Will Andrew Cuomo be Indicted by the Biden DOJ?


Short answer, no.

But the Bombshell report that shows the Cuomo administration engaged in dozens of felonies including the falsification of medical records to the CDC would have anyone not in the Reich in handcuffs. Cuomo is a democrat and as such, not subject to the laws of the nation. His policy of "seeding" nursing homes and hospice facilities with Covid infected patients caused thousands of deaths. When this was exposed, the Cuomo administration engaged in a coverup to hid the facts and particularly the magnitude of the deaths from the federal government.

If the falsified records Cuomo provided to the federal government in the middle of a pandemic were provided by someone not in the Reich, that person would face a myriad of charges and a long prison term.

If we had a legitimate system of justice, the Biden DOJ would already have Andrew Cuomo in custody. However, this is America and the Reich is immune to all laws.

Pigs will be flying on rainy and stormy nights if Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats begin indicting their own for the corruption and criminal actions.
It's up to the People of New York State to recall the Governor...just as they re doing in California to Newsom....
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Interesting story that really just centers around how they counted deaths in nursing homes. They did not include the number from those who died in other locations and only included those who died in the nursing home.

For the past year there have been those who complain that the death toll relating to COVID 19 was to high because the cause was linked to the pandemic. They said it was a conspiracy. They tried to downplay the death toll statistics.

Now that a demo got caught downplaying the numbers it a crime.

Nice spin.

What Cuomo did was falsify documents to the NHS and CDC related to a declared public health crisis. Perjury, providing false answers, obstruction of emergency services. Cuomo engaged in felonious acts that would put a Republican in prison for life.

Obviously Cuomo is not a Republican, and as part of the Reich not subject to any laws. He will face no prosecution or penalty as federal law does not apply to democrats.
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Is this is an actual question?

No, this is America - there is no system of justice.

You're a damn liar. But I respect your special right to lie, and wonder why you don't leave the United States and find somewhere else which you believe has a system of justice to your satisfaction. I, for one, won't miss you!


Short answer, no.

But the Bombshell report that shows the Cuomo administration engaged in dozens of felonies including the falsification of medical records to the CDC would have anyone not in the Reich in handcuffs. Cuomo is a democrat and as such, not subject to the laws of the nation. His policy of "seeding" nursing homes and hospice facilities with Covid infected patients caused thousands of deaths. When this was exposed, the Cuomo administration engaged in a coverup to hid the facts and particularly the magnitude of the deaths from the federal government.

If the falsified records Cuomo provided to the federal government in the middle of a pandemic were provided by someone not in the Reich, that person would face a myriad of charges and a long prison term.

If we had a legitimate system of justice, the Biden DOJ would already have Andrew Cuomo in custody. However, this is America and the Reich is immune to all laws.
No but he might get nominated for another Emmy.
Interesting story that really just centers around how they counted deaths in nursing homes. They did not include the number from those who died in other locations and only included those who died in the nursing home.

For the past year there have been those who complain that the death toll relating to COVID 19 was to high because the cause was linked to the pandemic. They said it was a conspiracy. They tried to downplay the death toll statistics.

Now that a demo got caught downplaying the numbers it a crime.
So you agree that Killer Cuomo should receive more awards since his death toll was being understated then??
The difference is now they can get away with pre meditated murder.
Actually Cuomo has put the ball squarely in Joe Biden's court now.
Biden has to act resolutely or become an accomplice to Cuomo's murders.

Both of them would be shoveling us into ovens if they thought they would get away with it. That's essentially what Cuomo did to over 20,000 old people.
Interesting story that really just centers around how they counted deaths in nursing homes. They did not include the number from those who died in other locations and only included those who died in the nursing home.

For the past year there have been those who complain that the death toll relating to COVID 19 was to high because the cause was linked to the pandemic. They said it was a conspiracy. They tried to downplay the death toll statistics.

Now that a demo got caught downplaying the numbers it a crime.

No, it centers around the democrat criminality, and how they are above the law. For now.
Now that a demo got caught downplaying the numbers it a crime.
Letting vast amounts of seniors die by intentionally housing covid infected people in among them is the crime here, Slick.
Lie better than that. Cooking the death charts is just a byproduct of what criminally negligent Andrew Cuomo

I think it is pretty obvious that there was no negligence involved. Just pure criminality. Cuomo should be hung.
I look around at the democrat mayors and governors in blue cities and states that are now crying for federal bailouts and marvel at how they got elected, and worse, managed to get re-elected. Case in point is Detroit from the 60s until today, rampant fraud for decades and the city goes to hell in a hand basket. Today we have riots going on in many cities and the democrats do nothing to stop it; their own constituents are being attacked, property destroyed, and lives ruined but the democrats in charge allow the damage and destruction to continue. Hell, they even bail the bad guys out of jail the next day. And the voters re-elect the democrats in those places. I guess you get the gov't you deserve.
Cuomo might get indicted or otherwise politically destroyed over this. But it won't have anything to do with Justice.

