Will anyone explain this crap?

You realize Biden admitted it was hers? You realize people went to jail over it? Even had ASHLEY BIDEN on the warrant?
Im sure you do. You just dont care.
A. the diary may have been stolen but there has been no verification that the things they have said are there actuay are.

B. Another tRumpling just tried to call someone else a cult!


By, "fail," you mean YOU fell for it!

Tell ya what, Sport……let’s play your silly game for just a moment and entertain the idea that your pathetic attempt at a CYA is accurate (Laughable on its face)

That means you think you concocted some sort of brilliant “gotcha moment” based on your lunatic obsession over a Tweet that is OVER FIVE YEARS OLD. A Tweet that no sane person gave two shits about at the time.

But here you are over FIVE YEARS LATER trying to convince us you are some sort of genius because of your lunatic obsession with this meaningless Tweet.

Rent Free doesn’t come close to describing this pathetic situation.

Holy shit that is pathetic beyond comprehension.

Good on you I guess, you raving lunatic.
Tell ya what, Sport……let’s play your silly game for just a moment and entertain the idea that your pathetic attempt at a CYA is accurate (Laughable on its face)

That means you think you concocted some sort of brilliant “gotcha moment” based on your lunatic obsession over a Tweet that is OVER FIVE YEARS OLD. A Tweet that no sane person gave two shits about at the time.

But here you are over FIVE YEARS LATER trying to convince us you are some sort of genius because of your lunatic obsession with this meaningless Tweet.

Rent Free doesn’t come close to describing this pathetic situation.

Holy shit that is pathetic beyond comprehension.

Good on you I guess, you raving lunatic.

Upon further review, I have decided to concede this one to Fawnboi because despite the fact he called her “Melanie”, then when asked who that is he said Trump’s wife, I have decide his bullsqueeze CYA story works more to my benefit. (Don’t try to argue this. Your posts are there)

This is because he has exposed how his terminal TDS has infected every fiber of his being to the point that he admits he is still obsessing over a tweet that is OVER FIVE YEARS OLD.

A tweet no sane person gave two shits about at the time. But here Fawnboi is OVER FIVE YEARS LATER still obsessing over it.

So his story is he exposed the fact I am unaware of this tweet. That is correct. Don’t do Twitter, and the only thing about Trump’s Tweets I ever paid attention to is how they torque off single digit IQ, TDS afflicted morons like Fawnboi. So yes, I am guilty of knowing nothing about this tweet that is OVER FIVE YEARS OLD. If I ever was back in the day I didn’t give two shits about it at the time and moved on. Ya know, because I am a sane person, unlike the lunatic Fawnboi.

So, enjoy your ”victory”, you TDS afflicted raving lunatic.

Here’s your sign!

Here's your claim...
View attachment 818908
Trump, on the other hand was caught on tape admitting to molesting women and was found to have raped a woman in court.

Like I said. Your fantasies about Biden are derived from your need to believe Biden is as nasty as Trump because if Biden isn't as nasty as Trump, what does your dedication to all things Trump say about you?
You are one stupid disgusting, low class POS. But we already knew that. Hey dumbfuck, Ashley said the diary is hers. No, he was not found to have raped anybody in any court you liar. And I never mentioned Trump. YOU have to desperately deflect to hide your support for an incestuous pedophile. What does that say about YOU?
When those kids later say that they delayed taking a shower until late at night, hoping their dad wouldn't get in with them, there are legit questions that need to be asked. Apparently, you'd rather they weren't asked, which raises some about you.
The fact that this pervert is asking for photos of a child being assaulted by a parent is truly disturbing.
That is Ashley Bidens diary, where she speaks of inappropriate showers with her dad, and his sexualization ultimately leading to her sex addiction.
My question is, why do democrats not care?
People have been arrested for stealing her diary. Her name was even on the warrant. She is on video tape admitting it is hers. Yet, bidens cult still denies it. Why? How is an old, rich, white authoritarian, that lies constantly and racist as hell, worth you throwing away your dignity and integrity?
To vote for this guy, means you are showing support to him and his antics.
Why are Dems going to vote for an incestuous pedo AGAIN?!?
This is just vile and disgusting.
This country is fucked.
In doubts you waver, unsure if it's true,
Is it the real deal, or just something askew?
But fear not, dear friend, let clarity be gained,
For authenticity shall not be stained.

Through evidence and study, the truth shall arise,
Unveiling the genuine, unveiling the lies.
No mere piece of junk, this treasure profound,
Its authenticity, like a jewel, shall be found.

Certainty resides in knowledge acquired,
Through expertise, doubts shall be expired.
For in the realms of truth, doubts often flee,
As clarity emerges, oh, just wait and see.

So worry not, my friend, trust in the quest,
The search for proof shall put doubts to rest.
For when truth is revealed, doubts shall be sunk,
The real one will be found, not a piece of junk...

And you still fell for it.

Yep, you got me.:laughing0301:

You exposed to the bored you are still obsessing over a Tweet that is OVER FIVE YEARS OLD.

And you exposed to the bored I’m not obsessed with a Tweet that is OVER FIVE YEARS OLD.

Nice job, Gomer.

Here’s your sign.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Yep, you got me.:laughing0301:

You exposed to the bored you are still obsessing over a Tweet that is OVER FIVE YEARS OLD.

And you exposed to the bored I’m not obsessed with a Tweet that is OVER FIVE YEARS OLD.

Nice job, Gomer.

Here’s your sign.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


And yet, you still thought it took me time to find something I already knew about.

And yet, you still thought it took me time to find something I already knew about.
You are correct. I had no idea you were such a raving lunatic that you are still obsessing over a meaningless tweet from OVER FIVE YEARS AGO.

Now I know, and so does the rest of the board.

nice job, Cletus.

Here’s your sign.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Then we're back to the 30 year old remembrances of a woman trying to blame others for her decisions.

You know, like you guys are trying to blame Democrats for your nominating Trump.

Showering with one's kids is not unusual. I did it with mine till they were 6 or so. There's nothing sexual about it, just and efficient way to bathe a kid then let the other parent dry and dress while bathing the next one.

What is unusual and perverted is MAGADUMIA fantasies about sex with a little girl.
Biden’s daughter said her showers with Pedo Joe were not innocent, Simp.
You are correct. I had no idea you were such a raving lunatic that you are still obsessing over a meaningless tweet from OVER FIVE YEARS AGO.

Now I know, and so does the rest of the board.

nice job, Cletus.

Here’s your sign.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


Your desperation is noted and laughed at. By "obsessing," you mean using the brain G-d gave me to recall Trump misspelling his own wife's name.

Your desperation aside, instead of whining incessantly about how your dumbfuckery has been exposed yet again, how about answering the question that other coward ran away from?

Why would Trump pay off 2 porn stars to not talk about affairs with them if he didn't have affairs with then? Or do you accept he did have affairs with them?
Your FAKE NEWS heroes at Veritas won't even say this is true.

But you go on fantasizing that Biden is as nasty as Trump.
You need it because if Biden isn't as nasty as Trump, then YOU ARE.
Biden’s daughter says it is her diary, Simp.
Liar. She said they were probably not appropriate.
Feel free to make your case that a father taking inappropriate showers with his young daughter is innocent, Freak.

Now go to your favorites and dig up a six year old Trump tweet to masturbate to, Simp.
Feel free to make your case that a father taking inappropriate showers with his young daughter is innocent, Freak.

Now go to your favorites and dig up a six year old Trump tweet to masturbate to, Simp.

First you need to learn the meaning of the word, "probably." After you defeat that daunting task, you should understand that even something that is inappropriate can also be innocent.

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