Will Berne take Iowa, NH and Nevada?

We already have Medicare. Expanding it wouldn't be a stretch. We already have taxpayer funded education. Expanding it wouldn't be a stretch.

There is already strong support for Medicare and public education.

How is Mexico paying for the wall coming along?

I think you need to think over his proposals more realistically. Lol!

What did I say that was wrong? How long did you consider Trump's promise to get Mexico pay for the wall?

I think you have a very poor understanding of economics. Lol.

Trump's wall? I don't really care if Mexico pays for it, as long as it gets done.

Right.....Trump can lie and all is good (the wall isn't going to be built) but Bernie can come up with programs and explain how he will pay for them and that's bad.

Don't expect me to take you seriously.

It's already being built. Ha ha!

You are a nutbar, and who or what you take seriously is irrelevant. Lol.

No it isn't.. you are once again being lied to.

Not a single mile of Trump's border wall has been built where no barrier previously existed
Bernie's just a con artist, but he would also beat Biden in the Primary if he and Biden are the last two left battling it out. Bernie would win by at least two to one, so it will be the 'Super Delegates' who have to put Biden in. Neither Biden nor Bernie can beat Trump, so it's moot anyway, but it would be fun to watch Biden win and then get impeached the day he's inaugurated. lol

When unable to discuss with facts, fall back on name calling and meme's.

From your comments here in this thread, thinking that Bernie's plans are sustainable, and based on your posting history, it is obviously impossible to have a discussion with you. You can't talk logic with the insane, afterall.

And in any case, ad homs are legitimate arguments, despite what dumbass tards claim..
Bernie stand no chance.

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

A small group of Democratic National Committee members has privately begun gauging support for a plan to potentially weaken Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and head off a brokered convention.

According to DNC rules, Article IX, Section C-7, paragraph e that states: "Eligible delegates may vote for the candidate of their choice whether or not the name of such candidate was placed in nomination. Any vote cast other than a vote for a presidential candidate meeting the requirements of Article VI of this Call and Rule 13.K. of the 2020 Delegate Selection Rules shall be considered a vote for “Present.”"... they can still nominate Hillary.

When unable to discuss with facts, fall back on name calling and meme's.

From your comments here in this thread, thinking that Bernie's plans are sustainable, and based on your posting history, it is obviously impossible to have a discussion with you. You can't talk logic with the insane, afterall.

And in any case, ad homs are legitimate arguments, despite what dumbass tards claim..

In some cases. In Bernie's case, most definitely. Lol!
Bernie stand no chance.

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

A small group of Democratic National Committee members has privately begun gauging support for a plan to potentially weaken Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and head off a brokered convention.

According to DNC rules, Article IX, Section C-7, paragraph e that states: "Eligible delegates may vote for the candidate of their choice whether or not the name of such candidate was placed in nomination. Any vote cast other than a vote for a presidential candidate meeting the requirements of Article VI of this Call and Rule 13.K. of the 2020 Delegate Selection Rules shall be considered a vote for “Present.”"... they can still nominate Hillary.

The DNC isn't going to give him the nomination. He is too dangerous to the country.
Bernie stand no chance.

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

A small group of Democratic National Committee members has privately begun gauging support for a plan to potentially weaken Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and head off a brokered convention.

According to DNC rules, Article IX, Section C-7, paragraph e that states: "Eligible delegates may vote for the candidate of their choice whether or not the name of such candidate was placed in nomination. Any vote cast other than a vote for a presidential candidate meeting the requirements of Article VI of this Call and Rule 13.K. of the 2020 Delegate Selection Rules shall be considered a vote for “Present.”"... they can still nominate Hillary.

The DNC isn't going to give him the nomination. He is too dangerous to the country.

They're not going to give him nomination, but not because they think he's too dangerous for the country.

Pretty much all candidates agree with him on most of things. Remember, at one point, there were 25 candidates running. When debate started, there were 17 candidates on the stage, each attempting to outdo each other in every progressive category. From there, it was obvious what was going to happen.

