Will anyone explain this crap?

Upon further review, I have decided to concede this one to Fawnboi because despite the fact he called her “Melanie”, then when asked who that is he said Trump’s wife, I have decide his bullsqueeze CYA story works more to my benefit. (Don’t try to argue this. Your posts are there)

This is because he has exposed how his terminal TDS has infected every fiber of his being to the point that he admits he is still obsessing over a tweet that is OVER FIVE YEARS OLD.

A tweet no sane person gave two shits about at the time. But here Fawnboi is OVER FIVE YEARS LATER still obsessing over it.

So his story is he exposed the fact I am unaware of this tweet. That is correct. Don’t do Twitter, and the only thing about Trump’s Tweets I ever paid attention to is how they torque off single digit IQ, TDS afflicted morons like Fawnboi. So yes, I am guilty of knowing nothing about this tweet that is OVER FIVE YEARS OLD. If I ever was back in the day I didn’t give two shits about it at the time and moved on. Ya know, because I am a sane person, unlike the lunatic Fawnboi.

So, enjoy your ”victory”, you TDS afflicted raving lunatic.

Here’s your sign!

This one put Fawnboi on TILT! :laughing0301: :dance: :laughing0301: :dance: :laughing0301:
That is Ashley Bidens diary, where she speaks of inappropriate showers with her dad, and his sexualization ultimately leading to her sex addiction.
My question is, why do democrats not care?
People have been arrested for stealing her diary. Her name was even on the warrant. She is on video tape admitting it is hers. Yet, bidens cult still denies it. Why? How is an old, rich, white authoritarian, that lies constantly and racist as hell, worth you throwing away your dignity and integrity?
To vote for this guy, means you are showing support to him and his antics.
Why are Dems going to vote for an incestuous pedo AGAIN?!?
This is just vile and disgusting.
This country is fucked.
Because partisan morons are so scared of the "other side" that they'll support anyone who promises to vanquish them. Anyone. Rapist, pervert, conman, influence peddler - none of it matters.

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