it is realized or not. This does not exclude the influence of God in Government, but the conflicting dogma of the various sects. Conscience, our conduit with our Maker, is not left at the door when you punch in. Get real. You don't want to believe in God, or Conscience, fine. One thing is clear, you have no authority over matters of conscience with anyone outside yourself. We have no power over what others believe or refuse to believe, in relation to matters of conscience.
Yes. Because it is secular. Not Christian.

Tell that to the Christians. They disagree with you. They argue America is and has always been a Christian nation.

There is no "god" in our Constitution.

Hence..they are..and always have been wrong.

Additionally..nothing..and I mean nothing..of our system of justice comes from Christianity. We've actually had to have a war..the civil war..to dispatch one of their commonly held beliefs..that slavery is acceptable.

The south..the conservative christian theocratic "state-rights" traitors..lost.

God is Everywhere Sallow. Feel free to ignore what you must.
Yes. Because it is secular. Not Christian.

Tell that to the Christians. They disagree with you. They argue America is and has always been a Christian nation.

We are rooted in Christian Principles, one of which is separation of Church and State, whether it is realized or not. This does not exclude the influence of God in Government, but the conflicting dogma of the various sects. Conscience, our conduit with our Maker, is not left at the door when you punch in. Get real. You don't want to believe in God, or Conscience, fine. One thing is clear, you have no authority over matters of conscience with anyone outside yourself. We have no power over what others believe or refuse to believe, in relation to matters of conscience.

Do you want the US to be a Christian theocracy or not? IMO theocracies don't work. None of them.
Yes. Because it is secular. Not Christian.

Tell that to the Christians. They disagree with you. They argue America is and has always been a Christian nation.

There is no "god" in our Constitution.

Hence..they are..and always have been wrong.

Additionally..nothing..and I mean nothing..of our system of justice comes from Christianity. We've actually had to have a war..the civil war..to dispatch one of their commonly held beliefs..that slavery is acceptable.

The south..the conservative christian theocratic "state-rights" traitors..lost.

Which Christian sect holds that slavery is acceptable?
Tell that to the Christians. They disagree with you. They argue America is and has always been a Christian nation.

We are rooted in Christian Principles, one of which is separation of Church and State, whether it is realized or not. This does not exclude the influence of God in Government, but the conflicting dogma of the various sects. Conscience, our conduit with our Maker, is not left at the door when you punch in. Get real. You don't want to believe in God, or Conscience, fine. One thing is clear, you have no authority over matters of conscience with anyone outside yourself. We have no power over what others believe or refuse to believe, in relation to matters of conscience.

Do you want the US to be a Christian theocracy or not? IMO theocracies don't work. None of them.

Christianity teaches that Theocracies don't work either. That's the point. Check out the Locke link I posted.
Tell that to the Christians. They disagree with you. They argue America is and has always been a Christian nation.

There is no "god" in our Constitution.

Hence..they are..and always have been wrong.

Additionally..nothing..and I mean nothing..of our system of justice comes from Christianity. We've actually had to have a war..the civil war..to dispatch one of their commonly held beliefs..that slavery is acceptable.

The south..the conservative christian theocratic "state-rights" traitors..lost.

Which Christian sect holds that slavery is acceptable?

"Slavery is still advocated in North America by some Reconstructionist Christians and a few racist fringe groups within the Christian Identity movement."
Christianity and slavery

2000-Summer: Neo-Confederates attempt split of Presbyterain Church: According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Rev. Steven J. Wilkins, is the "pastor of the Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church in Monroe, La., and a founder and current board member of the neo-Confederate League of the South (LOS)." The LOS is allegedly attempting to take control of conservative churches in the Southern US -- an act that could lead to a schism within the PCA. Wilkins promotes Christian Reconstructionism. Leaders of the Reconstructionist movement advocate that the:

"... death penalty be used to punish those guilty of 'apostasy (abandonment of the faith), heresy, blasphemy, witchcraft, astrology, adultery, 'sodomy or homosexuality,' incest, striking a parent, incorrigible juvenile delinquency, and in the case of women, 'unchastity before marriage.' Non-capital crimes would be sanctioned with whipping, indentured servitude or slavery."
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There is no "god" in our Constitution.

Hence..they are..and always have been wrong.

Additionally..nothing..and I mean nothing..of our system of justice comes from Christianity. We've actually had to have a war..the civil war..to dispatch one of their commonly held beliefs..that slavery is acceptable.

