Will Assad win in Syria? (discussion/debate)

Will Assad win in Syria?

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Not the last that will try to go to syria to fight.

Dearborn Man Arrested Trying to Join Hizballah Fighters in Syria

by Abha Shankar • Mar 18, 2014 at 1:44 pm

A Dearborn resident was arrested Sunday night and charged with providing material support to the Shi'ite terrorist group Hizballah.

Mohammad Hassan Hamdan, who was born in Lebanon and has been living in the United States since 2007, tried to travel to Syria to fight alongside Hizballah fighters in the civil war that has been raging there for the last three years.

According the complaint, Hamdan told an FBI informant around Christmas that he wanted to go to Syria to fight with Hizballah. He couldn't leave yet because his sister took away his Lebanese passport to prevent him from going overseas to wage jihad. Hamdan, a permanent U.S. resident, applied for naturalization as an American citizen. He also applied for a new Lebanese passport.

Hizballah, an Iranian proxy based in Lebanon, has a history of violent attacks against U.S. and Israeli targets. The U.S. designated Hizballah as a foreign terrorist organization in 1997 and the European Union recently added the military wing of the Lebanese group to its list of terrorist organizations.
Assad or Al Queda
Pancreatic or esophageal cancer

Life's great dilemmas.

So long as the US and West does not continue funding the terrorists organizations they told us for the last twenty years were our enemies, and who are opposing Assad, then I would say Assad. Already, it looks like the war is turning. Ukraine gave a convenient distraction for the West to slip quietly away without saying, "Ooops."
Assad or Al Queda
Pancreatic or esophageal cancer

Life's great dilemmas.

So long as the US and West does not continue funding the terrorists organizations they told us for the last twenty years were our enemies, and who are opposing Assad, then I would say Assad. Already, it looks like the war is turning. Ukraine gave a convenient distraction for the West to slip quietly away without saying, "Ooops."

US is giving non-lethal aid though the Senate wants to send arms to the FSA. Arms filter in but not fast enough to help the syrian preposition. They are fighting Assad and ISIS forces.

Syria’s incessant war crimes warrant new approach for U.S. aid
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March 18, 2014 07:14 PM CDT March 18, 2014 07:14 PM CDT

Syria’s incessant war crimes warrant new approach for U.S. aid

By Trudy Rubin
Trudy Rubin The Dallas Morning News

Published: 18 March 2014 07:14 PM

Updated: 18 March 2014 07:14 PM

The Russian invasion of Ukraine should finally end the administration’s fantasy that Moscow will help stop the war in Syria.

And it ought to force the White House to forge a new strategy to deal with the most shocking humanitarian crisis of the century, which is spilling over from Syria to all of its neighbors.

U.S. officials have insisted for three years that there was no military solution in Syria; they clung to delusions that Russia would convince Bashar al-Assad to make way for a transitional government and free elections. But just as Vladimir Putin used military force in Ukraine to try to restore an ally to power, the Russian leader has armed and encouraged Assad to retain power at any human cost.

Assad’s key weapon is his willingness to commit the most brutal war crimes. That means besieging whole towns, starving residents, targeting civilians with mass bombing of residential areas, and poison gas.

Meanwhile, Assad insists that all humanitarian aid be funneled through the Syrian government; United Nations agencies and many private aid groups are wary of disobeying lest he shut down their operations. As a result, much of the aid never reaches the neediest civilians.

Assad’s goal is to depopulate cities and towns held by rebels and drive their populations into neighboring countries, or displace them within Syria. The regime hopes this strategy will force the opposition to quit and will pressure Arab neighbors to end support for the rebels.

“This is a war without end, a war without limits, a war without law,” said David Miliband, the former British foreign minister who now heads the International Rescue Committee, one of the most active humanitarian agencies helping Syrians in need...........

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