First, during the second debate, every single candidate raised their hand for free healthcare for illegal immigrants. Even for an ardent progressive this is a fairly hard pill to swallow, its suicide in the general election for moderates democrats and independents alike. But why pledge such a radical proposal, especially when they will be running against one of the most vocally combative presidential candidates in recent history? The answer is to reign in the progressive wing of the party, to keep them interested in the process instead of checking out and ignoring it from there on out. How effective this strategy is, is up to you to decide.

Second, with so many candidates, its easy for one candidate to appeal to different states say, Bloomberg with New York, Biden in Iowa, Bernie in New Hampshire, and Warren elsewhere (or whatever the latest polling tells you). This in all likelihood will result in a failure to secure enough delegates for the Convention in July 2020.

Third, even though several candidates have dropped out a few more have jumped into the fray, namely Bloomberg and Steyer, both of whom have enormous bank accounts with which to fund their campaign. If I've learned anything, its that billionaires are not allowed to succeed as billionaires unless they play ball with the relevant politicians and government agencies. Its my belief that both Steyer and Bloomberg were encouraged to run for the presidency as spoiler candidates. Not to win mind you, but to keep any one candidate from gaining too many delegates.

Now when you look what they're cooking for the DNC Convention, I say... "the fix is in".
Bernie stand no chance.

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

A small group of Democratic National Committee members has privately begun gauging support for a plan to potentially weaken Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and head off a brokered convention.

According to DNC rules, Article IX, Section C-7, paragraph e that states: "Eligible delegates may vote for the candidate of their choice whether or not the name of such candidate was placed in nomination. Any vote cast other than a vote for a presidential candidate meeting the requirements of Article VI of this Call and Rule 13.K. of the 2020 Delegate Selection Rules shall be considered a vote for “Present.”"... they can still nominate Hillary.

The DNC isn't going to give him the nomination. He is too dangerous to the country.

They're not going to give him nomination, but not because they think he's too dangerous for the country.

Pretty much all candidates agree with him on most of things. Remember, at one point, there were 25 candidates running. When debate started, there were 17 candidates on the stage, each attempting to outdo each other in every progressive category. From there, it was obvious what was going to happen.

First, during the second debate, every single candidate raised their hand for free healthcare for illegal immigrants. Even for an ardent progressive this is a fairly hard pill to swallow, its suicide in the general election for moderates democrats and independents alike. But why pledge such a radical proposal, especially when they will be running against one of the most vocally combative presidential candidates in recent history? The answer is to reign in the progressive wing of the party, to keep them interested in the process instead of checking out and ignoring it from there on out. How effective this strategy is, is up to you to decide.

Second, with so many candidates, its easy for one candidate to appeal to different states say, Bloomberg with New York, Biden in Iowa, Bernie in New Hampshire, and Warren elsewhere (or whatever the latest polling tells you). This in all likelihood will result in a failure to secure enough delegates for the Convention in July 2020.

Third, even though several candidates have dropped out a few more have jumped into the fray, namely Bloomberg and Steyer, both of whom have enormous bank accounts with which to fund their campaign. If I've learned anything, its that billionaires are not allowed to succeed as billionaires unless they play ball with the relevant politicians and government agencies. Its my belief that both Steyer and Bloomberg were encouraged to run for the presidency as spoiler candidates. Not to win mind you, but to keep any one candidate from gaining too many delegates.

Now when you look what they're cooking for the DNC Convention, I say... "the fix is in".

Of course, they will say anything to get elected. Whether or not any of them actually believe the things they say is questionable. When they speak of the 1%, they are talking about themselves mostly. I don't think they would ever voluntarily bankrupt themselves and their families. This is why they set up their children with 80,000 dollar jobs overseas maybe?

On the other hand, I would love to see them poor and living paycheck to paycheck. :113:

Bernie Sanders ideas are never going to make everyone well off. They are more likely to make everyone poor! Lol!
Purportedly this is the goal of the Rs. If Berne wins the first three delegate competitions he will have the big Mo and the odds will make him the presumed D nominee and there is no simple way to hold onto to moderate Ds and independent voters. How can the Rs help Berne win Nevada? he has the political machines to win Iowa and NH but Nevada will be tougher for him.
Who cares?

When unable to discuss with facts, fall back on name calling and meme's.