It will depend on if the Barak Obama-Kamala Harris Cabal....the one controlling the Empty Suit in the White House and his DOJ....want him indicted or otherwise in trouble. Seems it would suit them to have Cuomo out of the way for 2024.

With these Progressive Democrats (Budding Bolsheviks)----always think Alinsky.

In fact, that honest Democrat Whistleblower who exposed this Cuomo cover-up probably works for Obama.

I look around at the democrat mayors and governors in blue cities and states that are now crying for federal bailouts and marvel at how they got elected, and worse, managed to get re-elected. Case in point is Detroit from the 60s until today, rampant fraud for decades and the city goes to hell in a hand basket. Today we have riots going on in many cities and the democrats do nothing to stop it; their own constituents are being attacked, property destroyed, and lives ruined but the democrats in charge allow the damage and destruction to continue. Hell, they even bail the bad guys out of jail the next day. And the voters re-elect the democrats in those places. I guess you get the gov't you deserve.

No, now that we saw the blatant vote fraud they had to engage in to get rid of Trump it is pretty obvious that the vote has been stolen for a LOOOOONG time. I always wondered how the poor folks could keep voting in the assholes who were screwing them. Now we know. They weren't voting for them, their votes were being stolen.

Short answer, no.

But the Bombshell report that shows the Cuomo administration engaged in dozens of felonies including the falsification of medical records to the CDC would have anyone not in the Reich in handcuffs. Cuomo is a democrat and as such, not subject to the laws of the nation. His policy of "seeding" nursing homes and hospice facilities with Covid infected patients caused thousands of deaths. When this was exposed, the Cuomo administration engaged in a coverup to hid the facts and particularly the magnitude of the deaths from the federal government.

If the falsified records Cuomo provided to the federal government in the middle of a pandemic were provided by someone not in the Reich, that person would face a myriad of charges and a long prison term.

If we had a legitimate system of justice, the Biden DOJ would already have Andrew Cuomo in custody. However, this is America and the Reich is immune to all laws.
But if sc wannabe merrick garland doesn't file charges it proves he wasn't sc material.
Interesting the body count in this.
During Vietnam that was the most important thing to dems was the body count

Short answer, no.

But the Bombshell report that shows the Cuomo administration engaged in dozens of felonies including the falsification of medical records to the CDC would have anyone not in the Reich in handcuffs. Cuomo is a democrat and as such, not subject to the laws of the nation. His policy of "seeding" nursing homes and hospice facilities with Covid infected patients caused thousands of deaths. When this was exposed, the Cuomo administration engaged in a coverup to hid the facts and particularly the magnitude of the deaths from the federal government.

If the falsified records Cuomo provided to the federal government in the middle of a pandemic were provided by someone not in the Reich, that person would face a myriad of charges and a long prison term.

If we had a legitimate system of justice, the Biden DOJ would already have Andrew Cuomo in custody. However, this is America and the Reich is immune to all laws.
He wasn’t indicted by the Trump DOJ why would the Biden DOJ indict him?!
Cuomo might get indicted or otherwise politically destroyed over this. But it won't have anything to do with Justice.

It will depend on if the Barak Obama-Kamala Harris Cabal....the one controlling the Empty Suit in the White House and his DOJ....want him indicted or otherwise in trouble. Seems it would suit them to have Cuomo out of the way for 2024.

With these Progressive Democrats (Budding Bolsheviks)----always think Alinsky.

In fact, that honest Democrat Whistleblower who exposed this Cuomo cover-up probably works for Obama.


You raise a good point. This could be used to eliminate a political threat from Cuomo and the NY mafia. We know none of them gives a shit about the 20,000 old people Cuomo killed, but it may serve other means to destroy him.

Short answer, no.

But the Bombshell report that shows the Cuomo administration engaged in dozens of felonies including the falsification of medical records to the CDC would have anyone not in the Reich in handcuffs. Cuomo is a democrat and as such, not subject to the laws of the nation. His policy of "seeding" nursing homes and hospice facilities with Covid infected patients caused thousands of deaths. When this was exposed, the Cuomo administration engaged in a coverup to hid the facts and particularly the magnitude of the deaths from the federal government.

If the falsified records Cuomo provided to the federal government in the middle of a pandemic were provided by someone not in the Reich, that person would face a myriad of charges and a long prison term.

If we had a legitimate system of justice, the Biden DOJ would already have Andrew Cuomo in custody. However, this is America and the Reich is immune to all laws.
..just like with the other issues--the DEMS are the criminals/jackasses/racists/haters/bigots/etc
I always wondered how the poor folks could keep voting in the assholes who were screwing them.

In one key battle ground Dem district the liberal news media was very concerned about the low voter turn out on election day, no lines at the polls. Then the votes were 'counted' and showed an historic all time high election day turn out. :eusa_think:

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