The south..the conservative christian theocratic "state-rights" traitors..lost.

Which Christian sect holds that slavery is acceptable?

"Slavery is still advocated in North America by some Reconstructionist Christians and a few racist fringe groups within the Christian Identity movement."
Christianity and slavery

2000-Summer: Neo-Confederates attempt split of Presbyterain Church: According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Rev. Steven J. Wilkins, is the "pastor of the Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church in Monroe, La., and a founder and current board member of the neo-Confederate League of the South (LOS)." The LOS is allegedly attempting to take control of conservative churches in the Southern US -- an act that could lead to a schism within the PCA. Wilkins promotes Christian Reconstructionism. Leaders of the Reconstructionist movement advocate that the:

"... death penalty be used to punish those guilty of 'apostasy (abandonment of the faith), heresy, blasphemy, witchcraft, astrology, adultery, 'sodomy or homosexuality,' incest, striking a parent, incorrigible juvenile delinquency, and in the case of women, 'unchastity before marriage.' Non-capital crimes would be sanctioned with whipping, indentured servitude or slavery."
Christian Reconstructionism etc. Developments: 1999 to now

You are treading heavily into the Cult realm here.
Sky seems to think we're headed towards a Christian theocrasy in this country. Is she crazy or do her warnings have merrit?

Christianity is, unfortunately, becoming less and less influential in America each year.

Sure. That's why Evangelicals own the GOP, they have so little influence. That's why there are so many Christian TV, radio and internet outlets.

Would a theocracy satisfy you?
Which Christian sect holds that slavery is acceptable?

"Slavery is still advocated in North America by some Reconstructionist Christians and a few racist fringe groups within the Christian Identity movement."
Christianity and slavery

2000-Summer: Neo-Confederates attempt split of Presbyterain Church: According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Rev. Steven J. Wilkins, is the "pastor of the Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church in Monroe, La., and a founder and current board member of the neo-Confederate League of the South (LOS)." The LOS is allegedly attempting to take control of conservative churches in the Southern US -- an act that could lead to a schism within the PCA. Wilkins promotes Christian Reconstructionism. Leaders of the Reconstructionist movement advocate that the:

"... death penalty be used to punish those guilty of 'apostasy (abandonment of the faith), heresy, blasphemy, witchcraft, astrology, adultery, 'sodomy or homosexuality,' incest, striking a parent, incorrigible juvenile delinquency, and in the case of women, 'unchastity before marriage.' Non-capital crimes would be sanctioned with whipping, indentured servitude or slavery."
Christian Reconstructionism etc. Developments: 1999 to now

You are treading heavily into the Cult realm here.

Dominionism is a cult, but its a cult with mainstream speakers like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin in it.
There is no "god" in our Constitution.

Hence..they are..and always have been wrong.

Additionally..nothing..and I mean nothing..of our system of justice comes from Christianity. We've actually had to have a war..the civil war..to dispatch one of their commonly held beliefs..that slavery is acceptable.

The south..the conservative christian theocratic "state-rights" traitors..lost.

Which Christian sect holds that slavery is acceptable?

"Slavery is still advocated in North America by some Reconstructionist Christians and a few racist fringe groups within the Christian Identity movement."
Christianity and slavery

2000-Summer: Neo-Confederates attempt split of Presbyterain Church: According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Rev. Steven J. Wilkins, is the "pastor of the Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church in Monroe, La., and a founder and current board member of the neo-Confederate League of the South (LOS)." The LOS is allegedly attempting to take control of conservative churches in the Southern US -- an act that could lead to a schism within the PCA. Wilkins promotes Christian Reconstructionism. Leaders of the Reconstructionist movement advocate that the:

"... death penalty be used to punish those guilty of 'apostasy (abandonment of the faith), heresy, blasphemy, witchcraft, astrology, adultery, 'sodomy or homosexuality,' incest, striking a parent, incorrigible juvenile delinquency, and in the case of women, 'unchastity before marriage.' Non-capital crimes would be sanctioned with whipping, indentured servitude or slavery."
Christian Reconstructionism etc. Developments: 1999 to now

Is is that like saying all terrorists are Muslims but not all Muslims are terrosts.
Tell that to the Christians. They disagree with you. They argue America is and has always been a Christian nation.

There is no "god" in our Constitution.

Hence..they are..and always have been wrong.