From your comments here in this thread, thinking that Bernie's plans are sustainable, and based on your posting history, it is obviously impossible to have a discussion with you. You can't talk logic with the insane, afterall.

I explained why they are possible. We are already doing them. All Bernie is calling for is an expansion.
Bernie stand no chance.

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

A small group of Democratic National Committee members has privately begun gauging support for a plan to potentially weaken Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and head off a brokered convention.

According to DNC rules, Article IX, Section C-7, paragraph e that states: "Eligible delegates may vote for the candidate of their choice whether or not the name of such candidate was placed in nomination. Any vote cast other than a vote for a presidential candidate meeting the requirements of Article VI of this Call and Rule 13.K. of the 2020 Delegate Selection Rules shall be considered a vote for “Present.”"... they can still nominate Hillary.

The DNC isn't going to give him the nomination. He is too dangerous to the country.

They're not going to give him nomination, but not because they think he's too dangerous for the country.

Pretty much all candidates agree with him on most of things. Remember, at one point, there were 25 candidates running. When debate started, there were 17 candidates on the stage, each attempting to outdo each other in every progressive category. From there, it was obvious what was going to happen.

First, during the second debate, every single candidate raised their hand for free healthcare for illegal immigrants. Even for an ardent progressive this is a fairly hard pill to swallow, its suicide in the general election for moderates democrats and independents alike. But why pledge such a radical proposal, especially when they will be running against one of the most vocally combative presidential candidates in recent history? The answer is to reign in the progressive wing of the party, to keep them interested in the process instead of checking out and ignoring it from there on out. How effective this strategy is, is up to you to decide.

Second, with so many candidates, its easy for one candidate to appeal to different states say, Bloomberg with New York, Biden in Iowa, Bernie in New Hampshire, and Warren elsewhere (or whatever the latest polling tells you). This in all likelihood will result in a failure to secure enough delegates for the Convention in July 2020.

Third, even though several candidates have dropped out a few more have jumped into the fray, namely Bloomberg and Steyer, both of whom have enormous bank accounts with which to fund their campaign. If I've learned anything, its that billionaires are not allowed to succeed as billionaires unless they play ball with the relevant politicians and government agencies. Its my belief that both Steyer and Bloomberg were encouraged to run for the presidency as spoiler candidates. Not to win mind you, but to keep any one candidate from gaining too many delegates.

Now when you look what they're cooking for the DNC Convention, I say... "the fix is in".

Of course, they will say anything to get elected. Whether or not any of them actually believe the things they say is questionable. When they speak of the 1%, they are talking about themselves mostly. I don't think they would ever voluntarily bankrupt themselves and their families. This is why they set up their children with 80,000 dollar jobs overseas maybe?

On the other hand, I would love to see them poor and living paycheck to paycheck. :113:

Bernie Sanders ideas are never going to make everyone well off. They are more likely to make everyone poor! Lol!

I don't think it matters what any of them says, since they saying essentially the same thing. The ones that were bit different were pushed out (i.e. Tulsi, Yang), the others run out of money.

The only thing that counts is election process at Convention. Normally these are considered formalities, yet shenanigans have occurred at these in the past, the last curiously being in 1952 for both parties, a few decades prior, primary elections weren't really a thing so brokered conventions were actually quite common. These conventions will be instructive as delegates often made handshake deals in smokey backrooms to pledge their support for whoever was gaining momentum during voting.

As I said earlier, they have Convention rules that are subject to change any time, and the rules committee is staffed entirely by those same establishment DNC types. After the first ballot all delegates can vote for anyone (Article VI requires that they be eligible, and a Democrat). A "majority" vote is all that's required to select a candidate, though how much of a majority isn't specified.

The fix is... to prevent Bernie to get majority with the first ballot. After that, DNC can push for absolutely ANYONE, even someone who was not running or debating in primaries.
Super delegates will keep Bernie from winning very many primaries if any. Even if he gets the nomination, how many people are gonna vote for a broken down, helpless old critter with one foot in the grave? He's already had a heart attack and will likely have another one during the campaign so he's not exactly a threat, especially to Trump. He'll kick his wrinkly old ass worse than he kicked Hillary's cellulite ridden ass 4 years ago.

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