Additionally..nothing..and I mean nothing..of our system of justice comes from Christianity. We've actually had to have a war..the civil war..to dispatch one of their commonly held beliefs..that slavery is acceptable.

The south..the conservative christian theocratic "state-rights" traitors..lost.

God is Everywhere Sallow. Feel free to ignore what you must.

Don't burn me bro..I am not a witch...or heretic.
We are rooted in Christian Principles, one of which is separation of Church and State, whether it is realized or not. This does not exclude the influence of God in Government, but the conflicting dogma of the various sects. Conscience, our conduit with our Maker, is not left at the door when you punch in. Get real. You don't want to believe in God, or Conscience, fine. One thing is clear, you have no authority over matters of conscience with anyone outside yourself. We have no power over what others believe or refuse to believe, in relation to matters of conscience.

Do you want the US to be a Christian theocracy or not? IMO theocracies don't work. None of them.

Christianity teaches that Theocracies don't work either. That's the point. Check out the Locke link I posted.

Correct. The only theocracies and the only threat of theocracy is Muslim.
True Christianity will institute persuasion, rather than force or dictate, whether convenient or not. If it is using force to bend your will it is something outside of Christian.
George W. Bush has called Reconstruction-influenced theoretician Marvin Olasky “compassionate conservatism’s leading thinker,” and Olasky served as one of the president’s key advisers on the creation of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. Bush also invited Reconstructionist Jack Hayford, a key figure in the Promise Keepers men’s group, to give the benediction at his first inaugural. Deposed House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, though his office won’t comment on his religious views, governs with what he calls a “biblical worldview”—one of Reconstruction’s signature phrases. And, for conspiracy buffs, two heavy contributors to the Chalcedon Foundation—Reconstruction’s main think tank—are Howard Ahmanson and Nelson Bunker Hunt, both of whose families played key roles in financing electronic voting machine manufacturer Election Systems & Software. Ahmanson is also a major sponsor of ultraconservative politicians, including California state legislator and 2003 gubernatorial candidate Tom McClintock.

Yet for all its influence, Reconstruction is almost invisible to the media and secular society. Atlanta is ground zero for most Reconstruction activity—home office to DeMar’s publishing house and home district to movement prophet Larry McDonald, who served four terms in Congress in the 1970s and 1980s—but the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has done only one major article on the movement. The entire Lexis-Nexis database includes only 43 articles from all of the U.S. media that make reference to Reconstruction, and only a handful of those explore the movement. “A hundred years ago, newspapers published the sermons preachers preached on Sunday,” notes Ed Larson, a University of Georgia historian. “Everyone knew what the Baptists believed, or the Lutherans or the Presbyterians. That’s no longer the case. And it has worked to the benefit of Reconstructionists as they doggedly pursued their goal.”

Reconstructionists aren’t shy about what exactly it is they are pursuing: “The long-term goal of Christians in politics should be to gain exclusive control over the franchise,” Gary North, a top Reconstruction theorist, wrote in his 1989 book, Political Polytheism: The Myth of Pluralism. “Those who refuse to submit publicly…must be denied citizenship.”

Besides facilitating evangelism, Reconstructionists believe, government should largely be limited to building and maintaining roads, enforcing land-use contracts, and ensuring just weights and measures. Unions would not exist, and neither would unemployment benefits, Social Security, and environmental protection laws. Public schools would disappear; one of the movement’s great successes has been promoting homeschooling programs and publishing texts used by tens of thousands of homeschooling families. And, perhaps most importantly, the state is “God’s minister,” as DeMar puts it in Liberty at Risk, “taking vengeance out on those who do evil.” A major task for the government key Reconstructionists envision is fielding armies for conquest in the name of Jesus.
A Nation Under God | Mother Jones
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There is no "god" in our Constitution.

Hence..they are..and always have been wrong.

Additionally..nothing..and I mean nothing..of our system of justice comes from Christianity. We've actually had to have a war..the civil war..to dispatch one of their commonly held beliefs..that slavery is acceptable.

The south..the conservative christian theocratic "state-rights" traitors..lost.

God is Everywhere Sallow. Feel free to ignore what you must.

Don't burn me bro..I am not a witch...or heretic.

Why does it even concern me, what you believe or don't believe?
News Flash: Liberals don't much care for Theocracy. Doesn't matter which flavor it come in. But feel free. Start a thread about the Saudis..the friend and backers of Republicans. Or even..Uganda...the Christian paradise (oh..I mean theocracy).

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